Writing TestCase for CSV import rake task - ruby-on-rails

I have a simple rails application where I import data from csv into my rails app which is functioning properly, but I have no idea where to start with testing this rake task, as well as where in a modular rails app. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
My Rails structure is a little different from traditional rails structures, as I have written a Modular Rails App. My structure is in the picture below:
The rake task that imports from csv..
require 'open-uri'
require 'csv'
namespace :web_import do
desc 'Import users from csv'
task users: :environment do
url = 'http://blablabla.com/content/people.csv'
# I forced encoding so avoid UndefinedConversionError "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
csv_string = open(url).read.force_encoding('UTF-8')
counter = 0
duplicate_counter = 0
user = []
CSV.parse(csv_string, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol) do |row|
next unless row[:name].present? && row[:email_address].present?
user = CsvImporter::User.create row.to_h
if user.persisted?
counter += 1
duplicate_counter += 1
p "Email duplicate record: #{user.email_address} - #{user.errors.full_messages.join(',')}" if user.errors.any?
p "Imported #{counter} users, #{duplicate_counter} duplicate rows ain't added in total"
Mounted csv_importer in my parent structure
This makes the csv_importer engine available in the root of the application.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount CsvImporter::Engine => '/', as: 'csv_importer'
To correctly migrate in the root of the application, I added initializer
module CsvImporter
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
isolate_namespace CsvImporter
# This enables me to be able to correctly migrate the database from the parent application.
initializer :append_migrations do |app|
unless app.root.to_s.match(root.to_s)
config.paths['db/migrate'].expanded.each do |p|
app.config.paths['db/migrate'] << p
So with this explanation am able to run rails app like every other rails application. I explained this so anyone who will help will understand what to help me with as regards writing test for the rake task inside the engine.
What I have done as regards writing TEST
task import: [:environment] do
desc 'Import CSV file'
task test: :environment do
# CSV.import 'people.csv'
How do someone write test for a rake task in a modular app? Thanks!

I haven't worked with engines, but is there a way to just put the CSV importing logic into it's own class?
namespace :web_import do
desc 'Import users from csv'
task users: :environment do
WebImport.new(url: 'http://blablabla.com/content/people.csv').call
class WebImport # (or whatever name you want)
def initialize(url) ... end
def call
counter, CSV parse, etc...
That way you can bump into the Rails console to do the WebImport and you can also do a test isolating WebImport. When you do Rake tasks and Jobs (Sidekiq etc), you want to make the Rake task act as as thin a wrapper as possible around the actual meat of the code (which is in this case CSV parsing). Separate the "trigger the csv parse" code from the "actually parse the csv" code into their own classes or files.


importing data from csv into rails application

I am trying to import data from CSV into the database using Classes so that I can easily write Test Case for the csv import rake task I created
However, my solution does not work.
And I also feel:
It doesn't make sense
Aside feeling its not a good solution that connotes Ruby mastery, it doesn't work.
Here is what I came up with in my engines/csv_importer/lib/tasks/csv_import.rake
require 'open-uri'
require 'csv'
namespace :csv_import do
desc 'Import users from csv'
task users: :environment do
WebImport.new(url: 'http://blablabla.com/details/people.csv').call.answers
class WebImport
def initialize(url)
#csv_string = url
def call
CSV.parse(#csv_string, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol) do |row|
next unless row[:name].present? && row[:email_address].present?
CsvImporter::User.create row.to_h
def self.answers
user = []
counter = 0
duplicate_counter = 0
user.persisted? ? counter + 1 : duplicate_counter + 1
p "Email duplicate record: #{user.email_address} - #{user.errors.full_messages.join(',')}" if user.errors.any?
p "Imported #{counter} users, #{duplicate_counter} duplicate rows ain't added in total"
Error when I run rake csv_import:users
$ rake csv_import:users
rake aborted!
NoMethodError: private method `gets' called for {:url=>"http://blablabla.com/details/people.csv"}:Hash
How do I make this work and write TEST for this at the long run?
You are getting this error because you are passing a hash to CSV.parse while that method accepts a string.
To fix that you need to change argument from a hash to a string: WebImport.new('http://blablabla.com/details/people.csv') and read a remote CSV file before passing it to CSV.parse, for example: CSV.parse(open(url)).
You can try to use
rake db:seed
to import the data to your database using seed file as
require 'csv'
puts "Importing data..."
CSV.foreach(Rails.root.join("file_name.csv"), headers: true) do |row|
Model_name.create! do |model_name|
model_name.name = row[0]
model_name.email_address = row[1]
csv file should be in your project root folder

Rails 4.2 run rake task after ActiveRecord load

I have some data, which I want to pre-load in my add on booting. I've made an rake task and it works good. I tried to put code in config/initializers but it starts too early (I need all models to be loaded). after_initialize is not good too for me. I place code example lower
require 'rake'
load File.join(Rails.root, 'lib', 'tasks', 'rights.rake')
So, where is good place to put this code? Of course I can put it in AR::Base or so on, but it is ugly.
Here is the task, if It will help.
namespace :dev do
desc "Creation of the minimal rights"
task :create_rights => :environment do
klasses = ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker.descendants(AbstractModel)
default_rights = RightsList.default_rights
Role.includes(:rights).all.each do |role|
klasses.reject{|klass| role.rights.pluck(:klass_name).include? klass.underscore }.each do |klass|
Right.create role: role, klass_name: klass.underscore, rights_per_class: default_rights
Thank you
Got dirty solution with adding in config/application.rb
config.after_initialize do
require 'rake'
load File.join(Rails.root, 'lib', 'tasks', 'rights.rake')
And I understand that it is still wrong way. Is here good way?

How to integrate my own scraper in Rails app?

I have just created a Rails app with a model app/models/post.rb and have written a scraper scrapers/base_scraper.rb (class BaseScraper) that collect data from the target site to the hash variable data. Now I want to insert values of data into the Post model. How to do it properly in Rails? I have heard smth about Rake but have no idea how to utilize it properly. Help me please!
Assuming that data stores just one post and that each of the key stored in the datahash are valid Post fields (column_name), you can do simply this:
If you want to launch the whole process from console, you can create a rake task under lib/tasks directory of your process with the following:
# scraper.rake
namespace :scraper do
desc "Run scraper"
task :run => :environment do
data = BaseScraper.your_collect_data_class_method
Post.create(data) if data
task :default => 'scraper:run'
And then run it from console as a rake task with rake scraper
Of course I also assume that scrapers dir is in your Rails load path.
If not, add it to your application.rbfile.
# application.rb
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/scrapers/"]

Rails Generate Custom Rakefile

I'm working on a project that is migrating data from a customers old_busted DB into rails objects to be worked on later. Similarly, I need to convert these objects into a CSV and upload it to a neutral FTP (this is to allow a coworker to build the example pages through Sugar CRM). I've created rake files to do all of this, and it was successful. Now, I'm going to continue this process for each object that I create in rails (relative to the previous DB) and, best case, wanted these generated when I run rake generate scaffold <object>.
Here is my import rake:
desc "Import Clients from db"
task :get_busted_clients => [:environment] do
#old_clients = Busted::Client.all
#old_clients.each do |row|
#client = Client.new();
#client.client_id = row.NUMBER
Here is my CSV convert/FTP upload rake:
desc "Exports db's to local CSV and uploads them to FTP"
task :export_clients_CSV => [:environment] do
# Required libraries for CSV read/write and NET/FTP IO #
require 'csv'
require 'net/ftp'
# Pull all Editor objects into clients for reading #
clients = Client.all
puts "Creating CSV file for <Clients> and updating column names..."
# Open a new CSV file that uses the column headers from Client #
CSV.open("clients.csv", "wb",
:write_headers => true, :headers => Client.column_names) do |csv|
puts "--Loading each entry..."
# Load all entries from Client into the CSV file row by row #
clients.each do |client|
# This line specifically puts the attributes in the rows WITH RESPECT TO#
csv << client.attributes.values_at(*Client.column_names)
puts "--Done loading each entry..."
puts "...Data populated. Finished bulding CSV. Closing File."
puts "------------------------"
# Upload CSV File to FTP server by requesting new FTP connection, assigning credentials
# and informing the client what file to look for and what to name it
puts "Uploading <Clients>..."
ftp = Net::FTP.new('192.168.xxx.xxx')
ftp.login(user = "user", passwd = "passwd")
ftp.puttextfile("clients.csv", "clients.csv")
puts "...Finished."
I ran rake generate g get_busted and put this in my get_busted_generator.rb:
class GetBustedGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase
source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__)
def generate_get_busted
copy_file "getbusted.rake", "lib/tasks/#{file_name}.rake"
After that, I got lost. I can't find anything on templating a rake file or the syntax included to do so.
Rails has been a recent endeavor and I may be overlooking something in terms of design of the solution to my problem.
TL;DR: Is templating a rake file a bad thing? Solution alternatives? If not, whats the syntax for generating either script custom to the object (or point me in the direction, please).

How do I access one of my models from within a ruby script in the /lib/ folder in my Rails 3 app?

I tried putting my script in a class that inherited from my model, like so:
class ScriptName < MyModel
But when I ran rake my_script at the command-line, I got this error:
rake aborted!
uninitialized constant MyModel
What am I doing wrong?
Also, should I name my file my_script.rb or my_script.rake?
Just require the file. I do this in one of my rake tasks (which I name my_script.rake)
require "#{Rails.root.to_s}/app/models/my_model.rb"
Here's a full example
# lib/tasks/my_script.rake
require "#{Rails.root.to_s}/app/models/video.rb"
class Vid2 < Video
def self.say_hello
"Hello I am vid2"
namespace :stuff do
desc "hello"
task :hello => :environment do
puts "saying hello..."
puts Vid2.say_hello
puts "Finished!"
But a better design is to have the rake task simply call a helper method. The benefits are that it's easier to scan the available rake tasks, easier to debug, and the code the rake task runs becomes very testable. You could add a rake_helper_spec.rb file for example.
# /lib/rake_helper.rb
class Vid2 < Video
def self.say_hello
"Hello I am vid2"
# lib/tasks/myscript.rake
namespace :stuff do
desc "hello"
task :hello => :environment do
All I had to do to get this to work was put my requires above the task specification, and then just declare the :environment flag like so:
task :my_script => :environment do
#some code here
Just by doing that, gave me access to all my models. I didn't need to require 'active_record' or even require my model.
Just specified environment and all my models were accessible.
I was also having a problem with Nokogiri, all I did was removed it from the top of my file as a require and added it to my Gemfile.
