Integrate WPF application into web application -

Can a web application be integrated with WPF application. If there is a link in web application(ASP.NET MVC 5 in my case) which opens up the WPF application from my local machine, it should be great.
Requirement goes similar to something like gotomeeting where I click on a link(from web) and it opens up my locally installed gotomeeting.(Or launching my skype application from a link in web). In case the WPF app is not installed on local machine, it downloads the exe. In case the WPF app is updated, it updated the local app.
Checked ClickOnce on the WPF application, but somehow does not work as expected. The "launch" link in the publish.html works only with IE.
Can anyone please suggest me something to get started. If any articles or links are present, please post it here. I have gone through numerous links but did not get something which is extremely relevant.

One of the things about web pages are in the browser in a security sandbox.
It is intentionally difficult for them to just "reach out" onto your machine and run some exe or other.
If your machine already has an application associated with a particular file extension then you can get it to do it's default action when such a file is delivered.
Like open a mail object in outlook.
To run an exe from a web app you'd have to rely on a custom file extension and deliver a file that the machine "knows" means run wpf application xyz.
Clickonce is likely to be problematic if you're passing objects in because it installs to the user's appdata. You can't predict where it will be.
Just running one works from a url, but to start up with an object out a page sounds like it could be problematic. I never tried it though.
You could conceivably make your wpf app an xbap. That's wpf in a browser.
Or there is of course still Silverlight. I think that still goes out of support in 3 years and you're probably now limited to IE as well.


How to debug an ASPNET Core application in a subfolder

I have a ASPNET Core application that works fine on my machine with URL https://localhost:5001/, but not on the client's server, where the application's URL is
The problem seems to be an error in a redirect on one of the pages, where a user is sent to /something rather than /subfolder/something. I'm using relative URL's only. In the rest of the application, redirects work fine.
I was wondering if it is possible to debug the application in Visual Studio and have it run in a subfolder, preferably using Kestrel, but IIS Express might be an option too.
Update after comments While adding specifics about the problem, I found out that I was looking at it from the wrong angle. The actual problem seems to be that the application is started as (no trailing slash). Redirecting to ./something (or just something) will result in
(My real question therefore would be: If is opened, how can I redirect to I'll first try to fix this myself, maybe it should be configured in the webserver. In the meantime, I'd still like to know if subfolders can be used in debugging)
In development, it seems you can't debug your program in subfolder.
I don't recommand you to spend a lot of time to serach how to do that, and I also suggest you use IIS. Because in IIS, it supports Virtual Application, and I think it is you want.
create a main website, and create a virtual application.
choose the project folder as Physical Path, mainsite and virtualapplication.
open vs2019 as administrator, maybe you need open it twice,and one for main site and another for virtual application.
then you can attach to a running process on your local machine.
you can start your two webapp in one port, and you can debug them.

What is needed to open up an MVC project on a remote server?

I'm new to web development so please be kind. Anyway, I'm writing a web page in visual web developer 2012 and have hit a roadblock. I've got lots more experience with writing console applications. When writing one of those and you build the application, the bin folder is populated with the files that are required to run the application, most notable the .exe . But when I build the page all I get is .cshtml files, which when opened all it does is open the code in my web browser. I tried to get an answer on another web site but all that i got was "open it up on a web server". That doesn't make any sense to me. Please help.....
You open the project locally on your workstation, as you would any other project. But when you're ready to publish the project you would send it to a web server.
Visual Web Developer (being akin to Visual Studio, no?) should have a small built-in web server of some sort which it uses when you execute your project in debug mode. (There are more details than that, but that statement alone should be true enough to get you debugging.) That's fine for ongoing development work, but not for the resulting production application.
Analogous to installing a console application on a target workstation, you would need to publish your web application to a web server. This server may coincidentally by the same workstation on which you develop the code, but that's not a requirement.
A "web server" in this case can be one of many things. Your computer (running IIS, most likely), a server hosted somewhere, a service in the cloud, etc. And "publishing" could mean any number of things as well. Uploading the files, using built-in publishing tools in the IDE, even just committing the files to source control and allowing an automated publish service to fetch them (I do this a lot in Azure web sites).
Ultimately, the way you execute a web application that's been published isn't by double-clicking on a file anywhere. The .cshtml files, as well as any other needed files (binaries, config files, images, style sheets, etc.) are stored on a web server somewhere and you would "run" the application by making a request to that web server, which takes the form of browsing to a URL in your web browser.

Combine JQM, MVC and PhoneGap together

I have a site which uses microsoft mvc 3 on the server side, jQuery Mobile on the client side and I want to combine it with PhoneGap and produce executes for Android and iOS.
Is it possible?
Yes, it is possible.
If you must use Phonegap, there are a couple of things to do:
First, you must create a project corresponding to each platform , following these instructions. Once you do that, you basically copy all the client side code (js, html, css) to the www folder of your project. This is one of the reasons, the app could load faster, since it's reading its resources from the local filesystem, and not receiving them from an http connection each time.
Second, you must find a way to provide your server side data to your app. If you are already using REST services or RPC methods to populate your website, then that's done, but if not, you must start by building them, and then calling them from your client (through ajax calls from jQUery most likely), and then rendering them through javascript (you can use the multiple templating libraries out there or just plain javascript, I recommend the latter only if the UI updates are minimal).
As you can see, the second part requires quite a little bit more work. Especially if you haven't built web services before.
The other option ,which does not require phonega/cordova is to use an embedded webview. Then you wouldn't have to do anything. It would work similarly to a browser (Loading the remote URL of your site), with the added advantage of being inside and android/ios app, and you could add other views or communicate with the embedded webview using native code. If you are planning to load html files from the filesystem and not from your server, you would have to do the same thing you have to do with phonegap.
It happened to me, if you have a web app depending on server code I would go with a WebView based app, and not a Cordova app.
It's really simple to create those webviews apps for Android or IPhone.
Here you have an example for building a webview based app on android
Here you have an example for building a webview based app on IOS
Hope it helps.
If you want to reuse your site you'll need a webview that browses it.
Phonegap wouldn't be needed if you use this approach, but the application will not be as responsive as a native app, and the IPhone moderators may reject your app for that reason (it happened to me).
Another approach would be that you recreate your site as a pure Javascript application and only communicate with your servers to execute some REST Services. In this case Apache Cordova makes sense.

Ensuring an acceptable online user experience while republishing to a live site

It's pretty much known that publishing to a remote location using VS2008 is a an exercise of great patience and faith.
As long as a 'publish' begins (using VS2008, publishing an MVC site), that site might be down from the first file that is successfully transferred. The problem being that unreliable internet access, or interesting error messages () can break the site, and require restarting.
It's understood that there is little to do from the VS2008 end. The question then:
What strategy can I use to ensure that there is an acceptable user experience during the 'downtime'? (e.g. "This site is currently under maintenance...")
A lovely feature of ASP.NET/IIS is that if you place a file named app_offline.htm in the root of the web application, all requests will redirect to that file. This would include requests for images, stylesheets, scripts, etc.. so you'll need to condense all media for the page into the page itself.
In fact, while Visual Studio is in the process of publishing your web application, it will place this file in the root of the application and remove it when the publish is complete. While Visual Studio doesn't allow you to customize the contents of its app_offline.htm, you can take the application offline yourself simply by uploading that page.

How to publish an ASP.NET MVC website

I've a site that I'd like to publish to a co-located live server. I'm finding this simple task quite hard.
My problems begin with the Web Deploy tool (1.1) giving me a 401 Unauthorized as the adminstrator because port :8172 comes up in the errors and this port is blocked - but the documentation says "The default ListenURL is http://+:80/MsDeployAgentService"!
I'm loathe to open another port and I've little patience these days so I thought bu66er it, I'll create a Web Deploy package and import it into IIS on the server over RDP.
I notice first that Visual Studio doesn't use a dialog box to gather settings, or use my Publish profiles but seems to use a tab in the project properties, although I think these are ignored when importing the package anyway?
I'm now sitting in the import wizard with Application Path and Connection String. I've cleared the conn string as I think this is for some ASP stuff I don't use but when I enter nothing in the Application Path, the wizard barks at me saying that basically I'm a weirdo because most people publish to folders beneath the root site.
Now, I want my site to be and not and I think being an MVC routed site that a subfolder will introduce other headaches. Should I go ahead and use the root?
Finally, I also want to publish a web service to which I think IIS can handle.
While typing this question, Amazon have delivered my IIS 7 Resource Kit, and I've been scouring the internet but actually I'm getting more confused.
Comment here seems to show consensus opinion that Publish isn't for production sites and that real men roll their own.
ASP.NET website 'Publish' vs Web Deployment Project
...I guess this was pre- Web Deployment Tool era?
I'm going to experiment on a spare box for now but any assistance is welcome.
The site was imported (to the root) manually with Web Deploy and it worked. If you get the error "There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' " its because your app pool is 4.0 and should be 2.0.
If you are using VS 2010, may I recommend Scott Hanselman's Web Debloyment Made Awesome?
Even if you are using VS2008, there are nice concepts there that will probably help.
I've experienced the same frustration and trouble with this as well. Coming from a Java web background where we can package everything as a single WAR and toss it on the server, the deployment process with ASP.NET seems archaic.
I currently have a python script that uses FTP to transfer the needed files to my test instance on the remote server. I have another python script that transfers those files to my live site. These scripts are smart enough to take care of differences between some of the configuration files etc..
I've found it much easier than trying to setup permissions or using the Microsoft deploy tools.
Hi you can use filezilla software to upload
