I followed the instructions here to increase the logout timer of our Jenkins server.
If I run the command below in the script console, it displays the output I'd expect.
import org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler;
Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getSession().getMaxInactiveInterval() / 60
Result: 14400
However, our users are being automatically logged out after about an hour and a half.
This didn't start occurring until we switched to Active Directory for user logins - but none of our other services that use AD have this problem. That's the only recent change I can think of.
As described in the linked thread in another answer, you also need to set sessionEviction nowadays to keep a user logged in:
For example to keep people logged in for 24 hours and 12 hours of
--sessionTimeout=1440 --sessionEviction=43200
I'm running an A/B test in Firebase. The client is getting values and responding appropriately. I can see "current users" in the live view:
But even after 48 hours I still see "Running (0 users exposed)" in the headline of the experiment.
How can these be "active experiement users" yet not show up as part of the experiment?
For comparison, here's the staging build of the app, which has assigned users with the same code, just building with a different scheme and hitting a different Firebase app:
We call fetchAndActivate on launch:
RemoteConfig.remoteConfig().fetchAndActivate { _, error in
print(error ?? "Fetched!")
For now, it happens (no data in Firebase remote config A/B test experiment) if you have an activation event configured for A/B test experiment.
Check these:
If you have 2 different experiments, both will fail to get results even if you have "activation event" configured only in 1 of them.
Additionally, remote config will not work as well, you'll be able to get only default values.
it takes many hours before you can see any data in your experiment, wait for at least 24 hours. It will show 0 for many hours after the start.
make sure your users have the version of your app with the latest SDK.
Since your experiment is with Remote Config: When activateFetched() is called, all events from that point on will be tagged with the experiment. If you have a goal or activation event that happens before activateFetched(), such as automatic events like first_open, session_start, etc., the experiment setup might be wrong.
Make sure to call fetch() and activateFetched() before the activation event occurs.
The good way to check if your experiment is working now is to set it to a specific version you didn't publish yet and check logs from remote config with the fresh app install(or erase all app data & restart). It should show different variant every time you reinstall the app, since your Firebase Instance ID changes after app reinstall/app data erase.
If you see variants change - then A/B test is running well.
I have a frontend in cloud run I want to map to a domain purchased in DoDaddy (breadfree.es) for a demo, but after configuring it in Domain mapping it has taken up to 16 hours and it still does not work. Can you give me any advice? I read it takes from 4 to 8 hours for the dns to propagate, and also that for some it works deleting the records and putting them again (in a link below). Is there any other solution that works in GoDaddy?
Also, it is so strange to me because I have discovered although the domain is not mapped, if I map this service to a subdomain, it is propagated faster. I mapped it with tienda.breadfree.es, and it works, although I prefer it to be map to breadfree.es (tienda means shop in Spanish).
Thanks so much in advance for your help!
Google Cloud Run - Domain Mapping stuck at Certificate Provisioning
In general for Cloud Run (fully managed) it takes 24 hours until the domain is propagated. Even though the SSL certificate can take less than 15 minutes the full process will take up to 24 hours.
This process can take as much as 24 hours because of the certificates and the time needed to be issues and renewed. Indeed, when you map a service to a custom domain like yours (tienda) a managed certificate is automatically issued but for a domain it takes more and it is not automatically issued.
You could try what you posted in the StackOverflow post but you should wait and see after 24 hours if the domain is still not working. Usually if the domain is still not working after 24 hours probably something went wrong in the configuration phase or a step was skipped and I suggest you to open a support ticket in order to check with the Google Team what is the issue.
You can use - https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/dig/#A/
This will tell you Time To Live (TTL). For information on TTL check this link (https://support.google.com/a/answer/48090?hl=en)
I have a problem with one user. This user can't login to Mahara. At every attempt to login he sees this 2 messages (see the image below):
You have exceeded the maximum login attempts. This account has been locked for up to 5 minutes.
You have not provided the correct credentials to log in. Please check your username and password are correct.
In the first message is written to wait 5 minutes, but it doesn't matter how long he waits (1 hr, 1 day ...) he gets always this message. I have also changed the user password... Nothing
Setting up a cron job to trigger Mahara's cron job script solved the problem. Here is a forum thread (with more details) regarding this issue.
This issue is due to the fact that the column logintries from table usr for the corresponding user has reached the maximum allowed value. Thus resetting this column value to 0 will solve the problem. This can be done manually using SQL or by running Mahara's cron (recommended).
SQL solution: UPDATE usr SET logintries=0 (for all users) or UPDATE usr SET logintries=0 WHERE username = 'yourusername' (for a specific user). But this is a short-term solution because you'll have to run it every time you'll encounter this issue.
Cron job solution: for an immediate result one can run Mahara's cron job directly in browser by accessing http://your-mahara-site.org/lib/cron.php. But the execution of mahara's cron should be automated by adding a corresponding record in crontab, see System Administrator's Guide/Cron Job.
I am trying to send email reminders to users who have not completed the sign-up process. The sign-up process has three different stages:
1. input for interested users (this will redirect them to a registration section)
2. registration section (this will redirect them to set-up profile)
3. set-up profile
If the user has not continued to the next stage in the process I would like to send an email reminder:
1. after 18 hrs
2. after 1 days
3. after 4 days
I have heard about CRON (whenever gem) and DELAYED JOBS but don't know which one to use. And most important WHY I should choose one over the other?
Please provide an example if possible.
I would write a script with all the logic for timing, what email to send, who to send it to etc.
Then schedule a cronjob every 24 hours to run the script. Don't try to use the cronjobs to do the timing of how many days after to send the message.
Well the reason why you would choose one over the other should be based on what you're trying to do and how you are doing it. As a developer, I would create new branches and experiment with both gems to see which one works better for you and your app.
FYI though. The whenever gem is not supported by Heroku and I believe delayed jobs is. That might be your deciding factor.
I suggest you write a function that checks for unfinished registrations. Then on your server, simple run a cron job every 18 hours, 1 day and 4 days (one line of script).
This cron job with call the controller that triggers the function which send reminder emails.
You could also use sidekiq as a background processor for email sending.
About half the time when I push to Heroku, Devise stops letting me login for a seemingly random length of time. I can fix this either by waiting for more than 10 minutes (time varies) or sometimes by pushing again.
While this login issue is happening there is nothing in the logs to indicate anything is wrong and nothing in the flash when I get redirected back to the login form. I'm not sure what else to look for or what could be causing this. Because of the strange time limits I thought it might have something to do with the tmp folder being pushed but it's listed correctly in .gitignore.
What else should I check?
At the time you posted this, Heroku was having problems... I wonder if THAT was the problem?
and scroll down the Oct 22.
FWIW for free you can add new relic basic version and setup a monitoring process that emails you when your app is having trouble.