error: /.../node_modules/native-base/Fonts/rubicon-icon-font.ttf: No such file or directory - ios

I'm having error building a fresh ios cloned repository. Days before this, it was working fine. Now I tried re-installing the native-base or removing node_modules and doing npm install again. But still having the error:
2018-05-10 12:07:07.983 xcodebuild[71799:432389] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/
Details: unexpected successful exit code from cancelled command <C0038:'CpResource Lato-Bold.ttf':P10>
Object: <PBXTargetBuildContext: 0x7fd2dfe53830>
Method: -createCommandInvocationRecordFromInvocation:
Thread: <NSThread: 0x7fd2df8641a0>{number = 3, name = (null)}
Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
The following build commands failed:
CpResource /Users/sample_user/Documents/repos/mobile/node_modules/native-base/Fonts/rubicon-icon-font.ttf build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
(1 failure)
Installing build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=22):
Failed to install the requested application
The bundle identifier of the application could not be determined.
Ensure that the application's Info.plist contains a value for CFBundleIdentifier.
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
Command failed: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print:CFBundleIdentifier build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
Here are my versions:
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.47.2
"native-base": "^2.3.1",
pod version: 1.4.0
Have I missed anything?

I still got unexplainable errors after so I solved this by manually downloading rubicon-icon-font.ttf and pasted it in node_modules\native-base\Fonts\

This is fixed on master, you can find it in today's release

I got this error after I upgraded Native Base. The solution was to delete the missing files from XCode under Resources.


