I18n translated values do not show up if changed from helper method rails - ruby-on-rails

Hello not sure how to explain this but i will give it my best shot.
I hv a model like this
class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
['Employed', I18n.t('self_evaluation.self_evaluation_form.employment_status.employed')],
['Self-Employed', I18n.t('self_evaluation.self_evaluation_form.employment_status.self_employed')],
['Unemployed / Retired', I18n.t('self_evaluation.self_evaluation_form.employment_status.unemployed')]
I also have a helper method that calls this
module AnswerHelper
def get_employment_type_list
return Answer::EMPLOYMENT_TYPE
And a partial view that should display the values like this
<% employment_list = get_employment_type_list %>
<%= employment_list %>
<div class="flex_center flex_column button-wrap">
<%= collection_radio_buttons("application[answer_attributes]", :employment_type, employment_list, :first, :last, item_wrapper_tag: false, checked: #selected_employment_type) do |b|
b.label(class: 'employment_type_radio') { b.radio_button(:onchange => "return_employment_type(value)", class:'radio-label') + b.label(class:'button-label'){b.text}}
end %>
<% employer_list = get_employer_list(chosen_employment_type(#decoded_self_evaluation)) %>
<% employer_type = #decoded_self_evaluation.try(:loan_application).try(:kyc_answer).try(:employer_type) %>
<div class="flex_center flex_column button-wrap">
<%= collection_radio_buttons("loan_application[kyc_answer_attributes]", :employer_type, employer_list, :first, :last, item_wrapper_tag: false, checked: employer_type) do |b|
b.label(class: 'employer_type_radio') { b.radio_button(:onchange => "is_business_registered(value)", class:'radio-label') + b.label(class:'button-label'){b.text}}
end %>
url:'/self_evaluations/' + self_evaluation_id + '/employment_type',
data:JSON.stringify({employment_type: employment_type, key: $('#token_key').val()}),
contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8",
async: false,
success: function(data) {
$valid = true;
$('#id_employer').append("<%=j render 'self_evaluations/self_evaluation_partials/step_2' %>");
Now the problem is that i have already added all that's needed for I18n translations to happen in Rails and for texts that are translated on the html view it works correctly when i switch from the different languages but for texts that are been gotten via a helper method like this. Based on initial help, on initial load, all page work fine but if i change the language and then run an ajax call that loads the employment_list.js.erb my locale seems to still be the primary language the the values do not change accordingly
Not sure why this is happening anyone faced something like this before?

Because you declared the translations as a constant in your model, so the translations were loaded just one time when Answer model was loaded in the first time.
In production environment, the model will be loaded after starting server. In development environment, the model will be loaded when the file content is changed, ...
In order to solve your issue, you can add the translations in your helper instead:
module AnswerHelper
def get_employment_type_list
['Employed', I18n.t('self_evaluation.self_evaluation_form.employment_status.employed')],
['Self-Employed', I18n.t('self_evaluation.self_evaluation_form.employment_status.self_employed')],
['Unemployed / Retired', I18n.t('self_evaluation.self_evaluation_form.employment_status.unemployed')]
I usually use this approach, please have a look!
class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base
EMPLOYMENT_TYPE = [:employed, :self_employed, :unemployed_or_retired]
module AnswerHelper
def get_employment_type_list
i18n_scope = 'self_evaluation.self_evaluation_form.employment_status'
Answer::EMPLOYMENT_TYPE.map do |type|
[type, t(type, scope: i18n_scope)]


Rails 6 create custom formtastic input based on existing one

Inside of my ActiveAdmin Rails6 app I've got below partial which replaces the standard input by editor.js (there is some JS magic behind, not relevant to this question). The partial and render look like below:
# _editor.html.erb
<%= f.input field, as: :hidden, input_html: { id: :editor_field } %>
<div style='width: 100%; background: white;' id="editorjs"></div>
# example of a parital call for field :body
<%= render 'admin/editor_js', f: f, field: :body %>
Because ActiveAdmin is based on formatic gem instead of this partial I want to create and use custom input based on :text field. I was trying to do something like below.
module CustomInputs
class EditorJsInput < Formtastic::Inputs::TextInput
def input_html_options
super.merge(input_html: { id: 'editor_field' }).merge(as: :hidden)
(as: :hidden) is not working and no idea how to add this empty div at the end <div style='width: 100%; background: white;' id="editorjs"></div> which is quite crucial.
as: :hidden is not an input_html_option, it's an input style/type that maps the input to the Inputs::HiddenInput type; all it really does is render the input field as a hidden list item. Additionally, the way you're overriding input_html_options is not correct:
# Let's say this is a line in your form input:
input_html: { value: 'Eat plants.' }
# Your code is changing `input_html_options` to be the same as if you'd
# included this in your form input declaration, which doesn't make sense:
input_html: {
value: 'Eat plants.',
input_html: { id: 'editor_field' },
as: :hidden
Please review the docu and source on the methods you are trying to override:
An overridden input_html_options method would be something like this if you're looking to override the existing ID:
# Don't recommend
def input_html_options
# Note: this is dangerous because the 'id' attribute should be unique
# and merging it here instead of passing it in the field's `input_html`
# hash forces every input of this type to have the same id
super.merge(id: 'editor_field')
Presuming that you're really looking to reliably know the ID so some JS can find the element and swap it out, you could either specify it in the input_html hash when declaring your form input or, more cleanly, simply use the autogenerated ID. Generally the ID is the the underscore-separated form object root key + the attribute name; so if your form object is coffee: { name: 'Goblin Sludge', origin_country: 'Columbia' }, I believe the default is for f.input :name to render with id='coffee_name' and f.input :origin_country to render with id='coffee_origin_country'. This is stuff that you can easily figure out by using the devtools inspector on the rendered form.
It seems like you really are looking to override to_html. You need something like this:
# app/input/editor_js_input.rb
class EditorJsInput < Formtastic::Inputs::TextInput
def to_html
input_wrapping do
builder.hidden_field(method, input_html_options)
# Variation that creates a div
class EditorJsInput < Formtastic::Inputs::TextInput
def to_html
input_wrapping do
style: 'width: 100%; background: white;',
id: "#{input_html_options[:id]}_editor"
) << builder.hidden_field(method, input_html_options)
# Example of what this would generate:
# "<div style=\"width: 100%; background: white;\" id=\"coffee_name_editor\"></div><input maxlength=\"255\" id=\"coffee_name\" value=\"\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"coffee[name]\" />"
# This will render the div you have above:
div style: 'width: 100%; background: white;', id: 'editorjs'
# This (or a similar variant of form declaration) will render the form
active_admin_form_for resource do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :name,
input_html: { value: f.object.name },
as: :editor_js
f.input :origin_country,
input_html: { value: f.object.origin_country },
as: :editor_js
This should build the input for f.object.name as something like <input id="coffee_name" type="hidden" value="Goblin Sludge" name="coffee[name]"> (see FormBuilder#hidden_field
Additional thoughts:
Try using something like Pry to put a binding inside these methods to get a better understanding of what they look like and how they work. Note that you will need to reboot your server for it to load changes to overridden methods in custom input classes.
Read the documentation referenced above and the Formtastic README; there is a lot of really accessible info that would have helped you here. You could also have learned how to render a div from ActiveAdmin's docu here (as well as other pages at activeadmin.info that give examples of styled elements)
Evaluate whether you need to implement a Custom FormBuilder

Merging Drop down from two Tables in Rails

I like to know how to merge two table attributes and summarize them in a single drop down.
I tried to create a method in the create form helper which i referenced the attributes of the table.
<div class="field">
<%= form.label :Destinations %>
<%= form.collection_select(:destination_id, Destination.all, :id, destname_with_klm(#createform.destination), {}, { :multiple => false } ) %>
module CreateformsHelper
def destname_with_klm(f)
NoMethodError in Createforms#new
Showing **/app/views/createforms/_form.html.erb where line #34 raised:
undefined method `Destination_name' for nil:NilClass
the error you are getting undefined method "Destination_name" for nil:NilClass is because the parameter (f) you pass is nil
However, I think you can update the model and make the code bit cleaner. (I had a look at the formatted suggested edit and gather this info)
class Destination < ActiveRecord::Base
#other code
def destination_name_with_kms
# I believe the attribute names should be lowercase
#in your view
<%= form.collection_select(:destination_id, Destination.all, :id, destination_name_with_kms, {}, { :multiple => false } ) %>
If you want to go one step further, I would recommend to use a decorator gem like
Draper, and move all the UI formatting to a decorator.

Questions on method return values and arguments after do

sorry for this noob question I am just not able to understand ruby/rails grammer,
In rails 2.x, I read the following code,
def localized_input_form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc)
options = args.extract_options!
args << options.merge(:builder=>LocalizedFormBuilder)
concat('<div class="inputbox">')
form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc)
What does the above function return? Shouldn't it be the return value of the last line statement concat('</div>')?
In the views, I have,
<% localized_input_form_for(#customer) do |f| %>
What is the f in the above code, is it the same f as form_for(xx) do |f|?
The following code works without problem,
<%= f.text_field :name, :required => true, :size => 30,:class =>'ime_on' %>
In rails 4, I made the following modification,
def localized_input_form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc)
options = args.extract_options!
args << options.merge(:builder=>LocalizedFormBuilder)
concat('<div class="inputbox">'.html_safe)
concat(form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc))
Without adding concat out of form_for, and without adding html_safe, the original code just doesnt work.
Now, everything still works, the
<% localized_input_form_for(#customer) do |f| %>
works without problem, the form is shown exactly as before. So what is the return value of this function now? and what is f above?
The only difference is, the original options in
<%= f.text_field :name, :required => true, :size => 30,:class =>'ime_on' %>
which are, required: true, size: 30, and class:'ime_on' don't show in the final html!
It generates the following,
<input type="text" value="abc" name="customer[name]" id="customer_name">
without size, class etc options. The html generated by rails 2.x do have these options showing up.
I am just confused about the difference. And I also don't understand why the original rails 2.x and rails 4 both worked (the |f| reflects the form generated by form_for, so f.text_field will get the right value from database).
Yes, your method will return the last line. In your case this is concat("</div>") which evaluates to just "</div>".
The problem is, that concat is not acting as you expect, because it's not occurring within a text buffer and so there's nothing to "concat" to.
To fix this, wrap your helper in a capture block like so:
def some_html
capture do
# ...
concat('<div class="inputbox">')
# ...
More on the capture method: http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/CaptureHelper/capture

Rails 4.0 Strong Parameters nested attributes with a key that points to a hash

I was playing around with Rails 4.x beta and trying to get nested attributes working with carrierwave. Not sure if what I'm doing is the right direction. After searching around, and then eventually looking at the rails source and strong parameters I found the below notes.
# Note that if you use +permit+ in a key that points to a hash,
# it won't allow all the hash. You also need to specify which
# attributes inside the hash should be whitelisted.
So its saying you have to specify every single every single attribute within the has, I tried the following:
Param's example:
#headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"screenshot[assets_attributes][0][filename]\"; filename=\"EK000005.JPG\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n">
"commit"=>"Create Screenshot"}
def screenshot_params
:assets_attributes => [:filename => [:#tempfile,:#original_filename,:#content_type,:#headers]
The above isn't "working" (its not triggering carrierwave) however I am no longer getting errors (Unpermitted parameters: filename) when using the standard nested examples I found ex:
def screenshot_params
params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title, assets_attributes: :filename)
If anyone could help it would be great. I was not able to find a example with nested with a key that points to a hash.
My other answer was mostly wrong - new answer.
in your params hash, :filename is not associated with another hash, it is associated with an ActiveDispatch::Http::UploadedFile object. Your last code line:
def screenshot_params
params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title, assets_attributes: :filename)
is actually correct, however, the filename attribute is not being allowed since it is not one of the permitted scalar types. If you open up a console, and initialize a params object in this shape:
params = ActionController::Parameters.new screenshot: { title: "afa", assets_attributes: {"0" => {filename: 'a string'}}}
and then run it against your last line:
p = params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title, assets_attributes: :filename)
# => {"title" => "afa", "assets_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"filename"=>"abc"}}}
However, if you do the same against a params hash with the uploaded file, you get
upload = ActionDispatch::Http::UplaodedFile.new tempfile: StringIO.new("abc"), filename: "abc"
params = ActionController::Parameters.new screenshot: { title: "afa", assets_attributes: {"0" => {filename: upload}}}
p = params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title, assets_attributes: :filename)
# => {"title" => "afa", "assets_attributes"=>{"0"=>{}}}
So, it is probably worth a bug or pull request to Rails, and in the meantime, you will have to directly access the filename parameter using the raw params object:
So, you're dealing with has_many forms and strong parameters.
This is the part of the params hash that matters:
#headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"screenshot[assets_attributes][0][filename]\"; filename=\"EK000005.JPG\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n">
when you define strong parameters like this...
permit(:assets_attributes => [:filename])
Things break, because where rails expects a filename it's getting this "0"
What does that number mean? It's the id for the asset you are submitting via your form. Now initially you might think you have to do something like
permit(:assets_attributes => [:id => [:filename]])
This looks like it follows other strong parameters syntax conventions. However, for better or for worse, they have made things a little easier, and all you have to write is:
permit(:assets_attributes => [:asset_id, :filename])
Edit -
As jpwynn pointed out in the comments, in Rails 4.2.4+ the correct syntax is
permit(:assets_attributes => [:id, :filename])
and that should work.
When you hit walls with strong params, the best thing to do is throw a debugger in your controller and test things out. params.require(:something).permit(:other_things) is just a method chain so you can try out different things on the full params hash until you find what works.
def screenshot_params
params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title, :assets_attributes => [:filename, :id, :screenshot_id])
I had this issue about a month ago and some searching around dug up this solution. It was adding the :id or :screenshot_id that fixed the problem (or both, I can't remember). This works in my code though.
Actually there is a way to just white-list all nested parameters.
params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:assets_attributes ] = params[:screenshot][:assets_attributes ]
This method has advantage over other solutions. It allows to permit deep-nested parameters.
While other solutions like:
params.require(:screenshot).permit(:title, :assets_attributes => [:filename, :id, :screenshot_id])
I had same problem just got it fixed now all you have to do is
params.require(:vehicle).permit(:user_id, assets_attributes: [:id, :image]).
Use pry gem to see what kind of attributes your asset object has makes sure theres an id and add other missing attribute, that should then work perfectly.
Am using paperclip assets is my nested object inside the vehicle class and an attachment of images is added to the asset.
make sure you do the validation in the model
accepts_nested_attributes_for :assets, allow_destroy: true
validates_attachment_content_type :image, content_type: /\Aimage\/.*\Z/
In your view loop through the asset to get each image
<%= #vehicle.assets.size %>
<% for asset in #vehicle.assets %>
<%=link_to image_tag (asset.image.url(:thumb)) %>
<% end %>
If am correct your problem is that asset_attributes is an array with each image having an index column and an image
Your form_for should have something similar to this and if you want you can also include preview so the upload can view their images use the bottom code for that
<div class="field">
<h3>Vehicle Image Upload</h3>
<%= f.fields_for :assets do |asset_fields| %>
<% if asset_fields.object.new_record? %>
<%= asset_fields.file_field :image %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="field">
<h4>Vehicle Image</h4>
<%= f.fields_for :assets do |asset_fields| %>
<% unless asset_fields.object.new_record? %>
<%= link_to image_tag(asset_fields.object.image.url(:thumb)),
<%= asset_fields.check_box :_destroy %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Sanitize before save in controller Sanitize accepts_nested_attributes_for attributes with index.
before_action :sanitize_fields_params, :only => [:create, :update]
def sanitize_fields_params
product_free_shippings_attributes = params[:product][:product_free_shippings_attributes]
product_free_shippings_attributes.each do |index, key_value|
params[:product][:product_free_shippings_attributes]["#{index}"][:weight] = clear_decimal(key_value[:weight])
params[:product][:product_free_shippings_attributes]["#{index}"][:height] = clear_decimal(key_value[:height])
params[:product][:product_free_shippings_attributes]["#{index}"][:width] = clear_decimal(key_value[:width])
params[:product][:product_free_shippings_attributes]["#{index}"][:depth] = clear_decimal(key_value[:depth])
def clear_decimal(field)
return (field.to_s.gsub(/[^\d]/, '').to_d / 100.to_d) unless field.blank?

Ruby on Rails and how to render partial using json and jquery

Ruby on Rails newbie whose confused and frustrated :) I've spent over a day on this and think I've probably just confused myself.
Basically, I'm trying to render a partial in a view. Here's what I have specifically:
A form with 2 basic fields: Category and SubCategory. SubCategory changes depending on what the user selected in Category. I'm using "JQuery" with the assets pipeline enabled. This part works:
id_value_string = $(#).val()
if id_value_string == ""
# if the id is empty remove all the sub_selection options from being selectable and do not do any ajax
$("select#contact_info_subcategory_id option").remove()
row = "" + "" + ""
# Send the request and update sub category dropdown
tmp = '/subcategories/for_categoryid/' + id_value_string + '.json'
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
url: tmp,
timeout: 2000,
error: (XMLHttpRequest, errorTextStatus, error) -> alert "Failed to submit : " + errorTextStatus + " ;" + error,
success: (data) ->
# Clear all options from sub category select
$("select#contact_info_subcategory_id option").remove()
# put in a empty default line
row = "" + "" + ""
# Fill sub category select
$.each(data, (i, j) ->
row = "" + j.name + ""
It generates a json response correctly.
When the form loads, in addition to Category and SubCategory, I also have 2 text fields - previous_value and current_value; however, if
SubCategory == "Full"
then I hide previous_value and current_value and need to insert a partial with new fields.
I'm having no problem hiding previous_value and current_value fields with JQuery works and looks like this (this is inserted into the code above):
id_text_string = $("#contact_info_subcategory_id option:selected").text()
if id_text_string == "Full"
I created a div called "test" in my form where I want to insert the new fields if SubCategory is "Full" and of course, inserting this line into the contact_infos.js.coffee doesn't work:
$('#test').html('<%= escape_javascript render("contact_infos/_full_name_info") %>')
as all I get on the page is the string "<%= escape_javascript render("contact_infos/_full_name_info") %>"
I've tried the following but can't get any to work:
1. creating a new.json.erb file with the following code:
<% self.formats = ["html"] %>
test = {
"html":"<%= raw escape_javascript(render :partial => 'contact_infos/full_name_info',
:content_type => 'text/html')}
This json file never triggered. My controller has this line:
format.json { render json: #contact_info }
Is this the best way to do this? If yes, what can I try next?
2. I saw a posting yesterday (I can't find it now - was on another computer) about creating a javascript variable (I called it fullnamefield) in the application.html.erb layout file as well as adding the js variable to the new.html.erb view, which I did. I also added this line to the contacts_infos.js.coffee:
and it worked!! EXCEPT that then when I went to any other area of the site, I got an error.
3. As a workaround, I thought about trying to change the json that my jquery produces to a js and then trying to trigger the new.js.erb. I ran into trouble trying to convert the ajax call. I could create "json" and also "text" dataTypes but not script (not sure why).
So... any ideas/help? I've really been searching and I'm frustrated enough that I'm considering just creating all the fields and hidings/showing them as needed from JQuery, which would be so simple to implement but is just wrong.
UPDATE: Attempt 4 (or is it 40?):
What you wrote got me thinking... I think I'm close but not there yet.
In my _form.html.erb, I added to the Subcategory field data-remote, data-url and data-type:
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :category_id %>
<%= collection_select(:contact_info, :category_id, Category.all, :id, :name, options ={:prompt => "--Select a Category--"}) %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :subcategory_id %>
<%= collection_select(:contact_info, :subcategory_id, Subcategory.find_all_by_category_id(#contact_info.category_id), :id, :name, options ={:prompt => "--Select a SubCategory"}, "data-remote" => true, "data-url" => "/contact_infos/get_full_fields", "data-type" => :json ) %>
Then in the contact_infos_controller.rb I added:
def get_full_fields
#full_name = FullName.new
respond_to do |format|
In my routes.rb I modified contact_infos by adding collection do...
resources :contact_infos do
collection do
get 'get_full_fields'
I created contact_infos\get_full_fields.js.erb:
var full_fields_form = $('<%= j(render(:partial => "contact_infos/full_name_info"))%>');
Now when I test this in the browser with debugger and change SubCategory to "Full" I can see that it runs correctly (I think) in that I'm getting this back:
Request URL:http://localhost:3000/contact_infos/get_full_fields?contact_info%5Bsubcategory_id%5D=3
Request Method:GET
Status Code:200 OK
The "Type" is showing up as "text/javascript." The Response tab is just showing the javascript code but nothing is happening/triggering. Even when I place just a
in the js file nothing happens.
Any ideas why?
Why not do it the same way you get subcategory data? Create a view containing the partial (and corresponding controller action) and call it via ajax when you want to display that content.
