Docker: Handling user uploads and saving files - docker

I have been reading about Docker, and one of the first things that I read about docker was that it runs images in a read-only manner. This has raised this question in my mind, what happens if I need users to upload files? In that case where would the file go (are they appended to the image)? or in other words, how to handle uploaded files?

Docker containers are meant to be immutable and replaceable - you should be able to stop a container and replace it with a newer version without any ill effects. It's bad practice to store any configuration or operational data inside the container.
The situation you describe with file uploads would typically be resolved with a volume, which mounts a folder from the host filesystem into the container. Any modifications performed by the container to the mounted folder would persist on the host filesystem. When the container is replaced, the folder is re-mounted when the new container is started.
It may be helpful to read up on volumes:

docker containers use file systems similar to their underlying operating system, as it seems in your case Windows Nano Server(windows optimized to be used in a container).
so any uploads to your container will be placed on the corresponding path you provided when uploading the file.
but this data is ephemeral, this means your data will persist until the container is for whatever reason stopped.
to use persistent storage you must provide a volume for your docker container, you can think of volumes as external disks attached to a container that mount on a path inside the container. this will persist data regardless of container state


Does docker container maintain volume data?

This might come across as a stupid question, but I am unable to figure something about docker volumes. Going through the official documentation I can see that we can map the host machine file system on the container for persistent storage. Following the instruction I was successfully able to mount a folder on my container.
Once I exec bash into the container, I can see the mapped directory structure there as expected. My question is, how is the data mapped between these two paths, that is from the container to the mount volume on host OS. Is the data duplicated or the container directly stores the data on the volume on host OS and the mapped paths are shown for something like symlink ?
This question comes across since we are trying to maintain a large amount of data on a mounted disk but accessible by the container, with the assumption that mounting volume would directly store the data on the disk and nothing on the container.
The Docker documentation refers to this type of mount as a "bind mount"; that's also a technical Linux term that allows one part of the filesystem to also appear somewhere else, and there's a mount --bind option you can use outside of Docker (usually a pretty specialized option).
On native Linux, the host content and the container-visible content are literally the exact same disk content. If you have a bind-mounted host directory or a named Docker volume mounted over a container directory, all reads and writes will use that mounted content, and in fact nothing will be written to the container filesystem on that path.
You mention symlinks; these are always resolved as filenames in their respective filesystem space. If the mounted filesystem has a symlink passwd -> /etc/passwd then reading it will yield the host's password file on the host, and the container's password file inside the container. If it has a symlink f -> ../f then it will look at the directory above the mount point in whichever the local filesystem is.
On non-Linux this process is a little bit more technically complex since there is typically a Linux virtual machine involved in the mix. This usually manifests as file synchronization appearing slow. For data you don't need to directly access as a human, storing it in a named Docker volume will usually be faster.

"a bind mount won't copy the container contents to the host automatically, unlike a named volume"

Need clarity on a comment here:
The only 'problem' with a bind mount is that it won't copy the
container contents to the host automatically, unlike a named volume.
Is this accurate? If yes, then:
how does one get the container's "new data" (e.g. a growing database) into the host when using a bind mount (to persist the data in case of a container restart)?
how did Docker persist data across container restarts before there were named volumes?
The only 'problem' with a bind mount is that it won't copy the
container contents to the host automatically, unlike a named volume.
Is this accurate?
Close to accurate, but I can see the confusion. Host volumes, aka bind mounts, do not have an initialization feature from docker. With anonymous and named volumes, docker will initialize the volume with the contents of the image at that path. This initialization includes ownership and permissions which helps avoid permission errors. This initialization only runs when the container is created and the volume is new or empty, so subsequent containers will not pickup changes to the image made in newer image versions.
If yes, then:
how does one get the container's "new data" (e.g. a growing database) into the host when using a bind mount (to persist the data
in case of a container restart)?
Reads and writes from the app in the container will continue through to the host filesystem used in the bind mount as expected. It's only the initialization step that doesn't run.
how did Docker persist data across container restarts before there were named volumes?
There were data containers, mounting volumes from other containers, but this was inflexible (all volume paths were fixed to the path in the data container) and mixed management of persistent data with ephemeral containers, and has therefore been phased out.
Volumes are used to handle data persistence between containers. A single container restarting (rather than being replaced) will still have all the container specific filesystem changes. The docker rm command deletes these filesystem changes, along with container logs and metadata/configuration of the container.
The container specific changes are the read/write top layer of an overlay filesystem used by docker. Volume mounts are all separate mounts into subdirectories of this overlay filesystem (just like /home or /var are often separate filesystem mounts in the / filesystem of a Linux host, all reads and writes to those other paths go to a separate underlying filesystem).
If you're going to mount a volume into a container, and you want that volume to reliably contain some content from the image, you need to manually copy it there at container startup time. One way to do this is with an entrypoint wrapper script:
# Copy data into a possibly-mounted location
cp -a /app/static /var/www
# Then run the image's CMD
exec "$#"
You'd include this in your image's Dockerfile
# Must use JSON-array syntax
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/"]
CMD same as it was before
There are two important details about Docker named volumes' initialization behavior to be aware of here. The first, which you note, is that Docker only copies content into a volume for Docker named volumes; it doesn't happen for bind mounts, and it doesn't happen in other environments like Kubernetes.
The second, more subtle detail is that the initialization only happens the first time the container runs. If there's already content in a volume that you mount into a container, it will hide what was already there. In other SO questions you can see this manifest as, for example, "I added a package to my Node package.json file, but when I put the node_modules directory in a volume, it ignores the update" or "I'm using a volume to export content to an nginx proxy but it doesn't update".
I think #BMitch having the accepted answer is correct, but I will just try to add in some details with the hope of being useful.
Is this accurate? If yes, then:
Given it is my claim being scrutinised - I totally defer to #BMitch here :)!
However I would also add:
Provides a layman explanation of how named volumes / host volumes behave
My explanation needs updated to reflect the notion of 'initialization'
This is how I would recommend setting up volumes in docker-compose at the moment, courtesy of #kaiser
how does one get the container's "new data" (e.g. a growing database) into the host when using a bind mount (to persist the data in case of a container restart)?
Both host volumes and named volumes can achieve this.
I think the point of contention is what you want to happen on the:
first run of the container
subsequent runs of the container and
the location/accessibility of the volume on the host system.
Once a volume is attached to a container (be it a named volume or bind mount), whatever is stored to that volume should be persisted between restarts - that effectively comes for free. This assumes the same docker-compose config, and no manual removal of volumes.
Previously it was a bit limiting using a named volume, as you couldn't tail logs, or edit code directly from the host as easily as you could with a bind mount - but it seems that problem is resolved / has a work around now.
Bind mounts are able to persist data between restarts. I personally find that bind volumes do what I want 99% of the time, that being said, named volumes can now 'do it all' and I'd be using those moving forward.
There are differences between them though, and I'm sure they'll still bite people occasionally, requiring them to reach out to actual experts, instead of users like me :).

Docker Volume File permission

I am going through the articles about docker volumes and understood there are different types like bind mounts and volumes etc ..
When it comes to the underlying file model, is it that a single copy is shard or there will be multiple copies - I mean, say , there 100 containers sharing the same file system, does each container will be seeing a shard file or each container will have a copy of file ?
And how the updates are handled - using some locks managed by the docker?
All docker containers will be using same volume. As it appears in file system. Your OS will handle locks, same as it will do with directory for processes.

Where do docker images' new Files get saved to in GCP?

I want to create some docker images that generates text files. However, since images are pushed to Container Registry in GCP. I am not sure where the files will be generated to when I use kubectl run myImage. If I specify a path in the program, like '/usr/bin/myfiles', would they be downloaded to the VM instance where I am typing "kubectl run myImage"? I think this is probably not the case.. What is the solution?
Ideally, I would like all the files to be in one place.
Thank you
Container Registry and Kubernetes are mostly irrelevant to the issue of where a container will persist files it creates.
Some process running within a container that generates files will persist the files to the container instance's file system. Exceptions to this are stdout and stderr which are both available without further ado.
When you run container images, you can mount volumes into the container instance and this provides possible solutions to your needs. Commonly, when running Docker Engine, it's common to mount the host's file system into the container to share files between the container and the host: docker run ... --volume=[host]:[container] yourimage ....
On Kubernetes, there are many types of volumes. An seemingly obvious solution is to use gcePersistentDisk but this has a limitation in that it these disks may only be mounted for write on one pod at a time. A more powerful solution may be to use an NFS-based solution such as nfs or gluster. These should provide a means for you to consolidate files outside of the container instances.
A good solution but I'm unsure whether it is available, would be to write your files as Google Cloud Storage objects.
A tenet of containers is that they should operate without making assumptions about their environment. Your containers should not make assumptions about running on Kubernetes and should not make assumptions about non-default volumes. By this I mean, that your containers will write files to container's file system. When you run the container, you apply the configuration that e.g. provides an NFS volume mount or GCS bucket mount etc. that actually persists the files beyond the container.

How can I share data between host and container using mounts

I've been attempting to share data between my host and my container. I've been reading a lot about volumes and I believe I have misunderstood some of the fundamentals around sharing data.
Here's how I've been doing it (with Docker Compose)
version: "2"
- type: bind
source: ./test/
target: /var/logs
The problem with this approach is that the initial creation of the mount destroys any data in the target folder. So for example if my image was built from another image that had some logs in that folder (for whatever reason), the logs would be destroyed.
This is a major problem with my use case. I need to mount a volume (a folder, basically) so that I can share data between my host and guest, similar to how a shared folder with a VM would work.
I've looked into named volumes but from what I understand, named and anonymous volumes are designed to share data between containers, and not to share data with the host (which is what I need for my use case).
So besides bind mounts, is it possible share data between the host and container?
This is not really a Docker problem. I think you'll run into this with any mount. Basically you are already using the correct mechanism for sharing data between the host and your container.
When you mount something in linux, the mount target (i.e. the path at which you mount something) is always replaced with the root of whatever you mount. It does not merge the contents of the mount target with the contents of the (in this case) bind mounted directory. I'm surprised that works with VM shared folders because you run a high risk of a collision. e.g. same file in both locations. How would it resolve that? File system mounts are not the same as a dropbox like synchronisation of files between two locations.
I suggest that you do your bind mount to somewhere else in your container which has no contents and then modify your in-container workflow to handle this. In your example it sounds like you are attempting to collect logs. It also sounds like the containers configured log directory might have some contents which you want to be copied to the host. You could achieve this by having your container init itself by configuring a new log directory before starting your services/running anything, and copying any existing logs to that location. This new location would be the bind mount. Your init script could also detect if the bind mount was already used in this fashion and not sync over the data. This is really an application specific problem.
