Data model in Swift [closed] - ios

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm learning Swift and I have a question about data model or the Model folder in Xcode. During a project 'Quiz app' we opened a new swift file in Model folder and started to write some code in it.
What is Data model and why instead of writing all the code just in the ViewController file we need to write a separate one in the model folder?

You could, technically, have all the code for your app in a single file. But it would quickly become really hard to find somethig and keep it readable. Also, when working in bigger teams, having a lot of code in few files results in merge conflicts, which could quickly get out of hand.
It is simply a good practice to keep all your classess in separate files, grouped in folders.
As for what a „data model” is - it’s just a representation of your domain problem in code. These classess will most likely represent data you retrieve from web, or create in app to perform some further operations on them or to use them as input for views to present them to the user.


How to Migrate iOS Aplication api [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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I'm from a development team at a large Telecom, I'm migrating an API within an app, the new version of the api will have a completely new model, with a new structure, the data coming from the api is recorded in the coredata and then extracted from this to be displayed by the viewcontroller (cashe), the client asked to do it in stages, and the first stage is to migrate to the next api to deliver value quickly, I am in doubt if I implement the entire model at this first moment, having to change the entire structure that extracts the model from coredata to display, or if I just create a mapping from the new model to the old one (mapping the new values to the old ones), just to record the data, maintaining the structure of extracting data from coredata and display, leaving this to be removed in a next step. Which of the two ways will take more work? Changing the model and also the recording and extracting structure will be much more costly, which will extend the work to unacceptable deadlines?
One of the goals is to completely remove the CoreData.
I'm in the process of renaming all the fields, changing the model's structure and the model's recording and extraction flows, but I'm thinking that this work will be huge, not having any value delivery in the short term.

iOS Generating Random Test Data [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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For testing, I needed to generate a list of data values randomly and put them into the models for further use. But I found out that there is no library, which could produce such functionality.
The elegant solution I expected to find had to combine such simple things as:
the variety of data;
the variety of methods to reach this data;
the possibility to change the default data set to the custom one.
Since I hadn't found the accurate solution, I decided to create my own library (ref.
There were implemented all necessary methods for data generation (including random names, cities, addresses, dates etc) and data retrieve. And moreover, it has "swifty" interface, which provides comfortable use in every project.
I hope, it will be helpful for everyone, who faced the same problem as me!

iOS App Preloaded Data Guidance [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on an app with quite a few images and general information about them. Are there any general guidelines about when it is a good idea to just bundle the data with your app and when it should just be downloaded on first run? When you should use Core Data and when just keyed archiving is sufficient? Or is there a better solution I haven't even considered?
I imagine that the data will be updated from time to time, but not frequently. I'd like the app to be able to download updates.
Kind of a vague question, and I apologize for that.
It depends on whether the initial data (images & information) is important and always the same.
If you wish to have it dynamically changed to whatever is updated on the server then you shouldn't bundle it within the app. On the other hand, if the initial data is trivial and you can just include it in the app.
Now if you wish to store the initial data locally in the app, given that the data is just images and theirs information, I would recommend to just use keyed archiving to keep things nice and simple.

What are the key moments if create iOS project when we say about clear and clean architecture [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The question is about structuring in iOS
So I receive a message from a company where I passed a test and they say:
"First of all I want to highlight that they said (developers who took my test) that they really liked how clean your code was. One thing where you could improve is the structuring of classes which wasn't ideal."
I asked about what actually I did wrong or what should I improve. I am not sure that this is the stack question, but maybe some one can point me or suggest some thing how for example you structure you code.
I am asking because clean and structure and what about I care every time, but right now I hear that is not ideal.
So usually I write code with the count of lines no more then 250 - 300. I care about pragma marks that separate code into lifecycle blocks, i care about spaces and etc.
So my code is separated also into "folders" where I store appropriate logic elements like:
View Controllers
XIBs (if any)
Storyboards (if any)
Each of these folders have subfolders that is not a group as well but real folder on hard drive and each folder contain some classes which named with appropriate name the class does.
I understand there are no rights or examples how to structures project, because it depend on the tasks and developers or company style. But if I receive some message like above, so then maybe can someone suggest something where I can read about or what I miss maybe.

Creating a database in Xcode [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a searchable database in Xcode - for example, of different trees. The database would consist of the tree name, two images, price, and a short description. What is the best and most efficient way of creating such a database?
I am aware of: Core Data, SQLite3, and Parse. I am leaning towards SQLite3 but have not found a good place to learn how to implement this. Any suggestions?
Seeing as you are new to Objective-C and I doubt this will evolve into something need direct SQL I would suggest using CoreData. Although it is not technically a data base it is an object graph, it is built for exactly what you are wanting to do. Apple was even nice enough to build wrappers for everything you want to do.
CoreData to store your tree name, two images, price, and a short description.
NSFetchedResultsController for grabbing it.
UISearchBarController for letting the user search.
You would want to use Parse if you wanted to save your data to a server. If your doing everything locally I wouldn't worry about Parse. CoreData is what you want.
