401 error for downloading drive item contents - microsoft-graph-api

I am getting the HTTP 401 error for the file download URL generated by GET /users/{userId}/drive/items/{item-id}/content, which claims it doesn't require the authentication information.
This seems to happen if the prior request for file item information received 401 error and we refreshed the token, but not sure. Anyway, this always happens anyway from one of my customers' site, not happening frequently though.
Most of all, I'd like to know what's the best approach for the critical fix for my customer, and what's the real cause and solution.


Best Way to Respond to Failed SQL Injection Attack

I work on a number of Rails sites with forms and take advantage of Rails built-in authenticity token support. Works like a charm. Happy Happy Joy Joy.
It varies, but I would say I average about a SQL injection attack once a month that is successfully caught as having a failed authenticity token check. Wonderful.
The problem is the failed authenticity token check generates an ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken exception which returns an HTTP 5xx error because it is an unhandled exception. Good: the bad request is not allowed. Bad: The hacker is functionally informed that my server crashed which is hacker-code for KEEP ATTACKING THIS INTERFACE AT ALL COSTS because they aren't catching this error.
So what is the best way to handle this? If I simply try to wrap my controller method in a try/except, it doesn't even get to my method. It seems that if I want to respond with an access denied or some similar "bad user input" error (HTTP 4xx) then I would have to plug into the pipeline which seems like overkill for something the entire world has to deal with.
Also, what is the proper HTTP response? 400 (Bad Request)? Seems correct, but the other common scenario that generates this error is when a user pulls up your form from cache after the access token has timed out. In this case, the best user experience would be to simply refresh the form with a message saying it took too long for them to fill out the form or something like that. I suppose that could be in the body of an HTTP 400 response.
So how do I build this? Maybe something in the ApplicationController? Why isn't this the default? Maybe it is being handled properly and my "Unhandled Exception" reports are earlier in the pipeline?

Content encoding error when using linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/authorization

I'm developer working on integration between our product and LinkedIn. It's been decided we use https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/authorization to authenticate user. I found out the following issue, that I'll explain in detail below.
Positive scenario, everything works as expected:
when using valid client_id, everything is fine. To make everything clear, please see this URL (API key replaced with fake one):
When I remove client_id, everything is also fine and message is displayed (Missing client_id. A valid client_id is required to proceed.)
But when I use invalid client_id in browser I receive Content Encoding Error and http status code 500. URL: https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/authorization?response_type=code&client_id=invalid_client_id&state=b4ac5e2ab5404d6fad2f25521d83e825&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8085%2Fapply-app%2Fpages%2Fsocial-networks%2Flinkedin%2Fauthenticated%3FsiteIdentifier%3DPIUFK026203F3VBLZ6G79V7OU%26token%3Db4ac5e2ab5404d6fad2f25521d83e825
And the most interesting part goes here: when I fetch same URL using either wget or even java HttpConnection.connect() there result is different: HTTP status code 200 and html response. But when I started to analyze given output, I noticed that is ends up unexpectedly after <ul class="permissions, so it must me error in your code, that requires fixing.
I reported that, because it's quite inconvenient to support such behavior. Could you please inform me if you have any plans to fix this? If you need any further details regarding steps to reproduce this issue, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,

How to block requests to server with user name / password?

We have realized that this URL http://Keyword:redacted#example.com/ redirects to http://example.com/ when copied and pasted into the browser's address bar.
As far as I understand this might be used in some ftp connections but we have no such use on our website. We are suspecting that we are targeted by an attack and have been warned by Google that we are passing PII (mostly email addresses) in our URL requests to their Google Adsense network. We have not been able to find the source, but we have been warned that the violation is in the form of http://Keyword:redacted#example.com/
How can we stop this from happening?
What URL redirect method we can use to not accept this and return an error message?
FYI I experienced a similar issue for a client website and followed up with Adsense support. The matter was escalated to a specialist team who investigated and determined that flagged violations with the format http://Keyword:redacted#example.com/ will be considered false positives. I'm not sure if this applies to all publishers or was specific to our case, but it might be worth following up with Adsense support.
There is nothing you can do. This is handled entirely by your browser long before it even thinks about "talking" to your server.
That's a strange URL for people to copy/paste into the browser's address bar unless they have been told/trained to do so. Your best bet is to tell them to STOP IT! :-)
I suppose you could look at the HTTP Authorization Headers and report an error if they come in populated... (This would $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] in PHP.) I've never looked at these values when the header doesn't request them, so I'm not sure if it would work or not...
The syntax http://abc:def#something.com means you're sending userid='abc', password='def' as basic authentication parameters. Your browser will pull out the userid & password and send them along as authentication information, leaving the url without them.
As Peter Bowers mentioned, you could check the authorization headers and see if they're coming in that way, but you can't stop others from doing it if they want. If it happens a lot then I'd suspect that somewhere there's a web form asking users to enter their user/password and it's getting encoded that way. One way to sleuth it out would be to see if you can identify someone by the userid specified.
Having Keyword:redacted sounds odd. It's possible Google Adsense changed the values to avoid including confidential info.

status code 500 internal server error in LoadRunner

I have a web application which i need to be load tested using LoadRunner. When I record the website using vugen it works good and there is no any application bug. But when I tried to replay the script, script failed after login and while navigating to next page, say, Transaction. At the end of log, I receive error:
Action.c(252): Error -26612: HTTP Status-Code=500 (Internal Server Error)
for "http://rob.com/common/transaction
Please help me to resolve this error.
LoadRunner generates HTTP request just as your browser does, this error is the same error you would get if you would go to that URL using your browser. Error code 500 is a generic server error that is returned when there is no better (more specific error to return).
Most likely the login process requires some form of authentication which is protected against a replay attack by using some form of token. It is up to you to capture this token using Correlations in LoadRunner and replay it as the server expects. The Correlation Studio in VuGen should detect and identify the token for you but since authentication methods vary it is sometimes impossible to do this automatically and you will have to create manual correlation. Please consult the product documentation for more details on how to do it. If your website is publicly available online then post its URL and I will try to record the script on my machine.
Most common reasons
You are not checking each request for a valid result being returned and using a 200 HTTP status as an assumed correct step without examining the content of what is being returned. As a result when data being returned is incorrect you are not branching the code to handle the exception. Go one to two steps beyond where your business process has come off the rails with an assumptive success and you will have a 500 status message for an out of context action occurring 100% of the time.
Missed dynamic element. Record three times. Compare the code. Address the changing components.

How to access AS3 URLLoader return data on IOErrorEvent

I'm writing an actionscript library for an api. I use a URLLoader object to load data from the api. The problem I'm having is that whenever the api returns an http status in the 400s, actionscript treats this as an io error. This is all find and good, however, it seems like there is no way to access any data that was returned if this is the case. Consequently, any helpful xml about the cause of the error that gets returned is lost. Is there any way around this? It makes the library kind of a pain, if there can't be any useful information for developers when the api returns an error. Thanks for any help!
You can't get access to the data in an event of a 400. You can get the status code, however, by adding a listener for the HTTP status event.
If you control the back-end code, there are a couple of workarounds:
One option is to have the backend respond with 200s even in error cases when talking to a flash client, but with a special error code so the client knows that the 200 response is actually an error.
Another option is to set a cookie on the client containing the error message. Flash can't natively access cookies, but you can call out to javascript using ExternalInterface to read the cookie, or optionally the client can do another hit to a special back-end controller that reads the cookie and responds with an error message.
