Simple CIFilter Passthru with CGImage conversion returns black pixels - ios

The following code:
let skView = SKView()
let scene = SKScene()
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.scene.scaleMode = .resizeFill
self.scene.backgroundColor =
self.scene.shouldEnableEffects = true
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "NAME_THAT_PIC")
sprite.position = CGPoint(x: 300, y: 400)
let effectNode = SKEffectNode()
effectNode.filter = MyFilter()
will call this custom filter that does nothing but create a CGImage from a CIImage, correctly invoking context.createCGImage() as reported by many people (CIImages are not pixel buffered.)
MyFilter is reduced to a simple repro test:
class MyFilter: CIFilter {
var inputImage: CIImage?
var inputImageRect: CGRect? {
guard let image = self.inputImage else {
return nil
return image.extent
public override init() {
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override open var outputImage: CIImage? {
guard let inputImage = self.inputImage else {
return nil
let context = CIContext(options:nil)
let cgImage = context.createCGImage(inputImage, from: inputImageRect!)
return CIImage(cgImage: cgImage!)
If I replace MyFilter() by another built-in filter, it works and will show the altered image so the viewcontroller code works. If instead, I return inputImage directly from the filter output call, it works and the image passed in will display.
When I dump the CGImage, the dimensions of the image are correct but every pixels are set to black.
I tried creating a UIImage using UIImage(cgImage: cgImage!) but the same happens.
What is causing pixels not to be loaded in the cgImage I generated from the inputImage?


How to combine a Gif Image into UIImageView with overlaying UIImageView in swift?

A gif image is loaded into a UIImageView (by using this extension) and another UIImageView is overlaid on it. Everything works fine but the problem is when I going for combine both via below code, it shows a still image (.jpg). I wanna combine both and after combine it should be a animated image (.gif) too.
let bottomImage = gifPlayer.image
let topImage = UIImage
let size = CGSize(width: (bottomImage?.size.width)!, height: (bottomImage?.size.height)!)
let areaSize = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height)
bottomImage!.draw(in: areaSize)
topImage!.draw(in: areaSize, blendMode: .normal, alpha: 0.8)
let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
Click here to know more about this problem please.
When using an animated GIF in a UIImageView, it becomes an array of UIImage.
We can set that array with (for example):
imageView.animationImages = arrayOfImages
imageView.animationDuration = 1.0
or, we can set the .image property to an animatedImage -- that's how the GIF-Swift code you are using works:
if let img = UIImage.gifImageWithName("funny") {
bottomImageView.image = img
in that case, the image also contains the duration:
So, to generate a new animated GIF with the border/overlay image, you need to get that array of images and generate each "frame" with the border added to it.
Here's a quick example...
This assumes:
you are using GIF-Swift
you have added bottomImageView and topImageView in Storyboard
you have a GIF in the bundle named "funny.gif" (edit the code if yours is different)
you have a "border.png" in assets (again, edit the code as needed)
and you have a button to connect to the #IBAction:
import UIKit
import ImageIO
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
class animImageViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var bottomImageView: UIImageView!
#IBOutlet var topImageView: UIImageView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let img = UIImage.gifImageWithName("funny") {
bottomImageView.image = img
if let img = UIImage(named: "border") {
topImageView.image = img
#IBAction func saveButtonTapped(_ sender: Any) {
generateNewGif(from: bottomImageView, with: topImageView)
func generateNewGif(from animatedImageView: UIImageView, with overlayImageView: UIImageView) {
var images: [UIImage]!
var delayTime: Double!
guard let overlayImage = overlayImageView.image else {
print("Could not get top / overlay image!")
if let imgs = animatedImageView.image?.images {
// the image view is using .image = animatedImage
// unwrap the duration
if let dur = animatedImageView.image?.duration {
images = imgs
delayTime = dur / Double(images.count)
} else {
print("Image view is using an animatedImage, but could not get the duration!" )
} else if let imgs = animatedImageView.animationImages {
// the image view is using .animationImages
images = imgs
delayTime = animatedImageView.animationDuration / Double(images.count)
} else {
print("Could not get images array!")
// we now have a valid [UIImage] array, and
// a valid inter-frame duration, and
// a valid "overlay" UIImage
// generate unique file name
let destinationFilename = String(NSUUID().uuidString + ".gif")
// create empty file in temp folder to hold gif
let destinationURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).appendingPathComponent(destinationFilename)
// metadata for gif file to describe it as an animated gif
let fileDictionary = [kCGImagePropertyGIFDictionary : [kCGImagePropertyGIFLoopCount : 0]]
// create the file and set the file properties
guard let animatedGifFile = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(destinationURL as CFURL, UTType.gif.identifier as CFString, images.count, nil) else {
print("error creating file")
CGImageDestinationSetProperties(animatedGifFile, fileDictionary as CFDictionary)
let frameDictionary = [kCGImagePropertyGIFDictionary : [kCGImagePropertyGIFDelayTime: delayTime]]
// use original size of gif
let sz: CGSize = images[0].size
let renderer: UIGraphicsImageRenderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: sz)
// loop through the images
// drawing the top/border image on top of each "frame" image with 80% alpha
// then writing the combined image to the gif file
images.forEach { img in
let combinedImage = renderer.image { ctx in
img.draw(at: .zero)
overlayImage.draw(in: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: sz), blendMode: .normal, alpha: 0.8)
guard let cgFrame = combinedImage.cgImage else {
print("error creating cgImage")
// add the combined image to the new animated gif
CGImageDestinationAddImage(animatedGifFile, cgFrame, frameDictionary as CFDictionary)
// done writing
print("New GIF created at:")
// do something with the newly created file...
// maybe move it to documents folder, or
// upload it somewhere, or
// save to photos library, etc
the code is based on this article: How to Make an Animated GIF Using Swift
this should be considered Example Code Only!!! -- a starting-point for you, not a "production ready" solution.

How do you apply Core Image filters to an onscreen image using Swift/MacOS or iOS and Core Image

Photos editing adjustments provides a realtime view of the applied adjustments as they are applied. I wasn't able to find any samples of how you do this. All the examples seems to show that you apply the filters through a pipeline of sorts and then take the resulting image and update the screen with the result. See code below.
Photos seems to show the adjustment applied to the onscreen image. How do they achieve this?
func editImage(inputImage: CGImage) { {
let beginImage = CIImage(cgImage: inputImage)
guard let exposureOutput = self.exposureFilter(beginImage, ev: self.brightness) else {
guard let vibranceOutput = self.vibranceFilter(exposureOutput, amount: self.vibranceAmount) else {
guard let unsharpMaskOutput = self.unsharpMaskFilter(vibranceOutput, intensity: self.unsharpMaskIntensity, radius: self.unsharpMaskRadius) else {
guard let sharpnessOutput = self.sharpenFilter(unsharpMaskOutput, sharpness: self.unsharpMaskIntensity) else {
if let cgimg = self.context.createCGImage(sharpnessOutput, from: vibranceOutput.extent) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.cgImage = cgimg
OK, I just found the answer - use MTKView, which is working fine except for getting the image to fill the view correctly!
For the benefit of others here are the basics... I have yet to figure out how to position the image correctly in the view - but I can see the filter applied in realtime!
class ViewController: NSViewController, MTKViewDelegate {
#objc dynamic var cgImage: CGImage? {
didSet {
if let cgimg = cgImage {
ciImage = CIImage(cgImage: cgimg)
var ciImage: CIImage?
// Metal resources
var device: MTLDevice!
var commandQueue: MTLCommandQueue!
var sourceTexture: MTLTexture! // 2
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
var context: CIContext!
var textureLoader: MTKTextureLoader!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do view setup here.
let metalView = MTKView()
metalView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
metalView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor),
metalView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor),
metalView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor),
metalView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor)
device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()
commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue()
metalView.delegate = self
metalView.device = device
metalView.framebufferOnly = false
context = CIContext()
textureLoader = MTKTextureLoader(device: device)
public func draw(in view: MTKView) {
if let ciImage = self.ciImage {
if let currentDrawable = view.currentDrawable {
let commandBuffer = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer()
let inputImage = ciImage // 2
exposureFilter.setValue(inputImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
exposureFilter.setValue(ev, forKey: kCIInputEVKey)
to: currentDrawable.texture,
commandBuffer: commandBuffer,
bounds: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: view.drawableSize),
colorSpace: colorSpace)

