swift table view cells does not let me use indexPath.row - ios

i am trying to populate data into cells inside of a table view. I created a chosenPlanData var which is initialized to an object with the data inside of it.. The object has properties such as "name" and "event location". An issue occurs when inside of 'cellForRowAt'. It does not let me add [indexPath.row] to the cell i am creating, which in turn does not populate the cells correctly.
For instance - i removed indexPath.row from the first cell.nameLbl.text call - and in turn every single name label in the table view was the same. here is piece of the code
var chosenPlanData = ChosenPlan()
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "individualPlansCell") as? PlanitsHomeViewCell else { return UITableViewCell() }
cell.nameLbl.text = chosenPlanData.nameOfEvent[indexPath.row] // error Cannot assign value of type 'Character' to type 'String?'
cell.dateAndTimeLbl.text = chosenPlanData.eventStartsAt[indexPath.row] as? String // error 'subscript' is unavailable: cannot subscript String with an Int, see the documentation comment for discussion
cell.nameLbl.text = chosenPlanData.nameOfEvent // This works - but every single cell has the same nameLbl though
return cell
// Here is the call back where i initialize the value for chosenPlanData
let EventbriteTVC = segue.destination as! EventbriteTableView
EventbriteTVC.callbackChosePlan = { result in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.chosenPlanData = result
import Foundation
import UIKit
class ChosenPlan {
var nameOfEvent : String = ""
var eventStartsAt : String = ""
var eventLocationIs : String = ""
var eventURL : String = ""
var imageForPlan : String?
convenience init( eventName: String, eventTime: String, eventLocation: String, eventImage: String){
self.nameOfEvent = eventName
self.eventStartsAt = eventTime
self.eventLocationIs = eventLocation
//self.eventURL = eventLink
self.imageForPlan = eventImage
//eventLink: String,

Your chosenPlanData variable is a single instance of ChosenPlan - You cannot subscript a single instance.
It needs to be an array of ChosenPlan:
var chosenPlanData = [ChosenPlan]()
Then you can index into this array:
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "individualPlansCell") as? PlanitsHomeViewCell else { return UITableViewCell() }
cell.nameLbl.text = chosenPlanData[indexPath.row].nameOfEvent
cell.dateAndTimeLbl.text = chosenPlanData[indexPath.row].eventStartsAt

extending my comment
var chosenPlanData = ChosenPlan()
chosenPlanData is object of ChosenPlan
Now in cellForRow you writing chosenPlanData.nameOfEvent[indexPath.row] but nameOfEvent is String as per your ChosenPlan that you mentioned in question.
For more info,
chosenPlanData.nameOfEvent[indexPath.row] this line represents you using the n th (indexPath.row) object of nameOfEvent which is object of chosenPlanData
Hope now will be more cleared.
var chosenPlanData = [ChosenPlan]() <- create array
In cellForRow chosenPlanData[indexPath.row].nameOfEvent that means you'r using nameOfEvent of nth object of chosenPlanData.

Type handling is very important in Swift. Try this.
cell.nameLbl.text = String(chosenPlanData.nameOfEvent[indexPath.row])
let index = chosenPlanData.eventStartsAt.index(chosenPlanData.eventStartsAt.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
cell.dateAndTimeLbl.text = String(chosenPlanData.eventStartsAt[index])

var chosenPlanData = [ChosenPlan]()
Try this:-
cell.nameLbl.text = "\(chosenPlanData[indexPath.row].nameOfEvent)"
cell.nameLbl.text = "\(chosenPlanData[indexPath.row].nameOfEvent ?? "")"


Swift 4 Implementing drag & drop in collectionView with Cells

I have custom classes which create an array of objects that are then turned into cells dynamically for my UICollectionView, and the classes all essentially look like this:
import Foundation
class BoardNote : NSObject {
var note_id : String = ""
var itemType : String = ""
var added_by : Any = ""
var link : Any = ""
var content : String = ""
var board_id : Any = ""
var date_added : Any = ""
An instance of this class is then used to create a cell like so:
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier:
"noteViewCell", for: indexPath) as! NoteViewCell
cell.content.text = (itemArray[indexPath.row] as!
cell.noteId = (itemArray[indexPath.row] as! BoardNote).note_id
print("made note cell")
return cell
When I try to implement basic drag & drop in my collection view, I get the error "Could not cast value of type "BoardNote" to 'NSObject'.
I see that I might need to also make this an extension of class NSItemProviderWriting but I am not sure how.
Here is the beginning of my DragDelegate extension where the error is occurring on line 4, which is a Thread 1: signal SIGABRT:
extension BoardViewController : UICollectionViewDragDelegate
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView,
itemsForBeginning session: UIDragSession, at indexPath: IndexPath) ->
let item = self.itemArray[indexPath.row]
let itemProvider = NSItemProvider(object: item as! NSObject as!
let dragItem = UIDragItem(itemProvider: itemProvider)
dragItem.localObject = item
return [dragItem]
First, you need to delete the item cast on this line:
NSItemProvider(object: item as! NSObject as! NSItemProviderWriting)
Make it just:
NSItemProvider(object: item)
Then, the error is self-explained: You need to make you custom class to conform NSItemProviderWriting and NSItemProviderReading protocol, then add the stub methods required from the protocols:
class BoardNote : NSItemProviderWriting, NSItemProviderReading{
var note_id : String = ""
var itemType : String = ""
var added_by : Any = ""
var link : Any = ""
var content : String = ""
var board_id : Any = ""
var date_added : Any = ""
NOTE: you can omit NSObject inheritance, here is why
You can add protocol stubs simply by clicking on error red signal then clicking "Fix".
Here a tutorial on how to do Drag and Drop, so you can check how to fill NSItemProviderWriting and NSItemProviderReading protocol stubs.
Here a similar question you can check
Basically, the question I linked was asking for a problem in your same line NSItemProvider(object: item), but the problem was the dev was not giving the method a class instance but the class name

How to retrieve UserDefaults because cells are empty

I made a struct dictionary to get the user title and URL, and then I store them on the phone but when I come to retrieve the data in cellForRow method the cell label is empty, what should appear is the title.(tableView starts off empty until user starts to populate it with the AddArticle action)
So my question is if I'm doing it right because the cell label just turns out nil?
Struct Dictionary:
struct AddMagazine {
let rssUrl: String
let title: String
init(dict: [String : String]){
title = dict["title"] ?? ""
rssUrl = dict["rssUrl"] ?? ""
var userMagazineTitle = [AddMagazine]()
Getting values from textField:
#IBAction func AddArticle(_ sender: Any) {
tableView.isScrollEnabled = false
func addArticleTitle() {
let UserMagazines = AddMagazine.init(dict: ["title": RssTitle.text!, "rssUrl": RssText.text!])
let storedRssUrl = UserMagazines.rssUrl
self.dataString = storedRssUrl
defaults.set(dataString, forKey: "storedArray")
Trying to retrieve title here:
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "myCell", for: indexPath) as! MyFeedTableViewCell
let headlineName = defaults.object(forKey: "storedArray") as? AddMagazine
cell.myHeadline.text = headlineName?.title
cell.indentationLevel = 3
return cell
You’re storing a String object in defaults for “storedArray” but then you typecast it to an AddMagazine when you read it from defaults. Change what you store or read it as a string.
I agree with #Joakim Danielson. You are storing storedRssUrl which is a string into userdefaults and while retrieving you are type casting as AddMagazine hence it will be nil.
self.dataString = storedRssUrl
defaults.set(dataString, forKey: "storedArray") --> Here you are storing string
let headlineName = defaults.object(forKey: "storedArray") as? AddMagazine --> Here you are fetching as AddMagazine.
//It should be like this
let headlineName = defaults.object(forKey: "storedArray") as? String

