Do I need to use the Windows Identity Federation Utility to create a claims-aware web application? -

I built a claims-aware mvc application following the steps outlined in this page: The example in the page uses an STS on the local host, but in my application I am pointing to a fully-functioning AD FS on a different server.
I'm using Framework 4.7 and Windows Server 2016 to host the AD FS and to host the web application.
After I deployed the application I ran the Windows Identity Federation Utility against it (because I thought I needed it to add the application as a Relying Party Trust on the AD FS). This utility inserts a lot of tags into the web.config that refer to the Microsoft.IdentityModel namespace.
I then added the application as a Relying Party Trust to the AD FS, and navigated to the claims-aware app. The page failed because the sample code cast the claim returned by the STS as System.Security.Claims.Claim. When I changed it to cast as Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.Claim it worked fine.
The example I was following makes no mention of the Windows Identity Federation Utility. Do I need to use that? Or would this have worked without it?
When I try reversing the web.config changes that the utility inserted the site fails with a 401 error (access denied due to invalid credentials) so obviously the stuff inserted by the Utility is needed to get authentication from AD FS. Is this because I ran the Utility on the web site before adding it as a relying party trust to the ADFS?

The answer here is: don't run the Windows Identity Federation Utility if you are using ADFS Server 2016, as it forces use of the Microsoft.Identity libraries, which are deprecated. I mistakenly thought this utility was needed to create the FederationMetadata.xml file.
I created the FederationMetadata.xml file manually and reverted my web.config back to what it was before I ran the utility. This reverted me back to using the System.Identity libraries, which were added to the 4.5 framework, instead of the now-deprecated Microsoft.Identity libraries.

Just to note that the more "modern way" is to use the OWIN WS-Federation library.
This example is for Azure AD but you simply point to the metadata and the code figures all the rest out for itself.


404 error on azure for Asp.Net Web Api Project

I have deployed exact same solution on two servers, one is my own server in my basement and the other one is Microsoft Azure. The project is developed using Asp.Net Web Api 2.
On my own windows server running IIS 8.5 it totally works. For test, you can simply browse this link in your browser and see the error message {"Message":"The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'."} which shows the API has been hit.1
But exact same project on my Azure domain here, you just get a message saying
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name
changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Everything about these two deployments is the same (to the best of my knowledge) and I was wondering if there is any further steps necessary on Web Api app deployment in MS Azure which I am missing.
I finally found the answer to this issue. If there are multiple apps deployed as one single website so each app is located in its own subfolder, you have to go to the configuration section of your web app on Azure and create virtual directories for each of those sub folders.
Ah, my problem was probably a common one. I was using
rootconfig = System.Web.Configuration.WebconfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(null);
and that was returning the root web because the parameter was null.
When I ran it local that worked fine, but after I deployed the root Config was NOT what I wanted and my code was failing.
Switched to direct access via
stringVal = WebconfigurationManager.AppSettings["Foobar"].ToString();
Nice. Plus less overhead.

Generate application metadata file for ADFS configuration

I've followed the steps on to create a new MVC application using ADFS to authenticate my users. Now the team behind the ADFS configuration needs the application metadata file to allow the application to connect the ADFS.
How can I generate this metadata file?
It normally "lives" at /FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml in your STS website. If you used a standard solution like thinktecture then that is the case. Otherwise, you can generate it yourself using the .Net classes in System.IdentityModel.Metadata. You can find some inspiration at and related classes.

