ASP.NET Application - Restrict Microsoft Authentication subscribers -

I have an ASP.NET application hosted as Azure App Service. This application is configured with Microsoft Authentication. But the problem is anyone with hotmail/live account will be able to access the application.
I wanted to restrict the access to my Application Pages to SPECIFIC hotmail/live users only.
What changes I have to do on Azure Portal?
What changes I have to do in my application?

Applications typically have two "gates" of security - authentication and authorisation.
The simplest way would be to set up a list in a store (e.g. SQL DB - or hard code for testing) of authorised users. Let the Microsoft Authentication handle authentication and then use your list for authorisation. Redirect to HTTP Status code 403 forbidden if a user is not in the list of approved users.
You could make this a bit more fancy by implementing groups/roles, which is more elegant and manageable. Look in to the ASP.NET Role provider for built in functionality to expedite development. That said, some people find this build in approach cumbersome and roll their own simple provider and add it in to the page life cycle or the master page to share the functionality across all pages.


Okta secure web apps on Azure Virtual Machines

We have 2 web applications in production since several years. They are currently only accessible from the intranet of the company. Future changes in the company's organization require to make these applications accessible from the internet. It is planned to use Okta to reinforce security. I don't know nothing about Okta yet. As far as possible, the changes should have as little impact as possible.
Current situation:
Web App 1:
ASP.NET MVC solution secured with userid/password ASP.NET Membership with forms authentication. Userid is an internal user code like ADE465 for example.
Web App 2:
ASP.NET MVC solution secured with userid/password authentication through IdentityServer2 (Thinktecture). Userid is firstname dot lastname like john.doe for example.
All web apps are hosted on IIS on an Azure virtual machine named (let's say) FABVM03.
For the future Okta integration: no need to have SSO (Single Sign On). Would it be possible to simply secure with Okta everything accessed on the server FABVM03? Or everything accessed from a specific URL ?
For example, if someone tries to access Okta should comes up and ask for authentication (Okta verify) and if successful allow the user to access the requested url. In fact, the 'already in place' login/password should then be asked as it is already the case. I agree the user would have to enter credentials 2 times: first for Okta verify, next for login the specific web application. But that's okay. As you will have understood, no code modification in the web apps would be necessary in this scenario.
My question is to know if something like that is possible with Okta. If not what is the less impacting possible solution with Okta ?
Okta is not to enforce your policies (PEP), it's mainly SSO and Access Management solution.
Okta has a component, called OAG (Okta Access Gateway), which can be used to reverse-proxy your on-prem applications (which will work in your situation too, as your VPC is effectively equal to "on-prem in a cloud"). Which can do something like you want (protect your application and ask for authentication/authorization), but it's an additional package on top of basic Okta costs.
What you may need is a level of protection added on Azure Network layer, not sure if there is something like that though. I've seen some modules for nginx, capable of intercepting traffic and redirecting it to Okta, if not accompanied with a token. So try to dig into these 2 directions...
You need some proxy-based solution to talk to Okta and enforce the protection for your applications. There are open source tools:
Or you can checkout some commercial tools:

Injecting user registration steps into IdentityServer3 SSO process

I'm looking to employ Thinktecture's IdentityServer3 solution as a SSO service across multiple web application the organisation makes available to external users.
Taking the MVC Authentication sample as a starting point I'm looking at bolting on a registration process for new users to capture extra details when they first come to use the systems. This process is common across all the services we provide so I wish to bundle it alongside our SSO service.
Is there an elegant way to inject extra business logic into the IdentityServer3 core service? Basically if they're a new user I need to redirect them to some registration pages before flicking them back authenticated to the web application that they originally wanted to authenticate against.
Both docs
and samples
cover this.

Setting up an ASP.NET MVC 5 application to authenticate in my own Authentication Server

We have a monster ASP.NET MVC 5/Framework 4.5 application that is planned to be divided in several others, so each new application will deal with a specific business domain instead of many. All those applications together will provide the same functionalities and services that are provided today by the existing single application.
We plan to use our own OAuth server to provide authentication and authorization for all the new smaller applications, so the very same users that use the current large application will have the same rights in the same functionality.
Currently we use Windows Authentication mixed with a secondary custom structure to establish what a certain user can do. We have our own role provider to generate the roles assigned to the users. When a certain controller action asks for the list of roles af a certain user, our role provider search in our custom structure and provide those roles, following specific business rules that make sense in our application.
We understand that the same rules that establish the set of the roles assigned to a certain user will be moved to our OAuth server.
We understand that the role-based security will be replaced by a claim-based security.
We understand that we will stop testing for roles and start testing for claims.
We understand that the first step of this refactoring should be add external authentication in our current large application and then start to break it into parts so we will have our new ecosystem.
How to change my current large application so it authenticate and authorize requests by using the new OAuth server instead by itself?
I´ve read a lot of blog posts but so far I couldn´t find a simple code sample that shows me what to do to instruct my application to go for an authentication/authorization token in my OAuth server and use it to grant or deny the access to a given controller action.

Basic Identity Provider in Ruby

I'm going to be undertaking a large project for a client of mine. I need to write an IDP (identity provider) that will handle single-sign-on to multiple apps by a number of different authentication methods (such as SAML, OAuth, Form-based auth, HTTP Basic auth). I'd also need the ability to add in additional types of authentication as the app grows.
The basic idea would be that we'd have three different components to the app. One would be the IDP. Another would be a data-store that contains user accounts, the apps they want to use, etc. The third would be a GUI front-end that allows users to sign into apps.
It seems that there are some existing gems that handle authentication, like and My question is, am I overcomplicating this project -- would I just be able to use existing gems like these to act as the IDP, or is this a project where I'd need to read specs and implement them myself in Ruby?
Using something like SAML toolkit for Ruby on Rails adapted to work with ADFS server, you can integrate with ADFS. Now you can leverage ADFS features:
Interface with Facebook etc. via Azure ACS
Interface with Azure Active Directory and hence SSO to SaaS applications
Azure Active Directory Multi Factor Authentication
BYOD via the Web Applications Proxy
OAuth on ADFS 3.0
and so on. The list is expanding all the time.
Once you hook into these standards. you just inherit all the new features as they are released.

MVC4 Simple Membership authentication with multiple databases or providers

I'm working on an MVC4 site using SimpleMembership to handle user accounts and role based authentication. We have another site and we'd like to implement a single sign on system allowing users from the existing site to log in to the one I am building. What would be the best way to achieve this and hopefully leverage to the existing roles based authorization I'm using on the MVC4 site. Is it possible to have multiple membership providers (i.e. use the built in one and if the user is not found, attempt to authenticate via a custom provider that I'll write (once I work out how!). Or would it be better to abandon the built in membership/roles and roll my own?
I also thought of letting WebSecurity check the local database and if the user is not found, query the 2nd database and if the users credentials are valid, create a local account for them. One issue with this approach is if a user called Fred registers on the MVC site, and then a user from the other site called Fred logs in, we couldn't create them a local account with the same username. We could prefix/suffix the username with some text to indicate that they are from the other site but then we lose the single sign on feature.
We will also want to integrate AD authentication for staff in the future.
So essentially I'm looking for the best way to authenticate users from multiple databases and keep using roles based authentication?
I've also done a little digging was wondering if ADFS might be useful for this.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
I recommend the use of an Identity server to handle all your login request and switching to a claim based authentication instead of a role based authentication if you can.
I personally went with Thinktecture IdentityServer have a good course on it.
Thinktecture IdentityServer is build on top of simple Membership and it supports multiple protocol such as
OpenID Connect
ADFS Integration
Simple HTTP
I recommend checking it
Good Luck
