Google AdWords Issue: DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED - google-ads-api

I have created an AdWords Account having a campaign running. I have created a production MCC account. But I have not applied for Basic Level token. It is the Test Account Access token.
When execute the GetCampaign program, I get the following error:
Request failed due to ApiException. Underlying ApiErrors:
Error 0: QuotaCheckError{apiErrorType=QuotaCheckError,
errorString=QuotaCheckError.DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED, fieldPath=,
reason=DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED, trigger=<null>}
DO we need to have the Basic Access level token for accessing the API data.
Won't the test token suffice?

I solved the issue by using the Dev token of Production and OAuth2 credentials of test account


DocuSign Power Apps Custom Connector not working

I am setting up the DocuSign rest connector in power apps. I have other API's that working well this same way.
I want to get this setup to sweep completed files on a scheduled.
I started by going through this tutorial and tried the same setup. But when I try to test the connector I don't get prompted for credentials. We use SSO - so the window comes up and goes away without an error message.
I then tried to create a connection in in power automate Data/Connections and get an error message after entering my dev credentials. The clientid (integration key) and the secret match.
OAuth2 authorization flow failed for service 'Generic Oauth 2'. OAuth 2 sign in failed to exchange code for access token. Client ID and secret sent in form body.. Response status code=NotFound. Response body: { "statusCode": 404, "message": "Resource not found" } Client ID and secret sent in Basic authorization header.. Response status code=NotFound. Response body: { "statusCode": 404, "message": "Resource not found" }
The setup looks correct. It seems like a reference problem = like the production account and the developer account are not in sync or something. I have the same email address for both production and developer accounts and we use SSO - maybe its trying to reference production and not the developer account when its logging in? Just guessing.
I have a ticket with them, but they have note been able to help so far and they are on AEST time and I won't be able to get a response back from them for another couple of days :(
(I tried using the DocuSign Git repo API to create the connection as well - same problem)
Anyone have problems like this or know a solution? Anything else I can look at. This seems all straight forward -standard OAuth setup.
Using this setup like in the article for the demo (dev) account.
IKey: Integration Key [captured earlier]
Secret Key: Secret Key [captured earlier]
Authorization URL (DEMO):
Token URL (DEMO):
Refresh URL (DEMO):
Scope: signature extended
This will connect to a single DocuSign user (like a "service account"). It will not prompt each user for their credentials. You will need 1 generic user setup within your DocuSign account, without SSO (you can setup an exception user in DocuSign admin. This is best practice when setting up SSO as a fallback in case SSO fails to login as well).
The envelope will be sent from that generic user, not the actual user. This is common practice with some "system level" integrations.
Also, are you connecting a DocuSign "demo" or production account?
I ask because there's two connectors for power automate - "DocuSign" (for production) and "Docusign Demo" (for demo). I would recommend doing it all in demo first, as the "client id" (aka "integration key") needs to go through a go-live process to be promoted from demo to prod (see the link in the guide).

Unable to access users calendar using application daemon token

I have been trying to access a user's data using the MS graph API. I have been following the official documentation and I have correctly configured the apps and the permission.
I am also following this code_sample and using this I have been able to fetch the daemon token for the application.
Using the token I am able to successfully fetch the data against the following endpoint:
The data looks like:
{"#odata.context":"$metadata#users/$entity","businessPhones":[],"displayName":" Tiwari","givenName":"","jobTitle":null,"mail":null,"mobilePhone":null,"officeLocation":null,"preferredLanguage":null,"surname":"Tiwari","userPrincipalName":"","id":"204e3e4f-x-xxxxx-xxxxxxx-509934e14fa8"}
However, I can't fetch any more data than this. All the other endpoints throw a 401 Unauthorised exception even when I have checked all the Application permission for my app.
I am trying to hit the following endpoints for fetching calendar of the above user:
both of these give 401.
Can someone suggest if I am missing something. I even decompiled my jwt token and it clearly shows all the following scopes added:
"roles": [
Please help.
To get access to calendar events you should call the following endpoint:
GET /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/events
The documentations for calendars is here:
From your comment on Chris Johnson's answer, you're using a personal account. App-only tokens won't work to access a personal account, and you shouldn't be able to even obtain one using a personal account, since there's no concept of an admin.
App-only requires an admin to consent, and when she does, she grants access to all resources in her tenant. Personal accounts are not in work/school tenants, so they aren't in scope. Even if you've added that personal account as a guest in the work/school tenant, their calendar is hosted outside of the tenant, and is off limits.

