Dart - How can I Map String & Int together? - dart

static Future<String> compress({#required String imageSrc, #required int desiredQuality}) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> params = <String, dynamic> {
'filePath': imageSrc.toString()
I'm trying to add desiredQuality on the "params" map, but that's an int, how can I do it?
Turns out I didn't need to map int, all I had to do was this:
static Future<String> compress({#required String imageSrc, #required int desiredQuality}) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> params = <String, dynamic> {
'filePath': imageSrc,
'desiredQuality': desiredQuality
Thanks to #MarcG and #Gunter

A Map object could contain a collection of key/value pairs. Since you're trying to assign imageSrc (String) and desiredQuality (int) values on a Map<String, dynamic>, you can assign keys for each of these values in the Map.
Map<String, dynamic> params = {
'filePath': imageSrc,
'desiredQuality': desiredQuality
To access these key/values set in the Map, you can call them using:
var filePath = params['filePath'];
var desiredQuality = params['desiredQuality'];


Creating a default .toString() method

I have a lot of JSON models in my dart project that I would like to have a string representation of. I know that I can override the .toString() method per class, but that feels like a lot of work to write basically the same thing a bunch of times. Is there a way that I can create a mixin or extention to override toString? Or is it better to use code generation? (I found this package, but it seems like it isn't maintained any more)
The string representation I am looking for is just a list of all parameters, for example:
class User {
int userId;
/// The full name of the user.
String name;
factory UserOverview.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$UserOverviewFromJson(json);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$UserOverviewToJson(this);
should have the following string representation:
User(userId: 1, name: "Name")
You answered your own question there buddy. Just create a base class and outsource it. It simple.
For example:
class User extends BaseModel {
required this.userId,
required this.name,
int userId;
/// The full name of the user.
String name;
factory User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$UserOverviewToJson(this);
Create a base model class
abstract class BaseModel {
Map<String, dynamic> toJson();
String toString() {
return toJson().toString();
Don't forget these
User _$UserOverviewFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => User(name: json['name'] as String, userId: json['userId'] as int);
Map<String, dynamic> _$UserOverviewToJson(User instance) => <String, dynamic>{
'name': instance.name,
'userId': instance.userId,
Now to use:
final cool = User(userId: 1, name: "Name");
print(cool.toString()); //{name: Name, userId: 1}

type 'JSArray<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<Ad>'

I tried two method to parse the rawData into dart objects. One using a for loop ads and it works but why _ads is not working when I use map ?
void main() {
dynamic rawData = [
{"title": "a", "id": 1}
List<Ad> ads = [];
for (var raw in rawData) {
Ad ad = Ad.fromJson(raw);
List<Ad> _ads = rawData.map((e) => Ad.fromJson(e)).toList();
class Ad {
int id;
String title;
factory Ad.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$AdFromJson(json);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$AdToJson(this);
Ad _$AdFromJson(Map json) {
return Ad(
id: json['id'] as int,
title: json['title'] as String,
Map<String, dynamic> _$AdToJson(Ad instance) {
final val = <String, dynamic>{};
void writeNotNull(String key, dynamic value) {
if (value != null) {
val[key] = value;
writeNotNull('id', instance.id);
writeNotNull('title', instance.title);
return val;
The result of calling nearly any method on a dynamic defined variable are going to be dynamic since the Dart compiler are going through a difficult time guessing the type you want. So when you want the result to be saved into a variable with a specific type like List<Ad> _ads you really need to tell the compiler at each step what generic type you want and expect.
With that said, you can get you code to work by changing:
List<Ad> _ads = rawData.map((e) => Ad.fromJson(e)).toList();
List<Ad> _ads = rawData.map<Ad>((e) => Ad.fromJson(e)).toList();
And if you also want to make the analyzer happy:
List<Ad> _ads = rawData.map<Ad>((Map<String, dynamic> e) => Ad.fromJson(e)).toList() as List<Ad>;

