Add multiple nodes to Jenkins master - jenkins

I have around 100 linux servers that need to be added to a Jenkins master. The situation here is I need to add them by Copy Existing Node and the Jenkins master should not be shutdown/restart.
I don't want to do it manually for a hundred times. Is there any automation way to handle such request. Thank you in advance.

You could script this (self-automate). The Jenkins agent configuration files are located in the nodes subdirectory in the Jenkins home directory. You'd create a sub-directory for each node and inside that put a config.xml file for that nodes configuration. I recommend that you shutdown your Jenkins server while doing this, we've observed Jenkins deleting things when doing this while it is running. Use an existing agent's config.xml file for a template. Assuming all of your servers are configured the same, you need only update the name and host tags, which can be automated using sed.
Update with zero-downtime:
CloudBees has a support article for creating a node using the Rest API. If you'd prefer to use the Jenkins CLI, here's an example shell script. Neither of these approaches will require restarting Jenkins.


Chef: Jenkins supermarket cookbook automated job deployment

I am currently using the Jenkins supermarket cookbook to deploy an instance of Jenkins running as a service on my Chef managed node. So far I have modified my _master_war_ recipe file to install Jenkins and start Jenkins as a service using runit, install all plugin versions I need as well as enable matrix based security and create a base administrator account. It should also be noted we are using BitBucket for source control.
I also want to add my jobs as part of the automated Jenkins deployment. From what I understand, the way to do this is to copy the job configuration files from a directory on my chef workstation to a directory (Chef's cache path), on the managed node.
Per the Jenkins public supermarket cookbook readme:
The :create action requires a Jenkins job config.xml. This config file
must exist on the target node and contain a valid Jenkins job
configuration file. Because the Jenkins CLI actually reads and
generates its own copy of this file, do NOT write this configuration
inside of the Jenkins job. We recommend putting them in Chef's file
cache path.
As these job configurations do change periodically, I'm wondering what is the best way to maintain the most recent copy of the job configuration file(s) on my chef workstation for deployment to my managed node?
Am I understanding the cookbook documentation correctly in that we will need a local copy of the job configuration file (on the Chef workstation), that is then copied to Chef's cache file path on the managed node?
Thanks in advance for any help anyone is able to provide.
Personally, I count setting up Jenkins jobs a lot more into the domain of Jenkins instead of Chef. The Jenkins community has developed several "jobs as code" approaches, the most popular ones being the Job DSL and the Jenkins Pipelines, with the latter one being the probably better starting point.
What remains up to the Chef cookbook is to define the seed job, either e.g. for the "Bitbucket Organisation Folder" plugin (and the one job that points to your organisation at BitBucket) or a so-called "Seed job" for the Job DSL.
Regarding automated setup of pipelines, I recommend a look at Torben Knerr's examples. This uses
Pipeline (as defined in Jenkinsfiles) for the actual build jobs
a Job DSL seed job to set up the pipeline job(s)
Regarding the actual implementation in Chef, you can see an example in a cookbook of mine. The template resource copies a file from the cookbook (in the templates/ subdirectory) into some temporary path, from where the jenkins_job resource picks it up (on the Jenkins server).
So I'm not sure, if you got it right regarding:
will need a local copy of the job configuration file (on the Chef workstation)
So you just need it once on your workstation to add it to the cookbook, yes.

Deploy web app via Jenkins

I have recently started to mess about with Jenkins and am unsure how to deploy my web app to a basic server. I've gotten into the Pipeline ( and it seems like a fantastic way to work.
Where I'm a bit stuck is in two spots:
Once my repo is in my workspace within Jenkins, how do I prep it so I am only deploying the files necessary for the application? For example, I don't need my src/ directory or my Vagrantfile when I'm deploying things.
How do I deploy my app to the server? I see examples all over the place, but I am getting a bit lost since there seems to be so many ways to do this. I'm assuming scp or something like that...?
To build off of #2, is there a way to deploy web apps as transactions (in one shot) rather than file-by-file?
Please let me know if I can provide any information for potential answers!
I can't speak to your specific use case but a common way to do this is the build-and-deploy model, where you will have 2 Jenkins jobs. The "build" job will check out from source, run build commands such as maven or make, and lastly will "archive" the build artifacts. The latter is an option under the 'post-build actions' tab at the bottom.
In the "deploy" job, you will grab the artifacts of your choice. You can fetch a single file, all of them, and everything in between. This requires use of the 'Copy Artifact' plug-in and it allows you to copy files generated by other jobs. Now you can run your usual deploy script in the 'Execute Command' box. Most command line paradigms are supported out of the box such as setting environment variables.
The instructions above assume that you want to run your application off of a host that you've provisioned as a Jenkins slave.
Use artifacts as mentioned by Paul Back, or a 3rd party artifactory server as in video
This is always tricky and error-prone. Why not spin up a fresh server with new release (humanly verified once)
Jenkins & Ansible is the answer here. This is how I deploy to production, since I am in no need to use anything like Docker (too many issues with particular app) so have to run the app natively. Quick example would be
You monitor a specific branch in gitlab / github or whatever else and then call a webhook on push / merge etc on that branch, at this point you deal with anything you need to do by running a playbook on the jenkins job that monitors that branch (jenkins).
in my case jenkins and ansible run on the same server. Jenkins runs the ansible playbook that does whatever I need to do.
for example with ansible, I copy certain files that need to be there, run configs / change filenames etc. setup nginx, run composer,
you get the point.

