Pinging ports - ios

I building small utility iOS App with GCDAsyncSocket that will ping ports on list of ports.
For example, trying to connect on TCP port 80 and 443 I got "connected" status, but when I try 2195 and 2196 I get "timeout".
When trying to connect to ports with GCDAsyncUdpSocket, whichever port I try to connect I get "connected", even though some ports aren't open (tested with nmap which returns "closed").
So, I have couple of questions:
1) Am I doing something wrong when trying to connect to ports 2195, 2196, etc?
2) Is GCDAsyncUdpSocket reliable? Whatever I try with it, it passes.

You have several misconceptions here:
You shouldn't try to connect to a lot of ports on a server that is not yours unless you are authorized to do that. This is called pentesting, and it is at minimum not nice if not illegal.
The list of ports you refer to is not about "", it is about Apple products in general, so like any macOS computers. You can use a computer of your friend to try that. Or a virtual machine on your own computer.
UDP protocol doesn't have a "connected" state. The big difference between UDP and TCP is that TCP has connections support while UDP doesn't. The "connected" state of GCDAsyncUdpSocket is probably fake.
See this about detecting if an UDP port is open or not.


How do server programs work on Docker when *only* the listening port is mapped to the Docker host?

This is just a conceptual question that I have been thinking about recently.
Say I'm running an Nginx container on Docker on a host. Normally, for this to work, we have to map ports like 80 and 443 to host container. This is because these are listening ports, and connections from the outside world to port 80 should be forwarded to port 80 of the container. So far so good.
But also: port 80 is just the listening socket, right? The listening socket only accepts the connection; after this any communication done between a client and the Nginx server is supposedly done on a different socket with a random port number (on the server side). This is to allow multiple connections, and to keep the listening port free to establish more connections, etc. This is where my issue comes in.
Say I'm a client and I connect to this Nginx server. As far as I understand, I first send TCP packets to port 80 of the host that is hosting this Nginx Docker container. But during the establishment of the connection, the server changes their port to another number, say 45670. (Not sure how, but I am guessing the packets that are sent back suddenly mention this port, and our client will continue the rest of the exchange with this port number instead).
But now as I send packets (e.g. HTTP requests) to the host on port 45670, how will the Nginx docker container see those packets?
I am struggling to understand how server processes can run on Docker with only one port exposed / published for mapping.
But also: port 80 is just the listening socket, right? The listening socket only accepts the connection; after this any communication done between a client and the Nginx server is supposedly done on a different socket with a random port number (on the server side).
Nope. When a connection is established, the client side is a random port number (usually) and the server side is the same port that the server listens on.
In TCP there aren't actually listening sockets - they're an operating system thing - and a connection is identified by the combination of both the port numbers and both the IP addresses. The client sends a SYN ("new connection please") from its port 49621 (for example) to port 80 on the server; the server sends a SYN/ACK ("okay") from its port 80 to port 49621 on the client.

Trying to figure out hostname and port for Azure Service Bus Queue

I need to be able to read/write to an Azure Service Bus Queue and for that, the hostname and ports need to be white-listed by my IT team.
The connection string is: "Endpoint=sb://[myappname];...".
I have tried the hostname with port 443 (assuming here), but that hasn't worked after white-listing. So now I tried writing to queue while capturing the traffic from Wireshark, but I am getting lost in all the network packet details there.
Can anyone please help me with this?
Thank you
TCP port is used by default for transport operations. Please have a try to open the port 5671 and 5672. We could get more information from AMQP 1.0 in Azure Service Bus and Event Hubs protocol guide.
Azure Service Bus requires the use of TLS at all times. It supports connections over TCP port 5671, whereby the TCP connection is first overlaid with TLS before entering the AMQP protocol handshake, and also supports connections over TCP port 5672 whereby the server immediately offers a mandatory upgrade of connection to TLS using the AMQP-prescribed model. The AMQP WebSockets binding creates a tunnel over TCP port 443 that is then equivalent to AMQP 5671 connections.
If you use a library, please have a try to set the ConnectivityMode to https (443 port)
ServiceBusEnvironment.SystemConnectivity.Mode = ConnectivityMode.Https

