Some breakpoints not getting triggered - ios

I'm debugging a project and I noticed that only some of my breakpoints get triggered.
In my screenshot you can see I have 4 breakpoints. The first 2 get triggered when the program runs. I'm sure the code in the loginButtonPressed function gets called. I've proof of this printed on the console. The string "creating account" gets printed.
However! The last 2 breakpoints never get triggered. Any ideas?


Safari failing to send valid GET request using Angular's HttpClient

When sending a GET request in Safari, Safari is failing to send a valid request to the server. In fact, it isn't even reaching the server (I've checked this on the back end). Its also failing to provide all but two of the request headers and the response is null (which results in safari logging a kcferrordomaincfnetwork error 303 in the console). I've attached some screenshots below along with some additional findings. Can anyone provide any insight?
Screenshot of the request when it fails
Screenshot of the request when it passes
Issue is only reproducible in Safari on iOS devices.
Issue was happening on the MacBook previously. After clearing the website data once, we never saw the issue again
The call is intermittently failing
When setting a breakpoint before the product details call and manually calling it in the console, it fails the first time and then passes the second time.
Sometimes it isn’t the product details call that is failing (although it usually is)
Sometimes it is the create app or get product image call that fails.
Issue seems to go away after clearing website data, but comes back after one successful session.
When the call fails, we are getting the following error in the console: kcferrordomaincfnetwork error 303
Session storage is empty and issue persists
No exceptions are occurring (I enabled "break on all exceptions" in Safari)
Try running ng serve with the --no-live-reload option. We were seeing similar behavior, and WDS may have been interrupting the HTTP calls. So far, this has solved our problem.

userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:) not be called when a notification action is selected

I am trying to get actionable notifications working and I have gotten the actions to display when the notification is expanded, but I cannot get the delegate function to be called when I select an action. I am declaring self.notificationCenter.delegate = self in application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:), and, if I'm understanding correctly, when an action is selected it should call userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:), passing in the UNNotificationResponse object. But that method never gets triggered in my code. Any ideas why that may be happening?
The method you have mentioned above gets called as soon as you receive notification.
The method which is executed after clicking on action on notification is,
I figured out the issue. To handle notifications with content you have to add a service extension as a new target in the project. The last thing I ran was the service extension so the debugger wasn't stopping at breakpoints in the main app. I didn't know service extensions are essentially treated like completely separate apps. Since I was still in the process of working on the content of that method, what was in there was not working and it was hitting the breakpoints, so I thought it was not calling that function like it should.

non-fatal error functionality of Crashlytics

I was testing the non-fatal error functionality of Crashlytics and can't seem to get the Logs and Keys appear in Crashlytics Dashboard When I called bellow lines in AppDelegate and added logs in one of my ViewController.
let error = NSError(domain:"XYZ", code: Int(1.0), userInfo: nil)
But it's working if i add above two lines in my ViewController button Click and add logs in it.. it gives me every log that i added in my application.
But adding in button click seems weird is there any way to do in AppDelegate or any common area?
Mike from Fabric here. This is the order that we process information - crashes, non-fatal exceptions or errors, then at the same level - custom keys, logs and user identifiers. If you capture a custom key or log just before the error then there may not be enough time to write it to disk before we capture the error. Also, one thing to note is that logs and keys are only sent if a crash or non-fatal exception occurs.

lua-lgi libnotify add_action callback not being called

I followed the hello world example on this page to set up lua-lgi and libnotify, successfully getting a notification that looks and acts the samea s if using os.execute("notify-send..."). Notify-send does not allow user actions, from what I've gathered, so I am attempting to directly use the libnotify library to display a notification with a button. When clicked in the notification, it should open a file. I am able to call the function described here with lua, using (building from the hello world example):
Hello:add_action("button", "Open", function(notification, action, user_data)"gedit tmp") end)
which successfully displays a button with the label "Open" in the notification. However, the callback function is not called, so the file does not open. I also noticed when running the script, it actually finishes executing before the notification has fully appeared, so if the program is not running anymore when the button in the notification is clicked, then that's one reason why the callback isn't being called, if it's working correctly up until that point. This is my first experience with lua-lgi, so I'm not sure how these types of callback functions translate into lua, or if they're even supported, which is probably what I'm really trying to understand here. Any help is appreciated regarding this issue, or insight into an alternative to displaying a notification with a button and callback via other means.

UI Automation onAlert method not getting called for alerts

I'm writing a UI Automation test script and I have noticed that the onAlert function that is supposed to be called by the test script automatically every time there is a alert presented to the user is not getting called.
To test this I have a simple UIALogger.logMessage() call just logging a message that the onAlert method was entered.
Any ideas on why this is happening?
I found out that if execution of the test script reaches the end and an alert pops up, the onAlert handling function is no longer triggered even though the test session is still running and logging diagnostics.