How to control the workspace Jenkins starts the build on?

I have one Jenkins master node and 2 Jenkins slave nodes. All my job builds happen in the slave node. When I configured my slaves, I set the Remote root directory as /data/home/jenkins/jenkins-slave. Also, I give the custom workspace option as DEVELOP_BRANCH in the job configuration page of the respective job.
However, at the start of job, I get the following log information:
Building remotely on linux in workspace /data/home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/DEVELOP_BRANCH
I want to start my builds in this location.
Why does the extra workspace directory come into the picture? How do I remove it? I do not have access to Jenkins master node. So, if there is a workaround that can match my requirements, it would be awesome.
Note: By node, I refer to a Linux OS computer with redHat distribution.
In project configuration, under Advanced Project Options, you can check Use custom workspace and put a path there.
If you put an absolute path, it will be used without any extra workspace/ directory. (at least that's the behavior I can see on a windows server.)

Way to clone a job from one jenkins to another

I have two Jenkins, both are master. Both have 5 salve Jenkins each. I have one job on first jenkins that needs to be cloned for each job.
I can clone the job on first jenkins and its slave but not on second master jenkins. Is there a way to clone a job from one jenkins to another?
I have one more question can I archive the job at some defined location other than master jenkins, May be on slave?
I assume you have a job called "JOB" on "Jenkins1" and you want to copy it to "Jenkins2":
curl JENKINS1_URL/job/JOB/config.xml | java -jar jenkins-cli.war -s JENKINS2_URL create-job
You might need to add username and password if you have turned on security in Jenkins. The jenkins-cli.war is available from your $JENKINS_URL/cli.
Ideally you should make sure you have the same plugins installed on both Jenkins1 and Jenkins2. More similar you can make the two Jenkins masters, the fewer problems you will have importing the the job.
For the second part of your question: slaves don't store any Jenkins configuration. All configuration is done on Master. There is a lot of backup plugins, some backup the whole Jenkins, some backup just job configuration, some backup individual jobs, export them to files, or even store/track changes from SCM such as SVN.
So "archiving job configuration to slave" simply makes no sense. But at the end of the day, a job configuration is simply an .xml file, and you can take that file and copy it anywhere you want.
As for the first part of the question, it's unclear what you want. Do you want to clone a job automatically (as part of another job's process), programmatically (through some script) or manually (through the UI, other means)?
Go to your JENKINS_HOME directory on the server filesystem, navigate to the jobs folder, then select the specific job folder that you want.
Copy the config.xml to another server, this will create the same job with the same configuration (make sure your plugins are same)
Copy the whole job_name folder if you want to preserve history, builds, artifacts, etc

Export Jenkins User Account and Security Settings?

I'm working with Jenkins servers in three different environments:Development-Staging-Production.
We work out the kinks in our Jenkins jobs in dev, test them in stage, and then finally move them to production. We do that be either replicating the job in the GUI (cut and paste) or tarring up the job directory and moving it to the next environment via the command line.
I'm wondering if the move option can be done with the service accounts that run these jobs. I can see the user account directories and config files under /var/lib/jenkins/users. What I don't see are the security settings that get applied to the user from the "Configure Global Security" screen in the GUI.
For these service accounts, we have the minimal authorization of READ on Global and READ and BUILD on Jobs.
What I'd like to be able to do is prove a service account in dev and then promote it to Stage and Prod from the command line vs having to manually recreate the account in the GUI for each upstream environment. If the API key could also be moved along with it that would be great.
Any thoughts or ideas?
User permissions are in config.xml under the Jenkins root folder, in section <authorizationStrategy>
This file contains other global settings, so just copying it would not be advisable
Just a wild thought, but why not use a master-slave config and trigger builds on the desired remote machine based on some "environment" parameter. You can also look through the plugins section to see if you can find something useful such as the:
node label parameter which allows to define and select the label for the node where you want the build to run
copy to slave that facilitates copying files to and from a slave
That way you'll only have one job configuration which can be executed on different environments without too much hustle.