Filtering Depth Data on iOS 12 appears to be rotated

I am having an issue where the Depth Data for the .builtInDualCamera appears to be rotated 90 degrees when isFilteringEnabled = true
Here is my code:
fileprivate let session = AVCaptureSession()
fileprivate let meta = AVCaptureMetadataOutput()
fileprivate let video = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
fileprivate let depth = AVCaptureDepthDataOutput()
fileprivate let camera: AVCaptureDevice
fileprivate let input: AVCaptureDeviceInput
fileprivate let synchronizer: AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer
init(delegate: CaptureSessionDelegate?) throws {
self.delegate = delegate
session.sessionPreset = .vga640x480
// Setup Camera Input
let discovery = AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession(deviceTypes: [.builtInDualCamera], mediaType: .video, position: .unspecified)
if let device = discovery.devices.first {
camera = device
} else {
throw SessionError.CameraNotAvailable("Unable to load camera")
input = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: camera)
// Setup Metadata Output (Face)
if meta.availableMetadataObjectTypes.contains(AVMetadataObject.ObjectType.face) {
meta.metadataObjectTypes = [ AVMetadataObject.ObjectType.face ]
} else {
print("Can't Setup Metadata: \(meta.availableMetadataObjectTypes)")
// Setup Video Output
video.videoSettings = [kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey as String: kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA]
video.connection(with: .video)?.videoOrientation = .portrait
// Setup Depth Output
depth.isFilteringEnabled = true
depth.connection(with: .depthData)?.videoOrientation = .portrait
// Setup Synchronizer
synchronizer = AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer(dataOutputs: [depth, video, meta])
let outputRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1)
let videoRect = video.outputRectConverted(fromMetadataOutputRect: outputRect)
let depthRect = depth.outputRectConverted(fromMetadataOutputRect: outputRect)
// Ratio of the Depth to Video
scale = max(videoRect.width, videoRect.height) / max(depthRect.width, depthRect.height)
// Set Camera to the framerate of the Depth Data Collection
try camera.lockForConfiguration()
if let fps = camera.activeDepthDataFormat?.videoSupportedFrameRateRanges.first?.minFrameDuration {
camera.activeVideoMinFrameDuration = fps
synchronizer.setDelegate(self, queue: syncQueue)
func dataOutputSynchronizer(_ synchronizer: AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer, didOutput data: AVCaptureSynchronizedDataCollection) {
guard let delegate = self.delegate else {
// Check to see if all the data is actually here
let videoSync = data.synchronizedData(for: video) as? AVCaptureSynchronizedSampleBufferData,
let depthSync = data.synchronizedData(for: depth) as? AVCaptureSynchronizedDepthData,
else {
// It's OK if the face isn't found.
let face: AVMetadataFaceObject?
if let metaSync = data.synchronizedData(for: meta) as? AVCaptureSynchronizedMetadataObjectData {
face = (metaSync.metadataObjects.first { $0 is AVMetadataFaceObject }) as? AVMetadataFaceObject
} else {
face = nil
// Convert Buffers to CIImage
let videoImage = convertVideoImage(fromBuffer: videoSync.sampleBuffer)
let depthImage = convertDepthImage(fromData: depthSync.depthData, andFace: face)
// Call Delegate
delegate.captureImages(video: videoImage, depth: depthImage, face: face)
fileprivate func convertVideoImage(fromBuffer sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer) -> CIImage {
// Convert from "CoreMovie?" to CIImage - fairly straight-forward
let pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer)
let image = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer!)
return image
fileprivate func convertDepthImage(fromData depthData: AVDepthData, andFace face: AVMetadataFaceObject?) -> CIImage {
var convertedDepth: AVDepthData
// Convert 16-bif floats up to 32
if depthData.depthDataType != kCVPixelFormatType_DisparityFloat32 {
convertedDepth = depthData.converting(toDepthDataType: kCVPixelFormatType_DisparityFloat32)
} else {
convertedDepth = depthData
// Pixel buffer comes straight from depthData
let pixelBuffer = convertedDepth.depthDataMap
let image = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)
return image
The original Video Looks like this: (For reference)
When the values are:
// Setup Depth Output
depth.isFilteringEnabled = false
depth.connection(with: .depthData)?.videoOrientation = .portrait
The Image looks like this: (you can see the closer jacket is white, the farther jacket is grey, and the distance is dark grey - as expected)
When the values are:
// Setup Depth Output
depth.isFilteringEnabled = true
depth.connection(with: .depthData)?.videoOrientation = .portrait
The image looks like this: (You can see the color values appear to be in the right places, but the shapes in the smoothing filter appear to be rotated)
When the values are:
// Setup Depth Output
depth.isFilteringEnabled = true
depth.connection(with: .depthData)?.videoOrientation = .landscapeRight
The image looks like this: (Both the colors and the shapes appear to be horizontal)
Am I doing something wrong to get these incorrect values?
I have tried re-ordering the code
// Setup Depth Output
depth.connection(with: .depthData)?.videoOrientation = .portrait
depth.isFilteringEnabled = true
But that does nothing.
I think this is an issue related to iOS 12, because I remember this working just fine under iOS 11 (although I don't have any images saved to prove it)
Any Help is appreciated, thanks!
Unlike the suggestion to review other answers on rotating the image after creation, which I found did not work, in the AVDepthData documentation, there is a method available that does the orientation correction for you.
The method is called: depthDataByApplyingExifOrientation: which returns an instance of AVDepthData with the orientation applied, ie. you can create your image in the correct orientation you desire by passing in the parameter of your choice.
This is my helper method that returns a UIImage with the orientation fix.
- (UIImage *)createDepthMapImageFromCapturePhoto:(AVCapturePhoto *)photo {
// AVCapturePhoto which has depthData - in swift you should confirm this exists
AVDepthData *frontDepthData = [photo depthData];
// Overwrite the instance with the correct orientation applied.
frontDepthData = [frontDepthData depthDataByApplyingExifOrientation:kCGImagePropertyOrientationRight];
// Create the CIImage from the depth data using the available method.
CIImage *ciDepthImage = [CIImage imageWithDepthData:frontDepthData];
// Create CIContext which enables converting CIImage to CGImage
CIContext *context = [[CIContext alloc] init];
// Create the CGImage
CGImageRef img = [context createCGImage:ciDepthImage fromRect:[ciDepthImage extent]];
// Create the final image.
UIImage *depthImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:img];
// Return the depth image.
return depthImage;

Render a MTIImage

Please don't judge me I'm just learning Swift.
Recently I installed MetalPetal framework and I followed the instructions:
But I get error because of MTIContext. Maybe I have to declare something more of MetalPetal?
My Code:
import UIKit
import MetalPetal
import CoreGraphics
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var image1: UIImageView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
weak var image: UIImage?
image = image1.image
var ciImage = CIImage(image: image!)
var cgImage1 = convertCIImageToCGImage(inputImage: ciImage!)
let imageFromCGImage = MTIImage(cgImage: cgImage1!)
let inputImage = imageFromCGImage
let filter = MTISaturationFilter()
filter.saturation = 1
filter.inputImage = inputImage
let outputImage = filter.outputImage
let context = MTIContext()
do {
try context.render(outputImage, to: pixelBuffer)
var image3: CIImage? = try context.makeCIImage(from: outputImage!)
//context.makeCIImage(from: image)
//context.makeCGImage(from: image)
} catch {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func convertCIImageToCGImage(inputImage: CIImage) -> CGImage? {
let context = CIContext(options: nil)
if let cgImage = context.createCGImage(inputImage, from: inputImage.extent) {
return cgImage
return nil
Input Image
An UIImage is based on either underlying Quartz image (can be retrieved with cgImage) or an underlying Core Image (can be retrieved from UIImage with ciImage).
MTIImage offers constructors for both types.
A MTIContext must be initialized with a device that can be retrieved by calling MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice().
A rendering to a pixel buffer is not needed. We can get the result by calling makeCGImage.
I've taken your source code above and slightly adapted it to the aforementioned points.
I also added a second UIImageView to see the result of the filtering. I also changed the saturation to 0 to see if the filter works
If GPU or shaders are involved it makes sense to test on a real device and not on the simulator.
The result looks like this:
In the upper area you see the original jpg, in the lower area the filter is applied.
The simplified Swift code that produces this result looks like this:
override func viewDidLoad() {
guard let image = UIImage(named: "regensburg.jpg") else { return }
guard let cgImage = image.cgImage else { return }
imageView1.image = image
let filter = MTISaturationFilter()
filter.saturation = 0
filter.inputImage = MTIImage(cgImage: cgImage)
if let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice(),
let outputImage = filter.outputImage {
do {
let context = try MTIContext(device: device)
let filteredImage = try context.makeCGImage(from: outputImage)
imageView2.image = UIImage(cgImage: filteredImage)
} catch {

Swift 4 Can you annotate a PDF with an image

I'm fairly new to Swift programming and I've created an app for work to simplify a task where I programmatically fill-in fields on an existing PDF. I've captured a signature as a UIImage and I'd like to add this to the PDF as an annotation like the rest of the fields. Is this possible?
// Annotate Signature
let signatureFieldBounds = CGRect(x:390, y:142, width:100, height:30)
let signatureField = PDFAnnotation(bounds: signatureFieldBounds, forType: .stamp, withProperties: nil)
signatureField.fieldName = FieldNames.signature.rawValue
signatureField.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
sigImage?.draw(in: signatureFieldBounds)
I've also tried: signatureField.stampName = sigImage as! UIImage instead of the draw function but this gives the error 'Cannot assign value of type 'UIImage' to type 'String?''
The screenshot shows what I get annotated:
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!!
This was tricky for me too, but I figured it out.
Create a custom PDFAnnotation, then override the draw method to draw the image in the pdf context.
class ImageStampAnnotation: PDFAnnotation {
var image: UIImage!
// A custom init that sets the type to Stamp on default and assigns our Image variable
init(with image: UIImage!, forBounds bounds: CGRect, withProperties properties: [AnyHashable : Any]?) {
super.init(bounds: bounds, forType: PDFAnnotationSubtype.stamp, withProperties: properties)
self.image = image
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func draw(with box: PDFDisplayBox, in context: CGContext) {
// Get the CGImage of our image
guard let cgImage = self.image.cgImage else { return }
// Draw our CGImage in the context of our PDFAnnotation bounds
context.draw(cgImage, in: self.bounds)
Then, just add it to the document
guard let signatureImage = signatureImage, let page = pdfContainerView.currentPage else { return }
let pageBounds = page.bounds(for: .cropBox)
let imageBounds = CGRect(x: pageBounds.midX, y: pageBounds.midY, width: 200, height: 100)
let imageStamp = ImageStampAnnotation(with: signatureImage, forBounds: imageBounds, withProperties: nil)
I wrote a medium article on how I did it, added a gesture recognizer to it and a canvas to grab a signature:
