Import custom static library in Xcode project - ios

I created a static library in Swift and the goal is of course to distribute this and reuse this library in another project. In the project where I want to import this static library I do the following:
Drag xcode project from static library in Project Navigator
Drag xxxx.a (inside Products folder) to Build Phases > Link binaries with libraries
In the class where I want to use this library add: import MyStaticLib
Unfortunately I get an error saying: No such module 'MyStaticLib'.
But then when I create a new project in Xcode and do the exact same steps there's no error at all and I'm able to use the library in any class that imports this library. I looked at both project settings and can't seem to find anything weird.
Settings like Header Search Path and Library Search Path are empty in both projects.
Can someone point me in the right direction?


How to create a close source SDK for iOS with other framework dependencies

I have multiple projects that build into XCFramework. For example:
When I build MySDK, it produces a .xcframework with a "frameworks" folder in it. FeatureA, B and C are inside that folder. This means that the frameworks were embeded.
But, when I add MySDK into another project and try to build I get: no such module "FeatureA" OR Could not build "FeatureA" to Objc.
The only way that my test project builds is by adding each .xcframework dependency. I tried using the search paths, but no luck.
I also tried change the modulemap file, but the error describe above continues.
I want to build a SDK, MySDK.xcframework that contains all depencency frameworks. In this way I hope that someone who wants to use my library will only have to import MySDK.xcframework.
What I want is even possible for iOS?

Import a static library as a subproject

I watch this video to know how to create a static library, I just watched until the 4:05 minute video (which have already been enough to learn how to create a static library).
But I learned that there's another way to import a static library for the project called subproject, for this I open my iphone project and add my library project (MuitosAlertas.xcodeproj), Then I added two references to my library inside the tab Target Dependencies and Link Binary with libraries as you can see below:
When I compile and run, Xcode give me the problem
Lexical or preprocessor issue 'MuitosAlertas.h' file not found
I try to put inside Other linker flags the code -ObjC but without results, how can I solve this problem
You must add Header Search Path to your target. In build setting search "Header Search Path" and add relative link to your static library project. How to add relative path read more here
You may need to search path with recursive option.
Once you have created your Library then make a build from the target added separately for the Universal support and then by right clicking on to the .a file from bundle navigate to folder and look for Universal and copy Include folder and your StaticLibrary.a file, then where you want to use it paste in that project and add reference to it and in bundle setting you need to set the HeaderSearchPath of the library where it is kept and the OtherLinkerFlag to -ObjC.
Then import the headers of your library and use your methods.

How to use third party lib in embedded dynamic framework for iOS with swift

Now I have a project, like testApp, using some third party lib like alamofire and some others libs in objective-c.
Now I want to add a today widget. According to some tutorial, I created a new target "testAppKit" as a shared dynamic framework, and target "testAppWidget" as today extension. The common code will be in testAppKit for reuse.
Now I need to use third party libs in testAppKit. And added lib and header in build phases of testAppKit. Then I add #import <theLib/TheHeader.h> in testAppKit.h. But there is an error:
Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'testAppKit'
So, I want to know how to use third party libs (maybe in Swift or Objective-C) in this kind of embedded dynamic framework.
I use Dropbox Datastore API in my app and I finally made it working for embedded Cocoa Touch framework to share code for Containing App and Today Extension.
I figured out that in my Swift file in the embedded framework I can import any 3rd party framework I had in the Project (i.e. Farbic.framework, Crashlytics etc.) but not Dropbox.
What was the difference? The "Modules" folder! Dropbox.framework doesn't provide module map file. So I created it based on what I found in Fabric.framework:
Go to the Dropbox.framework folder in your project direcotry.
Create new folder "Modules" and go inside
Create a file called: "module.modulemap"
The content of the file:
framework module Dropbox {
umbrella header "Dropbox.h"
export *
module * { export * }
After doing that I needed to add import path.
Go to your Project file
Select your embedded framework target
Go to the "Build Settings" and find "Swift Compiler - Search Paths"
Add path to your Dropbox.framerowk and set "recursive" option.
I wanted to put a screenshot here but I can't do that yet - because of my "reputation" ;)
Now I'm able to do "import Dropbox" in my swift files :)
Hope this can help you :)

Adding FacebookSDK.framework into my own Static library

I am creating a static library which i will be using for more than one projects, which i am developing. I will build the static library as .framework file and will drag and drop to use in other projects. It is working fine. Now i am adding some more functionalities to the framework. I am adding FacebookSDK.framework to the static library for log in purpose, but when i drag the framework to another project and build it, it throws an error.
"FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h" file not found.
Please help!
You should change your import statement to
#import "FacebookSDK.h"
And add FacebookSDK.framework to the project which USES your static library.
If you want to build FacebookSDK.framework INTO your own static library. You should open FacebookSDK.framework and find all the .h and a file named FacebookSDK, and add these files into your static library project.

Trouble Creating Cross Project Reference for Xcode 4

I'm trying to pick up some better code organization practices. Over time, I've developed a collection of utility-type files that I import into all of my iOS projects. Rather than continuing to copy them in, I want to setup a separate "Library" project which builds these files to a static library. Then, I reference the static library in my app's project.
In Xcode 4.2 I created a new project "JTLibrary" with a static library as the target, added some files, and it builds as expected.
Now, I created a new project "LibraryTest" which should behave like any other app project I might be working on. My understanding was that I should be able to drag the JTLibrary project into this project to create a cross project reference. Once that was done, I would link LibraryTest's binary against the static library from JTLibrary.
However, when I drag the JTLibary project into the LibraryTest project, it does not appear expandable. I expected I should be able to see the files in it, etc. See screenshot below:
Can anyone offer some insight to why the project appears like this rather than expandable? Once it is expandable, I should be able to see the static library in the app's project.
EDIT 11/7
It's worth mentioning that I'm working with a VERY basic project now. From the new project window, select Framework & Library >> Cocoa Touch Static Library. Add one function to the default class and build.
I can copy the header and .a files into another project and use them successfully, but if I try to drag the project itself, it appears like the picture above.
To create a subproject simply drag a project node from Finder into Xcode.
DO NOT open two Xcode instances and drag the project node from one to the other (that's why the subproject is not expandable).
