Check if Jenkins node is online for the job, otherwise send email alert - jenkins

Having the Jenkins job dedicated to special node I'd like to have a notification if the job can't be run because the node is offline. Is it possible to set up this functionality?
In other words, the default Jenkins behavior is waiting for the node if the job has been started when the node is offline ('pending' job status). I want to fail (or don't start at all) the job in this case and send 'node offline' mail.
This node checking stuff should be inside the job because the job is executed rarely and I don't care if the node is offline when it's not needed for the job. I've tried external node watching plugin, but it doesn't do exactly what I want - it triggers emails every time the node goes offline and it's redundant in my case.

I found an answer here.
You can add a command-line or PowerShell block which invokes the curl command and processes a result
curl --silent $JENKINS_URL/computer/$JENKINS_NODENAME/api/json
The result json contains offline property with true/false value

I don't think checking if the node is available can be done inside the job (e.g JobX) you want to run. The act of checking, specifically for your JobX at time of execution, will itself need a job to run - I don't know of a plugin/configuration option that'll do this. JobX can't check if the node is free for JobX.
I use a lot of flow jobs (in process of converting to pipeline logic) where JobA will trigger the JobB, thus JobA could run on master check the node for JobB, JobX in your case, triggering it if up.
JobA would need to be a freestyle job and run a 'execute system groovy script > Groovy command' build step. The groovy code below is pulled together from a number of working examples, so untested:
import hudson.model.*;
import hudson.AbortException;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
def allNodes = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.nodes
def triggerJob = false
for (node in allNodes) {
if ( node.getComputer().isOnline() && node.nodeName == "special_node" ) {
println node.nodeName + " " + node.getComputer().countBusy() + " " + node.getComputer().getOneOffExecutors().size
triggerJob = true
if (triggerJob) {
println("triggering child build as node available")
def job = Hudson.instance.getJob('JobB')
def anotherBuild
try {
def params = [
new StringParameterValue('ParamOne', '123'),
def future = job.scheduleBuild2(0, new Cause.UpstreamCause(build), new ParametersAction(params))
anotherBuild = future.get()
} catch (CancellationException x) {
throw new AbortException("${job.fullDisplayName} aborted.")
} else {
println("failing parent build as node not available")
throw new InterruptedException()
To get the node offline email, you could just trigger a post build action to send emails on failure.


Jenkins pipeline script to clear build queue periodically

I need to create a Jenkins pipeline to clear the build queue periodically. I have the script that i can run in the script console, but it does not work when i try to run it in the pipeline.
def q = Jenkins.instance.queue for (queued in Jenkins.instance.queue.items) { q.cancel(queued.task) }
I am pretty sure it has to do with importing classes, but i am having issues writing this script.
If you just want to clear the enitre build queue from a pipeline you can use the clear method from the Jenkins Queue object which will clear the entire build queue:
Notice: you will probably get a RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use method error when running this script, which means a Jenkins admin will have to approve it.
In addition, if you are running this code in a declarative pipeline make sure to warp it with a script directive.
If you are using Jenkins Shared Libraries you can create a more generic clearBuildQueue function inside your library and later on use it in your various pipelines.
It can look something like:
def clearBuildQueue(String pattern = ''){
def queue = Jenkins.instance.queue
if(pattern) {
queue.items.findAll { =~ pattern}.each {
println "Item '${}' was cleared from the queue"
else {
println "Clearing ${queue.items.length} items from the queue"

Jenkins - how to show downstream jobs build result on Gerrit patch set?