ADFS 2.0 with ASP.NET MVC 4

I wanted to implement a small Proof of Concept for ADFS integration with MVC application. For this I created a virtual machine for Windows 2008 R2 and configured ADDS, ADCS and added my updated my server domain to one created one using ADDS.
After this I created certificate using ADCS.
Now, installed ADFS 2.0 using Microsoft download of ADFSSetup.exe RTW.
With help of some I configured ADFS & added relying party trust from my MVC application SSL URI.
After this I tried to run the application however started facing 403.14 error page.
Following observations as outcome from entire configuration:
I tried to access "<>/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml" and I
got a proper XML which is as per expected.
I saw couple of entries from server computer - IIS website as like "http://<>/adfs/services/trust" OR "https://<>/adfs/ls/" however couldn't get any response from server. even I tried to access same from server using localhost instead of server names, then also no luck.
Then to cross-verify I checked IIS's default website where I found adfs/ls however it was a like a website. Not sure correct or not. I couldn't find anything 'services/trust' under ADFS IIS application.
After that I installed ADFS from Server manager and saw one more virtual directory 'fs',added under adfs application. when I tried to access 'fs' using https I am able to access it easily and can see SOAP service and page displayed with available web method.
I tried to find more on 'adfs/ls' and 'adfs/services/trust' however couldn't get much more information.
Please, if anyone came across this issue. Do let me know.
This is not an issue, this is how ADFS works. Next step you have to configure claims providers and relying parties from ADFS management console (from Admin tools). Relying party could be a sample claims aware MVC application. It should work
The only URL's that ADFS "answers" to are the federation metadata endpoint and the IDPInitiated one.
adfs/ls expects either WS-Federation or SAML parameters after it. On its own it will throw an error.
Then follow How To: Build Claims-Aware ASP.NET MVC Web Application Using WIF.
Why are you using Windows 2008 R2? (ADFS 2.0)? You should rather use Windows 2012 R2 (ADFS 3.0).

Reading pst (Outlook) files from IIS ASP.NET application

I have to create sort of a .PST file based Web Mail.
I need to read all MailItems, Folders, Contacts and everything i can from PST files given by the user.
I am currently using DCOM interop to create a Application and use Session to add my file's stores.
My problem is that i can't even instantiate the Outlook.Application, the code simply doesn't run.
If i change to Visual Studio Development Web Server everything works as perfectly as expected, but if i change to local IIS Web Server.. nothing happens =/
What i did so far:
Set username and pass to impersonate on web.config
Set username and pass to inpersonate on my WebSite from iis -> Authentication -> ASP.NET impersonation
Added permissions to Everyone, Network Service, IIS_IUSRS, my user account in temp asp files, web site file and pst files i'm trying to read
Unfortunately I've already implemented all I need using TDD, so it would not be a good idea to change the way i'm doing this, like moving to NMapi or something.
Thanks in advance
As i've mentioned before, i I cannot use another library (and that one seems to work, but it's pretty expensive).
I only need this to run on a local server. It is a Web application, but for localhost ONLY.
It is not a good idea to use Outlook on the server side, as is described in detail here:
Microsoft does not currently recommend, and does not support,
Automation of Microsoft Office applications from any unattended,
non-interactive client application or component (including ASP,
ASP.NET, DCOM, and NT Services), because Office may exhibit unstable
behavior and/or deadlock when Office is run in this environment.
Maybe have a look at mvc application deployment / security issues

