Perceptron training rule, why multiply by x - machine-learning

I was reading tom Mitchell's machine learning book and he mentioned the formula for perceptron training rule is
: training rate
: expected output
: actual output
: ith input
This implies that if is very large then so is , but I don't understand the purpose of a large update when is large
on the contrary, I feel like if there is a large then the update should be small since a small fluctuation in will result in a big change in the final output (due to )

The adjustments are vector additions and subtractions, which can be thought as rotating a hyperplane such that class 0 falls on one part and class 1 falls on the other part.
Consider a 1xd weight vector indicating the weights of the perceptron model. Also, consider a 1xd datapoint . Then the predicted value of the perceptron model, considering a linear threshold without a loss of generality, will be
-- Eq. 1
Here '.' is a dot product, or
The hyperplane above equation is
(Ignoring the iteration indices for the weight updates for simplicity)
Let us consider we have two classes 0 and 1, again without a loss of generality, datapoints labelled 0 fall on one side where Eq.1 <= 0 of the hyperplane, and the datapoints labelled 1 fall on the other side where Eq.1 > 0.
The vector which is normal to this hyperplane is . The angle between the datapoints with label 0 should be more that 90 degrees and the datapoints between the datapoints with label 1 should be less than 90 degrees.
There are three possibilities of (ignoring the training rate)
: implying that this example is classified correctly by the present set of weights. Therefore we do not need any changes for the specific datapoint.
implying that the target was 1, but the present set of weights classified it as 0. The Eq1. which was supposed to be . Eq1. in this case is , which indicates that the angle between and is greater that 90 degrees, which should have been lesser. The update rule is . If you imagine a vector addition in 2d, this will rotate the hyperplane so that the angle between and is closer than before and less than 90 degrees.
implying that the target was 0, but the present set of weights classified it as 1. The eq1. which was supposed to be . Eq1. in this case is indicates that the angle between and is lesser that 90 degrees, which should have been greater. The update rule is . Similarly this will rotate the hyperplane so that the angle between and is greater than 90 degrees.
This is iterated over and overe and the hyperplane is rotated and adjusted so that the angle of the hyperplane's normal has less than 90 degrees with the datapoint with class labeled 1 and greater than 90 degrees with the datapoints of class labelled 0.
If the magnitude of is huge there will be big changes, and therefore it will cause problems in the process, and may take more iterations to converge depending on the magnitude of the initial weights. Therefore it is a good idea to normalise or standardise the datapoints. From this perspective it is easy to visualise what exactly the update rules are doing visually (consider the bias as a part of the hyperplane Eq.1). Now extend this to more complicated networks and or with thresholds.
Recommended reading and reference: Neural Network, A Systematic Introduction by Raul Rojas: Chapter 4


Handling zero rows/columns in covariance matrix during em-algorithm

I tried to implement GMMs but I have a few problems during the em-algorithm.
Let's say I've got 3D Samples (stat1, stat2, stat3) which I use to train the GMMs.
One of my training sets for one of the GMMs has in nearly every sample a "0" for stat1. During training I get really small Numbers (like "1.4456539880060609E-124") in the first row and column of the covariance matrix which leads in the next iteration of the EM-Algorithm to 0.0 in the first row and column.
I get something like this:
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 5.0 6.0
0.0 2.0 1.0
I need the inverse covariance matrix to calculate the density but since one column is zero I can't do this.
I thought about falling back to the old covariance matrix (and mean) or to replace every 0 with a really small number.
Or is there a another simple solution to this problem?
Simply your data lies in degenerated subspace of your actual input space, and GMM is not well suited in most generic form for such setting. THe problem is that empirical covariance estimator that you use simply fail for such data (as you said - you cannot inverse it). What you usually do? You chenge covariance estimator to the constrained/regularized ones, which contain:
Constant-based shrinking, thus instead of using Sigma = Cov(X) you do Sigma = Cov(X) + eps * I, where eps is prefedefined small constant, and I is identity matrix. Consequently you never have a zero values on the diagonal, and it is easy to prove that for reasonable epsilon, this will be inversible
Nicely fitted shrinking, like Oracle Covariance Estimator or Ledoit-Wolf Covariance Estimator which find best epsilon based on the data itself.
Constrain your gaussians to for example spherical family, thus N(m, sigma I), where sigma = avg_i( cov( X[:, i] ) is the mean covariance per dimension. This limits you to spherical gaussians, and also solves the above issue
There are many more solutions possible, but all based on the same thing - chenge covariance estimator in such a way, that you have a guarantee of invertability.

Why does support vectors in SVM have alpha (Lagrangian multiplier) greater than zero?

I understood the overall SVM algorithm consisting of Lagrangian Duality and all, but I am not able to understand why particularly the Lagrangian multiplier is greater than zero for support vectors.
Thank you.
This might be a late answer but I am putting my understanding here for other visitors.
Lagrangian multiplier, usually denoted by α is a vector of the weights of all the training points as support vectors.
Suppose there are m training examples. Then α is a vector of size m. Now focus on any ith element of α: αi. It is clear that αi captures the weight of the ith training example as a support vector. Higher value of αi means that ith training example holds more importance as a support vector; something like if a prediction is to be made, then that ith training example will be more important in deriving the decision.
Now coming to the OP's concern:
I am not able to understand why particularly the Lagrangian multiplier
is greater than zero for support vectors.
It is just a construct. When you say αi=0, it is just that ith training example has zero weight as a support vector. You can instead also say that that ith example is not a support vector.
Side note: One of the KKT's conditions is the complementary slackness: αigi(w)=0 for all i. For a support vector, it must lie on the margin which implies that gi(w)=0. Now αi can or cannot be zero; anyway it is satisfying the complementary slackness condition.
For αi=0, you can choose whether you want to call such points a support vector or not based on the discussion given above. But for a non-support vector, αi must be zero for satisfying the complementary slackness as gi(w) is not zero.
I can't figure this out too...
If we take a simple example, say of 3 data points, 2 of positive class (yi=1): (1,2) (3,1) and one negative (yi=-1): (-1,-1) - and we calculate using Lagrange multipliers, we will get a perfect w (0.25,0.5) and b = -0.25, but one of our alphas was negative (a1 = 6/32, a2 = -1/32, a3 = 5/32).

Meaning of Histogram on Tensorboard

I am working on Google Tensorboard, and I'm feeling confused about the meaning of Histogram Plot. I read the tutorial, but it seems unclear to me. I really appreciate if anyone could help me figure out the meaning of each axis for Tensorboard Histogram Plot.
Sample histogram from TensorBoard
I came across this question earlier, while also seeking information on how to interpret the histogram plots in TensorBoard. For me, the answer came from experiments of plotting known distributions.
So, the conventional normal distribution with mean = 0 and sigma = 1 can be produced in TensorFlow with the following code:
import tensorflow as tf
cwd = "test_logs"
W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([200, 10], stddev=1.0))
W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([200, 10], stddev=0.13))
w1_hist = tf.summary.histogram("weights-stdev_1.0", W1)
w2_hist = tf.summary.histogram("weights-stdev_0.13", W2)
summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
sess = tf.Session()
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(cwd, session.graph)
for i in range(2):
Here is what the result looks like:
The horizontal axis represents time steps.
The plot is a contour plot and has contour lines at the vertical axis values of -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5.
Since the plot represents a normal distribution with mean = 0 and sigma = 1 (and remember that sigma means standard deviation), the contour line at 0 represents the mean value of the samples.
The area between the contour lines at -0.5 and +0.5 represent the area under a normal distribution curve captured within +/- 0.5 standard deviations from the mean, suggesting that it is 38.3% of the sampling.
The area between the contour lines at -1.0 and +1.0 represent the area under a normal distribution curve captured within +/- 1.0 standard deviations from the mean, suggesting that it is 68.3% of the sampling.
The area between the contour lines at -1.5 and +1-.5 represent the area under a normal distribution curve captured within +/- 1.5 standard deviations from the mean, suggesting that it is 86.6% of the sampling.
The palest region extends a little beyond +/- 4.0 standard deviations from the mean, and only about 60 per 1,000,000 samples will be outside of this range.
While Wikipedia has a very thorough explanation, you can get the most relevant nuggets here.
Actual histogram plots will show several things. The plot regions will grow and shrink in vertical width as the variation of the monitored values increases or decreases. The plots may also shift up or down as the mean of the monitored values increases or decreases.
(You may have noted that the code actually produces a second histogram with a standard deviation of 0.13. I did this to clear up any confusion between the plot contour lines and the vertical axis tick marks.)
#marc_alain, you're a star for making such a simple script for TB, which are hard to find.
To add to what he said the histograms showing 1,2,3 sigma of the distribution of weights. which is equivalent to the 68th,95th, and 98th percentiles. So think if you're model has 784 weights, the histogram shows how the values of those weights change with training.
These histograms are probably not that interesting for shallow models, you could imagine that with deep networks, weights in high layers might take a while to grow because of the logistic function being saturated. Of course I'm just mindlessly parroting this paper by Glorot and Bengio, in which they study the weights distribution through training and show how the logistic function is saturated for the higher layers for quite a while.
When plotting histograms, we put the bin limits on the x-axis and the count on the y-axis. However, the whole point of histogram is to show how a tensor changes over times. Hence, as you may have already guessed, the depth axis (z-axis) containing the numbers 100 and 300, shows the epoch numbers.
The default histogram mode is Offset mode. Here the histogram for each epoch is offset in the z-axis by a certain value (to fit all epochs in the graph). This is like seeing all histograms places one after the other, from one corner of the ceiling of the room (from the mid point of the front ceiling edge to be precise).
In the Overlay mode, the z-axis is collapsed, and the histograms become transparent, so you can move and hover over to highlight the one corresponding to a particular epoch. This is more like the front view of the Offset mode, with only outlines of histograms.
As explained in the documentation here:
takes an arbitrarily sized and shaped Tensor, and compresses it into a
histogram data structure consisting of many bins with widths and
counts. For example, let's say we want to organize the numbers [0.5,
1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2.9, 2.99] into bins. We could make three bins:
a bin containing everything from 0 to 1 (it would contain one element, 0.5),
a bin containing everything from 1-2 (it would contain two elements, 1.1 and 1.3),
a bin containing everything from 2-3 (it would contain three elements: 2.2, 2.9 and 2.99).
TensorFlow uses a similar approach to create bins, but unlike in our
example, it doesn't create integer bins. For large, sparse datasets,
that might result in many thousands of bins. Instead, the bins are
exponentially distributed, with many bins close to 0 and comparatively
few bins for very large numbers. However, visualizing
exponentially-distributed bins is tricky; if height is used to encode
count, then wider bins take more space, even if they have the same
number of elements. Conversely, encoding count in the area makes
height comparisons impossible. Instead, the histograms resample the
data into uniform bins. This can lead to unfortunate artifacts in
some cases.
Please read the documentation further to get the full knowledge of plots displayed in the histogram tab.
The histogram plot allows you to plot variables from your graph.
w1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]),name="a",trainable=True)
For the example above the vertical axis would have the units of my w1 variable. The horizontal axis would have units of the step which I think is captured here:
summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, **step**)
It may be useful to see this on how to make summaries for the tensorboard.
Each line on the chart represents a percentile in the distribution over the data: for example, the bottom line shows how the minimum value has changed over time, and the line in the middle shows how the median has changed. Reading from top to bottom, the lines have the following meaning: [maximum, 93%, 84%, 69%, 50%, 31%, 16%, 7%, minimum]
These percentiles can also be viewed as standard deviation boundaries on a normal distribution: [maximum, μ+1.5σ, μ+σ, μ+0.5σ, μ, μ-0.5σ, μ-σ, μ-1.5σ, minimum] so that the colored regions, read from inside to outside, have widths [σ, 2σ, 3σ] respectively.

Normalization or Standardization? When to use what?

I've calculated the cosine similarity between two vectors. For instance, each vector can have x elements, V = {v[0], v[1], ...}, such as {age, height, ...}
Currently, I do not normalize on each element. In other words, elements that have higher absolute values tend to matter more in the similarity computation. e.g. if you have a person who is 180 cm tall and is only 10 years old, height is going to affect the similarity more than age.
I'm considering three variation of feature scaling, borrowed from wiki (
Rescaling (subtract the min and divide by the range)
Standardization (subtracting the mean and dividing by standard deviation)
Using Percentiles (get the distribution of all values for a specific element and compute the percentiles the absolute value falls in)
It would be helpful if someone can explain the benefits to each and how I would go about determining what is the right method of normalization use. Having done all three, the sample results I get for instance is:
none: 1.0
standardized: 0.963
scaled: 0.981
quantile: 0.878

Geometric representation of Perceptrons (Artificial neural networks)

I am taking this course on Neural networks in Coursera by Geoffrey Hinton (not current).
I have a very basic doubt on weight spaces.
Page 18.
If I have a weight vector (bias is 0) as [w1=1,w2=2] and training case as {1,2,-1} and {2,1,1}
where I guess {1,2} and {2,1} are the input vectors. How can it be represented geometrically?
I am unable to visualize it? Why is training case giving a plane which divides the weight space into 2? Could somebody explain this in a coordinate axes of 3 dimensions?
The following is the text from the ppt:
1.Weight-space has one dimension per weight.
2.A point in the space has particular setting for all the weights.
3.Assuming that we have eliminated the threshold each hyperplane could be represented as a hyperplane through the origin.
My doubt is in the third point above. Kindly help me understand.
It's probably easier to explain if you look deeper into the math. Basically what a single layer of a neural net is performing some function on your input vector transforming it into a different vector space.
You don't want to jump right into thinking of this in 3-dimensions. Start smaller, it's easy to make diagrams in 1-2 dimensions, and nearly impossible to draw anything worthwhile in 3 dimensions (unless you're a brilliant artist), and being able to sketch this stuff out is invaluable.
Let's take the simplest case, where you're taking in an input vector of length 2, you have a weight vector of dimension 2x1, which implies an output vector of length one (effectively a scalar)
In this case it's pretty easy to imagine that you've got something of the form:
input = [x, y]
weight = [a, b]
output = ax + by
If we assume that weight = [1, 3], we can see, and hopefully intuit that the response of our perceptron will be something like this:
With the behavior being largely unchanged for different values of the weight vector.
It's easy to imagine then, that if you're constraining your output to a binary space, there is a plane, maybe 0.5 units above the one shown above that constitutes your "decision boundary".
As you move into higher dimensions this becomes harder and harder to visualize, but if you imagine that that plane shown isn't merely a 2-d plane, but an n-d plane or a hyperplane, you can imagine that this same process happens.
Since actually creating the hyperplane requires either the input or output to be fixed, you can think of giving your perceptron a single training value as creating a "fixed" [x,y] value. This can be used to create a hyperplane. Sadly, this cannot be effectively be visualized as 4-d drawings are not really feasible in browser.
Hope that clears things up, let me know if you have more questions.
I have encountered this question on SO while preparing a large article on linear combinations (it's in Russian, It has a section on the weight space and I would like to share some thoughts from it.
Let's take a simple case of linearly separable dataset with two classes, red and green:
The illustration above is in the dataspace X, where samples are represented by points and weight coefficients constitutes a line. It could be conveyed by the following formula:
w^T * x + b = 0
But we can rewrite it vice-versa making x component a vector-coefficient and w a vector-variable:
x^T * w + b = 0
because dot product is symmetrical. Now it could be visualized in the weight space the following way:
where red and green lines are the samples and blue point is the weight.
More possible weights are limited to the area below (shown in magenta):
which could be visualized in dataspace X as:
Hope it clarifies dataspace/weightspace correlation a bit. Feel free to ask questions, will be glad to explain in more detail.
The "decision boundary" for a single layer perceptron is a plane (hyper plane)
where n in the image is the weight vector w, in your case w={w1=1,w2=2}=(1,2) and the direction specifies which side is the right side. n is orthogonal (90 degrees) to the plane)
A plane always splits a space into 2 naturally (extend the plane to infinity in each direction)
you can also try to input different value into the perceptron and try to find where the response is zero (only on the decision boundary).
Recommend you read up on linear algebra to understand it better:
For a perceptron with 1 input & 1 output layer, there can only be 1 LINEAR hyperplane. And since there is no bias, the hyperplane won't be able to shift in an axis and so it will always share the same origin point. However, if there is a bias, they may not share a same point anymore.
I think the reason why a training case can be represented as a hyperplane because...
Let's say
[j,k] is the weight vector and
[m,n] is the training-input
training-output = jm + kn
Given that a training case in this perspective is fixed and the weights varies, the training-input (m, n) becomes the coefficient and the weights (j, k) become the variables.
Just as in any text book where z = ax + by is a plane,
training-output = jm + kn is also a plane defined by training-output, m, and n.
Equation of a plane passing through origin is written in the form:
If a=1,b=2,c=3;Equation of the plane can be written as:
So,in the XYZ plane,Equation: x+2y+3z=0
Now,in the weight space;every dimension will represent a weight.So,if the perceptron has 10 weights,Weight space will be 10 dimensional.
Equation of the perceptron: ax+by+cz<=0 ==> Class 0
ax+by+cz>0 ==> Class 1
In this case;a,b & c are the weights.x,y & z are the input features.
In the weight space;a,b & c are the variables(axis).
So,for every training example;for eg: (x,y,z)=(2,3,4);a hyperplane would be formed in the weight space whose equation would be:
passing through the origin.
I hope,now,you understand it.
Consider we have 2 weights. So w = [w1, w2]. Suppose we have input x = [x1, x2] = [1, 2]. If you use the weight to do a prediction, you have z = w1*x1 + w2*x2 and prediction y = z > 0 ? 1 : 0.
Suppose the label for the input x is 1. Thus, we hope y = 1, and thus we want z = w1*x1 + w2*x2 > 0. Consider vector multiplication, z = (w ^ T)x. So we want (w ^ T)x > 0. The geometric interpretation of this expression is that the angle between w and x is less than 90 degree. For example, the green vector is a candidate for w that would give the correct prediction of 1 in this case. Actually, any vector that lies on the same side, with respect to the line of w1 + 2 * w2 = 0, as the green vector would give the correct solution. However, if it lies on the other side as the red vector does, then it would give the wrong answer.
However, suppose the label is 0. Then the case would just be the reverse.
The above case gives the intuition understand and just illustrates the 3 points in the lecture slide. The testing case x determines the plane, and depending on the label, the weight vector must lie on one particular side of the plane to give the correct answer.