Port Forwarding for compute engine google cloud platform

I'm trying to open port TCP 28016 and UDP 28015 for a game server in my compute engine VM running on Microsoft Windows Server 2016.
I've tried opening the opening inside my server using RDP, going to Windows Firewall setting and creating new inbound rules for both TCP 28016 and UDP 28015.
Also done setting firewall rules on my Cloud Platform Firewall Rules for both port.
When running my game server application, running netstat didn't show any of the port being used / not listening . Not even shows up. What did i do wrong ?
Edit : it now shows up on netstat -a -b , but didn't have LISTENING
If it doesn't show as LISTENING, it's not a firewall or "port forwarding" issue; rather, the application either isn't running, or is running but isn't configured to listen for connections on that port.

Cant connect to mqtt musquitto on AWS EC2 instance

When I publish and subscribe at localhost its work fine.
When I try from my PC at home I just can't connect to the broker.
open TCP port in/out at security group - 1883 8883 8080
open the ports also at my ec2 instance firewall...
what is the problem? I use the public DNS by amazon as I think I should...
This is an exercise at diagnosing network problems:
1) netstat -a -n | grep 1883
will tell you whether your broker is configured correctly
2) wireshark packet capture will tell you whether your system is receiving packets at the specific port
You will not get an answer until you at least do those.

How to judge a port is open or closed

How I can say a port is open or closed. What's the exact meaning of Open port and closed port.
My favorite tool to check if a specific port is open or closed is telnet. You'll find this tool on all of the operating systems.
The syntax is: telnet <hostname/ip> <port>
This is what it looks like if the port is open:
telnet localhost 3306
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
This is what it looks like if the port is closed:
telnet localhost 9999
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
Based on your use case, you may need to do this from a different machine, just to rule out firewall rules being an issue. For example, just because I am able to telnet to port 3306 locally doesn't mean that other machines are able to access port 3306. They may see it as closed due to firewall rules.
As far as what open/closed ports means, an open port allows data to be sent to a program listening on that port. In the examples above, port 3306 is open. MySQL server is listening on that port. That allows MySQL clients to connect to the MySQL database and issue queries and so on.
There are other tools to check the status of multiple ports. You can Google for Port Scanner along with the OS you are using for additional options.
A port that's opened is a port to which you can connect (TCP)/ send data (UDP). It is open because a process opened it.
There are many different types of ports. These used on the Internet are TCP and UDP ports.
To see the list of existing connections you can use netstat (available under Unix and MS-Windows). Under Linux, we have the -l (--listen) command line option to limit the list to opened ports (i.e. listening ports).
> netstat -n64l
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
udp 0 0*
raw 0 0* 7
In my example, I show a TCP port 6000 opened. This is generally for X11 access (so you can open windows between computers.)
The other port, 53, is a UDP port used by the DNS system. Notice that UDP port are "just opened". You can always send packets to them. You cannot create a client/server connection like you do with TCP/IP. Hence, in this case you do not see the LISTEN state.
The last entry here is "raw". This is a local type of port which only works between processes within one computer. It may be used by processes to send RPC events and such.
Since then netstat has been somewhat deprecated and you may want to learn about ss instead:
ss -l4n
-- or --
ss -l6n
Unfortunately, at the moment you have to select either -4 or -6 for the corresponding stack (IPv4 or IPv6).
If you're interested in writing C/C++ code or alike, you can read that information from /proc/net/.... For example, the TCP connections are found here:
/proc/net/tcp (IPv4)
/proc/net/tcp6 (IPv6)
Similarly, you'll see UDP files and a Unix file.
Programmatically, if you are only checking one port then you can just attempt a connection. If the port is open, then it will connect. You can then close the connection immediately.
Finally, there is the Kernel direct socket connection for socket diagnostics like so:
int s = socket(
The main problem I have with that one is that it does not really send you events when something changes. But you can read the current state in structures which is safer than attempting to parse files in /proc/....
I have some code handling such a socket in my eventdispatcher library. Only it still has to do a poll to get the data since the kernel does not generate events on its own (i.e. a push is much better since it only has to happen once when an event actually happens).