Flutter Firestore Server side Timestamp

I need to add a server side timestamp on new documents added to Firestore using a Flutter app. I see I am supposed to use FieldValue.serverTimestamp but I am not sure where to find this.
As of September 5th, the updated cloud_firestore v0.8.0 library now has FieldValue.serverTimestamp(). All is now well in the universe
'timestamp' : Timestamp.now()
Timestamp.now() is part of cloud_firestore;
Screenshot showing that the library is imported from cloud_firestore, and creates a server-generated timestamp in the written data. Docs
Expanding on #spongyboss' answer (which works as of April 2020) by adding sample usage:
'text': messageText,
'sender': loggedInUser.email,
'created': FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
'created' will be stored as a timestamp
Sample sorting:
.orderBy('created', descending: false)
If you are using a model class to set the data, then you should create a dynamic variable with some name. For mine it was 'createdDate'.
class Products {
List<ProductItems>? data;
dynamic createdDate;
factory Products.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Products(
data: List<ProductItems>.from(json["data"].map((x) => ProductItems.fromJson(x))),
createdDate: json["createdDate"],
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"data": List<dynamic>.from(data!.map((x) => x.toJson())),
"createdDate": createdDate
class ProductItems {
String? id;
String? name;
int? price;
int? quantity;
ProductItems.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
price = json['price'];
quantity = json['quantity'];
name = json['name'];
id = json['id'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = <String, dynamic>{};
data['price'] = price;
data['quantity'] = quantity;
data['name'] = name;
data['id'] = id;
return data;
And during setting the data to firestore,
final CollectionReference _cart = _firestore.collection('cart');
final _cartReference = _cart.withConverter<Products>(
fromFirestore: (snapshot, _) => Products.fromJson(snapshot.data()!),
toFirestore: (userModel, _) => userModel.toJson(),
await _cartReference.doc(auth?.uid).set(Products(
data: productList.data,
createdDate: FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),

FireStore and Flutter

I am writing an android app with flutter and Firestore at the backend database.
I can add single data to Firestore, but when I add an object with the nested object it fails. can't find any example or solution on google.
please help.
below is my code,
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
part 'Inspection.g.dart';
//run code => flutter packages pub run build_runner build
class Inspection extends Object with _$InspectionSerializerMixin {
String id;
#JsonSerializable(nullable: false)
DateTime inspectionDate;
#JsonSerializable(nullable: false)
String arrivedTime;
#JsonSerializable(nullable: false)
String leaveTime;
#JsonSerializable(nullable: false)
String staffName;
#JsonSerializable(nullable: false)
String postName;
#JsonSerializable(nullable: false)
String foundLocation;
#JsonSerializable(nullable: false)
String guestsProportion;
#JsonSerializable(nullable: false)
String situationRemark;
#JsonKey(nullable: false)
String userid;
#JsonKey(nullable: false)
Grooming grooming;
static Inspection fromDocument(DocumentSnapshot document) =>
new Inspection.fromJson(document.data);
factory Inspection.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
class Grooming extends Object {
int groomingScore;
int hairScore;
int uniformScore;
int decorationScore;
int maskWearScore;
int maskCleanScore;
factory Grooming.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
and this is generated by build_runner
part of 'Inspection.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// Generator: JsonSerializableGenerator
// **************************************************************************
Inspection _$InspectionFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => new Inspection(
inspectionDate: json['inspectionDate'] == null
? null
: DateTime.parse(json['inspectionDate'] as String),
staffName: json['staffName'] as String,
arrivedTime: json['arrivedTime'] as String,
leaveTime: json['leaveTime'] as String,
foundLocation: json['foundLocation'] as String,
postName: json['postName'] as String,
guestsProportion: json['guestsProportion'] as String,
situationRemark: json['situationRemark'] as String,
userid: json['userid'] as String,
id: json['id'] as String,
grooming: new Grooming.fromJson(json['grooming'] as Map<String, dynamic>));
abstract class _$InspectionSerializerMixin {
String get id;
DateTime get inspectionDate;
String get arrivedTime;
String get leaveTime;
String get staffName;
String get postName;
String get foundLocation;
String get guestsProportion;
String get situationRemark;
String get userid;
Grooming get grooming;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'inspectionDate': inspectionDate?.toIso8601String(),
'arrivedTime': arrivedTime,
'leaveTime': leaveTime,
'staffName': staffName,
'postName': postName,
'foundLocation': foundLocation,
'guestsProportion': guestsProportion,
'situationRemark': situationRemark,
'userid': userid,
'grooming': grooming
Grooming _$GroomingFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => new Grooming()
..groomingScore = json['groomingScore'] as int
..hairScore = json['hairScore'] as int
..uniformScore = json['uniformScore'] as int
..decorationScore = json['decorationScore'] as int
..maskWearScore = json['maskWearScore'] as int
..maskCleanScore = json['maskCleanScore'] as int;
abstract class _$GroomingSerializerMixin {
int get groomingScore;
int get hairScore;
int get uniformScore;
int get decorationScore;
int get maskWearScore;
int get maskCleanScore;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => <String, dynamic>{
'groomingScore': groomingScore,
'hairScore': hairScore,
'uniformScore': uniformScore,
'decorationScore': decorationScore,
'maskWearScore': maskWearScore,
'maskCleanScore': maskCleanScore
code used to insert data
Future<bool> addInspection(Inspection item) async {
var newdoc = await inspectionCollection.document().get();
item.id = newdoc.documentID;
item.userid = user.uid;
inspectionCollection.add(item.toJson()).then((onValue) {
onValue.setData({'id': onValue.documentID});
}).catchError((error) {

