Organization based restrictions for participant identity issuing in Hyperledger Composer - hyperledger

lets say we have a 2 organization network (OrgA and OrgB) both organizations have there own "Admin" identity that can issue identities. If the admin identity for OrgA issues a identity for a participant "ParA", how can one prohibit OrgB to issue a identity for that participent?

You can use ACLs to restrict the kind of participants created or that are viewable, by either Organisation's admins. Simplest way is designated participant classes for each Org and control access to participants by class
Alternatively, they can be in the same participant class but have identifying Org metadata, ie. where you DO insist that the participants are created in the same participant class. Then (with ACLs in place) the org admin from 'another org' won't have the capability to bind an identity he issued, to the 'wrong' participant (ie one he should not even see, to bind it to), because a condition check in the ACL will prevent the access.
rule myRule1 {
description: "Org admin can see/access/create participants matching own org"
participant(p): "org.acme.nwk.IssuerAdmins" // ie only someone of this class, can 'issue identities' -
operation: ALL // (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) // do everything, for IDs in their Org ?
resource(r): "org.acme.nwk.myParticipants"
condition: (p.organisation == r.organisation) // can ONLY see or do anything with participants from own Org
action: ALLOW
An Org Admin from a 'different' org - can issue identities, but will not be able to see a participant 'not in his/her Org' (to try map to his own org's identities).
Its possible to be more 'succinct' and base it on data, but putting complex javascript evaluations (check the attribute value for an Org pattern sequence etc) adds more overhead, if large amounts of data is being compared against.
you could also do another way:


D2L programmatic user group maintenance

We decided to have some User Groups completely under programmatic control.
Which parameters to use when creating a Group Category, so that:
neither number of groups nor number of students is known in advance
no automatic group creation
auto enrollment not allowed
self enrollment not allowed
You should be able to accomplish this with these steps (I am assuming your back-end service supports the LP API contracts of at least version 1.3 and forward):
Create a group category for the groups you want to build in the future like this. In the GroupCategoryData structure you provide to this call, you can use these property settings:
Set EnrollmentStyle to 0 or NumerOfGroupsNoEnrollment (sic: note the mis-spelling).
Set EnrollmentQuantity to null
Set AutoEnroll and RandomizeEnrollments to false
Set MaxUsersPerGroup to null
Set NumberOfGroups to the number of groups you want to create off the start within this group category: you can create 1 and then delete it after the group category creation.
You should get back a GroupCategoryData fetch-form structure that contains an array of any initial Group org unit IDs created within this group category, and containing the GroupCategoryId for this new category.
When you want to create a group for the category, provide the group category ID from the previous step in the POST route to create the group.
To enroll users into these groups, you can use the standard create-enrollment call and provide the standard EnrollmentData structure. You'll need to provide the org unit ID for the group, the user ID for the user to enroll, and the role ID for the role you want the user to have in the group. You should also set IsCascading to false here.
Note that, if your back-end service only has v1.2 of the LP API or older, then these instructions will vary slightly (read the enrollment topic in the API reference carefully).

As an instructor, how do I get a list of enrolled students (only) for my course?

As an instructor user, what Valence Learning Framework API calls must I make to fetch back a list of all the students (only) enrolled in one of my courses?
There are two principal ways to get a list of the people enrolled in a D2L LE class org unit; the right call you should use depends most upon the back-end LMS's configuration that you're working with:
GET /d2l/api/le/{ver}/{orgUnitId}/classlist/
This will retrieve all the users enrolled in the org unit that the system has configured to appear in the class; in some organizations, this might consist of students only, but it's most likely that this call will mix in instructors, tutors, and the like as well as students. So this might, or might not, be appropriate for your needs.
One thing you can try in combination with this route to distinguish students from others in the course is to focus on those who are gradeable; make the classlist call, and then for each user in the classlist, request a grade value for a known grade item. If the user is a student or other role that is participating in the course and being graded, you will know from that second call; non-gradeable users will not have grade values associated with their enrollment. This will help you focus on the aspects of the person's enrollment in the course without necessarily focussing on the details of their enrolled role (some organizations treat role information as sensitive).
GET /d2l/api/lp/{ver}/enrollments/orgUnits/{orgUnitId}/users/?roleId={roleId}
This call will retrieve all the users enrolled in the org unit, and you can filter the retrieved list by role ID (so you can list only "student" users, by their role Id). If the organization has more than one kind of student role, then you will need to know that so you can fetch all the possible student roles. Or, you can simply make the call without the roleId query parameter and filter the results after fetching based on the embedded role information you get back.
However, your instructor user may not have the right permissions to make this call; some organizations limit the access to the enrollment information calls like this to administrative users only.
Note that using the grade object method to determine if user is a student will, by default, only returns 20 items. You can override by specifying pageSize parameter with the call, but you may run in to the same permissions issue if you do not have the appropriate permissions.

Valence API List All Instructor Enrolments

What is the most efficient why to get all Instructor enrolments for a user, using the Valence API.
Currently I am using this:
That is the correct call to use for this information. You can further filter the returned list to a particular org unit type with ?orgUnitTypeId={ouTypeId}, if you only want to see course offerings. This can be useful, for example, to filter out all Groups and Sections from the list that would also get returned in the call that you use, or any custom org units where the user is enrolled as an 'Instructor' role that's not strictly a course (like a Department, Faculty, or other custom org unit).
If you want to see all the enrollments for a user where the enrolled role is 'Instructor' (provided you pass in the role ID for 'Instructor'), then your API is the one you want.

API for Changing a User Role in Desire2Learn

In the user api docs it is mentioned that to change the user's role at the organization level we need to use the schema "PUT /d2l/api/lp/(D2LVERSION: version)/users/(D2LID: userId)"
This requires UpdateUserData JSON block as input, but the UpdateUserData JSON block does not have a role id in it. How, then, will we pass the new role of the user?
Role applies to a particular level in the organization so is not an intrinsic property of a user but rather property of the relationship between a user and the org or user and the org unit (department, course etc).
So you could delete and then create the user’s enrollment at the org level . (Id for the org level is retrieved with org info call )
The operation to delete the enrollment is on the enrollment page. And the operation to create the enrollment is on the same page.
However, it is NOT typical for a user to have no enrollment at the org level (e.g. if there was a connection interrupt between delete and create it is not clear what that state of not being enrolled in the org would mean)
I am not sure this fits your application, but, more typical than adding and removing enrollments at the org level is to add and remove them in a particular org level. That way the user always has a presence in the org, but, you can govern permissions via that org unit.

What would be a good way to separate different types of user account?

Supposing various type of users, like 'normal', 'medium' and 'premium' each one with different permissions.
a kind of permission on permission.
for example:
only a registered users can post
a normal user can post 1 post per month
a medium user can post 5 posts per month
a premium user can post unlimited posts per month
and some other attributes.
what you suggest?
I would suggest you look at can can.
If you are set on rolling your own "role system", then what I would logically do is create a model for a class called Role, and set up permissions and levels in that class, and have a relationship between Users and different Roles.
For example, you could have a Role object named "Normal" with attributes like allowed_posts = 1 etc.
And in your users table (in the database), you would have a column called role_id, which would be set to the ID of the normal role in your roles table.
