black screen appears in the tab bar after navigation controller - ios

if I press the third tab bar (tab bar index : 2), and it opens RequestVC, it will show a black screen like the picture below, so I can't see my label. and I don't know why the green icon in the bottom dissapears
I don't understand why this happens. I just uncheck "transculent" in the navigation bar, and in the NewRequestVC I also check "Hide Bottom bar on Push"

I recreate your storyboard, it's working fine for me.
Try these steps:
delete your navigation controller
embed your request VC in navigation controller
connect your main tab bar to navigation controller relationship segue as view controllers.
Try you restart Xcode?
If there is nothing wrong in storyboard then probably in your code.


Tab bar not visible on Tab Bar Controller on reverse Segue operation

So, I am still in a learning phase of iOS programming using Swift and got stuck in one issue.
I have a Tab bar controller with options in the tab bar at the bottom.
In one of the tab pages, I have table cells, on click of each, I move the user to a WebView (Embedded in a UIViewController).
On the webView I have placed a back button, which is linked to the main Tab Bar Controller through a segue.
I am able to come back to tab bar controller successfully, but after coming back the tab bar at the bottom does not show.
Also, how can I remove the "
I have attached the main.storyboard screenshot for reference.Main Storyboard flow
I got it working by using the Segue type as "Show Detail" instead of just "Show".

Why does my Navigation Bar disappear in Xcode?

I have a navigation bar on my Table View Controller. When I run the simulator and navigate from the menu via UIButton, the navigation bar appears on the controller. However when I navigate to another page using a navigation bar, then return to the Table View, the navigation bar disappears.
I provided a screen shot of my main storyboard.
The main storyboard from my Xcode project
You should create your segue to the navigation Controller, not to the tablet, that way, you will have your bar.

View controller problems with old navigation bar and tab bar controller

I have a view controller which was attached to a navigation controller at one point in time. it is still showing some ghost of the navigation bar? It is also showing the Tab Bar but there is not tab bar item shown on it?
any ideas how to fix this, or is it a delete and remake?
Its either the alpha of the rootVC or you have. tab bar controller on the second one. Check your identity inspector on both views

iOS Swift: Incorrect Navigation Bar Appearing

The incorrect navigation bar is appearing on my Table View Controller screen (see Storyboard Below).
I would like what's displayed on the storyboard to be my navigation bar (i.e. with "Main Feed" title and Sign Out button on the top right). However, this is what I'm actually getting -
There are two issues here: 1) The incorrect navigation bar is displaying (this one has a login back button); 2) the first few table view cells are placed underneath the nav bar vs. under it.
This happened after I embedded the Table View controller in the Tab Bar Controller. I want a bottom tab bar in the main portion of my application hence the reason why I added the Tab Bar Controller. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Rather than using the Tab Bar Controller in storyboard, is there a way to do this programatically? Thanks!
The navigation bar that you are seeing on top of the stack is the navigation bar from the UITabBarController itself, that is why you are seeing the back button show "login". There's a few ways to work around this, programmatically:
When you initialize the UITabBarController, set it's navigationController's navigation bar property to "hidden"
Go through each view controller form the beginning of your app up to where you first see this problem and in the "init" method of the viewController you are testing, set the navigationbar to hidden. Something like, self.navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = true;
This is how you can "debug" this issue, but it's going to take some tweaking to get it right.

Xcode - replace navigation bar with toolbar on show segue

This is what I wish to do.
---- Segue : show ---->
on the destination page, I want to hide the tab bar from the previous page and show the toolbar instead.
When I check "Hide bottom bar on push" on storyboard, the tool bar on the destination page disappears as well.
I think you should change the title of your question since you want to replace the tabBar with a toolBar and keep the navigationBar. At leas this is what I understand from your sketch.
As for the question, have you tried hiding the tabBar in viewWillDisappear in your first view?