Dart Convert List as Map Entry for JSON Encoding

I asked a question before about Dart encoding/decoding to JSON, however, the libraries that were suggested were not complete and I decided to manually handle that.
The objective is to convert these objects to a map.
class Parent extends Object {
int id;
String name;
List<Child> listChild = new List<Child>();
Map toMap() => {"id":id, "name":name, "listChild":listChild};
class Child extends Object {
int id;
String childName;
Map toMap() => {"id":id, "childName":childName};
When doing
I am seeing it go here, any suggestion how to make this work?
if (!stringifyJsonValue(object)) {
try {
var customJson = _toEncodable(object);
if (!stringifyJsonValue(customJson)) {
throw new JsonUnsupportedObjectError(object);
} catch (e) {
throw new JsonUnsupportedObjectError(object, cause : e);
Map toMap() => {"id":id, "name":name: "listChild": listChild.map((c) => c.toJson().toList())};
is valid for JSON.
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;
String json = JSON.encode(toMap());
You can also use the toEncodeable callback - see How to convert DateTime object to json
If your class structure does not contain's any inner class then follow
class Data{
String name;
String type;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'name': name,
'type': type
If your class uses inner class structure
class QuestionTag {
String name;
List<SubTags> listSubTags;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'name': name,
'listSubTags': listSubTags.map((tag) => tag.toJson()).toList()
class SubTags {
String tagName;
String tagDesc;
SubTags(this.tagName, this.tagDesc);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'tagName': tagName,
'tagDesc': tagDesc,
Just rename Map toMap() into Map toJson() and it will work fine. =)
void encode() {
Parent p = new Parent();
Child c1 = new Child();
c1 ..id = 1 ..childName = "Alex";
Child c2 = new Child();
c2 ..id = 2 ..childName = "John";
Child c3 = new Child();
c3 ..id = 3 ..childName = "Jane";
p ..id = 1 ..name = "Lisa" ..listChild = [c1,c2,c3];
String json = JSON.encode(p);
class Parent extends Object {
int id;
String name;
List<Child> listChild = new List<Child>();
Map toJson() => {"id":id, "name":name, "listChild":listChild};
class Child extends Object {
int id;
String childName;
Map toJson() => {"id":id, "childName":childName};