I'll start with appologies; I wasn't sure if this was best posted here of Server Fault so if its in the wrong place then please move :-)
Basic information
I have written the first module of a new application at work. This is written using Visual Studio 2010, targetting .net 3.5 (at the moment) and mvc 2. This has been working fine during development running on the built in Development server from VS but however does not work once deployed to IIS 7/7.5.
To deploy the application, I have built it in release mode and created a deployment package by right clicking on the project in the solution explorer (this will be done with an automated build in tfs once upgrade from the beta). This has then been imported into IIS on the server.
The application is using windows/domain authentication.
Issue #1
I can fire up internet explorer and browse to the application from a client computer as well as on a remote desktop connection. I can execute the code which reads/stores data in Session fine from the IE instance on the remote desktop but if I browse to it from the client pc it seems to lose the session state. I click on the form submit and the page refreshes and doesn't execute the required code. I've tried setting with; InProc, SQLServer and StateServer. but with no luck :-(
Issue #2
As part of the application it views PDF and Tiff documents on the fly which are on a network share on the office network and creates thumbnails if the document hasn't been viewed before. This works if running on the machine the application is deployed to; however when browsing from a client pc I get an error saying:
Access to the path '\\fileserver\folder\file.tif' is denied
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '\\fileserver\folder\file.TIF' is denied.
ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}\ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via , the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.
As this is on a different server the user is not accessible. To get round this I have tried:
1 - setting the application pool to run as domain administrator (I know this is a security risk, but I'm just trying to get it to work at the moment!)
2 - to set the log on account for World Wide Web Publishing service to be the domain admin . When trying to restart the service I get ...
Windows could not start the World Wide Web Publishing Service service on the Local Computer.
Error 1079: The account specified for this service is different from the account specified fro the other services running in the same process.
Any pointers/help would be much appriciated as I'm pulling my hair out (of what little I have left).
I've been using this funky little tool I found -
DelegConfig v2 beta (Delegation / Kerberos Configuration Tool). This has been really usefull. So I've got the accessing of the file share working (there is a test page which will read the files) so now I've just got the issue of passing through the users credentials through to the SQL Server (wans't my choice to do it this way!!) to execute the queries etc. but I can't get it to log on as the user. It tries to access it as "NT Authority\Network Service" which doesn't have a sql login (as should be the logged on user).
My connection string is:
<add name="User" connectionString="Data Source=.;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
No initial catalog is specified as the system is over multiple dbs (also wasn't my choice!!).
I really appriciate all the help so far! :-)
Any further hints?!
Issue #2 - Your options are:
Configure delegation (double-hop authentication) - I haven't done this on IIS7 and it's a bit different to 6, but I believe you will need to enable the web server machine account for delegation in AD, and create an SPN for the web server (eg setspn -A http/<Web Server FQDN> <Domain>\<Machine Name>). Troubleshooting Kerberos can be fairly painful.
Grant access to the network resources to the (domain) application pool account and make sure anonymous authentication is turned on ( <anonymousAuthentication enabled="true" userName="" defaultLogonDomain="" /> )
Response to Update:
You will need to make sure Kerberos authentication is working for SQL Server. Run the query select auth_scheme from sys.dm_exec_connections where session_id=##spid; it will return NTLM or KERBEROS. If it's NTLM, you'll need to do some work configuring SQL Server to use Kerberos. Set an SPN in AD for the SQL service account: setspn -A MSSQLSvc/<SQL Server FQDN>:1433 <Domain>\<Sql Service Account>, restart SQL Server and try the query again. You must use TCP/IP as the connection mechanism (this is the default).
If you don't have an initial catalog, you'll need to make sure that all of the user logins have a default database that they have access to. I would personally pick one database to be the initial catalog as you may get different behaviour depending on how the login is configured.
With this small part of information I could only give some hints:
Issue #1:
Maybe you have a misleading URL as action for the form? Or an caught&ignored exception? Do you have an onError-event in your global.asax.vb?
Sub Application_Error()
Dim ex As Exception = Server.GetLastError
End Sub
Issue #2:
I recently had the same exception - I had to check the access-rights for users for this folder and set the appPool-identity to "NETWORKSERVICE". In your case you even try to access a network-folder - check the accessrights on the server and try to use the IP instead of the name - it could be a name-resolution-problem?!
Sorry for this small portion of information... This looks like problems only solveable with direct debug-options on the running server.
Finally last thing on Friday I got it working ...
As I said in the update, the tool for sorting out the delegation of credentials was very handy and helped no end to setting the correct SPN records.
I found I also had to set it up for SQL as I was passing through the credentials into the server. The other thing I found stopping the connections was some of the inbound windows firewall settings where causing problems.
For the connection string; I had to update to:
<add name="ConnectionStringName" connectionString="Data Source=.;Integrated Security=SSPI;Trusted_Connection=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Links I found useful:
Kerberos Authentication and SQL Server
And even tho it mainly talks about Sharepoint ... this was also useful.
Hope this helps people in the future.
