I have a timer running in my UIApplication subclass, that is should send the user to a certain ViewController when it runs out.
I am able to instantiate the ViewController I want to go to...
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "StartVC")
...but I do not know how to actually present it. Inside AppDelegate I would be able to do window.rootViewController etc. But this is not available in my UIApplication subclass.
I have also tried to self.windows[0].rootViewController but that is always just the first ViewController, that was present when the app was started. Same with self.keyWindow.rootViewController. And I honestly do not know what both of there properties are.
Full code for context:
import Foundation
import UIKit
class MyApplication: UIApplication {
var inactivityTimer: Timer!
override init() {
#objc func timerExceeded() {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "StartVC")
//...here I would need to present "vc"
override func sendEvent(_ event: UIEvent) {
func restartInactivityTimer() {
if inactivityTimer != nil { inactivityTimer.invalidate() }
inactivityTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 2.0, target: self, selector: #selector(timerExceeded), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
Implementing an inactivity timer does not require subclassing UIApplication. According to the subclassing notes from the UIApplication documentation, subclassing should only be needed in very rare cases:
Most apps do not need to subclass UIApplication. Instead, use an app delegate to manage interactions between the system and the app.
If your app must handle incoming events before the system does—a very rare situation—you can implement a custom event or action dispatching mechanism. To do this, subclass UIApplication and override the sendEvent(:) and/or the sendAction(:to:from:for:) methods. For every event you intercept, dispatch it back to the system by calling [super sendEvent:event] after you handle the event. Intercepting events is only rarely required and you should avoid it if possible.
As you already mentioned in your question, you can access everything you need from / via the AppDelegate. So, why not handle the inactivity timeout in / via the AppDelegate?
I ended up solving it myself like this:
//inside my UIApplication subclass
#objc func timerExceeded() {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "StartVC") as! StartVC
self.windows.first?.rootViewController = vc
I've got next situation: from the viewDidAppear I have to call the specific function ( to change the view controller to another one) when the special condition applied ( static member changes to True, another class access this static property and send True once the certain conditions apply)
If I do it like this with property observer:
//this is property of load view controller
static var isFilled: Bool = false {
if isFilled == true {
print("data is Filled")
//load view controller - my present VC, which I want to switch
var loadVC = LoadViewController()
loadVC.changeViewController(vc: loadVC )
This is changeViewController function:
func changeViewController(vc: UIViewController) {
let sb = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil )
//main view controller - controller, which i want to Go to
var mainViewController = sb.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ViewController") as! ViewController
vc.present(mainViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
It'll throw an error attempt to present viewcontroller whose view is not in the window hierarchy
And, it's performed inside LoadViewController class
As I understand, the only way to avoid this error is to call the function from the viewDidApper, which can't be used in this scenario, because i have to call it only when condition applied. Are there any alternatives to perform that w/o using property observer?
I'm sure there are multiple ways to perform this, and there are might be misconceptions from my side. I'm pretty fresh developer, and completely new to Swift. All the suggestions would be much appreciated.
You could use NotifiationCenter by registering a notification and then calling it whenever you want to update something, like "updateConversations" in a chat app. For example in viewDidLoad(), register your notification:
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.updateConversations(notification:)), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "updateConversations"), object: nil)
Add this function into the class:
#objc func updateConversations(notification: NSNotification) {
if let id = notification.userInfo?["id"] as? Int,
let message = notification.userInfo?["message"] as? String {
// do stuff
Use the notification from anywhere in your app:
let info = ["id" : 1234, "message" : "I almost went outside today."]
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "updateConversationsList"), object: self, userInfo: info)
This question already has answers here:
How to launch a ViewController from a Non ViewController class?
(7 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I would like to know how can I push user back to specific ViewController from regular swift class without being non UIView Class
class nonUI {
function Push() {
//How to send user back to specific VC here?
This is a generic method you can use with in the class or outside the class for push if required else it will pop if the instance of view controller is in the stack:
func pushIfRequired(className:AnyClass) {
if (UIViewController.self != className) {
print("Your pushed class must be child of UIViewController")
let storyboard : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
var isPopDone = false
let mainNavigation = UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window??.rootViewController as? UINavigationController
let viewControllers = mainNavigation!.viewControllers
for vc in viewControllers {
if (type(of: vc) == className) {
mainNavigation?.popToViewController(vc, animated: true)
isPopDone = true
if isPopDone == false{
let instanceSignUp = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: NSStringFromClass(className)) // Identifier must be same name as class
mainNavigation?.pushViewController(instanceSignUp, animated: true)
pushIfRequired(className: SignupVC.self)
You could also utilise the NotificationCenter to achieve a loosely coupled way to "request a view controller"; if you will.
