Delphi, TEdit text as action trigger - delphi

I am using a TEdit to allow the user to enter a number, e.g. 10.
I convert the TEdit.Text to an integer and a calculation procedure is called.
In this calc procedure, a check was built-in to make sure no numbers below 10 are processed.
Currently I use the OnChange event. Suppose the user wants to change '10' into e.g.'50'. But as soon as the '10' is deleted or the '5' (to be followed by the 0) is typed, I trigger my warning that the minimum number is 10. I.e. the program won't wait until I have fully typed the 5 and 0.
I tried OnEnter, OnClick, OnExit, but I seem not to overcome this problem. The only solution is to add a separate button that will trigger the calculation with the new number. It works, but can I do without the button?

Use a timer for a delayed check, e.g.:
procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject);
// reset the timer
Timer1.Enabled := false;
Timer1.Enabled := true;
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
Timer1.Enabled := false;
// do your check here
Setting the timer to 500 ms should be fine for most users.
And as David suggested in the comments to the question: Do not show an error dialog, use something less intrusive instead, e.g. an error message in a label near the edit or change the background color. And also: Do not prevent the focus to be moved away from that control and do not play a sound, that's also very annoying.
For our in house software we set the background of a control to yellow if there is an error and display the error message of the first such error in the status bar and also as a hint of the control. If you do that, you probably don't even need to have the delay.

Thanks, for your help. I tried the timer option, but could not get that to work. I now have this code, which works (almost - see below), but requires the used to always type a CR:
procedure Calculate;
// this is my calculation procedure
ShowMessage('calculation running correctly');
procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
N : integer;
if Key = #13 then
N := StrtoInt(Edit1.Text);
if N<10 then ShowMessage('<10!') else
if N>100 then ShowMessage('>100!') else Calculate;
I used the ShowMessage() here only to see if the sample code worked. In the real program I have left that out, as you all suggested.
I also included the 'turn yellow on wrong entry' (thanks David). The only issue is that if the user runs this I get a beep from my computer. I can't see what went wrong. But what is causing the beep?


How to avoid repeating execution of TAction.Shortcut?

In Delphi 10.1.2, inside a TActionList I have created a TAction with these properties and assigned a shortcut Ctrl+F12 to it:
At runtime, when I keep the shortcut keys Ctrl+F12 pressed, the action is executed repeatedly (with speed depending on the system keyboard repeating speed).
So how can I make the action execute only ONCE (until these keys are lifted up), even if the user keeps the keys pressed down or if the user's system has a high keyboard repeat speed setting?
You can retrieve system keyboard settings by using SystemParametersInfo. SPI_GETKEYBOARDDELAY gives the repeat delay; the time between the first and second generated events. SPI_GETKEYBOARDSPEED gives keyboard repeat rate; the duration between events after the initial delay. The documentation has approximate values of the slowest and fastest settings which may help you decide on an acting point.
Suppose you decided to act on. Since shortcuts expose no direct relation to the event that generated them, they have no property or anything that could reveal information about if it is an initial, delayed, or repeated execution.
Then, one option is to disable a shortcut's execution as soon as it is entered and re-enable after the appropriate key has been released. You have to set KeyPreview of the form to true to implement this solution as any of the controls on the form might be the one with the focus when a shortcut is generated.
A less cumbersome solution I would find is to prevent generation of the shortcut when it's not generated by an initial key-down. You have to watch for key down events this time.
One possible implementation can be to install a local keyboard hook.
KeybHook: HHOOK;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
KeybHook := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, KeyboardProc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId);
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
It's probably tempting to test for the repeat count of the interested key in the callback, however, as mentioned in the documentation for WM_KEYDOWN, the repeat count is not cumulative. What that practically means is that the OS does not supply this information. The previous key state information is provided though. That would be bit 30 of the "lParam" of the callback. You can prevent any keyboard message when your shortcut keys are down, and the primary shortcut has been previously down, from reaching the window procedure of the focused control.
function KeyboardProc(code: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT;
if code > 0 then begin
if (wParam = vk_f12) and (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) and
((lParam and $40000000) > 0) then begin
Result := 1;
Result := CallNextHookEx(KeybHook, code, wParam, lParam);
Lastly, don't disregard the probability that if a user's system has been set up with a fast keyboard repeat, it's the user's choice rather than not.

