Getting closed before endTest call in Selenium using Extent Reports - extent
private static ReportService reportService; // Calling report service interface
reportService = new ExtentReportService(getConfig()); // New instance of ExtentReportService.
reportService.startTest(testname); // Starting the test and passing the name and description of the test.
reportService.endTest(); // Ending the test
reportService.close(); // Closing the test
**** // Contains different extent API methods. (These are designed to be generic.)
protected static ExtentReports extent; // static instance of ExtentReports
protected static ExtentTest test; //static instance of ExtentTTest
#Override // StartTest method
startTest(Method method) {
testMetaData = getTestMetaData(method);
#Override //End test method
endTest() {
The above is my selenium code.
When I am executing my suite file with parallel="methods" and thread count="3", I am getting the following error: "com.relevantcodes.extentreports.ExtentTestInterruptedException: Close was called before test could end safely using EndTest.".
While debugging, I found that even before all endTest() in AfterMehtod were executed, AfterSuite was being called.
I tried different variations such that the code works, such as, removing static, calling endTest() in the test itself rather than after method, removing close() call from AfterSuite and many other variations. But still getting the same error.
I tried all the possible solutions given on the internet, but to no use.
Attaching a hierarchy file for the ExtentReport used in my project
I also the following solution given in StackOverflow:
Extent report :com.relevantcodes.extentreports.ExtentTestInterruptedException: Close was called before test could end safely using EndTest
Unsynchronized output
XMF file for parallel test.

ExtentReports Intialized in ExtentManager class using Singleton().
public class ExtentManager {
private static ExtentReports extent;
public static ExtentReports getInstance() {
if(extent == null) {
extent = new ExtentReports(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\target\surefire-reports\html\extent.html", true, DisplayOrder.OLDEST_FIRST);
extent.loadConfig(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"src\test\resources\extentconfig\ReportsConfig.xml"));
return extent;
Declared in TestBase class as global.
public ExtentReports repo= ExtentManager.getInstance();
public static ExtentTest test
Call startTest in public void onTestStart(ITestResult result)
test = repo.startTest(result.getName().toUpperCase());
Call endTest in CustomListener Class both in a)public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result); b)public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult result).
Call close() OR flush() in #AfterSuite in TestBase class but NOT both!
Note: I have ExtentReports ver-2.41.2, and TestNg ver-7.1.0.
After the above steps, error 'Getting closed before endTest call in Selenium using Extent Reports' got resolved.
Extent report generates each test successfully in the report.
Try it out!


How singleton works in Dart?

I am new to Dart and Flutter. While I am going through tutorials, I got that we can make singleton using factory keyword. But after that, I got this code.
class AccountService {
static final _instance = AccountService._internal();
static AccountService getInstance() {
return _instance;
My questions.
How does the code work?
when getInstance() get called?
is AccountService._internal() a constructor?
static final _instance = AccountService._internal(); - When this get called?
Please help me
Static fields in Dart are all lazy evaluated so they will first get its value the first time you access the field.
When you call getInstance(), it will return the value of the field _instance. If this is the first time the field will be evaluated so AccountService._internal() is called. If it is second time, the value from previous access is reused.
First time you call the method somewhere in your code? If you are never calling the method, the object referenced by _instance will never be created.
Yes, it is a named constructor and because the name starts with "_" it is only available from the library this class is part of. By doing so, it is possible to restrict new objects from this class so only the class itself are allowed to create an instance.
It is called first time _instance is accessed. Since this name also starts with "_" it is only available from the library this class is part of.
The lazy initialization of static fields is described in the Dart specification with the following reasoning:
Static variable declarations with an initializing expression are initializedlazily (8.1).
The lazy semantics are given because we do not want a language where one tends to define expensive initialization computations, causing long application startup times. This is especially crucial for Dart, which must support the coding of client applications.
Added code example
class AccountService {
static final _instance = AccountService._internal();
AccountService._internal() {
print(':: Calling AccountService._internal constructor');
static AccountService getInstance() {
print(':: Calling getInstance()');
return _instance;
void main() {
print(':: Step 1');
print(':: Step 2');
print(':: End');
:: Start
:: Step 1
:: Calling getInstance()
:: Calling AccountService._internal constructor
:: Step 2
:: Calling getInstance()
:: End

Execute code in Spock on test Succeed and Failure

I want to execute a block of code that changes based on a pass or a fail. Basically looking to set the results from a test in our test case tracking software. I created my own test rules, shown below, but no matter if the test passes or fails it always just calls succeeded.
public class TestRules extends TestWatcher {
public void succeeded(Description description){
log.error("This should only be called when passing");
public void failed(Throwable e, Description description) {
log.error("This Should only be called when Failing");
I set the rule in the test as follows
public TestRules testRules = new TestRules()
I am hoping I am just missing something stupid and simple.

How to write an integration test for #RabbitListener annotation?

My question is really a follow up question to
RabbitMQ Integration Test and Threading
There it states to wrap "your listeners" and pass in a CountDownLatch and eventually all the threads will merge. This answer works if we were manually creating and injecting the message listener but for #RabbitListener annotations... i'm not sure how to pass in a CountDownLatch. The framework is auto magically creating the message listener behind the scenes.
Are there any other approaches?
With the help of #Gary Russell I was able to get an answer and used the following solution.
Conclusion: I must admit i'm indifferent about this solution (feels like a hack) but this is the only thing I could get to work and once you get over the initial one time setup and actually understand the 'work flow' it is not so painful. Basically comes down to defining ( 2 ) #Beans and adding them to your Integration Test config.
Example solution posted below with explanations. Please feel free to suggest improvements to this solution.
1. Define a ProxyListenerBPP that during spring initialization will listen for a specified clazz (i.e our test class that contains #RabbitListener) and
inject our custom CountDownLatchListenerInterceptor advice defined in the next step.
import org.aopalliance.aop.Advice;
import org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor;
import org.springframework.core.Ordered;
import org.springframework.core.PriorityOrdered;
* Implements BeanPostProcessor bean... during spring initialization we will
* listen for a specified clazz
* (i.e our #RabbitListener annotated class) and
* inject our custom CountDownLatchListenerInterceptor advice
* #author sjacobs
public class ProxyListenerBPP implements BeanPostProcessor, BeanFactoryAware, Ordered, PriorityOrdered{
private BeanFactory beanFactory;
private Class<?> clazz;
public static final String ADVICE_BEAN_NAME = "wasCalled";
public ProxyListenerBPP(Class<?> clazz) {
this.clazz = clazz;
public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
return bean;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(bean.getClass())) {
ProxyFactoryBean pfb = new ProxyFactoryBean();
pfb.setProxyTargetClass(true); // CGLIB, false for JDK proxy (interface needed)
pfb.addAdvice(this.beanFactory.getBean(ADVICE_BEAN_NAME, Advice.class));
return pfb.getObject();
else {
return bean;
public int getOrder() {
return Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - 1000; // Just before #RabbitListener post processor
2. Create the MethodInterceptor advice impl that will hold the reference to the CountDownLatch. The CountDownLatch needs to be referenced in both in the Integration test thread and inside the async worker thread in the #RabbitListener. So we can later release back to the Integration Test thread as soon as the #RabbitListener async thread has completed execution. No need for polling.
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;
* AOP MethodInterceptor that maps a <b>Single</b> CountDownLatch to one method and invokes
* CountDownLatch.countDown() after the method has completed execution. The motivation behind this
* is for integration testing purposes of Spring RabbitMq Async Worker threads to be able to merge
* the Integration Test thread after an Async 'worker' thread completed its task.
* #author sjacobs
public class CountDownLatchListenerInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
private CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
private final String methodNameToInvokeCDL ;
public CountDownLatchListenerInterceptor(String methodName) {
this.methodNameToInvokeCDL = methodName;
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
String methodName = invocation.getMethod().getName();
if (this.methodNameToInvokeCDL.equals(methodName) ) {
//invoke async work
Object result = invocation.proceed();
//returns us back to the 'awaiting' thread inside the integration test
//"reset" CountDownLatch for next #Test (if testing for more async worker)
this.countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
return result;
} else
return invocation.proceed();
public CountDownLatch getCountDownLatch() {
return countDownLatch;
3. Next add to your Integration Test Config the following #Bean(s)
public class SomeClassThatHasRabbitListenerAnnotationsITConfig extends BaseIntegrationTestConfig {
// pass into the constructor the test Clazz that contains the #RabbitListener annotation into the constructor
public static ProxyListenerBPP listenerProxier() { // note static
return new ProxyListenerBPP(SomeClassThatHasRabbitListenerAnnotations.class);
// pass the method name that will be invoked by the async thread in SomeClassThatHasRabbitListenerAnnotations.Class
// I.E the method name annotated with #RabbitListener or #RabbitHandler
// in our example 'listen' is the method name inside SomeClassThatHasRabbitListenerAnnotations.Class
public static Advice wasCalled() {
String methodName = "listen";
return new CountDownLatchListenerInterceptor( methodName );
// this is the #RabbitListener bean we are testing
public SomeClassThatHasRabbitListenerAnnotations rabbitListener() {
return new SomeClassThatHasRabbitListenerAnnotations();
4. Finally, in the integration #Test call... after sending a message via rabbitTemplate to trigger the async thread... now call the CountDownLatch#await(...) method obtained from the interceptor and make sure to pass in a TimeUnit args so it can timeout in case of long running process or something goes wrong. Once the async the Integration Test thread is notified (awakened) and now we can finally begin to actually test/validate/verify the results of the async work.
#ContextConfiguration(classes={ SomeClassThatHasRabbitListenerAnnotationsITConfig.class } )
public class SomeClassThatHasRabbitListenerAnnotationsIT extends BaseIntegrationTest{
private CountDownLatchListenerInterceptor interceptor;
private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
public void shouldReturnBackAfterAsyncThreadIsFinished() throws Exception {
MyObject payload = new MyObject();
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("", payload);
CountDownLatch cdl = interceptor.getCountDownLatch();
// wait for async thread to finish
cdl.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // IMPORTANT: set timeout args.
//Begin the actual testing of the results of the async work
// check the database?
// download a msg from another queue?
// verify email was sent...
// etc...
It's a bit more tricky with #RabbitListener but the simplest way is to advise the listener.
With the custom listener container factory just have your test case add the advice to the factory.
The advice would be a MethodInterceptor; the invocation will have 2 arguments; the channel and the (unconverted) Message. The advice has to be injected before the container(s) are created.
Alternatively, get a reference to the container using the registry and add the advice later (but you'll have to call initialize() to force the new advice to be applied).
An alternative would be a simple BeanPostProcessor to proxy your listener class before it is injected into the container. That way, you will see the method argumen(s) after any conversion; you will also be able to verify any result returned by the listener (for request/reply scenarios).
If you are not familiar with these techniques, I can try to find some time to spin up a quick example for you.
I issued a pull request to add an example to EnableRabbitIntegrationTests. This adds a listener bean with 2 annotated listener methods, a BeanPostProcessor that proxies the listener bean before it is injected into a listener container. An Advice is added to the proxy which counts latches down when the expected messages are received.

Crashes related to GraphRepository#findAll() when using AspectJ

This line in TopLevelTransaction (neo4j-kernel-2.1.2) throws a NullPointerException every time I call next() on an iterator obtained via GraphRepository#findAll():
protected void markAsRollbackOnly()
transactionManager.getTransaction().setRollbackOnly(); // NPE here
catch ( Exception e )
throw new TransactionFailureException(
"Failed to mark transaction as rollback only.", e );
I found some threads about similar crashes with slightly different stack traces. The accepted solution on this question is to use "proxy" transaction management, but that seems like a band-aid solution. This question also mentions "proxy" transaction management and suggests that there might be something wrong with the #Transactional annotation when using AspectJ.
Is this legitimately a bug, or have I just set up my project incorrectly? My code is essentially the same as in my standalone hello world, with a slightly more complex main class:
public class Test2 {
FooRepository repo;
public static void main(String[] args) {
AbstractApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext("test2");
Test2 test2 = context.getBean(Test2.class);
public void doStuff() {
public Foo createFoo() {
Foo foo = new Foo();
foo.setName("Derp" + System.currentTimeMillis());;
System.out.println("saved " + foo.toString());
return foo;
public void printFoos() {
Iterable<Foo> foos = repo.findAll();
System.out.println("findAll() returned instance of " + foos.getClass().getName());
Iterator<Foo> iter = foos.iterator();
System.out.println("iterator is instance of " + iter.getClass().getName());
if(iter.hasNext()) {; // CRASHES HERE
I can post my POM if needed.
I didn't find a bug. Two or three things are required to make this work, depending on whether you want to use proxy or AspectJ transaction management.
First, transaction management must be enabled. Since I'm using annotation-based configuration, I did this by annotating my #Configuration class with #EnableTransactionManagement. Contrary to the docs, the default mode now seems to be AdviceMode.ASPECTJ, not AdviceMode.PROXY.
Next, you need to ensure that the Iterator is used within a transaction. In my example, if I use AdviceMode.PROXY the entire bean containing the #Autowired repository has to be annotated #Transactional. If I use AdviceMode.ASPECTJ I can annotate just the method. This is because the call to the method using the iterator is a self-call from within the bean, and proxy transaction management cannot intercept and manage internal calls.
Finally, if you're using AdviceMode.ASPECTJ you must set up weaving as discussed here.

ExecutionEngineException: Attempting to JIT compile method

public class StaticDataContainer<T> where T : IStaticData {
protected static Dictionary<int, T> data;
public static void init(string jsonString){
//It work fine in Unity,But in Xcode iOS,it will show an error below:
//ExecutionEngineException: Attempting to JIT compile method
//'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<int, AD>:.ctor ()'
//while running with --aot-only.
data = new Dictionary<int, T> ();
I refer to:
Your application makes use of some generic type that was missed during AOT compile.
And solution is:The problem can usually be fixed by including a "dummy" class that references the missing types.
But I dont' know what dummy class is.
How can I solve it?
Here's how I do it. I create a file with name AOTDummy.cs in a project with following structure (adapted for your problem):
public static class AOTDummy
public static void Dummy()
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<int, AD> dummy01;