Issues with running remix Binary in Bazel sandbox

I've encountered an issue trying to use bazel as a build tool for remix. I've been able to run remix in dev mode but currently unable to get remix build to work.
I've encountered a few errors that led up to this point. I'll list the errors in the order which they occurred with my fixes (just incase any of the fixes introduces a new issue)
First error in the bazel sandbox is related to a transitive dependency of #remix-run/dev (#remix-run/dev->gunzip-maybe->browserify-zlib). Bazel failed to fetch the bazel repository #npm__browserify-zlib__0.1.4. I assumed this was a bazel issue and tried to override browserify-zlib#0.1.4 with browserify-zlib#0.2.0, which worked. Here is bazel error for reference:
ERROR: /Users/emmanuel/projects/bbbazel/WORKSPACE:89:17: fetching _npm_import rule //external:npm__browserify-zlib__0.1.4: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_emmanuel/f416ba8913b741927ac435783e3163e0/external/aspect_rules_js/npm/private/npm_import.bzl", line 471, column 27, in _impl
pkg_json = json.decode(
Error in decode: at offset 685, object has duplicate key: "main"
ERROR: /private/var/tmp/_bazel_emmanuel/f416ba8913b741927ac435783e3163e0/external/npm/BUILD.bazel:3012:6: #npm//:npm__browserify-zlib__0.1.4_source_directory depends on #npm__browserify-zlib__0.1.4//:source_directory in repository #npm__browserify-zlib__0.1.4 which failed to fetch. no such package '#npm__browserify-zlib__0.1.4//': at offset 685, object has duplicate key: "main"
Next error in the bazel sandbox is related to another transitive dependency of #remix-run/dev (#remix-run/dev->xdm->deasync). The install lifecycle hook for the deasync npm package makes a call to the node-gyp binary which doesn't exist in the sandbox and the bazel build command fails during setup. To fix this, I disabled the install lifecycle hook (I also disabled it with a pnpm install outside the sandbox and the remix build command executed perfectly) which led to the final error. Here's the error message for this error:
/Users/emmanuel/projects/bbbazel/BUILD.bazel:5:22: Running lifecycle hooks on npm package deasync#0.1.28 failed: (Exit 1): failed: error executing command (from target //:.aspect_rules_js/node_modules/deasync#0.1.28/lc) bazel-out/darwin_arm64-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/external/aspect_rules_js/npm/private/lifecycle/ deasync ../../../external/npm__deasync__0.1.28/package ... (remaining 1 argument skipped)
/private/var/tmp/_bazel_emmanuel/f416ba8913b741927ac435783e3163e0/execroot/fleet/bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/external/aspect_rules_js/npm/private/lifecycle/min/node-gyp-bin/node-gyp: line 5: 1211: command not found
node-gyp not found! Please upgrade your install of npm! You need at least 1.1.5 (I think) and preferably 1.1.30.
> deasync#0.1.28 install /private/var/tmp/_bazel_emmanuel/f416ba8913b741927ac435783e3163e0/execroot/fleet/bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/node_modules/.aspect_rules_js/deasync#0.1.28/node_modules/deasync
> node ./build.js
Failure while running lifecycle hook for package 'deasync#0.1.28':
Script: 'install'
Command: `node ./build.js`
Stack trace:
spawn ENOENT
at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/private/var/tmp/_bazel_emmanuel/f416ba8913b741927ac435783e3163e0/execroot/fleet/bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/external/aspect_rules_js/npm/private/lifecycle/min/index.min.js:1:91930)
at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1100:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:304:5)
The final error suggests a bug with remix, but since it only occurs in the bazel sandbox I think it may be an issue that cuts across bazel and remix. The error returned is shown below:
The following error is a bug in Remix; please open an issue!
Missing output for entry point
at Object.onCompileFailure (/private/var/tmp/_bazel_emmanuel/f416ba8913b741927ac435783e3163e0/sandbox/darwin-sandbox/1566/execroot/fleet/bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/node_modules/.aspect_rules_js/#remix-run+dev#1.12.0_#remix-run+serve#1.12.0/node_modules/#remix-run/dev/dist/cli/commands.js:180:13)
at Object.compile (/private/var/tmp/_bazel_emmanuel/f416ba8913b741927ac435783e3163e0/sandbox/darwin-sandbox/1566/execroot/fleet/bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/node_modules/.aspect_rules_js/#remix-run+dev#1.12.0_#remix-run+serve#1.12.0/node_modules/#remix-run/dev/dist/compiler/remixCompiler.js:34:134)
at async (/private/var/tmp/_bazel_emmanuel/f416ba8913b741927ac435783e3163e0/sandbox/darwin-sandbox/1566/execroot/fleet/bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/node_modules/.aspect_rules_js/#remix-run+dev#1.12.0_#remix-run+serve#1.12.0/node_modules/#remix-run/dev/dist/compiler/build.js:33:3)
at async (/private/var/tmp/_bazel_emmanuel/f416ba8913b741927ac435783e3163e0/sandbox/darwin-sandbox/1566/execroot/fleet/bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/node_modules/.aspect_rules_js/#remix-run+dev#1.12.0_#remix-run+serve#1.12.0/node_modules/#remix-run/dev/dist/cli/commands.js:175:3)
at async (/private/var/tmp/_bazel_emmanuel/f416ba8913b741927ac435783e3163e0/sandbox/darwin-sandbox/1566/execroot/fleet/bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/node_modules/.aspect_rules_js/#remix-run+dev#1.12.0_#remix-run+serve#1.12.0/node_modules/#remix-run/dev/dist/cli/run.js:449:7)
Building Remix app in production mode...
Target //examples/remix:build failed to build
I've tried to run it outside bazel and with pnpm (I added the override to the package.json for browserify-zlip#0.2.0, then I ran pnpm instal with --ignore-scripts flag) and it builds fine.
I'm not sure if this is a bug with remix or a bazel issue. Has anyone else experienced this? Or does anyone having a working version of remix with bazel as the build tool?
I've created a minified version of the repository in the state of the 3rd error Start up instructions are in the readme file.

