TFS extension, enable OK from within the dialog - tfs

TFS 2018u1. I'm putting together an extension with a custom host dialog. There are two contributions involved - the dialog page itself, which has type "ms.vss-web.control", and the custom menu item that opens the dialog.
The OK button on the dialog is disabled by default. The guide tells us to enable it by calling updateOkButton() on the dialog object, which is returned from the openDialog() to the menu item script.
But the dialog page itself is perfectly scriptable, too. Is there a way to get to the dialog object from the dialog page itself? It makes more sense to be to enable/disable the OK button from event handlers that live on the dialog page.

You can do this by calling


split button outlook command add-in

I am designing a menu for an outlook add-in using Node.js
I would like that menu to behave like these SplitButton (a button that can trigger events adjacent to a dropdown menu). If you look at the splitbutton picture, It shows the paste button you see on Office Word as an exemple; if you click paste, it will paste by default but the the dropdown menu next to it has a seperate action that gives you different pasting options in the form of a dropdown menu.
I am using this the manifest found in this tutorial , unfortunately the menu button cannot have any event attached to it, just give the dropdown menu.
A description of what I am trying to achieve can be found here, the button part and the split part can have their own actions. Is there a way to do this inside the outlook add in manifest? I am using node.js
Currently the whole button works as a dropdown.
Thank you
Currently the feature you requested, is not a part of the product. We track Outlook add-in feature requests on ourĀ user-voice page. Please add your request there. Feature requests on user-voice are considered, when we go through our planning process.

jquery-mobile dialog without hash change

I am new to jquery mobile. I want to open a dialog containing external page as content. At the same time not want to change hash in url.
I have link
Open dialog
which opens the dialog but changes the hash in url. Need help, thank in advance
From official docs:
Since dialogs are typically used to support actions within a page, the
framework does not include dialogs in the hash state history tracking.
This means that dialogs will not appear in your browsing history
chronology when the Back button is clicked.

In Dart, is there an equivalent MessageBox functionality as in C# using WinForms

I know there is a MessageBox class in the isolate library but that is not what I need. I am looking for the pop-up style messagebox functionality found in desktop windows apps (i.e. WinForm apps) where you ask a simple confirmation question and the user can click a yes or no button in response. Is there an equivalent in Dart, if not can anyone suggest some alternatives?
You can display a message box easily with :
don't forget this in the top of your file:
import 'dart:html';
This will behave like the alert function in JavaScript. If you want to add buttons (other then the default "ok" button) to your message window, then you will need to make a custom window, which would not be very hard. You create an element which you add to your document body. This element should be absolute positionned. Adding an overlay in front of your document will be useful to prevent user clicks on the page.
this is in javascript, but it is useful to know what to do with dom and css :

Delphi: WebBrowser "ActiveX control" error

On some websites I navigate with TWebBrowser, after the loading of the site I get this:
One or more ActiveX controls could not be displayed because either:
1) Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on
this page or 2) You have blocked a publisher of one of the controls
As a result, the page might not display correctly
I don't care if the page will display correctly or not, I just want it to display without this message!
How to disable this?
I have tried to temporarily enable everything in the Internet Options but no success, the message still appears.

How do I create a confirmation dialog in jQuery Mobile?

I want to have a confirmation dialog (not plain javascript) show when the user clicks a button, but I'd rather have it embeded instead of referencing another page.
How do I embed a dialog for use on a jQuery Mobile page?
You have 2 options really - if you want it to popup and fill the page, you can create a JQM dialog page (even dynamicaly), and switch to it. JQM dialogs are explained more in detail here:
It is quite possible to append a new dialog to the same page (simple append it to the container above the one with data-role="page") and switch to it with $.changePage(...)
Another option, if you want it to popup "over" the existing content (modal mode from UI dialog), this plugin will do that:
Full disclosure: I wrote the second one, so I am biased. However, it does employ a bit of option 1 above, and you are of course welcome to rip the code apart to see how it works if you'd rather roll your own.
Another option is to use the builtin popup interface, added in the last major version (1.2.0 I think). It can be found here, and is included in the default:
