(sql plus) how to alias column - sqlplus

I've been trying to use aliases to change column names
I have three tables : name , member and payment
I took two different syntax from the internet and I tried them both
first one:
SELECT n.firstname AS [First Name], n.lastname AS [Last Name], m.username AS UserName,
m.birthday AS Birthday, m.email AS Email, m.phone_no AS Phone,
p.MembershipType AS [Membership Type]
FROM member AS m, name AS n, payment AS p
WHERE (m.username = n.username) and (m.username = p.username)
ORDER by n.firstname;
second one:
SELECT n.firstname 'First Name', n.lastname 'Last Name', m.username
'UserName', m.birthday 'Birthday',
m.email 'Email', m.phone_no 'Phone', p.MembershipType 'Membership Type'
FROM member m, name n, payment p
WHERE (m.username = n.username) and (m.username = p.username)
ORDER by n.firstname;
But it display "FROM keyword not found where expected"
what did I do wrong?

I am assuming that you are using Oracle database.
If the alias_name contains spaces, you must enclose the alias_name in quotes
So your query might look like:
SELECT n.firstname "First Name", n.lastname "Last Name", m.username
"UserName", m.birthday "Birthday",
m.email "Email", m.phone_no "Phone", p.MembershipType "Membership Type"
FROM member m, name n, payment p
WHERE (m.username = n.username) and (m.username = p.username)
ORDER by n.firstname;


How could we replace the ? from the rails sql query

scope :accessible_by, -> (current_user) { where("loc_primary_email= ? OR loc_backup_email= ? ",current_user.email, current_user.email) }
How could I replace ? with :email so, that I don't need to pass current_user.email twice in query
You can replace it just like that, for the "?":
scope :accessible_by, -> (current_user) { where("loc_primary_email = :email OR loc_backup_email = :email ", email: current_user.email) }
But then the argument for where must contain a hash, where the email key must be present.
You can check the docs for this, using an array of as argument (of course, you can omit the brackets);
Alternatively, you can use named placeholders in the template, and
pass a hash as the second element of the array. The names in the
template are replaced with the corresponding values from the hash.
User.where(["name = :name and email = :email", { name: "Joe", email: "joe#example.com" }])
# SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Joe' AND email = 'joe#example.com';

How do I access a local variable in Active Record query with SQL

I'm trying some code to find an attribute with a time value that is less than current time.
If I have current_time = Time.now, how do I find it using where such as:
Outage.where("end_time < current_time") # this doesn't work.
There are many ways to do that via placeholder.
Using ? Placeholder
You can use ? as a placeholder in a query condition.
User.where('users.name = ?', 'John')
With multiple placeholders:
User.where('users.name = ? AND users.last_name = ?', 'John', 'Smith')
Using Named Placeholder
User.where('first_name = :first_name', { :first_name => 'John' })
With multiple placeholder:
values = { :first_name => 'John', :last_name => 'Smith'}
conditions = 'first_name = :first_name AND last_name = :last_name'
User.where(conditions , values)
Noted that order does not matters. The following code would work correctly since we have already named those placeholders.
values = { :last_name => 'Smith', :first_name => 'John'}
conditions = 'first_name = :first_name AND last_name = :last_name'
User.where(conditions , values)
References: Using Named Placeholders in Ruby
You can use placeholder - ? and then pass the value, like this:
Outage.where('outages.end_time < ?', current_time)

