How to know the url in UIPasteboard.general.URL is valid? - ios

If the url get from UIPasteboard.general.URL is always valid URL? My requirement is if the string in UIPasteboard is a valid url, I will show "Paste and Go", if not, I will show "Paste and Search".

UIPasteboard URL is of type URL?. This means if it is a non-nil value then it must be a valid URL. You can't create a URL from an invalid URL.
But "valid" here means it has the proper syntax for a URL. It has a valid scheme such a https or file or mailto, etc. And the scheme has other parts that seem to be correct.
But a "valid" URL doesn't mean it is going to give you good results. For example, is a "valid" URL but putting that in a browser won't give you anything useful.
Is UIPasteboard.general.URL is non-nil, attempt to load the URL and check the result. If it fails, you could opt to then attempt a search.


How to fix encoded URL to bind parameters correctly

I'm using a Bank E-Payment webservice and set the redirectURL into
when the bank finish it's job, browser redirects to preceding url.
But the problem is: Bank webservice has changed my url into (noticing the extra &).
In fact my innocent url encoded and therefore Param2 will be lost.
I cannot change the websercive obviously. but interested to know if there is a way to resolve the second url parameter (Param2) on my website?
For more general explanation: 'mywebsite' calls a webservice and redirected to a whole new website. after 'new website' done, browser redirects to the given URL (in fact 'mywebsite/somesubUrl/param1&param2') but parameter separator (&) changed into (&) so the second parameter (param2) won't delivered correctly to the action method and an exception raise, pointing that the second input parameter in the action method could not be null.
Actually i`m looking for a built-in solution to read encrypted url. that would be the best. but any other idea is welcomed.

hash tags in urls and hyperlinks

I created a hyperlink to a file. the file name contains hashtags as a means to separate information.
<div style="height:100%;width:100%">.</div>
translated to...
Is this a "legal" name in a URL? Im getting a "file not found" error
The requested URL /dir/upload/1427853638 was not found on this server.
So, clearly the # has another meaning in the URL (I understand now, its a location hash property). Is there a way to get this to work, or do i need to use another character besides the # in the file names?
Since # is a special character in the URL semantic (it's used to provide an internal anchor in a HTML page), it should be URL-encoded into %23.
Your URL should be: http://localhost/dir/upload/1427853638%230%23file%23A101.pdf.
NB: you can find an online URL encoder here:

Why is this URL invalid?

I'm trying to pass a URL thats encoded with encodeURIComponent to another page. but it seems that the URL is invalid.

Redirect to another URL that contains page title like SO

if i hit this url "" then SO takes me to another url "". My question is how to implements such a feature and how SO implements it?
What i think of is checking the url parameter id and fetching the title from database and redirecting to the URL. Any better option ?
You need these steps:
Get the question ID from the URL, ignoring any title
Get the question from the database, using that ID
Compare the retrieved title with the supplied title, if any. Allow for SEO changes (space to dash and so on)
If no match, redirect to the correct URL; else continue.

Can an URL shortener pass parameters?

I use to shorten my urls.
My problem - paramters are not passed.
Let me explain I use which redirects (let's say) to
Now when I try this param is not added to the resulting url.
I know I could create an extra "short url" including a paramter - so would result in and so forth.
But what I want is to have a short URL directing to a page - and then I want to add a parameter to this shortened url - which shoul (of course) land at my page.
Is this a shortcome of (and others are maybe able to do it) - or does "parameter forwarding" not work with 301 redirections?
There's no technical reason why it couldn't be done. The service would simply have to look at what parameters it is being sent, and then rewrite the target URL accordingly.
The problem is that it's not necessarily well defined how to do that.
Suppose you have the url, and it has the short url What should happen if you try to access Should it replace the value, so you get foo=baz? Should it append it to make foo=bar&foo=baz? If we include both, which order should they be in?
The system cannot know which parameters are safe to override and which are not, because sometimes, you DO want both of them in the URL, and it may matter what order things are added in.
You could argue "Well, just don't allow this for URLs where parameters are already present", but there's also the issue that it's going to complicate the process a lot more. Without this, you just lookup a key in a database and send a redirect header. Now, you need to also analyze the URL to check for parameters, and append part of the URL you were called by. That requires more system resources per redirect, which may become a big problem if your service is used very frequently - you'll need more server power to handle the same amount of redirects. I don't think that tradeoff is considered to be "worth it".
As mentioned in comments by rinogo and Jurgen
In Clickmeter
Destination URL :{id1}&myparam2={id2}
Tracking link :
After click :
In TinyUrl
Destination URL :
Shorten URL : https://tiny
Shorten URL + param : https://tiny
Resultant URL :
Added space to post tinyurl
URL shortening associates a unique key based on a full URL (parameters and all), so it is not possible to pass parameters to a shortening service.
must produce a different key to
'Parameter forwarding' is simply not possible in these kinds of redirects, as parameters are not valid parts of a shortened URL is most (if not all) services.