below is my use case,
I have jobs A, B, C - A is upstream and B and C are downstream jobs. When a Patch set created in Gerrit, based on the patchset created event I trigger Job A and based on the result of this job, we trigger B and C. After the B and C is executed, I want to display the result of all three jobs on Gerrit patch set. like
right now I see only JOB A Build result showing up on GERRIT PATCH SET as
is there any way to do this?
Do the following:
1) Configure all jobs (A, B and C) to trigger when the patch set is created.
2) Configure the jobs B and C to depend on job A
2.1) Click on "Advanced..." in Gerrit Trigger job configuration
2.2) Add the job A on the "Other jobs on which this job depends" field
With this configuration jobs B and C will wait for job A finish before they start and you'll get the result you want:
The best way to solve this is to create a small wrapper pipeline job. Let name it Build_ABC.
Configure Build_ABC to trigger on the Gerrit event you wish. The job will be responsible for running the other 3 builds and in the event of any failures in these jobs your Build_ABC will fail and report this back to Gerrit. You will not be able to see immediately which job failed in your Gerrit message but you will be able to see in in your Jenkins pipeline overview.
In the below scripted pipeline script you see a pipeline that calls Build_A and waits for the result. If the build succeeds it will continue to execute Build B and C in parallel. In my example I made Build C failed which caused the whole pipeline job to fail.
This is a revised version of my fist answer and the script has grown a bit. As it is required to have the individual build results in the message posted to Gerrit the pipeline has been changed to catch the individual results and record them. If build A fails builds B+C will be skipped and the status will be skipped.
Next it is possible to use the gerrit review ssh command line tool to perform manual review. This way it is possible to have a custom message generated to include the individual build results. It looks like the screen shot below:
I haven't figured out how to make it a multi line comment but there is also an option to use json in the command line, have a look at that.
def build_a = "Skipped"
def build_b = "Skipped"
def build_c = "Skipped"
def build_result = "+1"
try {
stage("A") {
try {
build( job: '/Peter/Build_A', wait: true)
build_a = "Pass"
} catch (e) {
build_a = "Failed"
// throw again or else the job to make the build fail
// throwing here will prevent B+C from running
throw e
stage("After A") {
parallel B: {
try {
build( job: '/Peter/Build_B', wait: true)
build_b = "Pass"
} catch (e) {
build_b = "Failed"
// throw again or else the job to make the build fail
throw e
}, C: {
try {
build( job: '/Peter/Build_C', wait: true)
build_c = "Pass"
} catch (e) {
build_c = "Failed"
// throw again or else the job to make the build fail
throw e
} catch(e) {
build_result = "-1"
// throw again or else the job to make the build fail
throw e
} finally {
node('master') {
// Perform a custom review using the environment vars
sh "ssh -p ${env.GERRIT_PORT} ${env.GERRIT_HOST} gerrit review --verified ${build_result} -m '\"Build A:${build_a} Build B: ${build_a} Build C: ${build_c}\"' ${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION}"
Next you should configure the Gerrit trigger to ignore the results from Jenkins or else there will be a double vote.
One more advantage is that with the Ocean Blue plugin you can get a nice graphical representation, see below image, of your build and you can examine what went wrong by clicking on the jobs.