For example, create a custom UINavigationController that observes for the custom Notification and upon receiving one, looks for the requested UIViewController and pops back to it.
class MyNavigationController : UINavigationController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name("RequestViewController"), object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) { [unowned self] (note) in
guard let targetType = note.object as? UIViewController.Type else {
print("Please provide the type of the VC to display as an `object` for the notification")
// Find the first VC of the requested type
if let targetVC = self.viewControllers.first(where: { $0.isMember(of: targetType) }) {
self.popToViewController(targetVC, animated: true)
else {
// do what needs to be done? Maybe instantiate a new object and push it?
Then in the object you want to go back to a specific ViewController, post the notification.
#IBAction func showViewController(_ sender: Any) {
NotificationCenter.default.post(Notification(name: NSNotification.Name("RequestViewController"), object: ViewController2.self))
Now, it's also fairly easy to adopt this method for other presentation-styles.
Instead of using the NotificationCenter, you could also muster up a Mediator to achieve the loose coupling.
You can't. UIViewController and its subclass only can handle navigate between screen.
In your case, need pass link (variable) to navigation controller in custom class.
class nonUI {
var navigationController: UINavigationController?
init(navigationController: UINavigationController) {
self.navigationController = navigationController
function Push() {
//How to send user back to specific VC here?
navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
I have a rails api set up and one test user. I can login/logout view the api.
I have a tab app set up, and I have a LoginViewController set up to authenticate into that. My view controller (basically) looks like the below code. This doesnt work. However, the second block of code does work
I am guessing I am calling something wrong.. The first block executes and then crashes with a *** Assertion failure in -[UIKeyboardTaskQueuewaitUntilAllTasksAreFinished].. I've been spinning my wheels for hours.. tried looking into segues.. etc. Anything would help!!!
class LoginViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var email: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var password: UITextField!
#IBAction func Login(sender: AnyObject) {
func switchToTabs() {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let tabBarController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("TabBarController") as! UITabBarController
let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
appDelegate.window?.rootViewController = tabBarController
let authCall = PostData()
var authToken = ""
authCall.email = email.text!
authCall.password = password.text!
authCall.forData { jsonString in
authToken = jsonString
if(authToken != "") {
class LoginViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var email: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var password: UITextField!
#IBAction func Login(sender: AnyObject) {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let tabBarController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("TabBarController") as! UITabBarController
let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
appDelegate.window?.rootViewController = tabBarController
My question is, why can I seemingly navigate to a new view when I don't use my api, but when I do receive my auth token.. I can't log in.
Please excuse the ugly code.. this is my first day with swift
Everytime you every do anything that changed something about the UI inside of a closure or anything that could even possibly be off the main queue, enclose it in this statement.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
//the code that handles UI
This includes all code that segues inside a closure like the one you have
authCall.forData { jsonString in
authToken = jsonString
if(authToken != "") {
If you write it like so it would work
authCall.forData {
jsonString in
authToken = jsonString
if(authToken != "") {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
then call your segue in switchToTabs()
If you arn't sure what queue you are on, it won't hurt to do it. As you become more familiar with scenarios that take you off the main queue, you will realize when to use it. Anytime you are in a closure and dealing with UI its a safe bet that you could leave. Obviously anything asynchronous would cause it as well. Just place your performSegueWithIdentifier inside of it and it should work.
If you make a segue on the storyboard from the view controller attatched to LoginViewController, then you click the segue you can give it an identifier. Then you just call performSegueWithIdentifier("identifierName", sender: nil) and none of the other code in switchToTabs() is necessary.
If you want to continue down the route you are taking to summon the View Controller, then I think what you are missing is these lines.
Use this below your class outside of it.
private extension UIStoryboard {
class func mainStoryboard() -> UIStoryboard { return UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: NSBundle.mainBundle()) }
class func tabBarController() -> UITabBarController? {
return mainStoryboard().instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("TabBarController") as? UITabBarController
Then change your switchToTabs() function out for this
func switchToTabs() {
let tabBarController = UIStoryboard.tabBarController()
//line below can be altered for different frames
//tabBarController!.frame = self.frame
//line below is another thing worth looking into but doesn't really correlate with this
//self.navigationController!.pushViewController(tabBarController!, animated: true)
I added in a couple comments for you to look into if you like. I believe this will do the job, but keep in mind that the direction you are headed doesn't remove the previous screen from memory. It is technically still sitting behind your new screen. I wouldn't ever recommend this for what you are trying to do, but it might not hurt if you are building something simplistic.
Everything I've seen on stack is passing the data from an input, onto another view controller on a button press. Let's say I have var banana that is an array of dictionaries, but once my function in ViewA.swift is done loading up banana, I want another viewController, say ViewB.swift to manipulate that data as it sees fit. I do NOT have a segue going from one view controller to the other.
EDIT: It's actually two TableViewControllers****
I've looked into NSNotificationCenter, but that doesn't seem to work with my variable type, which is an array of dictionaries
Use NSNotificationCenter for accessing data.
Try Below code
//Sent notification
let dictionary = ["key":"value"]
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("passData", object: nil, userInfo: dictionary)
//Receive notification
selector:"myMethod:", name: "passData", object: nil)
//Receive notification method
func myMethod(notification: NSNotification){
print("data: \(notification.userInfo!["key"])")
Without using segue, you can instantiate the View controller, and set the public parameteres.
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "MyStoryboardName", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("someViewController") as! ViewB
/* Here you have the reference to the view, so you can set the parameters*/
vc.parameterInViewB = banana
/* At this point you can present the view to the user.*/
self.presentViewController(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)
Make sure that you have given all ViewControllers an identifier, then instantiate them with:
guard let viewControllerB = storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ViewControllerB") as? ViewControllerB else {
fatalError(); return
// then access the variable/property of ViewControllerB
viewControllerB.banana = whatEver
Added for clarification
This one works for me.
Just make sure that you have given the TableViewController an identifier otherwise you will not be able to instantiate it. Also make sure that you cast the result of instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier to your TableViewController class otherwise you won't be able to access it's variables (I've seen that you were struggling with this; if you get an error that UIViewController doesn't have a member "myArray" then you probably have forgotten to cast the result)
class TableViewController: UITableViewController {
var myArray = [String]()
class ViewController: UIViewController {
func someEventWillTriggerThisFunction() {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
guard let tableViewController = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("TableViewController") as? TableViewController else {
fatalError(); return
tableViewController.myArray = ["Value1", "Value2", "Value3"]
/* if you want to present the ViewController use this: */
self.presentViewController(tableViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
I'm basically receiving a remote notification and I want to redirect my user to the correct VC as soon as he clicks the notification.
I'm doing it using NSNotificationCenter to perform a segue from my rootVC, leading the user to the correct VC.
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector:
"chooseCorrectVC:", name:chatNotificationKey, object: nil)
Since the observer was previously loaded, my chooseCorrectVC function is called first, so this is my "Init/Deinit" Log. I consider Init whenever viewDidLoad() is called.
func chooseCorrectVC(notification:NSNotification){
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("chatSegue", sender: notification)
The issue is: the VC that is called with chatSegue does not get initialized and goes straight to deinit. I'm not sure why it's happening, maybe I'm not removing the observer correctly.
Any suggestions?
If you are receiving the remote notification, I suggest you to just handle the notification at AppDelegate.swift at method:
func application(application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]){
// Here you can define view controller and manage it.
println("Received: \(userInfo)")
// Make root view controller first as per your need as HomeViewController in following
let mainStoryboard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
var mainTabBarController = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("MainTabBarController") as! MainTabBarController
var notificationNavController : UINavigationController = mainTabBarController.viewControllers?.first as! UINavigationController
var homeViewController : HomeViewController = notificationNavController.viewControllers.first as! HomeViewController
homeViewController.isNotified = true
let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: mainTabBarController)
self.window!.rootViewController = nav
nav.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: false)
You can manage another view controller to be push on viewdidload of homeviewcontroller via setting flag here. On view did load
if isNotified == true {
// Push another view controller