How could I use SnapKit in Objc project? - ios

I create new project with CocoaPods (Xcode 9.3.1 and Swift 4.1)and of course use SnapKit in it.
and I want use third party class TreeView ,this class wrote by Objc.
How cloud I use SnapKit in class TreeView ???
I try to use the following steps but not working:
create new file named SnapKit-Bridging-Header.h
go to TreeView.m , import the header file (notice:It ends with '-Swift'):
#import "SnapKit-Swift.h"
compiling now is OK! and I can see LayoutConstraint (defined in SnapKit)and some other class in TreeView.m file
but when I use ,it complain "Property 'snp' not found ..."
So my Q is How could I use in ObjC file??? Thanks :)

Swift code is not fully interoperable with Objective-C.
You can only use such Swift elements in your bridging header that are supported by Objective-C. This library requires Swift, it doesn't say that it supports Objective-C, so it's likely you need to do extra adaptation efforts to support it.
In iOS 9+ you have NSLayoutAnchor API that is almost as easy to use as SnapKit
(see ; ;
This API is easy to use and compatible with Objective-C.
If you want to support iOS 8, you can use a backporting library like this one.


importing Pure Swift Framework in Objective-C Project

I want to import a Swift framework called "Beethoven" into Objective-C project. I import this framework via cocoapods.
The problem is that framework is written in pure swift. Since the classes are not subclass of NSObject they can't be used directly in my objC classes.
I am newbie in Swift and intermediate in objC, but I think there may be 2 solutions for that:
1-Modifying the whole library: which is probably not an optimal solution.
2-Using a new class which behaves as an interface between swift framework and my objC code. I think second solution will be a better alternative in terms of time and effort needed.
Actually below given post explains modifying the pure swift classes but I don't know how to apply this in my case.
How to use Swift non-NSObject subclass in Objective-C
As I mentioned I am not a very capable programmer and there may be better solutions for that problem. I would be grateful if someone can help me and suggest the best solution for integrating pure Swift framework into my objC project.
NSObject is usually not the only problem. Swift has many features that are not supported by Objective-C. To name a few: swift value types (struct's), swift enums with attached values. If a library uses any of those, it will not be possible to auto-generate an Objective-C header (.h) for it.
Adapting the code of the library on the spot might work, but it is likely more work long term in case if you ever need to update that library again.
Your 2nd approach sounds better: create a layer that is compatible with Objective-C on top of the library which exports methods that need to be exported with #objc and adapts the types. If you go that way consider making a PR contribution to the original library so that everyone could use it in Objective-C projects, and you share responsibility of updating it when the swift code changes.
The 3rd approach would be actually to rewrite some parts of you app to Swift. That might or might not be easier depending on the size of the part of the app that is using the library and how well it is isolated from the rest of the app.

Issues while using swift code in objective-c

I am very new to iOS who is trying to use swift in objective-c. I created a swift class in the objective-c project and i am able to call that class from an objective-c view controller.
The problem is if i make any changes in the swift code, it doesn't seem to be available immediately for objective-c class to access. Each time i change something in the swift class, i will have to build the project and only then it seems to be available in objective-c.
Is there a configuration that i am missing or it is expected to work this way by design?
Please read this explanation from apple. Read the sub-heading "Importing Swift into Objective-C". The generation of header files might be the explanation for your issue.

Call ios-charts fromObj-c

I try to use ios-chart (Swift framework) from my objective-c project.
And I don't use storyboard or UI-designer. I program. :-)
Is there anyone who can hint me how to open a LineChart or other chart from my UIViewController?
My best guess so far is to create a subclass from UIViewController and programatically add a BarChartView provided with my data that should be plotted.
I thought I would find a UIViewController in interface folder but havn't done that.
Any example or hint is appreciated!
Kind regards.
Jan Gifvars
Repository contains ChartsDemo folder with real examples written in objective-c. You can use it as an example.
If you want to install this library as pod using cocoapods, then you to include use_frameworks in your pod file.
swift is callable from Obj-c and vice versa, guarenteed by apple:
btw, if you need to support iOS 7, use ios-charts source code directly.

Can we create iOS app with swift and obj c both?

Can we create iOS app with swift and obj c both.My half app is made using OBJ-C and just want to improve apps performance so is that possible to use swift in between
Yes you can.
You have to add objc header #imports in the <module name>-Bridging-Header.h that you want to make available in swift, and you can use swift code from objc by importing the <module name>-Swift.h file in your objc code.
Note that the latter header file is automatically generated when building, and it is not visible in the project navigator - but you can open it by cmd+click-ing its name in an existing #import. Also to note that if compilation fails, most likely the file will not be generated.
Last, I highly recommend that you avoid circular references between objc and swift - for instance, creating a SwiftClass, inherited from BaseObjcClass, and using SwiftClass from objc - I've experienced that it doesn't work (compilation errors), and I am not aware of any workaround
Yes, you can. You just need to follow this:
Apple’s intention to replace the Objective-C language using Swift, it is not practical in the short term simply due to the fact that developers are deeply entrenched in Objective-C. Rather than force Swift down the developer’s throat, Apple has made it easy to allow Objective-C to interoperate with Swift.
Dec 2018 - I found this useful YouTube video that helps explain what files you need to add and how to make the connections.
YouTube - How to use Swift and Objective-C in the same project

Swift: How do you use an Objective-C function from a linked library?

I'm new to iOS development and playing with Swift for the sake of learning. As a small challenge, I'm trying to get the SSID of network to which a device is currently connected.
This is well-covered ground on Stack using Objective-C: iPhone get SSID without private library, for example ... but the Objective-C / Swift dance is causing me some conceptual challenges.
Specifically, the suggested solution (discussed in the above-linked post) is to call the function CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo() -- but, according to Apple's documentation, this function is not available in Swift.
So far
I've included (I think correctly) SystemConfiguration.framework by adding it to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries of the project. I've also brought it into the View Controller using import SystemConfiguration.
Do I need to also use import SystemConfiguration, or is that already done due to including the framework with my project?
Is there another / better way to include the SystemConfiguration library?
The big one: How, once the required library is imported, do you call the Objective-C function from the library?
Thank you!
I know this is not directly answering your question, but it's an answer to your problem.
You can do everything in swift in your case.
After importing the library,
import SystemConfiguration.CaptiveNetwork
You can immediately call:
and it will work.
Confirmed in Xcode 6.3.2.
Apple's interoperability book (from Understanding the Swift Import Process):
Any Objective-C framework (or C library) that’s accessible as a module
can be imported directly into Swift. This includes all of the
Objective-C system frameworks—such as Foundation, UIKit, and
SpriteKit—as well as common C libraries supplied with the system.
Regarding your specific questions:
The opposite is the case: you do not need to manually include Apple's frameworks. Xcode will automatically make them available to you given a valid import statement (such as import SystemConfiguration in your case), even – or rather: especially – in a playground!
Given the above import statement, SystemConfiguration is indeed imported since you can call its functions (e.g. SCCopyLastError() // --> __NSCFError) and access its constants (e.g. kCFErrorDomainSystemConfiguration // --> Unfortunately, CaptiveNetwork does not seem to be imported with it (e.g. CNCopySupportedInterfaces() // --> Use of unresolved identifier).
You should be able, however, to use this framework on the Objective C side and simply call your own wrapper functions from Swift. You just need to remember to include them among the imports listed in your bridging header (see Swift and Objective-C in the Same Project for more about bridging headers).