Accessing hashes with slash separated keys

Suppose I have the following hash in one of my models named Company.
'num_founders': 'Number of Founders',
'num_employees': 'Number of Employees',
'founders': {
'person_info': {
'full_name': 'Full Name',
'first_name': 'First Name',
'last_name': 'Last Name',
'location': 'Location',
'gender': 'Gender',
'biography': 'Biography',
'num_articles': 'Number of Articles'
And I have a action in my application controller which renders this hash as json:
def field_names
module_name = params[:module]
category = params[:category]
case module_name
when 'company'
render json: Company::FIELDS[category.to_sym].to_json
So now if I open localhost:3000/field_names/company/TEAM I'd get the json. But the problem I'm now facing is I need to get the sub hash of this hash too. Like I want to /field_names/company/TEAM/founders/person_info and get the respective object.
To begin with I'd split the url by slashes to get the keys. Im unable to figure out how would I use those strings to access the hash.
If I define the route like get '/field_names/:query', to: 'application#field_names
And If I hit localhost:3000/field_names/company/TEAM/founders
The action should render Company::FIELDS[:TEAM]["founders"] object which would be
'person_info': {
'full_name': 'Full Name',
'first_name': 'First Name',
'last_name': 'Last Name',
'location': 'Location',
'gender': 'Gender',
'biography': 'Biography',
'num_articles': 'Number of Articles'
For this my action should do something like:
def field_names
query = params[:query]
keys = query.split("/")
#keys.first::FIELDS[key2][key3]... .to_json
How do I achieve this? Thanks :)
How about something like this:
fields = {
'num_founders': 'Number of Founders',
'num_employees': 'Number of Employees',
'founders': {
'person_info': {
'full_name': 'Full Name',
'first_name': 'First Name',
'last_name': 'Last Name',
'location': 'Location',
'gender': 'Gender',
'biography': 'Biography',
'num_articles': 'Number of Articles'
'TEAM/founders'.split('/').each do |key|
fields = fields[key]
puts fields
=> {"person_info"=>{"full_name"=>"Full Name", "first_name"=>"First Name", "last_name"=>"Last Name", "location"=>"Location", "gender"=>"Gender", "biography"=>"Biography", "num_articles"=>"Number of Articles"}}
Just for console, I changed FIELDS to fields (SHOUTING_CASE is usually reserved for constants, fwiw). And, I used with_indifferent_access because your nested hashes use both strings and symbols as keys.
If you want that person_info, then:
fields = {
'num_founders': 'Number of Founders',
'num_employees': 'Number of Employees',
'founders': {
'person_info': {
'full_name': 'Full Name',
'first_name': 'First Name',
'last_name': 'Last Name',
'location': 'Location',
'gender': 'Gender',
'biography': 'Biography',
'num_articles': 'Number of Articles'
'TEAM/founders/person_info'.split('/').each do |key|
fields = fields[key]
puts fields
=> {"full_name"=>"Full Name", "first_name"=>"First Name", "last_name"=>"Last Name", "location"=>"Location", "gender"=>"Gender", "biography"=>"Biography", "num_articles"=>"Number of Articles"}
You probably want to put some try in there in case the url is malformed.
Also, you could abstract and simplify that bit where you go:
case module_name
when 'company'
render json: Company::FIELDS[category.to_sym].to_json
Assuming you have (in routes.rb):
get '/field_names/:query'
And you hit:
Then your params should include:
{query: 'company/TEAM/founders'}
In which case you do something like:
def field_names
query_split = params[:query].split
module_name = query_split.shift.camelize
fields = "#{module_name}::FIELDS".constantize.clone.with_indifferent_access
query_split.each{|key| fields = fields[key]}
render json: fields
You don't have to put to_json at the end of your hash, btw.
It's a routing problem in your project. Actually, you should have a route to retrieve these fieldnames, like:
get 'field_names' => 'controller#action'
then, you can pass any parameters on your URL.
Than, those attributes would be available in your controller as
and so you can render only the attributes you want

Rails get from view table column name and value of select

I now, that question could be non good for so, but need help:
In my rails haml view i have such code:
= form_tag :admin_other_price_upload do
- #csv.first.length.times do |n|
= n + 1
=select_tag "s"+(n+1).to_s, options_for_select([["Брэнд", "Brand"], ["Артикул","Article"], ["Наименование","Descr"], ["Цена","Price"], ["Количество","Quantity"], ["Дополнительно","Other"], ["Поле кроссов","Cross"]]), :prompt => 'Все', :id => "select-value"
so as you can see i'm setting to all select's name like s(n+1) and value one from list. But how can i get them both in controller method? I need it becouse i have dynamic table. I will explain it on example:
So i have table with select's
name = s1 (value = Brand) | name = s2 (value = Price)
so i need in controller to get not only that s1 => Brand, but also get this 1 from s1
So if param look's like
s1 => {Brand}
I need to get for my calculation s1 not value, but s1 as string (simple i need to find in params, which value has Brand and select it as a value)
So for Brand i need to select s1, and set as s1 value s1, how could i do it?
I may have understood you, but not sure.
# let's say your params hash is like:
params = { :action => 'show', :controller => 'articles',
:s1 => 'Article', :s2 => 'Brand', :s3 => 'Price', ... }
brand_param = params.select{ |key, value| value == 'Brand' }
# => { :s2 => 'Brand' }
which_s_is_brand = brand_param.keys.first.to_s
# => 's2'

create a hash in an array with values from database

i have firstname,lastname and id of a list of people in database.
Now i want to make an array like
value: <corresponding id>,
label: "<corresponding person name>"
value: <corresponding id>,
label: "<corresponding person name>"
users = User.all
user_hash_array = users.collect{|user| {:value => user.id, :label => user.firstname}}
This will work like following
id firstname lastname
1 Salil Gaikwad
2 Nidhin Bose
This will gives you following
user_hash_array = [{:value=>1, :label=>"Salil"}, {:value=>2, :label=>"Nidhin"}]
