Xcode UIDragSession interrupting audio thread - ios

My project is an IOS audio app.
I'm hearing audio glitches/stutters when using UIDragSession. It only happens the first time the user starts a drag interaction. More specifically at the same time the 'itemsForBeginningSession:' delegate method is called.
Like I said, this only ever happens once. I've previously had a similar problem when presenting the on screen keyboard. The solution was to present the keyboard in the background first while the app was lunching.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a workaround or solution?
SOLVED: I've just recreated the audio glitches in another app (The Amazing Audio Engine Sample app). Turns out it's an IOS bug and a simple OS update solved the issue. Thanks for all your help.

I managed to recreate the audio glitches in another app (The Amazing Audio Engine Sample app). Turns out it's an IOS bug and a simple OS update solved the issue. Thanks for all your help.


AVCaptureSession bug persists between installs

I have a app that opens straight to a camera that is based on this WWDC sample: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/samplecode/AVCam/Introduction/Intro.html
A few users have been experiencing a bug where the camera does not turn on and does not allow them to capture content.
I just ran into the same issue last night and this is what I observed:
I was debugging a separate issue and the camera was working 100% ok, then all of a sudden, it stopped working.
Every time I would open the app or navigate back to the camera, it would show a dark view of whatever it was currently pointing at, but the image was frozen. Its like it worked for 1 second, then the capture preview would freeze.
I tried force closing and reopening, same problem.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, same problem.
I then restarted my phone and the issue was solved.
How is it possible that this bug persists between separate installs?
Does anyone know what might be causing the camera to fail?
How should I go about debugging it if it only occurred once after months of using it and I have no idea what triggers it?
Are you running iOS 9?
That might be an iOS 9 software internal bug.
I had exactly the same non-reproducible issues but with MapKit's map view rendering.
In my case map view was showing just rectangle grid without any map objects - no streets, lakes, rivers, etc.
I've tried to google over internet to find potential reason of such weird issue, but without any luck. Then I've restarted device and that helped, the same as in your case.
Sure, my info is not a full answer, just want to share my experience.
Your process does not have direct access to the camera hardware, but rather through a device manager. It is the state of that manager that determines if things will work.
To confirm, when your app is experiencing issues, kill it then open the default Camera app. If it shows a blank or still frame preview, then you know it's not necessarily a problem in your app.

when i add a sound file into xcode and played it using uilocalization, it won't work.

I dragged a "alarm.caf" file into my project,and used
notification.soundName = #"alarm.caf";
to make it play.
However, it won't make any sounds in the simulator. At the same time, I tried another app (which has the same function), and all goes well. I don't understand at all. I also tried .m4a but it can't figure the problem.
anyone knows about it?
By the way, i want to know that whether uilocalnotification can be showed in a pop-up style?
Yeah I fixed the first problem.
I download a ios-6.1 simulator and it played sound perfectly.
Thought I have no idea why it doesn't work on ios-7 simulator.
Problem 2 is still hanging.

iOS App prevents device from sleep mode

I've a really strange behavior of my iOS app. It prevents the device from going to standby. I've already searched if there is anywhere the idleTimeDisabled flag set, but this isn't the case. The idle timer inside the settings app is set to 2 minutes and works within other apps. The device isn't jailbroken and the even restarting the device didn't help. The app was written by somebody else and I'm new to it. So in the moment I don't have any idea what to look for. Has anybody of you an idea, why this could be the case or how I could figure out what's the reason for this behavior?
Thank you very much!
If your app is using AVPlayer or some other similar AVFoundation functionality, this can be the cause.
If AVPlayer is playing a video, a device will not go to sleep while a video is playing.
If the video is playing in a loop, the device will never go to sleep.
With iOS 12 this is now possible by setting
player.preventsDisplaySleepDuringVideoPlayback = false
Put this line in your ViewController that require not being in sleep mode
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setIdleTimerDisabled:YES];
Important: You should set this property only if necessary and should be sure to reset it to NO when the need no longer exists. Most
applications should let the system turn off the screen when the idle
timer elapses. This includes audio applications. With appropriate use
of Audio Session Services, playback and recording proceed
uninterrupted when the screen turns off. The only applications that
should disable the idle timer are mapping applications, games, or
similar programs with sporadic user interaction.
Make sure you are not "testing" with your Xcode. Because it will always remained as turn on status as long as you plugin your iPhone with a cable.

Does the AdInsterstitialAd no longer work with iOS 7?

I have an iPad application where I have integrated the AdInsterstitialAd but it looks like the delegate method:
is no longer called when closing the ad in iOS 7. I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this issue or has found away around this? The unload method is important for me because that is when I want to resume my app's timers (the app pauses itself while the ad is displayed).
I have looked on Apple's website and haven't found anything useful and their current InterstitialAd sample has the same issue.

Deadlock/hard freezing on UITextField/UITextView/UISearchBar becomeFirstResponder

I'm experiencing intermittent hard freezing of multiple apps on UITextFields, UITextViews and UISearchBars becomingFirstResponder. The freeze happens before the keyboard comes onto the screen. The app does eventually seem to recover, but takes a very long time. Most users will loose patience before this happens however.
The common factor between the apps seems to be registering for UIKeyboardWillShowNotifications, but a trivial amount of work is done in the selectors registered for this notification.
Is anyone else seeing this and/or found a solution?
I had same problem. In my case, it wan only iPad and stuck on [textView becomeFirstResponder] for about 3 minutes. I delete the app and downloaded my app from app store and confirmed the live version does not have the issue. I went back to Xcode and run after restoring all changes I made to fix the bug. Everything works fine now.