How to Unwrap a Modal class object in Swift 3

Model Class:
class CountryModel: NSObject {
var name:NSString!
var countryId:NSString!
init(name: NSString, countryId: NSString) {
self.name = name
self.countryId = countryId
var nameArr = [CountryModel]() // Model Class object
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
var cell = UITableViewCell()
cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell")!
let arr = nameArr[indexPath.row] // How to do if let here
let str:String? = "\(arr.countryId) \(arr.name)"
if let sstr = str{
cell.textLabel?.text = sstr
return cell
How should one unwrap this because output is an optional, if I try to unwrap nameArr[indexPath.row] gives an error initializer for conditional binding must have optional type, not "country modal"
It works fine I am not concatenating arr.countryId with arr.name
This works fine
var nameArr = [CountryModal]()
nameArr.append(CountryModal.init(name: "harshal", countryId: "india"))
nameArr.append(CountryModal.init(name: "james", countryId: "australia"))
let arr = nameArr[0]
let str:String? = "\(arr.countryId!) \(arr.name!)"
if let sstr = str{
let arr2 = nameArr[1]
let str2:String? = "\(arr2.countryId!) \(arr2.name!)"
if let sstr2 = str2{
You can try this library https://github.com/T-Pham/NoOptionalInterpolation. It does exactly that
import NoOptionalInterpolation
let n: Int? = 1
let t: String? = nil
let s: String? = "string1"
let o: String?? = "string2"
let i = "\(n) \(t) \(s) \(o)"
print(i) // 1 string1 string2
NoOptionalInterpolation gets rid of "Optional(...)" and "nil" in Swift's string interpolation. This library ensures that the text you set never ever includes that annoying additional "Optional(...)". You can also revert to the default behaviour when needed.
Also, please note that this does not affect the print function. Hence, print(o) (as opposed to print("(o)"), o as in the example above) would still print out Optional(Optional("string2"))
Avoid forced unwrapping as much as possible. i.e. using '!'. Whenever you see !, try and think of it as code smell.
For json parsing you would not know for sure if the values for countryId and name exists or not. So, it makes sense to keep them as optionals and gracefully try to unwrap them later.
class CountryModel {
var name: String?
var countryId: String?
init(name: String?, countryId: String?) {
self.name = name
self.countryId = countryId
var nameArr = [CountryModel]()
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell") else {
fatalError("cell should always be initialised")
var str: String?
let arr = nameArr[indexPath.row] // How to do if let here
if let countryId = arr.countryId, let name = arr.name {
str = "\(countryId) \(name)"
if let unwrappedString = str {
cell.textLabel?.text = unwrappedString
return cell
You could simplify your json parsing a lot using the Object Mapper library. It simplifies a lot of your parsing logic.

Access values in multidimentional Swift array?

I'd like to populate a tableView with results from a Firebase query. I successfully get the results and store them into an array but I'm struggling with how to put those values into the table.
I'm getting back a "userID" and a "title". I'm storing those in an array [[String]]. An example of an array after getting back a value would be [["OYa7U5skUfTqaGBeOOplRLMvvFp1", "manager"],["JQ44skOblqaGBe98ll5FvXzZad", "employee"]]
How would I access an individual value, such as the userID? This is what I have so far in my cellForRowAtIndexPath function:
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell", forIndexPath: indexPath)
let invite = inviteArray[indexPath.row]
return cell
EDIT: added function to store snapshot in an array
var dictArray: [Dictionary<String, String>] = []
func getAlerts(){
let invitesRef = self.rootRef.child("invites")
let query = invitesRef.queryOrderedByChild("invitee").queryEqualToValue(currentUser?.uid)
query.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
for child in snapshot.children {
guard let invitee = child.value["invitee"] as? String else{
guard let role = child.value["role"] as? String else{
self.dictArray.append(child as! Dictionary<String, String>)

Index of JSON Array Swift

I am using this library to parse an API endpoint that returns an array: https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON
I am grabbing an array fetched from a JSON response and I am trying to feed it into a table.
Right after my class in my view controller is declared, I have
var fetched_data:JSON = []
Inside of my viewDidLoad method:
let endpoint = NSURL(string: "http://example.com/api")
let data = NSData(contentsOfURL: endpoint!)
let json = JSON(data: data!)
fetched_data = json["posts"].arrayValue
To feed the table, I have:
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell: UITableViewCell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell1")! as UITableViewCell
cell.textLabel?.text = self.fetched_data[indexPath.row]
return cell
I am getting this error, when trying to set the cell textLabel:
Cannot subscript a value of a type ‘JSON’ with an index type of ‘Int’
How do I do this properly and get this to work?
You are declaring fetched_data as JSON
var fetched_data:JSON = []
but you are assigning Array to it:
fetched_data = json["posts"].arrayValue
Lets change the type to array of AnyObject:
var fetched_data: Array<AnyObject> = []
and then assigning should be like this (we have [AnyObject] so we need to cast):
if let text = self.fetched_data[indexPath.row] as? String {
cell.textLabel?.text = text
Edit: You also need to remember to assign correct Array, by doing arrayObject instead of arrayValue:
fetched_data = json["posts"].arrayObject