Delphi- How to Call ActionList on button click?

I'm making a multi-device application in Delphi XE8 which uses LiveBindings to a dataset.
There are a number of LB-specific Actions for FMX, including TFMXBindNavigateDelete. I'm trying to use this in a button-click handler like this:
Button Click Code:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
if cdsOrdersSTATUS.Value='READY' then
ShowMessage('Your Order Is Already READY/PENDING!');
TAction(ActionList1.Actions[0]).Execute; //Not working,why?
The first (and only) item in ActionList1's Actions is my FMXBindNavigateDelete1.
The problem is, even if the code TAction(ActionList1.Actions[0]).Execute executes, the current dataset record is not deleted, so apparently
TFMXBindNavigateDelete's Action has no effect. Why is this, and how can I make it work?
Pic. ActionList1:
Actually, I think this is a good question and doesn't deserve the downvote.
I can reproduce your problem. I put two buttons on the FMX form. I set
Button1's OnClick to your Button1Click and Button2's Action to LiveBindingsBindNavigateDelete1.
Clicking Button2 pops up the standard 'Delete record?' confirmation and deletes the current record
if I answer "Yes", as expected.
However, when clicking Button1, even if your else block executes, the 'Delete record?' confirmation
does not appear, so the record has no chance of being deleted.
The reason is in the code
function TCustomAction.Execute: Boolean;
Result := False;
if Supported and not Suspended then
if Enabled and AutoCheck then
if (not Checked) or (Checked and (GroupIndex = 0)) then
Checked := not Checked;
if Enabled then
Result := ((ActionList <> nil) and ActionList.ExecuteAction(Self)) or
((Application <> nil) and Application.ExecuteAction(Self)) or inherited Execute or
((Application <> nil) and Application.ActionExecuteTarget(Self));
The Enabled property seems by default to be set to False during the call to
Update so the if Enabled then ... never executes. I haven't managed to find
a way to get Enabled set to True during the call to Update. Perhaps someone else knows how to do that.
In the case of Button2, execution then passes to TComponent.ExecuteAction and
it is the call to Action.ExecuteTarget(Self) in it which results in the
record-deletion routine executing.
So, from that, your problem seemed to me to become how to adjust the code so that
TComponent.ExecuteAction gets executed, in other words, how to associate the
Action with a component. The answer was fairly obvious.
All that's needed is this
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
if cdsOrdersSTATUS.Value='READY' then
ShowMessage('Your Order Is Already READY/PENDING!');
Button1.ExecuteAction(LiveBindingsBindNavigateDelete1); // <- this works
//LiveBindingsBindNavigateDelete1.Execute; //Not working,why?
I didn't understand exactly what you wanted to do but if you trigger the action by it's index, you can do something like this:

How do I add the key binding Shift+Ctrl+H X to the Delphi IDE using the ToolsApi?

