iOS Swift 4: Uploading Videos to YouTube - ios

I am trying to implement a feature where users can upload a video to YouTube directly from the app, sort of like a share to Twitter or Facebook type way. I don't want to use the UIShareViewController, I want to allow it to be upload-able with the touch of one button.
I have done some research, and all the other posts are outdated, mostly in 2014. I am looking for a new version using Swift 4. I understand the whole process of registering my app through Google to get the API, I have looked at their documents. However, their section on uploading videos requires Python 2.5 or higher, so I am not sure where to go about it.
This is a link to their API:
I found these questions, but they are outdated.
Upload Video to YouTube in Swift
Are there any updated resources online that can help me?
A brief description of the process after registering the app with the Api would help.


How to upload video to vimeo from my android app? Is there any new library to implement that right now?

Now, I'm developing android app that uploads video to vimeo from my android app. I'm new at Vimeo integration.
I would like someone to help me to implement that.
Is there any new library(Sample code or github) to satisfy that right now?
If there's any help, it will be very helpful.
The short answer is there is no official upload library (but we're working on one), and in the mean time you'll have to implement your own following the API documentation here.
There's a networking library that we offer that may help provide the models for the models the upload API will be using (like a Video and User object).
There are several posts on stack overflow that may help. Here is one.

How do I upload video in a tweet in an iOS app using XCode

I am new to iOS development and need to make a change to an iOS app I'm taking over to add video to a tweet. My current app UI allows the user to type in text for a tweet but I would be changing that to allow them to pick a video to upload along with the tweet similar to how the Twitter app works.
I see the Twitter API supports uploading video but I haven't been able to find any good examples on how to accomplish this using XCode and Objective-C. Any recommended approaches or tool kits I can leverage to accomplish this?
I had to roll my own solution. Check out my project
Light-weight due to using built-in Apple's Social framework to keep things light. No need to add extra frameworks such as TwitterKit and Fabric.
Support chunk upload.
Built-in support for user's credential retrieval
Thanks for the -1 that was helpful. So thought I found the answer with Fabric ( The Android side supports image and video upload with a tweet but the iOS side does not (image only). It looks like you have to roll your own solution including building a video picker. Then you can use the Twitter REST API to upload the video. Not exactly what I was hoping for but it is doable.
This link shows Objective C and Swift code to do the video upload Share video on Twitter with Fabric API without composer iOS.

Instagram API fetching images with Specific Hashtag

Hi I am pretty new to iOS and the Instagram API. I want to retrieve all pictures with a specific hashtag in an iOS app. How can i do that? Any help would be awesome.
Start reading about Instagram API. You need to make use of the following Tag Endpoint -
Once again, Instagram API documentation is very rich. Read about Tag Endpoints here.
Furthermore, if you are new to iOS programming, I would strongly suggest you to complete Build a Photo Browser iPhone App project by Team Treehouse. You will be creating a cool iPhone app for browsing Instagram photos.

Video file share with YouTube and Twitter on iOS 6 and above

I'm working on a Video recording iOS app and as a final step I need to allow the user to share the video file ( MOV ) with FB, Twitter and YouTube. FB implementation is done. But I'm having difficulty with YouTube and Twitter.
I know that Twitter doesn't have Video share option by default and we have to relay on 3rd part services like Vine or twitpic. So I'm ok to drop Twitter video sharing if its too difficult.
But There should be a easy way with YouTube. I have read but its seems bit outdated.
So I need any one of your's help on this point. Has anyone done any similar implementation for iOS 6+ ? If so kindly give me a helping hand. Or at least a suggestion to use YouTube API with iOS app.
Really appreciate any help.
Kind Regards
The Google objective-c API client that you reference in your question has a sample app for YouTube authentication and file upload. You should be able to just copy and paste most of the code, just using the correct API keys that you obtained in the Google API Console.
I recently open sourced YouTube Direct Lite for iOS.
Here's the upload protocol that I'm using latest resumable uploads.
If you don't want to implement yourself, you can use ESSVideoShare. (Will not work with iOS 7 or higher)
Thanks everyone for answering and comment on this question because that leads me to get the best solution for my problem. Since I was looking for a very simple solution for my problem there was no direct answer to my question.
After searching on Google and trying out possible solutions I think I have found the simplest way of doing this. The resources are
Again the code is bit out dated but still work.
Combination of these two and some changed to the Github code to make it ARC enabled I managed to do it.
Its 2 simple files and GData static library.
Thanks everyone!
I recently discovered that the new 'Youtube Capture' app can be used with
Reference on iOS
Sadly I have been trying to pass a caption using the annotation field without any success.
But if caption is not important, it's worth knowing.

youtube metadata on windows phone

I am planning to develop an app for the windows phone.
In this app actually, I need some metadata from youtube for each user, especially the videos they like and their playlists on youtube.
But, as I started to google for it, I came across this news that youtube apis are not fully supported on windows phone.
So, I wanted to know whether this feature can be implemented in windows phone app or not?
GData APIs work just fine on WP7/WP8 AFAIK. IANAL but it works fine and I haven't seen any official disclaimer saying it won't/shouldn't work. I believe this article has more to do about streaming video APIs then GData APIs.
You can see a sample of those APIs and how to use them in the official docs and in this previous answer of mine # Possible to play Youtube video in a wp7 app?
You can get the user metadata using YouTube Data API v3.
from the documentation:
YouTube also uses playlists to identify special collections of videos
for a channel, such as:
uploaded videos
favorite videos
positively rated (liked) videos
watch history
watch later
The API can be consumed from any client, if you use any JSON library and OAUTH2 authentication.
This project shows how to do it;
