Fast Reports Preview - C # MVC -

Good afternoon. I have reports with parameters, before forming reports, I would like to make a preview. How to use "webReport.Report.ShowPrepared ()"?
item = reportDB.SelectFirst(Convert.ToInt64(showID));
reportDB.SelectBinaryFile(ref item);
var r = new FastReport.Report();
WebReport webReport = new WebReport();
webReport.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
webReport.Height = Unit.Percentage(100);
if (1==1)//проверка на рус язык
webReport.LocalizationFile = "~\\Translation\\";
SetUserInfo(ref r);
webReport.AutoWidth = true;
webReport.AutoHeight = true;
webReport.Report =r;
ViewBag.WebReport = webReport.GetHtml();

As per the official documentation if Fast reports you can use like below.
First you needs to check whether the report is prepared, if prepared returns true boolean value simply you can call the showprepared() method.
if you wants to use some modal window and needs to return to the privious pages then you can use it like below.
void ShowPrepared(bool modal,Form owner)
The same as the previous method. The ow ner parameter determines a
window that owns the preview window.
Please read more from here to implement it in better way.
Official Documentation Fast Reports


GTK4 Vala - show FileChooserDialog

I am playing around with Vala and GTK4.
FileChooserDialog is not working for me
using Gtk;
int main (string[] argv) {
// Create a new application
var app = new Gtk.Application ("com.example.GtkApplication",
app.activate.connect (() => {
// Create a new window
var window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow (app);
window.title = "File chooser";
window.set_default_size (350, 70);
window.resizable = false;
// Create a new button
var file_choose_button = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("...");
file_choose_button.clicked.connect (() => {
var fileChooser = new FileChooserDialog(
"Select File",
fileChooser.response.connect(()=> {
stdout.printf("File selectd!");
window.set_child (file_choose_button);
// Show
window.present ();
return (argv);
I am missing some important piece of code, that will cause the FileChooserDialog to "appear".
In previous Versions of GTK there is "" - which is missing in GTK4.
The C-Example on uses makro(?) "gtk_widget_show(xxx)" for which I was not able to find an representation in Vala.
Any help appreciated!
Best Regards
After some struggle the solution was found (and is pretty simple).
As stated in the Vala Documentaion Site - File Chooser Dialog
It inherits from couple of classes one of which is GTK.Window.
So it is as simple as calling the present() method.
Thus the missing command above is:
One should not forget to use the close() method once file was selected or selection was canceled.
Important note:
"gtk_widget_show()" representation in Vala is BUT
I was not clever enough to find out how to prepare the parameter.
It expects pointer (GtkWidget*) and simply passing the "fileChooser" causes all kinds of compiler exceptions.
May be someone can throw more light on this (as I am using Vala to avoid the use of C - I am clearly not the expert in this area)

document is not a member of WindowBase

I'am updating old code and this part does not work :
IFrameElement iframe = query('#myframe iframe');
Window iframeW = iframe.contentWindow;// cast error
var myframeDoc = iframeW.document;
I changed Window to 'WindowBase` :
IFrameElement iframe = query('#myframe iframe');
WindowBase iframeW = iframe.contentWindow;
var myframeDoc = iframeW.document;
But document is not a member of WindowBase.
I want to access it to query like this:
With javascript, the solution works :
var myframeDoc = document.querySelector('#myframe iframe').contentWindow.document;
iFrame's and Windows have slightly different APIs, so you have to use WindowBase rather than Window.
You can see that the type of IFrameElement.contentWindow is WindowBase in the API docs and you should also see it in the pop-up docs in the Editor.

Very basic AChartEngine XY

I've been trying for hours to get something as simple as displaying a line chart based on 2 dots that I supply manually and all I get is a crash. I've tried to understand how everything works based on the demo code but it's too complex. I'm not even concerned about writing nice code with onResume() etc, I just want something to display the first time I open the activity. Once I know how to do that I'll be able to adapt and learn what I need. Here's the code I came up with:
public class StatsActivity extends Activity {
private XYMultipleSeriesDataset StatsDataset = new XYMultipleSeriesDataset();
private XYMultipleSeriesRenderer StatsRenderer = new XYMultipleSeriesRenderer();
private XYSeries StatsCurrentSeries;
private GraphicalView StatsChartView;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
String seriesTitle = "Rank";
XYSeries series = new XYSeries(seriesTitle);
series.add(5, 7); //1st series I want to add
series.add(9, 1); //the 2nd one
StatsCurrentSeries = series;
XYSeriesRenderer renderer = new XYSeriesRenderer();
StatsChartView = ChartFactory.getLineChartView(this, StatsDataset,StatsRenderer);
I've been reading the docs to determine what each function does but in the end I still can't get anything to display.
The big thing that I struggled with is that you need a renderer for each XYSeries. You have two series here, but just one renderer - I just create/add renderers when I input data. Also, Android is mostly pass-by-reference, so you've passed the same data set in twice (i.e. your second update to the data will be mirrored "in" the MultipleSeriesDataset).

Using One or More Formatters with a Page Renderer in iOS

Has anyone tried using multiple formatters (UIViewPrintFormatter, UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter, UISimpleTextPrintFormatter) with a page renderer (UIPrintPageRenderer) to print the content?
I'm trying to use two UIMarkupTextPrintFormatters with a UIPrintPageRenderer subclass, but i'm failing to get the print. I'm using MyPrintPageRenderer class from PrintWebView sample code.
I've gone through the Apple's documentation but it isn't very helpful, and there is no sample code associated with the description. I've tried a couple of solutions but so far I haven't had any success.
Any suggestions?
The fact that there is very little activity in the "Printing" section suggests that either not many people are using this, or people using this API are not visiting this community, or people are just ignoring the question for some reason.
Anyways, i was able to solve my problem. I was using setPrintFormatters: method earlier which wasn't/isn't working. I don't know why. So, i started experimenting with addPrintFormatter:startingAtPageAtIndex: method instead. And here's how i solved my problem:
// To draw the content of each page, a UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter is used.
NSString *htmlString = [self prepareWebViewHTML];
UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter *htmlFormatter = [[UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter alloc] initWithMarkupText:htmlString];
NSString *listHtmlString = [self prepareWebViewListHTMLWithCSS];
UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter *listHtmlFormatter = [[UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter alloc] initWithMarkupText:listHtmlString];
// I think this should work, but it doesn't! The result is an empty page with just the header and footer text.
// [myRenderer setPrintFormatters:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:htmlFormatter, listHtmlFormatter, nil]];
// Alternatively, i've used addPrintFormatters here, and they just work!
// Note: See MyPrintPageRenderer's numberOfPages method implementation for relavent details.
// The important point to note there is that the startPage property is updated/corrected.
[myRenderer addPrintFormatter:htmlFormatter startingAtPageAtIndex:0];
[myRenderer addPrintFormatter:listHtmlFormatter startingAtPageAtIndex:1];
In the MyPrintPageRenderer, i used following code to update/correct the startPage property so that a new page is used for each formatter:
- (NSInteger)numberOfPages
// TODO: Perform header footer calculations
// . . .
NSUInteger startPage = 0;
for (id f in self.printFormatters) {
UIPrintFormatter *myFormatter = (UIPrintFormatter *)f;
// Top inset is only used if we want a different inset for the first page and we don't.
// The bottom inset is never used by a viewFormatter.
myFormatter.contentInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, leftInset, 0, rightInset);
// Just to be sure, never allow the content to go past our minimum margins for the content area.
myFormatter.maximumContentWidth = self.paperRect.size.width - 2*MIN_MARGIN;
myFormatter.maximumContentHeight = self.paperRect.size.height - 2*MIN_MARGIN;
myFormatter.startPage = startPage;
startPage = myFormatter.startPage + myFormatter.pageCount;
// Let the superclass calculate the total number of pages
return [super numberOfPages];
I still don't know if there is anyway to APPEND the printable content of both htmlFormatter and listHtmlFormatter (using this approach). e.g. rather than using a new page for listHtmlFormatter, continue printing from where htmlFormatter ended.
I'm adding this extra info answer here because I spent 2 days dk'n around with this and Mustafa's answer saved me. Hopefully all this in one place will save others a lot of wasted time.
I was trying to figure out why I was unable get my custom UIPrintPageRenderer to iterate over an array of viewPrintFormatter from several UIWebViews that I need to print in ONE job, and have it properly calculate pageCount as these Apple docs suggest it should: PrintWebView
The key was to add them via this method:
-(void)addPrintFormatter:(UIPrintFormatter *)formatter startingAtPageAtIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex
and NOT this one:
#property(nonatomic, copy) NSArray <UIPrintFormatter *> *printFormatters
The Apple docs suggest that the UIPrintPageRenderer gets page count from the print formatters in the array as long as the proper metrics are set on the print formatters, as Mustafa shows above. But it only works if you add them via addPrintFormatter:startingAtPageAtIndex:
If you add them as an array, the printFormatters (regardless of what metrics you set on them) will return a page count of 0!
One additional note for people using this approach, put the update to viewPrintFormatter.startPage in a dispatch_async block, else you'll get an exception:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
myFormatter.startPage = startPage;
startPage = myFormatter.startPage + myFormatter.pageCount;
To add to #Mustafa's answer,
startPage needs to be declared as:
__block NSUInteger startPage
if it's to be used inside the dispatch_async block