Adding a new ShortCut to the Delphi IDE is not too difficult because the Open Tools API provides a service for this. I am trying something apparently more complex: Add a Wordstar like additional ShortCut:
I want something to happen when the user presses
Shift+Ctrl+H followed by the single key X
where X should work regardless of the state of the Shift key.
This is my code:
procedure TGxKeyboardBinding.BindKeyboard(const BindingServices: IOTAKeyBindingServices);
DefaultKeyBindingsFlag = kfImplicitShift + kfImplicitModifier + kfImplicitKeypad;
GExpertsShortcut: Byte;
ShiftState: TShiftState;
FirstShortCut: TShortCut;
SecondShortCut: TShortCut;
GExpertsShortcut := Ord('H');
ShiftState := [ssShift, ssCtrl];
FirstShortCut := ShortCut(GExpertsShortcut, ShiftState);
SecondShortCut := ShortCut(Ord('X'), []);
BindingServices.AddKeyBinding([FirstShortCut, SecondShortCut],
TwoKeyBindingHandler, nil,
DefaultKeyBindingsFlag, '', '');
So, if I set ShiftState := [ssCtrl] pressing
Ctrl+H X
calls my TwoKeyBindingHandler method.
But with ShiftState := [ssShift, ssCtrl] pressing
Shift+Ctrl+H X
does nothing.
Oddly enough, when specifying ShiftState := [ssShift, ssCtrl] (which should only affect the first key) pressing
Shift+Ctrl+H Shift+X
calls my TwoKeyBindingHandler method, even though the second ShortCut is added without a modifier key.
Any idea? Is this maybe a known limitation/bug of the Delphi IDE/Open Tools API? Is there a known workaround?
I tried it in Delphi 2007 and Delphi 10 Seattle, no difference.
You should be able to do it using the GetKeyState function.
The program has two operations - Think of it as opening a drop down menu item. When ctr-shift-h is pressed your programme will need to flag that the 'Menu' is now open and that subsequent keypresses will either activate an option or close the 'menu' if an invalid key is presses.
function IsKeyDown(const VK: integer): boolean;
IsKeyDown := GetKeyState(VK) and $8000 <> 0;
procedure Form1.OnkeyDown(...)
if Not H_MenuOpen then
if IsKeyDown(vk_Control) and IskeyDown(vk_Shift) and IsKeyDown(vk_H) then
//Some Boolean in the form
//Will probably need to invalidate some parameters here so that
//no control tries to process the key
if H_MenuOpen then
if key=vk_X then
//x has been pressed
*Your code here*
//possibly invalidate some of the params again
//Nothing valid
OK, since apparently nobody has found an answer, here is what I ended up doing:
I had already planned to show a hint window listing all possible characters for the second key (actually that code was already working fine, using the approach suggested by Helen Fairgrieve in her answer to this question). Instead, I now register only a one-key shortcut:
TwoKeyBindingHandler, nil,
DefaultKeyBindingsFlag, '', '');
And in the TwoKeyBindingHandler method, I show a popup menu which contains those characters as the shortcuts. The IDE/VCL/Windows then handles the rest for me.
This is what it looks like:
It's not an answer to the actual question but it solves my problem. Sorry if you got here expecting something more.

