Compilation Error while editing the visual studio solution -

I am editing a visual studio MVC Solution. I have edited all the files, assemblies and Project Name etc. But in the end, it is build successfully but when I am going to run this solution it shows an error like shows in the picture.
Actually, TestSolution was the name of my solution which I've changed with RealEstateErp.Now when I am going to search "Using TestSolution " , I don't find anything. Now, what should I do to overcome this problem? Any kind of help will be appreciated.

when they make drastic changes like the namespaces and dll names, the first thing people forget is to delete the old dlls.
I would start with that, make sure you delete everything in bin, obj and all temp files which reside in Windows\Microsoft.Net and then Framework and Framework 64.
Next, check your global.asax file, specifically the front end part. You get to it by right-clicking the global.asax file and selecting the "View markup" option, that one always has a reference to the old namespace and always gets missed.
Finally, make sure you delete all the using statements referring to the old namespace. You don't need those and they will cause a compilation error like the one you are seeing, because that particular namespace does not exist anymore.

Actually, It was on the Web. Config under View Folder.
I've Updated it with the latest solution name and now it works fine for me.

Could you do Ctrl+Shift+F and search your whole solution about Using TestSolution?
You probably will find the word left somewhere.


'Resource.Designer.cs' keeps old namespace after it has been changed throughout entire solution

At some point project identity was modified and i reflected that in code by renaming the solution, project, assembly and default namespace, with all corresponding folders - all instances of a name that i could find. I also used Notepad2 to fix the contents of solution and project files.
Note: Namespace in code was changed using VStudio's Rename feature.
Since then every time Resource.Designer.cs file gets re-generated, it pulls the old namespace in (?!), breaking the reference to automatic Resource class, which defines resource IDs:
Obviously, i try to fix this:
And in some cases it will immediately get re-generated again - you guessed it - with the old name, but sometimes(!) it will accept my edit, save it and let the project be actually compiled and run:
I've tried Clean and Rebuild commands multiple times for both project and solution, restarted VStudio, rebooted Windows.. No dice, it keeps happening.
App's TargetPlatform is 7.1, MinimumVersion is 4.3, all 5 supported architectures are enabled. VStudio - 15.5.4, .NET - 4.7.03056, Xamarin -, Xamarin.Android SDK -
Just found this in the Similar Questions list:
Ambiguous reference intellisense error from Resource.Designer.cs. Looked promising, so i did the following:
Closed solution in VisualStudio.
Removed entirely \bin and \obj subfolders in File Explorer.
Edited Resource.Designer.cs, so it has correct (new) namespace: J7987ca.
Added 'AndroidUseManagedDesignTimeResourceGenerator' to J7987ca.csproj, as advised.
Opened the solution, and here's the result - old namespace is back:
I guess, i can start with a clean slate and re-create entire solution from scratch with a new name, but for the Love of God, why do i have to do that? And where does it pull the old name from?!
My last image shows <RootNamespace>J7980ca</RootNamespace> - the old name. I did not pay much attention to re-check that tab after re-opening solution, because such an awful glitch would never occure to me: i never had problems saving values in those VS "dialogs" previously.
It turns out that changing Default Namespace in Project Properties does not take effect!
I verified it twice.
Mind you, Assembly Name was saved, so i'm at a loss of wits to explain, how all this is happening.
As soon as i edited .csproj in Notepad2 re-opening the solution happily put proper namespace into Resources.Designer.cs and allowed compilation.
I'm a little late to this, but I ran into this issue recently and was able to fix it by updating both <RootNamespace> and <AssemblyName> tags in the Android csproj file.
Then cleaning the sln and closing Visual Studio and deleting bin, obj, and the old Resource.Designer.cs file (from the directory using the File Explorer and not by removing it from the csproj).
You also need to change it in the assembly line, not just the namespace.
For example
[assembly: global::Android.Runtime.ResourceDesignerAttribute("com.companyname.TestBottomSheetDialog.Resource", IsApplication=true)]
namespace com.companyname.TestBottomSheetDialog

iOS - missing Platform Libraries

First of all, I've never worked on iOS, so this may or may not be a stupid question, I don't know :)
I have an iOS App, and I need to run it.
In the 'Project Navigator' I have a folder/package called 'Reuse and Platform Libraries'. Inside, I have another four folders but 3 of them seem like missing.
I am not sure if this is the case. I've tried googling their name but without results so I assume they are not some open source libraries.
Can someone clear this up for me? Do I need to install some XCode packages?
I suggest you search the folder of the project for those files, sometimes when copying a project the paths get screwed up because they were set as absolute paths and not relative paths.
If you can't find the files, it's most likely that the library is a private one used by the previous developers, and usually kept out of the project folder so they probably forgot to send it along. I'd suggest simply asking them to send the files over :).
There is also a slight chance they are not needed to run the file, in which case, just deleting them from the sidebar should make the project run.

File not found error on ALL files in Blackberry project

I haven't touched any of my Blackberry projects for about 2 weeks now. Today I had to make some modifications, but when I tried to compile and run my code I got an error message like the following (this has been simplified):
JavaBuilder handling CoreException
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: File not found: C:\Program Files\etc etc etc\ClassName.class
And this error pops up for every single one of the files in my project.
I'm not a Java professional by any means, but I'm pretty sure this has something to do with my build path. What do I have to do? I did a system restore a little while back don't know if that has anything to do with this.
Thanks a lot.
Problem solved. For some reason alot of the folders in my project's folder were duplicated (ie: mainpackage, mainpackage(2)), so each one of my class files had a twin. Eclipse didn't tell me this, instead it just decided to say "I can't find the files" even though they were there. Not a very useful error message.
So I deleted mainpackage(2) and now it runs fine.
Thanks again for the help.

monodroid compile error

Late night fiddling with my mondroid app has thrown an error that has me sweating - I have a proof of concept demo to the stakeholders on monday morning so any help appreciated.
When I build the solution (VS2010 with monodroid eval) the following error appears in the output:
Error 1 Unable to copy file "C:\Projects\conxMono\conx.Monodroid\bin\Debug\conx.Monodroid.dll.mdb" to "bin\Debug\bin\Debug\conx.Monodroid.dll.mdb". Could not find file 'C:\Projects\conxMono\conx.Monodroid\bin\Debug\conx.Monodroid.dll.mdb'.
From what I understand the mdb is a monodroid debug file?
Where has it gone, why has it gone and how do i create another? All the mdb files from the other projects in the solution are present in the debug dir.
Why is there a bin\debug\bin\debug directory on this solution and not on others?
I know I have probably done something arselike so will accept all derogatory comments that include a provided solution.
I would try to clean the solution and rebuild. If that doesn't work, go into the project settings of conx.Monodoroid, go to the Build tab and make sure the Output Path is set to bin\Debug\
It is possible that this file became read-only, so go to that directly, right click the folder and make sure read-only isn't checked.

Delphi 7 keeps using old outdated form

Changed, updated, form is not used even though uses and project settings seem fine, old form files removed from disk.
Is this a bug in the IDE? I may just delete the form and copy it into another unit with a new name.
If it's using an old form it has to be getting it from somewhere--it doesn't appear out of thin air. Two scenarios come to mind:
1) It's somewhere where you don't realize. Search your system for files by that name.
2) Unless you do a build Delphi compiles based on timestamps. If the clock was wrong when it was compiled before the .dcu can have a more recent time and thus it gets skipped in compiling. I've hit this more than once with timezones.
A good way to find it is to first move the project to a different new folder and try to compile it. This should produce and error that will help you to find the culprit. If this does not work then it is settings like paths etc in your libraries that are at fault.
Also make sure that you deleted all ".dcu" files in the project before re-compiling.
No, it is not a bug in the IDE.
You are referencing that form in some setting in your project or environment, which you didn't find yet and which takes precedence to options you already tweaked.
Where do you need to go to resolve your problem? Well, that's difficult to say without looking at your development environment and your project settings.
I've had this happen before. It is always something referenced that I wasn't aware of.
You can do a grep for something from the form and see where it shows up.
Thanks for the input. The first one I tried, moving the files, mm2010, showed it was my code that was at fault.
Although the form/unit is not included in the project file (dpr), it is still referenced by some other unit. So the compiler links the res into the application. Look for the unit name you want to remove in other units' uses clauses.