Xcode build fails and repetitive requires command line developer tools install

I have updated Xcode to Version 13.4.1 (13F100),
Then tried to run a flutter project
Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone SE (3rd generation) in debug mode...
Xcode build done. 2.9s
Failed to build iOS app
Error output from Xcode build:
2022-06-11 12:51:51.546 xcodebuild[45221:416597] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEKit.ExtensionSentinelHostApplications for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.AppExtensionHosts.watchOS of plug-in
2022-06-11 12:51:51.547 xcodebuild[45221:416597] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEKit.ExtensionPointIdentifierToBundleIdentifier for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.AppExtensionToBundleIdentifierMap.watchOS of plug-in
2022-06-11 12:51:51.625 xcodebuild[45221:416597] [MT] DVTPlugInExtensionFaulting: Failed to fire fault for extension (null): (null)
2022-06-11 12:51:51.628 xcodebuild[45221:416597] [MT] DVTPlugInExtensionFaulting: Failed to fire fault for extension (null): (null)
Xcode's output:
Writing result bundle at path:
note: Using new build system
note: Planning
note: Build preparation complete
note: Building targets in dependency order
error: failed to read asset tags: The command `(cd /Volumes/Code/Git/svg/ios && /usr/bin/actool --print-asset-tag-combinations --output-format xml1 /Volumes/Code/Git/svg/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets)` exited with status 72. The command's standard error was:
actool: error: Failed to locate 'actool'.
xcode-select: Failed to locate 'actool', requesting installation of command line developer tools.
(in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
Result bundle written to path:
Error (Xcode): failed to read asset tags: The command `(cd /Volumes/Code/Git/svg/ios && /usr/bin/actool --print-asset-tag-combinations --output-format xml1 /Volumes/Code/Git/svg/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets)` exited with status 72. The command's standard error was:
actool: error: Failed to locate 'actool'.
xcode-select: Failed to locate 'actool', requesting installation of command line developer tools.
Could not build the application for the simulator.
Error launching application on iPhone SE (3rd generation).
with an alert
The "actool" command requires the command line developer tools. Would
you like to install the tools now?
And if I run it from Xcode it gives me this error:
Showing All Messages
failed to read asset tags: The command `(cd /Volumes/Code/Git/svg/ios && /usr/bin/actool --print-asset-tag-combinations --output-format xml1 /Volumes/Code/Git/svg/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets)` exited with status 72. The command's standard error was:
actool: error: Failed to locate 'actool'.
xcode-select: Failed to locate 'actool', requesting installation of command line developer tools.
This repetitively occurs even if I press the "Install" button.
Same issue here, but with git instead of actool. Another coworker just also got this but with clang... what is going on over at apple?
What just fixed mine was actually opening up xcode and having it run its installer there instead of allowing the automatic pop-up to continue to "install" and then ask again in a few minutes.

":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist: ReactNative 0.58 on Mac / iOS

I am following the ReactNative tutorial for 0.58. I do everything it says to do and I am crashing after running react-native run-ios. I have seen this extremely similar SO question from 2016.
I attempted react-native upgrade and it recommended doing react-native-git-upgrade.This did nothing. Same problem.
The bit on running ./configure in the question above after cd-ing into glog did nothing. There was no configure script there. In the path NewStupidProject/node_modules/react-native/scripts there is a script called I run bash and it says line 31: ./configure: No such file or directory.
I have also attempted setting Xcode to use the legacy build system. This did not fix the issue. I am restarting my laptop now to see if that makes any of these changes take effect. No luck. At the top it says:
Found Xcode project NewStupidProject.xcodeproj Building using
"xcodebuild -project NewStupidProject.xcodeproj -configuration Debug
-scheme NewStupidProject -destination id=854019D1-8EE7-4D13-87E1-385E6CAC21BE -derivedDataPath build" User
defaults from command line:
IDEDerivedDataPathOverride = /Users/me/NewStupidProject/ios/build
Prepare build
note: Using legacy build system
=== BUILD TARGET double-conversion OF PROJECT React WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===
When I go into the home directory and run react-native --version the output is:
[NewStupidProject](master)$ react-native --version
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.58.4
My output after crashing is:
The following build commands failed:
PhaseScriptExecution Install\ Third\ Party /Users/me/native_react_apps/NewStupidProject/ios/build/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
(1 failure)
build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ An
error was encountered processing the command
(domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=22): Failed to install the requested
application The bundle identifier of the application could not be
determined. Ensure that the application's Info.plist contains a value
for CFBundleIdentifier. Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not
Command failed: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print:CFBundleIdentifier
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
Error: Command failed: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:637:11)
at Object.execFileSync (child_process.js:655:13)
at Promise.then (/Users/me/native_react_apps/NewStupidProject/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runIOS/runIOS.js:208:5)
How is it possible for the setup process to be this fraught with errors and this difficult?
WHY is this error message not in the Troubleshooting ReactNative setup?
HOW do I fix this? Is it possible to avoid this altogether in the future?
Other versioning info:
XCode: 10.1
Command Line Tools: 10.1
yarn: 0.27.5
watchman: 4.9.0
homebrew: 2.0.1
npm: 6.8.0
node: v11.9.0
macOS: 10.13.6
I am trying to implement the solution in this issue in GitHub and I'm getting:
dyld: Library not loaded:
/usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.7.dylib Referenced from:
/usr/local/bin/awk Reason: image not found
./ line 20: 24497 Broken pipe: 13
shasum -p "$cachedir/$file"
24498 Abort trap: 6 | awk -v hash="$hash" '{exit $1 != hash}' Incorrect hash: 61067502c5f9769d111ea1ee3f74e6ddf0a5f9cc
UPDATE No. 2 I am trying to run the watchman watch-del-all command as recommended here to clear the cache for RN > 0.50 and the whole thing is hanging.
I tried modify the build system and it worked for me.
Open your project workspace file in Xcode, and
File -> Workspace Settings -> Build system -> Legacy Build system

Unable to run simple React native project on IOS fatal error 'config.h' print entry 'CFBundleIndentifier' does not exist

include "config.h" // to figure out pthreads support
1 error generated.
The following build commands failed:
Compile ios/build/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ Sep2018/node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.5/src/ normal x86_64 c++
CompileC Sep2018/ios/build/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Sep2018/node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.5/src/ normal x86_64 c++
(2 failures)
Installing build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=2):
Failed to install the requested application
An application bundle was not found at the provided path.
Provide a valid path to the desired application bundle.
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
Command failed: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print:CFBundleIdentifier build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
Error: Command failed: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print:CFBundleIdentifier build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:611:11)
at Object.execFileSync (child_process.js:629:13)
at Promise.then (/Sep2018/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runIOS/runIOS.js:208:5)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
I had the same issue, using this steps solves for me:
Running into the same issue here after upgrading from 0.44. None of the above solutions or clearing caches did the trick for me. Here's what I did to get things working again:
In the Terminal, navigate to the react-native/third-party/glog folder inside node_modules (for me, this was cd node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.4)
Once actively in this folder, run
sh ../../scripts/
Glog is configured and the required config.h header file is created for Xcode to find
Run your iOS BUILD
Delete the node_modules
npm cache verify
npm install
XCode Clean
XCode Run
This helped me with the error.

React Native: Bundle Identifier does not exist

I have a project in React Native that has two different build schemes and uses cocoapods. To compile it I run:
react-native run-ios --scheme="RNProject-(SCHEME_NAME)"
The resulting apps are for example:
Using the command it builds for one of the build schemes, but not for the other
Xcode always builds the project for both build schemes
Furthermore, build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ exists in that path and the file contains valid CFBundleIdentifier (it matches General > Identity > Bundle Identifier for each of the two build schemes)
Project settings seem to be correct for both schemes (after checking ios/RNProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj)
Schema-specific settings are located in ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-RNProject-customer1 and ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-RNProject-customer2
I tried different ways to solve it:
Running sudo react-native
Restarting RN packager
Manually editing Info.plist
Changing build locations
Installing build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=2):
Failed to install the requested application
An application bundle was not found at the provided path.
Provide a valid path to the desired application bundle.
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
throw err;
Error: Command failed: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print:CFBundleIdentifier build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:486:13)
at Object.execFileSync (child_process.js:506:13)
at ChildProcess.xcodeBuildProcess.on.code (node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runIOS/runIOS.js:109:36)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:852:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:215:5)
The problem was with how React Native names labels the executable files.
My Xcode project created two executable files with different names based on Xcode project settings.
React Native on the other hand forms the executable filename from .xcworkspace filename in this script (./node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runIOS/runIOS.js:57):
const inferredSchemeName = path.basename(, path.extname(;
The two approaches are different and lead to two different executable file names (e.g. Xcode build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ vs React Native build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
I had set custom value for inferredSchemeNameto match the filename created by Xcode.
My solution is similar:
open ./node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runIOS.js file
change the build path from:
const getBuildPath = function(configuration = 'Debug', appName, isDevice) {
return `build/Build/Products/${configuration}-${isDevice ? 'iphoneos' : 'iphonesimulator'}/${appName}.app`;
const getBuildPath = function(configuration = 'Debug', appName, isDevice) {
return `build/Build/Products/${configuration}-${isDevice ? 'iphoneos' : 'iphonesimulator'}/${appName}.app`;
remove "Build" in the path.
I'm using Xcode-beta 8.2