wsMaximized forms do not appear maximized

Setting a form to WindowState = wsMaximized will sometimes cause the form to be maximized but not:
Long-time bug: this is a question I first asked in the Borland newsgroups in 2003:
Accepted fix for WindowState = wsMaximized?
and then again in 2006:
wsMaximized breaks it, NOT caused by Position=poScreenCenter, reproducible dfm
and then again in 2008:
Forms not starting maximized
Someone asked it on the Embarcadero forums in 2012:
Thread: Application not starting with maximized window
Now it's time to port the 18 year old bug to Stackoverflow. Maybe someone's finally figured out a workaround.
Steps to reproduce:
My posts contained half a dozen failure modes, but the easiest is:
Drop a Label and an Edit on a form:
Add an OnEnter event for the TEdit:
procedure TForm1.Edit1Enter(Sender: TObject);
Label1.Font.Style := Label1.Font.Style + [fsBold];
and set the form:
WindowState to wsMaximized
AutoScroll to False
And bazinga, fails.
One of the other set of steps from the 2008 post:
Create a new app and a form.
Set the form to maximized (WindowState = wsMaximized) at design time.
Drop a ListView control on the form
During OnShow, add 20 empty items to the list view:
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
for i := 1 to 20 do
Set the form's AutoScroll property to false (AutoScroll = False) at design time
Of course what I'm not after is "fixed in version n of RadStudio. Just use that". I'm looking for an actual fix (if there is one); which could include quoting relevant changes to the VCL source when CodeGear finally did fix it. (If it is even fixed).
Note: Changing Position from poDesigned to anything else doesn't fix it.
A horrible, ugly, awful, disgusting, workaround I had been using was to start a timer during OnShow, and then when the timer fires, maximize the form:
procedure TForm1.tmrVclMaximizeHackTimer(Sender: TObject);
Self.WindowState := wsMaximized;
I later improved this hack to post a message during OnShow; which is essentially the same as a timer message, without having to use a timer:
WM_MaximizeWindow = WM_APP + $03;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
if (Self.WindowState = wsMaximized) then
Self.WindowState := wsNormal;
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_MaximizeWindow , 0, 0);
procedure WMMaximizeWindow(var Message: TMessage); message WM_MaximizeWindow;
procedure TForm1.WMMaximizeWindow(var Message: TMessage);
Self.WindowState := wsMaximized;
Sometimes I invent the OnAfterShow event that Delphi never did:
WM_AfterShow = WM_APP + $02;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_AfterShow, 0, 0);
if (Self.WindowState = wsMaximized) then
Self.WindowState := wsNormal;
FMaximizeNeeded := True;
procedure WMAfterShow(var Message: TMessage); message WM_AfterShow;
procedure TForm1.WMAfterShow(var Message: TMessage);
if FMaximizeNeeded then
FMaximizeNeeded := False;
Self.WindowState := wsMaximized;
But no hacks are better than hacks.
I Can reproduce with D7/Win7.
I don't use wsMaximized at all (similar random problems as you describe).
Workaround: use OnActivate -> ShowWindow(Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE) e.g.:
procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
// Maximize only once when the Form is first activated
if not FMaxsimized then
FMaxsimized := True;
ShowWindow(Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE);
This method will not work during OnShow.
Better Workaround: use ShowWindowAsync during OnShow or OnCreate e.g:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ShowWindowAsync(Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE);
This sets the show state of a window without waiting for the operation to complete.
I only tested the first reproduction case (with D7, D2007, XE2), and am able to duplicate the problem with D7 and D2007 but not with XE2.
The problem, as I see it, is that the label, having its font changed, requests its parent to re-align itself. This eventually leads to a SetWindowPos call on the form (in TWinControl.AdjustSize) with restored width/height even though the form is already maximized - which leads to the strange, behaviorally maximized but not visually maximized, form sitting on the screen.
I traced the code in D2007 and XE2 to be able to come up with what is different. The code in TWinControl.AlignControls is different between the two versions. What specifically matters is the last statement.
procedure TWinControl.AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var Rect: TRect);
{ Apply any constraints }
if Showing then AdjustSize;
procedure TWinControl.AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var Rect: TRect);
// Apply any constraints
if FAutoSize and Showing then
I hope this, somehow, helps you devising/deciding what workaround to use.
The workaround I could suggest (although I haven't tested it throughly) is to force show the form maximized early:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
wplc: TWindowPlacement;
if not AutoScroll and (WindowState = wsMaximized) then begin
wplc.length := SizeOf(wplc);
