Chart.js how can we have a column not start at 0 -

I'm trying to make a chart where a couple of the columns need to be floating. How can this be achieved?

This is a waterfall chart, which is not available in Chart.js. See the issue on Github.
However, someone has made such a plugin for Chart.js, available here.
Usage of this plugin is simple, like so:
import waterFallPlugin from 'chartjs-plugin-waterfall';
var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
plugins: [waterFallPlugin]


Correctly showing RTL languages in JIRA

Does anybody knows how to use JIRA with RTL languages?
It seems that their interface is not configurable to change the direction of text flow.
There is server side Jira plugin for this.
Right To Left Plugin for Jira
Thought I did not try it and of cause that means buying, installing etc.
There is also a chrome plugin
(Disclaimer I am the creator of this plugin. And by the way, help wanted for maintaining it.)
I use Jira announcement banner to inject custom CSS or JS: How to add custom JS and CSS
Just add this code:
setInterval(function () {
let pegah_dirAutoSupportSelector =
const items = document.querySelectorAll(pegah_dirAutoSupportSelector);
items.forEach((x) => {
x.setAttribute("dir", "auto");
}, 1000);

highcharts, downloadPNG remove chart data

I'm having trouble with highcharts downloading PNG image, I want to use my own button instead the highcharts one, reading the documentation I need to use "exportChart" function, but it removes data:
options:any = {
exporting: {
enabled: false
There is an "almost working" example it gives an error in app.module using "require" and another one when tyring to import from exporting, help in make the example work will be apreciate
When it's working, we can click in "download button" and downloads the chart, but if click again it returns an error because data is removed from chart.
I've realized it also happen using exporting library, you can check it download image file and trying to do zoom out.
The reason is saveInstance method - it is called on every chart's load. When exporting, a new temporary chart is created and then deleted so now your angular component has the reference to the removed exported chart - this.chart inside exportPNG() refers to the empty chart object.
You can check if load event is called for a normal chart and then save the chart's instance.
saveInstance(chartInstance): void {
if (!chartInstance.options.chart.forExport) this.chart = chartInstance;
live example:

array.prototype.foreach called on null or undefined highcharts

I am working on Highcharts highmaps rich information on click chart.First time load the information by json array and its working fine.But when I am filter data using filters and load chart again it`s give me same error array.prototype.foreach called on null or undefined highcharts at below lines.What is solution for this?
proceed.apply(this,, 1));
var points = mapChart.getSelectedPoints();
Below link I am using as reference:
I will answer this question in case someone else bumps into this problem in the future (even though I saw your problem is solved in github).
I encountered this issue with Highcharts when resizing the website (having 2 pie charts and one bar graph). I managed to solve it by wrapping the initialization of the graphs in a document.ready:
$(() => {

Easy way to gather all the common properties of a chart, to not write them all the time?

I am drawing various charts on a page, and would like to avoid to have to declare in each chart, the properties that are common to every chart.
I tried an example found online, where the common part was in a {settings}, but when I try to load it, I had no luck.
I am using Highcharts. Any suggestion is more than welcome....with 16 charts on one page, I am just going crazy.
You can use merge function. See the example:
var defaultOptions = {
title: {
text:'common title'
var opt1 = Highcharts.merge(defaultOptions,{

Adding flags to highcharts (same as highstock)

See topic here:
and the link which refers to the answer (which no longer works):
Could someone help me find/reproduce the answer, I'd like to add flags to highcharts just as is possible in highstock charts.
You should use Highstock library and Highcharts chart like in this example:
<script src=""></script>
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