XNA 4.0 - What happens when the window is minimized?

I'm learning F#, and decided to try making simple XNA games for windows using F# (pure enthusiasm) , and got a window with some images showing up.
Here's the code:
member self.DrawSprites() =
for i = 0 to _list.Length-1 do
let spentity = _list.List.ElementAt(i)
_spriteBatch.Draw(spentity.ImageTexture,new Rectangle(100,100,(int)spentity.Width,(int)spentity.Height),Color.White)
override self.Initialize() =
_graphicsDevice <- _graphics.GraphicsDevice
override self.LoadContent() =
_spriteBatch <- new SpriteBatch(_graphicsDevice)
override self.Draw(gameTime : GameTime) =
And the AddSprite Method:
member self.AddSprite(ID : int,imageTexture : string , width : float, height : float) =
let texture = content.Load<Texture2D>(imageTexture)
list <- list # [new SpriteEntity(ID,list.Length, texture,Vector2.Zero,width,height)]
The _list object has a ContentManager, here's the constructor:
type SpriteList(_content : ContentManager byref) =
let mutable content = _content
let mutable list = []
But I can't minimize the window, since when it regains its focus, i get this error:
Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'GraphicsDevice'.
What is happening?
Well after struggling for some time I got it to work. But it doesn't seem "right"
(thinking that way, using XNA and F# doesn't seem right either, but it's fun.)
member self.DrawSprites() =
for i = 0 to _list.Length-1 do
let spentity = _list.List.ElementAt(i)
if spentity.ImageTexture.IsDisposed then
spentity.ImageTexture <- _list.Content.Load<Texture2D>(spentity.Name)
_spriteBatch.Draw(spentity.ImageTexture,new Rectangle(100,100,(int)spentity.Width,(int)spentity.Height),Color.White)
override self.Initialize() =
override self.LoadContent() =
_graphicsDevice <- _graphics.GraphicsDevice
_spriteBatch <- new SpriteBatch(_graphicsDevice)
I adjust the graphicsDevice whenever my game needs to LoadContent, and in the DrawSprites() method I check if the texture is disposed, if it is, load it up again.
But this thing bugs me. I didn't know I had to Load all Content again everytime the window is minimized.
(And the code makes it look like Initialize() loads Content, and LoadContent() initializes, but oh well)
What you are observing is normal behaviour, it's by the way not specific to F#. See
This method is called by Initialize. Also, it is called any time the game content needs to be reloaded, such as when the DeviceReset event occurs.
Are you loading all of your content in Game.LoadContent? If you do, you should not be getting these errors.
