Generating different CAN errors with CANoe - can-bus

Is it possible to generate CAN protocol errors with CANoe?
Tried searching for it but the word "CAN" is not really search friendly.

If you mean disturbing CAN frames, generate error frames then consider trying Vector interface VH6501 -
It's successor of deprecated product named CANstress. Integrates seamlessly with CANoe/CAPL.

yes, you can create error frame in CANoe. use IG block and select special frame option in IG configuration. then press send now button to transmit.

Yes, CAN protocol errors can be generated with CANoe. A detailed example can be found here under Online Vector Help in CANoe (by clicking the help symbol in the CANoe tool): CAPL Functions » CAN » on errorFrame


Ranorex Spy - The recognition elements on the page (prioritizing attributes)

I have question related to the Ranorex Spy.
Is it possible to recognize (by default) elements of the page by attribute other than id, e.g. data-id
I know that I can modify this later manually for each element (but it is time consuming)
Expected (automatically, by Ranorex Spy):
I personnally did not bother using this (because we use many frameworks and whats desired in one framework is not necessarily whats desired in another one) but I think you can achieve priorisation of XPath rules using the RanoreXPath Weight Rules.
Following is a Ranorex article describing how to do this:
Good luck!

Connections in mxgraph

I want to know how to avoid bidirectional connections. For example:
Is there any way to do this?
I work with mxGraph, javascript.
EDIT: Sorry, maybe I didn’t explain well, I mean if we have two cells (a---> b) cannot be (a <--- b) this may be detected in real time.
Remove startArrow=classic from the style of the edge.
you can check out this example Validation - Using multiplicities for automatically validating a graph.
mxMultiplicity defines invalid connections along with the error messages that they produce.

How does Xcode 5's new documentation parsing work?

I've noticed that Xcode 5 now parses method documentation automatically. For example:
Fetches a conversation with user.
#param user The other user in the conversation.
#return A conversation
+ (Conversation *)conversationWithUser:(User *)user;
It supports multiple # tokens (don't know how to call them). For example:
However, I still haven't found a way or what format this is, so that I can add bold text, or italics, or links.
Does anyone know what documentation format this is?
I found out how to get bold and italics. It uses this doxygen format. It doesn't seem to recognize all commands, but some work:
Resumes \b network operation queues.
- (void)resume;
The \b there would make network bold. \a yields italics and \c monospaced text.
According to the new features in XCode 5 (Under Documentation):
Project documentation from framework API reference documentation and structured comments in your own source code are displayed in the quick help panel and in code completion popover views. Doxygen and HeaderDoc structured comments are supported formats.
You can check the Header Doc User guide.
Apparently, it uses a subset of these features, many of them don't work.
It's not complete. It doesn't support all doxygen tags at the moment -- only a basic subset.
In the meantime, you can use flags like -Wdocumentation and -Wdocumentation-unknown-command (or better, start with -Weverything and reduce), and clang will notify you if it encounters something which is unrecognized or malformed. If you want a complete list of what tags are available, I would check the trunk.

How to obtain all OIDs from all MIBs

I would like obtain a list of all OIDs in the MIBs that are loaded on a manager and display it to users so that they can choose which MIB object to perform the GET/SET request. I would also like to obtain the syntax and max-access of the object. I'm programming using C++. I want to parse the MIBs to obtain the OIDs, not use snmpwalk. I am trying to use the Net-SNMP MIB_API. I've looked at the manual page but am not clear of how to use the functions to achieve what I want to do.
I see that read_all_mibs() is already called when we call init_mib(). That means I don't need to call read_all_mibs() again, right? Could anyone please guide on what is the next step after init_mib() that I should do.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
You should look at the apps/snmptranslate.c file for an example of how to walk the loaded mib tree to get information like the syntax and max-access details.
And, no, if you call init_snmp() or init_mib() you don't need to call read_all_mibs()

cvRetrieveFrame intricacies - openCV

The Documentation of OpenCV mentions that "the returned image (by cvRetrieveFrame) should not be released or modified by the user" ...
I am trying to debug my code, which involves the following steps:
Retrieve frame from video using cvRetrieveFrame()
Do some processing on the frame
output results
My instinct says that something is wrong with cvRetrieveFrame() because if I manually input frames using cvLoadImage, the program works fine. But I am not getting same results while using cvRetrieveFrame().
Since the documentation mentions such a restriction, any reason for such a restriction ? And, any alternatives ?
Have a great day
Before you call this function, you should have used another function which is cvGrabFrame() in order to be able to use the mentioned function, which you can use it for doing any necessary processing on the frame (such as the decompression stage in
the codec) and then return an IplImage* pointer that points to another internal buff er
(so do not rely on this image, because it will be overwritten the next time you call