How to differentiate build triggers in Jenkins Pipeline

I'm hoping to add a conditional stage to my Jenkinsfile that runs depending on how the build was triggered. Currently we are set up such that builds are either triggered by:
changes to our git repo that are picked up on branch indexing
a user manually triggering the build using the 'build now' button in the UI.
Is there any way to run different pipeline steps depending on which of these actions triggered the build?
The following code should works to determine if a user has started the pipeline or a timer/other trigger:
def isStartedByUser = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause) != null
In Jenkins Pipeline without currentBuild.rawBuild access the build causes could be retrieved in the following way:
// started by commit
// started by timer
// started by user
You can get a boolean value with:
isTriggeredByTimer = !currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger$TimerTriggerCause').isEmpty()
Or, as getBuildCauses() returns an array, the array's size will work correctly with Groovy truthy semantics:
if (currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger$TimerTriggerCause')) {
The ability to get causes for a workflow run was released in version 2.22 (2018 Nov 02) to the Pipeline Supporting APIs Plugin. The feature was requested in JENKINS-41272.
A couple methods were added to the currentBuild global variable with that release:
Returns a JSON array of build causes for the current build
EXPERIMENTAL - MAY CHANGE getBuildCauses(String causeClass)
Takes a string representing the fully qualified Cause class and returns a JSON array of build causes filtered by that type for the current build, or an empty JSON array if no causes of the specified type apply to the current build
And an example from me submitting:
echo "${currentBuild.buildCauses}" // same as currentBuild.getBuildCauses()
echo "${currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.model.Cause$UserCause')}"
echo "${currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger$TimerTriggerCause')}"
And the output:
[Pipeline] echo
[[_class:hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause, shortDescription:Started by user anonymous, userId:null, userName:anonymous], [_class:org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.replay.ReplayCause, shortDescription:Replayed #12]]
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS
There appears to be an issue with the currentBuild.getBuildCauses(type) when the type is a type of Cause contributed by a plugin. For example, currentBuild.getBuildCauses('org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.replay.ReplayCause') fails with a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException. This was reported in JENKINS-54673 for the 2.22 version of the Pipeline: Supporting APIs (workflow-support) plugin. It is reportedly fixed in the 2.24 version.
I might be missing something, but you can achieve what you want easily by making use of the when directive:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Always') {
steps {
echo "I am always executed"
stage('ManualTimed') {
steps {
echo "I am only executed when triggered manually or timed"
when {
beforeAgent true
anyOf {
triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger'
triggeredBy cause: 'UserIdCause'
stage('GitLabWebHookCause') {
steps {
echo "I am only executed when triggered by SCM push"
when {
beforeAgent true
triggeredBy 'GitLabWebHookCause'
You will find many similar useful examples for various use cases in the documentation of the when directive.
thanks to Jean-Francois Larvoire's answer, I was able to figure out 'my trigger' GitLabWebHookCause I required for my use case.
Your answer works for detecting builds triggered by users and timers, but not by commits.
Instead, I found this to work in my case:
def isTriggeredByIndexing = currentBuild.getBuildCauses('jenkins.branch.BranchIndexingCause').size()
def isTriggeredByCommit = currentBuild.getBuildCauses('com.cloudbees.jenkins.GitHubPushCause').size()
def isTriggeredByUser = currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause').size()
def isTriggeredByTimer = currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger$TimerTriggerCause').size()
The .size() suffix returns 0 if the object is missing, or 1 if it's present. This makes the result usable as a boolean.
For finding the object name to use, I found it convenient to display this in the log:
echo "# Build causes"
def buildCauses = currentBuild.buildCauses
def numCause = 0
for (cause in buildCauses) {
echo "${numCause++}: ${cause.shortDescription}" // Display a human-readable index and description
echo "${cause}" // Display the object class name. This allows knowing what names to use in getBuildCauses(name) calls below.
Finally, if the goal is to abort a pipeline build in specific cases, then the test must be done before the beginning of the pipeline.
For example, we had a problem with the branch indexing triggering extra useless builds. This was fixed by adding this before the pipeline:
// Avoid useless buils: The branch indexing should only trigger the initial build of a new branch.
def isTriggeredByBranchIndexing = currentBuild.getBuildCauses('jenkins.branch.BranchIndexingCause').size()
if (isTriggeredByBranchIndexing && currentBuild.previousBuild) { // Then it's not the initial build.
echo "# Reindexing a branch already built. It is useless to rebuild it now. Aborting."
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS' // Make sure the build is not displayed in red in the Jenkins UI.
return // Abort before the pipeline even starts. (Inside the pipeline, this would only abort one stage.)
I think that the answers here are incomplete and do not provide an actual ready to use answer. Here's my code to get it working:
import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS
def isStartedByTimer() {
def buildCauses = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses()
echo buildCauses
boolean isStartedByTimer = false
for (buildCause in buildCauses) {
if ("${buildCause}".contains("hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger\$TimerTriggerCause")) {
isStartedByTimer = true
echo isStartedByTimer
return isStartedByTimer
// [...]
// Other pipeline stuff
script {
When started by user:
00:00:01.353 [hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause#fa5cb22a]
[Pipeline] echo
00:00:01.358 false
When started by timer:
00:00:01.585 [hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger$TimerTriggerCause#5]
[Pipeline] echo
00:00:01.590 true
Note: the NonCPS decorator is needed because otherwise the next non-script step will throw.
Assuming the two different build causes are "timer" and "push" (to a git repo), you can add the following stage to your Jenkinsfile (in a declarative Jenkins pipeline) to make use of getBuildCauses():
pipeline {
stages {
stage('preparation') {
steps {
script {
// get build cause (time triggered vs. SCM change)
def buildCause = currentBuild.getBuildCauses()[0].shortDescription
echo "Current build was caused by: ${buildCause}\n"
// e.g. "Current build was caused by: Started by GitHub push by mirekphd"
// vs. "Started by timer"
Then I can decide whether to perform certain stages conditionally (depending on the build cause). For example, pulling a docker base image and inspecting for changes in system libraries (likely security updates) should be done periodically, regardless of whether there was a source code change or not.
We can use "BUILD_CAUSE" variable for getting the information about who initiated the run
for [jenkins-pipeline] you may use
(see… for more details)
There was a similar requirement, where user detail who triggered the build should be there in success / failure notification. The job was already had time based triggered, hence could not use wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) directly.
I used below step, which print username if the job is triggered manually or timer triggered. So, I used this:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
env.buildCauses = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses()
if (buildCauses.contains("hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger")){
env.builduser = "TimerTrigger"
} else {
wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
env.builduser = "${BUILD_USER}"
echo "Initiated by: ${env.builduser}"

How to do a parameterized remote trigger from a post build task?

