Scroll UITextView to specific text - ios

i have a uitextview with large texts and above i have a search field. Anything searched, i would love the uitextview to scroll to that specific text and hightlight. And i need to make sure that the uitextview scrolls in such a way that the searched text stays in the first line
I populated the textview with attributed text with some attributes. What i tried is get the text before the target text and tried to get the size of it adding the exact attributes i added on textview text at the beginning.
made a CGPoint using that height and set the contentOffset of the uitextview. But the textview scrolled no where near the target text. Maybe my approach is wrong as i dont have the width of the textview when setting attributes
My code is :
func goToBla() {
if let string = ayatTextView.text {
if let range = string.range(of: tazweedAyahas[8].text) {
let firstPart = string[string.startIndex..<range.lowerBound]
print("before \(tazweedAyahas[5].text) : ")
if let otherStr = firstPart as? NSString {
let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paragraphStyle.alignment = .center
let size = otherStr.size(withAttributes: [NSAttributedStringKey.paragraphStyle: paragraphStyle,
NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont(name: "me_quran", size: 30)
let point = CGPoint(x: 0, y: size.height)
ayatTextView.setContentOffset(point, animated: true)

Your approach is much more complicated than it needs to be. Use the scrollRangeToVisible method of UITextView.
func goToBla() {
if let string = ayatTextView.text, let range = string.localizedStandardRange(of: tazweedAyahas[8].text) {
let viewRange = NSRange(range, in: string)
ayatTextView.selectedRange = viewRange // optional
Note the following:
Use localizedStandardRange when searching if you want to ignore diacritics and case, and you want other locale specific search features.
Call selectedRange if you want the matching text selected.
If you want to get the selected range at the top, try something like this instead of calling scrollRangeToVisible:
let rect = ayatTextView.layoutManager.boundingRect(forGlyphRange: viewRange, in: ayatTextView.textContainer)
ayatTextView.contentOffset = CGPoint(x: 0, y: rect.origin.y)


UITextView does not adjust size when used in SwiftUI

My ultimate goal is to display html content in SwiftUI.
For that I am using UIKit's UITextView (I can't use web view, because I need to control font and text color).
This is the entire code of the view representable:
struct HTMLTextView: UIViewRepresentable {
private var htmlString: String
private var maxWidth: CGFloat = 0
private var font: UIFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 14)
private var textColor: UIColor = .darkText
init(htmlString: String) {
self.htmlString = htmlString
func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<HTMLTextView>) -> UITextView {
let textView = UITextView()
textView.isScrollEnabled = false
textView.isEditable = false
textView.backgroundColor = .clear
update(textView: textView)
return textView
func updateUIView(_ textView: UITextView, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<HTMLTextView>) {
update(textView: textView)
func sizeToFit(width: CGFloat) -> Self {
var textView = self
textView.maxWidth = width
return textView
func font(_ font: UIFont) -> Self {
var textView = self
textView.font = font
return textView
func textColor(_ textColor: UIColor) -> Self {
var textView = self
textView.textColor = textColor
return textView
// MARK: - Private
private func update(textView: UITextView) {
textView.attributedText = buildAttributedString(fromHTML: htmlString)
// this is one of the options that don't work
let size = textView.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: width, height: .greatestFiniteMagnitude))
textView.frame.size = size
private func buildAttributedString(fromHTML htmlString: String) -> NSAttributedString {
let htmlData = Data(htmlString.utf8)
let options = [NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html]
let attributedString = try? NSMutableAttributedString(data: htmlData, options: options, documentAttributes: nil)
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: attributedString?.length ?? 0)
attributedString?.addAttributes([.font: font,
.foregroundColor: textColor],
range: range)
return attributedString ?? NSAttributedString(string: "")
It is called from the SwiftUI code like this:
HTMLTextView(htmlString: "some string with html tags")
.font(.systemFont(ofSize: 15))
.sizeToFit(width: 200)
The idea is that the HTMLTextView would stick to the width (here 200, but in practice - the screen width) and grow vertically when the text is multiline.
The problem is whatever I do (see below), it is always displayed as a one line of text stretching outside of screen on the left and right. And it never grows vertically.
The stuff I tried:
calculating the size and setting the frame (you can see that in the code snippet)
doing the above + fixedSize() on the SwiftUI side
setting frame(width: ...) on the SwiftUI side
setting translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints to false
setting hugging priorities to required
setting ideal width on the SwiftUI side
Nothing helped. Any advice on how could I solve this will be very welcome!
P.S. I can't use SwiftUI's AttributedString, because I need to support iOS 14.
I have removed all the code with maxWidth and calculating size. And added textView.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(.defaultLow, for: .horizontal) when creating the textView in makeUIView(context:). This kind of solved the problem, except for this: even though the height of the text view is correct, the last line is not visible; if I rotate to landscape, it becomes visible; rotate to portrait - not visible again.
After some trial and error I figured out that it is ScrollView to blame. HTMLTextView is inside VStack, which is inside ScrollView. When I remove scroll view, everything sizes correctly.
The problem is, I need scrolling when the content is too long.
So, in the end, I had to move calculating the size that the attributed string would take in the text view with the given font/size etc into the view model, and then set .frame(width:, height:) to those values.
Not ideal, as the pre-calculated height seems a little bit larger than the actual text's height, but could not find better solution for now.
Update (for readability):
I calculate the actual size in view model (calculateDescriptionSize(limitedToWidth maxWidth:), and then I use the result on the Swift UI view:
HTMLTextView(htmlString: viewModel.attributedDescription)
.frame(width: maxWidth, height: viewModel.calculateDescriptionSize(limitedToWidth: maxWidth).height)
where HTMLTextView is my custom view wrapping the UIKit text view.
And this is the size calculation:
func calculateDescriptionSize(limitedToWidth maxWidth: CGFloat) -> CGSize {
// source:
let textStorage = NSTextStorage(attributedString: attributedDescription)
let size = CGSize(width: maxWidth, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
let boundingRect = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size)
let textContainer = NSTextContainer(size: size)
textContainer.lineFragmentPadding = 0
let layoutManager = NSLayoutManager()
layoutManager.glyphRange(forBoundingRect: boundingRect, in: textContainer)
let rect = layoutManager.usedRect(for: textContainer)
return rect.integral.size

