Is it possible to connect flows in Twilio Studio? - twilio

I'm trying to link multiple twilio flows together, to make it more manageable and to be able to reuse some specific flow elements just as a payment flow within multiple base flows.
Is it possible to trigger a flow using its webhook url from another flow?

Twilio developer evangelist here.
While technically it is possible to link flows together, in practice it is not ideal right now. You can do so by making a call to another Twilio number that is set to respond with your new flow. As you can imagine, this would confuse your logs and is not straightforward to implement, especially if you want to return link back to the original flow later.
For now, the recommended thing to do is to copy the elements to each flow as you need them.
I've registered that I would like to see us implement subflows that you can reuse like this properly, but for now, copying is likely your best method.


Connect to Twilio Autopilot with Dynamic Stylesheet

My use case requires me to have users pick their desired voice for the autopilot questions. The thing is there doesn't seem to be a way of Dynamically choosing the Stylesheet of the Assistant (without actually updating the resource).
My perfect scenario would be something like:
connect.autopilot(SID, {voice: 'Polly.Joanna'})
I've also checked in The JSON Encoded Actions Schema but it doesn't seem to have a way of changing the voice of a specific Autopilot Action like this:
"say": {
"say_voice": "Polly.Joanna",
"speech: "Example speech"
The only reasonable solutions so far seem to be either:
create an Assistant for each user. (May lead to overloading Twilio)
have only one Assistant but update its stylesheet before connecting the user (This would probably lead to concurrency issues, right?)
Any other suggestions on how to tackle this problem? Thanks in advance
You are right, an Assistant has one directly linked StyleSheet and that is how you define the voice. You also don't want to update the Assistant with a new StyleSheet as that would likely change the voice of any calls that are already in progress (though I haven't tested this).
You do suggest creating an Assistant for each user. According to the Autopilot documentation you can create up to 500 Assistants per account. I don't know how many users you have that need Assistants, but that could work? I would guess that if your users want to customise the voice, they may end up wanting to customise other aspects of the Assistant, including the phrases it uses, so it might be useful to have an Assistant each too.
I don't have any other ideas for this though, I'm afraid.

Webhooks triggered by Google Assistant

I noticed that is using a Google Assistant integration that allows them, basically, to set up for each of their users some kind of "trigger words" that trigger a call to a webhook. I searched a lot in the API docs and found no proper way to do the same, only ways to set up conversations or IoT interactions.
I kind of want to build something similar to the IFTTT integration with a way to programmatically set up actions via an API (not via the dashboard).
Is it possible to do or is this just a custom development Google made for IFTTT?
In my researches I found out about something called "Direct actions" but it does not seem to exist anymore in the Google Assistant Doc. Can you help me with that?
I don't know if my questions are very clear, please tell me if they are not
Thanks in advance for your help
Have a good day
Here's similar options to the IFTTT integration:
Create routines in the Google Home app. That will allow you to create custom commands that activate one or several actions.
Create a smart home action. It's a type of direct action, as opposed to a conversational action, and will let you directly invoke the Assistant for a subset of commands.
You could also create a conversational action. While it would not give you the same direct control, you can still run actions quickly by doing a deeper invocation, ie. "Ask my test app to do an action". It would also give you much greater flexibility over the input.

Viewing user responses from slack to errbot

I'm very new to bots. I'd like to develop a quick/simple test that makes it possible for a bot (errbot) to write a message to slack, then view responses back to the bot from users on slack.
How do I go about achieving this? Do I need to write a plugin for this?
Apologies if my question is too general/ambiguous -- I haven't come across an example that clearly explains this.
Yes, you need to program a bot a way or another, Errbot is just a framework that help you do that (concentrate on messages/responses) through plugins and not on the technicalities of the services it is connected to (Slack or any other).

Implementing cross domain single sign on (OAuth or impelementing my own)

I need to implement a single sign on solution for a couple of websites in my company. I want to have the minimum interaction with the user during this process. It should look like its the same application.
I have studied OAuth , stack Exchange and youtube If I understand correctly OAuth the user has allways to give permission to the app right?.
Do you think I could use OAuth or should I implement a similar mechanism like youtube or stack exchange myself? In the begining I was more inclined to that idea but I dont want to reeinvent the wheel. Also I dont have many time to impelement this.
Thank you for your help.
Of course you should not "reinvent the wheel".
You can use oAuth, even though it is not defined as SSO solution (and you wrote that you are interested in SSO solution - are you sure about the meaning of SSO?).
Have a look at SAML, which IS defined as Single Sign On, etc. But you have to be more precise about your requirements - do you want to implement the identity provider by yourself, or can you use Google Accounts, for example?

Vicidial direct call in my web app

I need to implement direct call feature via vicidial in my web application.
Let me explain the flow to better understand what I need to do. user would be able to login in vicidial via a webpage of my app. then can call on any number by entering number.
Is there any doc or wiki available to implement this feature. Guidance in simple steps would also be appreciating.
Thanks in advance :)
We implemented something like that using a product called WombatDialer that offers good APIs and is quite easy to set up (well, easier than ViciDial).
See for an API reference.
