set access_token in httpheader in axios using typescript and webpack -

I want to set access_token in header of axios as shown in following.
Now I am getting access_token using razor syntax which is only available in CSHTML file.
I am using typescript with vue.js using JavascriptServices
How can I set(pass) this await Context.GetTokenAsync("access_token") in my typescript file (lets say boot.ts) to set to axios default.

I have followed following as an alternative. So no need of above use case.


How to get the axios URL parameters dynamically?

With Axios for connecting frontend to backend, I need a way to get the URL parameters dynamically.
In my application, I am using React as Frontend and Flask as backend.
So, my URL in the backend is e.g. http://localhost/search/{name}
and in axios I want axios.get(/search/{name})from the backend.
The code is working properly, if I use axios.get(/search/abc). But here in the url, I want the name dynamically.
Thanks :)
You can create a variable and pass this variable to the axios request.
const name = '...'

Dynamic variable in Auth Headers - Azure Data Factory

I have a ADF flow where I first retrieve an Oauth 2.0 token which then should be used in an Odata request.
This works perfect if I first extract the token and then hard code it in the auth headers(Bearer xxxxxxxx).
However I want to use a variable which I set earlier in the flow in this value. Like "Bearer [variable]". I have tried with the following: "Bearer #variables('Token')" but it doesnt work. I have double checked and the variable 'Token' is getting the correct token value so this should not be the problem.
enter image description here
So my question is whether it is possible to use variables in the Auth Header section?
I have tried to use "Bearer #variables('Token')" in the Value field for Auth Headers. This doesnt work unfortunately.
I reproduced the same thing in my environment and got this output
Create a web activity and generated a bearer token with a sample URL and Create a parameter variable with the name Token
Create a set variable and use this dynamic content value #activity('Web1')
*Then, I created a copy activity with Additional headers.
As suggested by #Scott Mildenberger*
Authorization: #concat('Bearer ', variables('token'))
Pipeline successfully executed and got the output:

Update postman collection from swagger specification file

I'm importing a swagger specification file into postman to create a collection, at this point, works as expected and the collection is generated with all requests & sub-folders, fine!!. But when the api is updated, I need update the postman to update all requests based on the new specification. I can't find a action like "update" or something else. I'm trying import the new specification into postman and he say:
A collection APIName already exists.
What would you like to do?
Replace or Import as copy
a copy its a not feasible option, then I use replace and the existent collection is updated, but all tests, parameters, pre-req scripts are remove and I need reconfigure all again.
I'm missing something, exist a way to import & update a existent collection from a specification file, without losing existent tests & configuration?
thanks in advance!
Postman does not support this as of now. Link
Alternative I learned from this blog. In short:
Update your OpenAPI YAML/JSON files.
Import to Postman as a new collection.
Export the new collection from Postman. As JSON in Collection v2.1 format (recommended).
Using Postman API (Update Collection), update the existing collection with the JSON in step 3 as body. Make sure to update collection_uid accordingly.
Postman update collection API body sample:
I have made a small tool to do this: swagger2postman: convert swagger to postman collection and update exist collection
The tool will combine new and old collection, when conflict, it will use saved in postman. The tool can detect update in query parameter, but not post body. It will keep all your collection and test cases.
There is no straightforward solution. There also probably won't be one for quite some time - the devs said it is hard to correlate old Postman requests in a collection with new requests generated from incoming Swagger file (or any other source of updates, for that matter).
You can do it outside of Postman, though. Postman collections are really just JSON data and can be manipulated as such.
Transform your Swagger file to a Postman collection file. (You can just import it and export it again, or use tools like Swagger2Postman if you want to automate. Save it as collection 2.0 or newer, that format makes step 3 a lot easier.)
Export your old collection in the same version
Merge the two JSONs in your preferred scripting language
Import the merged JSON back to Postman
I made myself a simple helper for step 3. It is fine if you are just adding more stuff to the collection (my case), but can't remove anything. If anyone has a more versatile solution, please, post it - I would gladly use it instead.
function execute() {
collection = JSON.parse($(".collection").val());
swagger = JSON.parse($(".swagger").val());
result = JSON.stringify($.extend(true, {}, swagger, collection));
<script src=""></script>
<br>Collection: <br> <textarea class="collection"></textarea>
<br>Swagger: <br> <textarea class="swagger"></textarea>
<br>Result: <br> <textarea class="result"></textarea>
<button onClick="execute()">EXECUTE</button>
It seems that they have implemented this feature,
You can paste your new schema in the API define tab and update it.

Orbeon Form HTTP Service

Does anyone know how to pass parameters to a RESTFUL webservice using the Orbeon HTTP Service?
I have a RESTFUL API at http://localhost/RESTFUL/GETADDRESS/$parameter$.
Sample of the URL is http://localhost/RESTFUL/GETADDRESS/1234
Orbeon HTTP service is unable to pass the parameter to the web service.
The Request Body is configured as <parameter/> and serialization is set to XML.
Could not use HTML Form as it adds a ? to the URL which is not correct.
Anyone has any ideas to get this working?
There is no perfect solution. But try writing the service URL as:
http://localhost/RESTFUL/GETADDRESS/{...expression here...}
where "...expression here..." should be replaced by an XPath expression pointing to the value you would like to pass. For example, if pointing to a control called foo in a section called bar, try:
I also added this RFE.

How to do Soundcloud Auth Dance in JS with a Redirect_URL that has GET Params

** I am currently implementing fancy URLs to see if these 'solves' this. eg /me/soundcloudconnect rather than index.php?c=me&a=soundcloudconnect via mod_rewrite **
I have been using the Soundcloud JS SDK and SC.Connect() etc function(s) which automates much of the Auth process. I have been using a Normal html file: sc.html which worked fine and allowed me to get /me/ and /me/tracks etc.
However I now realise? that I will need to perform Auth myself as I need to add a State variable as documented below, so that it prepends these params to the end of the Redirect_URI.
The URL that I am trying to redirect back to is:
which is the 'me' controller and 'soundcloudconnect' action.
So could someone please point me in the right direction?
Either I want to be able to use SC.Connect() etc (but also be able to get and save Token) as well as redirect back to the URI above
Or, I need to do the same thing (Auth and store token) but not using SC.Connect() but normal JS instead.
I read that Soundcloud Developer support is via Stackoverflow - so hopefully someone can help?
The normal HTML file with working SC Auth:
The dynamic page which does not work with SC Auth:
The issue is probably that those query parameters are interfering with the original url. E.g.
How would SoundCloud distinguish between your parameters and its parameters? You might be able to wrap the redirect_uri value in quotes.
An alternative might be to use the path as your parameters. E.g. and then you should be able to grab whatever you need out of the path on your server.
** SOLVED!! **
If you need to pass parameters to SC connect/auth then the only way to do this is to setup fancy urls via mod_rewrite.
There 'seems' to be another method here, but you need to be doing the Auth in 2 steps and not via SC.Connect.
I was trying to get URL_redirect to work with:
But in the End just used Fancy URLs which worked