GetWindowPlacement(Handle, #wplc);
wplc.rcNormalPosition.Right := wplc.rcNormalPosition.Left + Width;
wplc.rcNormalPosition.Bottom := wplc.rcNormalPosition.Top + Height;
wplc.showCmd := SW_MAXIMIZE;
SetWindowPlacement(Handle, #wplc);
The above works because it forces to set the focus to the edit control (OnEnter event) before the VCL sets the visible flag for the form. In turn, the label's alignment request does not result with form size adjustment. Also, since, by the time VCL calls ShowWindow the form's window is already visible, it doesn't cause the form to be shown in a restored state at any stage.
However, I don't know if it would help with different reproduction scenarios.
Finally, although I can see that the behavior is corrected in newer Delphi versions, I wouldn't consider this to be a bug in the VCL. In my opinion, user code should be responsible not to cause window adjustment while window showing state is changing. The course of action I'd take for the specific scenario would be to defer to modify label's font until the VCL is done displaying the form.
I don't think this is a bug in Delphi but rather a bug (or just odd behavior) in the Windows CreateWindow function. If you search for CreateWindow and WS_MAXIMIZE not working you'll find similarly very old threads and discussions from people calling CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx passing WS_MAXIMIZE in the style parameter and not seeing a maximized window when they run the application.
Excerpt from an old thread
the problem is that WS_MAXIMIZE apparently does not apply when using WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW. if you replace WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW with WS_POPUP you will get a maximized window. of course this may not apply to all versions of Windows, or even all versions of the Windows shell UI for that matter.
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW is MS's old default window "type" and they apparently coded CreateWindow/Ex to ignore certain styles, thinking that ShowWindow would be called with SW_SHOWDEFAULT, which causes the window to be displayed according to the CreateProcess startup info parms. this ultimately gives the user the control of how an app's main window would be displayed by using the shell's shortcut settings.
The workaround is just to call ShowWindow. It should work in Delphi, too:
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
ShowWindow(Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE);
Hope the solution i use helps others (i known window is first shown with design time size):
Add a timer with interval as less as just 1 (do not put 0).
Code for it: theTimer.Enabled:=False;WindowState:=wsMaximized;
It never fail to me.
As soon as form is shown and all pending tasks for such show are finished, the timer triggers and window is maximized.
Some time ago, i was using the Trick of sending a mouse click where maximize button was, but i discovered checking Windows OS version, plugins (on Linux), etc makes the thing so hard. That one worked exactly as if the user asks for maximize the window.
The Timer i now use does exactly the same, but avoid OS checking, etc.
Not to mention: Put WindowState to wsNormal on DesignTime (do not set it to wsMinimized, neither to wsMaximized).
Wow! i did not see on the post:
Thanks for that, with it my problem is solved much better than with a Timer, but not perfect, it still causes a little flicker (window is shown on incomplete render, then it goes to maxized state), it is much better than the timer, less time shown in non maximized state.
And it is compatible with a prior SetBounds() on the OnShow method.
I wish: Set initial size (Width, Height) and maybe also initial position (Left, Top) of a form prior to show it, but that form must be shown maximized; such position and sizes are for when the user un-maximize the window.
That ShowWindowAsync works perfect for such objective, and no need to add an ugly timer (with interval=1 and .Enabled=False on its code as first sentence).
How could i miss it when i read the post!
So, now on i will use (just as example os initial size relative to monitor):
procedure TtheForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
WindowState:=wsNormal; // So it can still have at design time wsMaximized, this is for the SetBounds to work on a non maximized state
SetBounds((Screen.Width-theInitialDefaultWidth)div 2,(Screen.Height-theInitialDefaultHeight)div 2,theInitialDefaultWidth,theInitialDefaultHeight); // Set default position and default size as i wish
ShowWindowAsync(Handle,SW_MAXIMIZE); // Make the window to be shown maximized when it will be visible
// ... // Rest of actions for the FormShow method
Works perfect! I do not need to touch design time properties, i can let them as they are (WindowState=wsMaximized, Position=poScreenCenter, etc).. 100% code solution for the problem.
Thanks a lot!
P.D.: Will it work on Linux? I mean when code is compiled for Linux (in Lazarus), i must test it and see, if it does work it will be a great immprove on what i was using till now.

Delphi stack overflow due to a cycle in event handling

I am working on the application which has two listboxes.I load the two listboxes with values and when i keep on clicking the items from the list box i get the following error while debugging.
Running the exe causes the application to close.Sometimes i get the "Access Violation" message.
so what should I do to get rid of this error from my aaplication?
The main form has timer that refresh all the controls
timer_RefreshCOntrol (intervali 1).
whenver the editBox_one is modified(value)
this function is called
Procedure TStringSetting.SetValue (const AValue : String);
If FValueControl <> Nil then
FValueControl.OnChange := VoidNotifyEvent;
FValueControl.Text := NewValue;
FValueControl.OnChange := EditChange; //<--here the stackoverflow error comes....
Procedure EditChange (Sender: TObject);
Value := FValueControl.Text;
If Not EditIsValid then FValueControl.Font.Color := clRed
else If Dirty then FValueControl.Font.Color := clBlue
else FValueControl.Font.Color := clWindowText;
If #OldCustomEditChange <> Nil then OldCustomEditChange(Sender);
the EditChange (Sender: TObject); <--keeps geting called and the stackoverflow error comes
EditChange is assigned to the editbox on FormCreate
I am not the original developer.I just handled code sometimes back, major refactoring is not possible.
edit 3
The call stack value but what is the "???"
after going through #Cosmin Prund and #david
i got the place where the infinity call start
Procedure TFloatSetting.EditChange (Sender: TObject);
SkipNextOnChange := True;
Inherited EditChange(Sender);
Inherited EditChange(Sender); {<-------This is where it start}
Procedure TStringSetting.EditChange (Sender: TObject);
Value := FValueControl.Text;
If Not EditIsValid then FValueControl.Font.Color := clRed
else If Dirty then FValueControl.Font.Color := clBlue
else FValueControl.Font.Color := clWindowText;
If #OldCustomEditChange <> Nil then OldCustomEditChange(Sender); {<---this keeps calling Procedure TFloatSetting.EditChange (Sender: TObject);}
Based in the posted call stack it's obvious why the error is happening: TStringSetting.EditChange triggers TFloatSetting.EditChange and that in turn triggers TStringSetting.EditChange. The loop goes on like this until all stack space is exhausted.
Here are some tips on why that might happen, and tips on how to debug and fix it:
Maybe the controls involved trigger the OnChange event handler when the Value is changed progrmatically. If the two editors are supposed to display the same data in two formats and you're using the respective OnChange event handlers to keep them in sync, this might be the cause.
Maybe you're directly calling one event handler from the other.
Ways to debug this:
You should first try the breakpoint solution, as suggested by paulsm4. If the stack overflow happens every time one of the OnChange handlers is called, this solution would easily work.
Comment-out the code for one of the event handlers. Run the program, the error should no longer appear. Un-comment the code in tiny (but logical) amounts, test and repeat. When the error shows up again, you know you fund the line that's causing the error. If you can't figure it out yourself, edit the question, add the code and mark the line that you just found out it's giving you trouble.
If the controls you're using are triggering the OnChange event handler when there value is changed programatically, you should make your event handlers non-reentrant: that would stop the infinite recursive loop for sure. I almost always assume controls trigger OnChange or equivalent events when properties are changed from code and always protect myself from re-entry using something like this:
// Somewhere in the private section of your form's class:
FProcessingEventHandler: Boolean;
// This goes in your event handler
procedure TYourForm.EventHandler(Sender:TObject);
if FProcessingEventHandler then Exit; // makes code non-reentrant
FProcessingEventHandler := True;
// old code goes here ...
finally FProcessingEventHandler := False;
Set a breakpoint in EditChange and OldCustomEditChange to see who's calling them. Each invocation. Clearly, only EditChange should ever call OldCustomEditChange.
Look in your .dfm to make sure EditChange is only assigned to one event (not multiple events) and OldCustomEditChange isn't assigned at all.
You report a non-terminating recursive call sequence to EditChange. Looking at the code of EditChange there are two candidates for a recursive call:
OldCustomEditChange being equal to EditChange, or calling a function that in turn calls EditChange.
An event handler that responds to changes to FValueControl.Font by calling EditChange.
These are the only opportunities for the code in EditChange to call itself.
It is easy to see how both of these possibilities leads to the non-terminating recursive function call and eventually the stack overflow. Of the two candidates my bet is number 1. I would study carefully what happens when OldCustomEditChange is called.
To debug a stack overflow of this nature simply open the call stack window and look at the long sequence of calls. You will typically see a pattern with one function calling itself, possibly via one or more intermediate functions.