I have a jenkins job with a post build task. The post build task is a regex expression. If the regex condition it met, I want to do a parameterized remote trigger to trigger another jenkins build. From post build task I see that the regex condition can trigger a script. Is it possible to have it trigger a parameterized remote trigger?
Basically, I only want to do the second build if the regex condition is met from the first build. I don't want to have a script that executes a CURL to achieve it. Is there any other way?
I achieved this by using the Post-Build Groovy Plugin. You select it under the Post-build Actions of your job configuration in Jenkins. My groovy script performs a regex on the build log of my original job. If the regex condition is met, it triggers a new build.
Below is the example from the Groovy Plugin:
def job = Hudson.instance.getJob('MyJobName')
def anotherBuild
try {
def params = [
new StringParameterValue('FOO', foo),
def future = job.scheduleBuild2(0, new Cause.UpstreamCause(build), new ParametersAction(params))
println "Waiting for the completion of " + HyperlinkNote.encodeTo('/' + job.url, job.fullDisplayName)
anotherBuild = future.get()
} catch (CancellationException x) {
throw new AbortException("${job.fullDisplayName} aborted.")

Call a jenkins job by using a variable for build the name

I try to launch a job from a parametrized trigger and I would compute the name from a given variable.
Is it possible to set in field :
Build Triggers Projects to build
a value like this
Unfortunately, this isn't possible with the Build Triggers. I looked for a solution for this "higher order build job" that would allow you to create a dynamic build name with a one of the parameterized build plugins, but I couldn't find one.
However, using the Groovy Postbuild Plugin, you can do a lot of powerful things. Below is a script that can be modified to do what you want. In particular, notice that it gets environmental variables using build.buildVariables.get("MY_ENV_VAR"). The environmental variable TARGET_BUILD_JOB specifies the name of the build job to build. In your case, you would want to build TARGET_BUILD_JOB using these two environmental variables:
The script is commented so that if you're not familiar with Groovy, which is based off Java, it should hopefully make sense!
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.model.queue.*
import hudson.model.labels.*
import org.jvnet.jenkins.plugins.nodelabelparameter.*
def failBuild(msg)
throw new RuntimeException("[GROOVY] User message, exiting with error: " + msg)
// Get the current build job
def thr = Thread.currentThread()
def build = thr?.executable
// Get the parameters for the current build job
// For ?:, see "Elvis Operator" (
def currentParameters = build.getAction(ParametersAction.class)?.getParameters() ?:
failBuild("There are no parameters to pass down.")
def nodeName = build.getBuiltOnStr()
def newParameters = new ArrayList(currentParameters); newParameters << new NodeParameterValue("param_NODE",
"Target node -- the node of the previous job", nodeName)
// Retrieve information about the target build job
def targetJobName = build.buildVariables.get("TARGET_BUILD_JOB")
def targetJobObject = Hudson.instance.getItem(targetJobName) ?:
failBuild("Could not find a build job with the name $targetJobName. (Are you sure the spelling is correct?)")
println("$targetJobObject, $targetJobName")
def buildNumber = targetJobObject.getNextBuildNumber()
// Add information about downstream job to log
def jobUrl = targetJobObject.getAbsoluteUrl()
println("Starting downstream job $targetJobName ($jobUrl)" + "\n")
println("======= DOWNSTREAM PARAMETERS =======")
// Start the downstream build job if this build job was successful
boolean targetBuildQueued = targetJobObject.scheduleBuild(5,
new Cause.UpstreamCause(build),
new ParametersAction(newParameters)
if (targetBuildQueued)
println("Build started successfully")
println("Console (wait a few seconds before clicking): $jobUrl/$buildNumber/console")
failBuild("Could not start target build job")
