how to manager timer task such heartbeat in network programming? - network-programming

I'm learning TCP programming by write a java/scala socket library and want to know how to design a heart beat.
For some research, there refers two technology, 1. timer task dispath and 2. task scheduler.
In netty source code, there are Read/WriteTimeoutHandler and HashedWheelTimer class. I want to know how does netty work with it?
As a guess, does netty record latest message send/write time and use HashedWheelTimer to scheduler Read/WriteTimeoutHandler as a timer task to check timeout?
I not family with netty framework yet and just want to know how does netty manager timer task.
besides netty, welcome any other design thought about how to desgin a heartbeat.

Kind of correct... The only thing that is not correct is the usage of HashedWheelTimer here. Netty uses the EventLoop to schedule the task 4.x which also ensures everything is handled within the EventLoop thread.


Mass Transit: Using AWS SQS and Job Consumers

Currently we're using Hangfire for scheduling and running long lived tasks. We need these tasks to be able to be retried in the event of an ungraceful shutdown, which Hangfire handles for us.
We're looking to try and move to a producer/consumer model and I've built a basic prototype with Masstransit and AWS SQS, but I have some concerns about how to handle the event of a task being processed during an ungraceful shutdown.
I understand that eventually the SQS visibility timeout will expire and the queued item will be picked up for processing again, but setting that timeout isn't trivial as the length of tasks can be quite varied and I'd prefer if the task could immediately resume/retry processing when the application starts up again.
I got reading about Job Consumers and they seemed to be better fitted to this type of scenario, but all the examples I've seen are using RabbitMQ. Wondering if it's possible/appropriate to do this using SQS, or if there's a better approach?
Thank you for taking the time to read this question :)
MassTransit will extend the visibility timeout as long as the consumer is still running.
I believe SQS has an upper-limit of something like 12 hours, but you should look it up and find out.
Job Consumers have significantly greater requirements (sagas, temporary queues, etc.) and SQS is really annoying about not having auto-delete/expiring queues, so I'd stick to a regular consumer if you can swing it.

ios sendAsynchronousRequest timer

This is my situation:
Im using sendAsynchronousRequest. I quickly relized that it has a default timeout of 60 seconds. My app is designed to wait for an opponent to start the game (its a word-game).
Actually, it could take hours before the opponent starts the game. Which means the async-request could be waiting for hours.
Is that bad? I mean, I can probably change the default timeout. But the question is if this iss a bad design. The thing is that I wanted to avoid pulling the server at intervals to know if the opponent has started the match or not.
If this is a bad design: can somebody suggest an alternativ way?
Your best bet is to poll the server if you want to be up and running quickly and don't have a lot of resources (time/money).
If for some reason you need more real-time then there is a high amount of complexity involved in creating an open socket to your server for communication and you are best off using an existing framework like Pusher ($), PubNub ($) or (free but you will have to handle the server side). If you want to create your own client/server notification system then you may want to check out SocketRocket from Sqaure which provides a client side WebSocket implementation for iOS.

Using ranch, how can I tell when a listener is terminated?

I'm writing a TCP server in Erlang, using Ranch. The clients will reconnect immediately the connection is dropped, which means that one particular failure mode is listeners being started and killed dozens of times a second.
I'd like to detect this happening and publish statistics to statsd, for monitoring in production.
So, can I use something in Ranch to monitor when a listener is recycled? Or can I use something in Erlang to monitor process mortality for the entire node, without having to link to each process, and where those processes were started by some other supervisor, so I don't have a reference to them?
It's not a direct answer to my question, but I opted, instead, to have a separate process periodically polling ranch_server:count_connections(my_ref), and publish that to statsd.

The best way to implement a background service in Grails

I have done a lot of searching and I am aware of grails-executor and the JMS plugin. I am looking for advice on the best way to implement a long running (as long as the application is running) service that runs in the background and accepts input on a blocking queue. It seems that there at two ways to satisfy my requirements... 1. JMS (which feels overly heavy handed) and 2. a service running on a thread that watches the queue... when something is added to it, it processes it and then waits for the next item. This service needs to have GORM capability so that it can create/save objects. My preference is to startup some type of service on a thread and use a blocking queue... Can anyone suggest the best way to do this? Should I just implement a class that gets called when grails bootstraps and have that class use the grails-executor to create a thread that just runs in the background? If anyone has used the jms plugin in grails, is it sufficiently lightweight that I should reconsider my position on this? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. I am really NOT tied to any one solution, so all ideas will be considered and very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I use the quartz plugin for a lot of similar "queue watching" functionality.
You can use Spring integration instead. With quartz you have to develop you enqueuing logic but with spring integration every thing is pre-developed.

How reliable is windows task scheduler for scheduling code to run repeatedly?

I have a bit of code that needs to sit on a windows server 2003 machine and run every minute.
What is the recommended way of handling this? Is it ok to design it as a console service and just have the task scheduler hit it ever minute? (is that even possible?) Should I just suck it up and write it as a windows service?
Since it needs to run every single minute, I would suggest writing a Windows Service. It is not very complicated, and if you never did this before, it would be great for you to learn how it is done.
Calling the scheduled task every minute is not something I would recommend.
I would say suck it up and write it as a Windows service. I've not found scheduled tasks to be very reliable and when it doesn't run, I have yet to find an easy way to find out why it hasn't.
Windows Scheduled Tasks has been fairly reliable for our purposes and we favor them in almost all cases over Windows Services due to their ease of installing and advanced recovery features. The always on nature of a windows service could end up being a problem if a part of the code that was written ends ups getting locked up or looped in a piece of code that it shouldn't be in. We generally write our code in a fashion similar to this
Then as part of the Scheduled Task we put a time limit on how long the process can run and have it kill the process if it runs for longer. If we do have a piece of code that is having trouble Scheduled Tasks will kill it and the process will start up in the next minute.
if you need to have it run every minute, I would build it as a windows service. I wouldn't use the scheduler for anything less than a daily task.
I would say that it depends on what it was doing, but in general I am always in favor of having the fewest layers. If you write it as a console service and use the task scheduler then you have two places to maintain going forward.
If you write it as a windows service then you only have one fewer places to check in case something goes wrong.
While searching for scheduled service help, i came across to a very good article by Jon Galloway.
There are various diadvantages if a windows service is used for scheduled task. I agreed with it. I would suggest to use Task Scheduled, simple in implementation. Please refer to detailed information of implementing the task scheduler. Hope this info helps in finalizing the implementation approach.
The only other point to consider, is that if you're job involves some kind of database interaction, consider looking into the integration/scheduling services provided by your database.
For example, creating an SSIS package for your SQL Server related service may seem a bit like overkill, but it can be integrated nicely with the environment and will have its own logging/error checking mechanisms already in place.
I agree, it is kind of a waste of effort to create even a console executable and schedule it to be run every minute. I would suggest exploring something like Quartz.Net. That way you can create a simple job and schedule it to run every minute.