How to fix UILabel text spacing?

This code worked fine on iOS 12 and under and the issue occurs when running iOS 13. The goal is to remove the line height spacing to 0 so my labels have a reduced amount of space in between text. I have two labels inside a collection view cell and when I scroll the cells off the screen and then scroll back down the label text is now "cut off". This was not the case as I mentioned in previous versions of iOS. Any help fixing this would be amazing. Thanks ahead of time.
This is my code:
extension: UILabel {
func addLineSpacing(spacing: CGFloat) {
guard let text = text else { return }
let originalText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)
let style = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
let lineHeight = font.pointSize - font.ascender + font.capHeight
let offset = font.capHeight - font.ascender
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: text.count)
style.maximumLineHeight = lineHeight
style.minimumLineHeight = lineHeight
style.alignment = .center
originalText.addAttribute(.paragraphStyle, value: style, range: range)
originalText.addAttribute(.baselineOffset, value: offset, range: range)
attributedText = originalText
This is how the UILabel text looks like before scrolling:
This is how it looks after scrolling. Notice how the text seems to be shifted up and cut off
I had the similar issue with UILabel and I fixed it with in following way:
style.maximumLineHeight = lineHeight
style.minimumLineHeight = lineHeight - 0.0001
I know that's not the most beautiful solution and this just a workaround but it's working. Hope it help.

Swift changing line spacing leaves bottom white space

I am trying to change the line spacing for a label to reduce the line space in Arabic language it is too much. The extension function I used from here with additions for Arabic styling is working on controlling the line spacing of the label but the only problem it leaves bottom margin white space I assume equals the same label size before reducing the line space.
The extension function here:
extension UILabel {
// Pass value for any one of both parameters and see result
func setLineSpacing(lineSpacing: CGFloat = 0.0, lineHeightMultiple: CGFloat = 0.0) {
guard let labelText = self.text else { return }
let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paragraphStyle.lineSpacing = lineSpacing
paragraphStyle.lineHeightMultiple = lineHeightMultiple
paragraphStyle.alignment = .justified
paragraphStyle.baseWritingDirection = .rightToLeft
let attributedString:NSMutableAttributedString
if let labelattributedText = self.attributedText {
attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: labelattributedText)
} else {
attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: labelText)
attributedString.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.paragraphStyle, value:paragraphStyle, range:NSMakeRange(0, attributedString.length))
self.attributedText = attributedString
then I just call the function like this:
bodyLabel.attributedText = entry.attributedText
bodyLabel.setLineSpacing(lineSpacing: -20)
I tried the extension it's working fine like this:
bodyLabel.attributedText = entry.attributedText
bodyLabel.setLineSpacing(lineSpacing: -20)
Also if that didn't work check the height for the label, and try setting the content to Fill.
bodyLabel.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
Constraints of the bodyLabel must be like,
Adjust the bottom constraint of your label to >=0

Dynamically set UILabel text alignment between .left and .justified

In my app I have a UILabel with two lines preset. I can set the text alignment to either .left or .justified.
If I set it to .left, there is no layout issue if there is enough space between the last word in a line and the maximum x position of the label. Yet, when there is not so much space, so that the last word is very near the maximum x position, it looks kinda weird, because it is not exactly right-aligned (as it would be with .justified.
If I set it to .justified, it is always aligned well, yet sometimes the distance between the individual characters looks weird.
What I'm looking for is a way to dynamically adjust the text alignment depending on the distance between the last word in the first line to the maximum x position of the label. Say, if the position of the last character of the last word is smaller than 50, I want to have text alignment .left, otherwise I'd like to have .justified. Is there any way on how to accomplish this?
I took a quite hacky approach which takes some processing power, but it seems to work.
First of all, I fetch the string in the first line of the label using this extension:
import CoreText
extension UILabel {
/// Returns the String displayed in the first line of the UILabel or "" if text or font is missing
var firstLineString: String {
guard let text = self.text else { return "" }
guard let font = self.font else { return "" }
let rect = self.frame
let attStr = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)
attStr.addAttribute(String(kCTFontAttributeName), value: CTFontCreateWithName(font.fontName as CFString, font.pointSize, nil), range: NSMakeRange(0, attStr.length))
let frameSetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(attStr as CFAttributedString)
let path = CGMutablePath()
path.addRect(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: rect.size.width + 7, height: 100))
let frame = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(frameSetter, CFRangeMake(0, 0), path, nil)
guard let line = (CTFrameGetLines(frame) as! [CTLine]).first else { return "" }
let lineString = text[text.startIndex...text.index(text.startIndex, offsetBy: CTLineGetStringRange(line).length-2)]
return lineString
After that I calculate the width, a label with line number 1 and fixed height would require for that string using this extension:
extension UILabel {
/// Get required width for a UILabel depending on its text content and font configuration
class func calculateWidth(text: String, height: CGFloat, font: UIFont) -> CGFloat {
let label = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude, height: height))
label.numberOfLines = 1
label.font = font
label.text = text
return label.frame.size.width
Based on that, I can calculate the distance to the right and decide whether to choose text alignment .left or .justified, so the main code looks like this:
// Set text
myLabel.text = someString
// Change text alignment depending on distance to right
let firstLineString = myLabel.firstLineString
let distanceToRight = myLabel.frame.size.width - UILabel.calculateWidth(text: firstLineString, height: myLabel.frame.size.height, font: myLabel.font)
myLabel.textAlignment = distanceToRight < 20 ? .justified : .left

UILabel vertical alignment

In my application i am using ActiveLabelfram Github.
In that case, my label does not show the text in the middle of the UILabel. If i use a normal UILabel it works fine, but when settings it to a ActiveLabel, it gets like this.
(Image is taken in runtime)
I think this is the code to play with the alignment somehow:
/// add line break mode
private func addLineBreak(attrString: NSAttributedString) -> NSMutableAttributedString {
let mutAttrString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: attrString)
var range = NSRange(location: 0, length: 0)
var attributes = mutAttrString.attributesAtIndex(0, effectiveRange: &range)
let paragraphStyle = attributes[NSParagraphStyleAttributeName] as? NSMutableParagraphStyle ?? NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paragraphStyle.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping
if let lineSpacing = lineSpacing {
paragraphStyle.lineSpacing = CGFloat(lineSpacing)
attributes[NSParagraphStyleAttributeName] = paragraphStyle
mutAttrString.setAttributes(attributes, range: range)
return mutAttrString
Any ideas how i can make it in the middle like this:
(Image is taken from Storyboard)
In ActiveLabel.swift replace the drawTextInRect method with
public override func drawTextInRect(rect: CGRect) {
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: textStorage.length)
textContainer.size = rect.size
let usedRect = layoutManager.usedRectForTextContainer(textContainer)
let glyphOriginY = (rect.height > usedRect.height) ? rect.origin.y + (rect.height - usedRect.height) / 2 : rect.origin.y
let glyphOrigin = CGPointMake(rect.origin.x, glyphOriginY)
layoutManager.drawBackgroundForGlyphRange(range, atPoint: glyphOrigin)
layoutManager.drawGlyphsForGlyphRange(range, atPoint: glyphOrigin)
I have also forked the repo under
If you download the repo, remember to set verticalTextAlignmentCenter to true
Have a look at this post:
Programmatically Add CenterX/CenterY Constraints
Well the problem will be when u have dragged a label already from the IB and then you are trying to change its position. The code will break.
You will need to programmatically make the label and then set it to the centre.
And very seriously, #Alex is correct. AutoLayout solves a lot of problems.
You can set the textAlignment in the code like this:
showLab.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
Or you can also use Storyboard or xib to see what happen in the lab,StoryBoard,as you look i choose the Second of alignment what means middle in the label