'Insufficient Privileges' error while using 'addKey' action in Azure AD Graph API

I have an application registered in Azure AD which uses certificates. I am trying to write a script which would add a new certificate to the application. This can be used to add a new certificate when the existing certificate is going to expire.
I am trying to use AddKey function of Azure AD Graph API. The request body of this api as a parameter 'proof' which is a JWT assertion signed by the existing certificate of the application. The doc says the "aud" claim in JWT should be set to "AAD Graph SPN". Here what is meant by "AAD Graph SPN"?
I tried with a JWT where "aud" was set to "00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000". But I am getting the following error,
"odata.error": {
"value":"Insufficient privileges to complete the operation."
Any thoughts on this?
I am getting the access token to call the Azure AD Graph API via "Resource Owner Credentials Grant" flow . To get the access token i am using the client_id "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2" (The Well Known Client ID for Azure PowerShell")
My script (For deployment purpose) does something like below,
i) Get the access token as described above and registers a new application in Azure AD with a initial certificate.
ii) When the initial certificate is about to expire it should add a new certificate to the created application.
According to the documentation, you must use a self-signed JWT token to access that API:
As part of the request validation for this service action, a proof of
possession of an existing key is verified before the action can be
performed. The proof is represented by a self-signed JWT token. The
requesting application needs to generate a self-signed JWT token with
the following requirements...
The "Resource Owner Credentials Grant" won't work here in this situation. Instead, use the "Client Credentials Grant":
The application you want to update should be the Client ID used to get this access token.
The other option is to update the application directly using an PATCH request on the Application Object:
Using this method, you should be able to update using the method you described above (user credentials and an external Client ID)
Let me know if this helps.

Always getting "code_already_used" when exchanging code for access token w/Slack API

I'm writing a Slack app that adds Slash commands.
Every time I go through the OAuth flow, when I try to exchange a temporary auth code for an access token, I get the following JSON response:
{"ok"=>false, "error"=>"code_already_used"}
and despite that error message, the two slash commands provided by my app do get installed on the target Slack team.
The desired outcome is: I get a successful response from Slack's API, which contains the access_token and scopes for which the token is valid.
Troubleshooting I've tried so far:
Revoked permissions from my app & uninstalling from target team before trying again
Requesting additional scopes (e.g, commands,channels:history,users.profile:read which I don't need, instead of just commands) to see if that would cause the API to return an access token.
I am able to install on other teams outside of the original team I used when creating the app, but with the same api failure
Any suggestions for how to get the API to return an access token? Thanks in advance!

Calling customer service results in 401 Unauthorized

We are trying to connect to a custom Dynamics 365 Finance service operation but are struggling to authorize.
We've set up an app registration
Redirect_uri set to the dynamics url (root)
Enabled implicit grant (both for access tokens and ID tokens)
Single tenant
Assigned the "Dynamics ERP > CustomService.FullAccess" API permission
Assigned the "Dynamics ERP > Odata.FullAccess" API permission
Assigned "Dynamicd ERP > Connector.FullAccess" API permission + granted admin consent for entire AD
Created a secret
We've added the Application (client ID) within the Dynamics 365 environment with a user which has System Administrator role
We can successfully retrieve access tokens both via Postman and .NET (Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory)
we tried to reach both &
Yet when we call custom services, we get a 401 UnAuthorized
A call to Odata also fails for the same reason.
Verify resource in your request for OAuth token (and verify token at for aud (Audience) field).
It should be same as your primary url without / at the end (like
Also verify that Azure Active Directory applications (mi=SysAADClientTable) Client Id is equal to appid field in the token (and without any special characters).
You can always inspect Windows Event Log Microsoft-Dynamics-AX-WebApi/Operational
There is good information like this:
Source: Microsoft-Dynamics-AX-WebApi
Category: WebApiOwinConfigurationMissingError
Level: Error
Description: Web API Owin Authentication Configuration Missing Error
infoMessage: Can read the token but failed validating token with exception
'IDX10214: Audience validation failed.
Audiences: ''.
Did not match: validationParameters.
ValidAudience: 'null' or validationParameters.ValidAudiences:
