Given that I have a UserForm embedded in one of the following:
an Excel workbook named c:\myBook.xslm
a Word document c:\myDocument.docm, or
a PowerPoint presentation named c:\myPresentation.ppm
What Automation properties / methods do I need to use in order to open and display the UserForm from an external script / host application / program?
For example, let's say I have the following JScript running under WSH:
var app = new ActiveXObject('Excel.Application');
app.Visible = true;
var book = app.Workbooks.Open('c:\myBook.xlsm');
// open UserForm here
How would I proceed to open the UserForm?
Note: I am looking for a solution that would work with an arbitrary document. This precludes manually (but not programmatically as part of the script) adding a Sub to show the UserForm, which can be called from the external script.
An idea is to override the document open mehtods. At least for Microsoft Word and Excel:
' Word
Private Sub Document_Open()
End Sub
' Excel
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
At word and excel document open, the dialog will be shown.
For Powerpoint its a bit more complicated:
How to auto execute a macro when opening a Powerpoint presentation?
After additional information in the question this is not a solution anymore. A starting point how to create code an add it to a VBA project can be found here:
Also this website provides additional information:
This question already has answers here:
How to associate a program with a file type, but only for the current user?
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
How can i auto-open a custom extension in my Delphi app ? I'm trying to make application
that loads text files but with a different extension.
Example : Text.DZ | all i want is when i click the file with .DZ Extension it opens my app automatically and loads the text inside into the memo1.lines.text.
I know that i have to register my new custom extension but i have no idea how to do it and
load the text into my app.
Also if you can include a source-code example that would be awesome.
Any help will be much appreciated ! and
Sorry for my newbiness and bad English explanation but i hope you guys understand me (^-^)/.
There's a way to do it programmatically, although I don't recall how off the cuff.
That said, if you're just wanting to do it for your own personal use, not for a piece of software you'll be distributing to others, then the easiest way is to use Windows Explorer: click the data file you want, then right-click and select Open With -> ... you'll probably need to select the Other... option at the bottom. That will bring up a dialog box that lets you choose your app. There should also be a checkbox somewhere that says something like "Make Default" or "Always Open With This" or something along those lines. Make sure that box is checked. Then click OK a couple of times and you're off to the races.
But you'll also need to set up your app to read the filename from the command line. You use ParamStr and ParamCount for this.
for i := 0 to ParamCount do
ShowMessage('Parameter '+IntToStr(i)+' = '+ParamStr(i));
When you double-click on the data file, it will open your app and pass this filename as ParamStr(1). So when you get it, simply do something like this:
memo1.lines.LoadFromFile( ParamStr(1) );
Use this as a STARTING POINT (it won't compile if you just copy-and-paste!):
procedure TMyForm234:FormCreate( blah blah )
if ParamCount > 0 then
theMemo.Lines.LoadFromFile( ParamStr(1) );
The "Manage Open Modules" dialog of DOORS 8.3 lists all open modules, their mode, if visible, etc. and the number of references. I want to use that reference count to decide if my script can securely close the module and to avoid closing if it is currently in use. I'm not sure what the "References" column displays exactly. I didn't find a description of it in the help or corresponding informations on the internet. Does anybody know if there is some undocumented DXL API which gives me access to that information?
Edit: I found the function refcount_ which returns an integer. But I have no idea what the return value means.
It looks like References refers to the number of open modules currently referencing that module. For example: when you open a module that has links, DOORS also opens in the background all of the Link Modules that the links use. So if I open a document that has links through LINKMOD_A, LINKMOD_A will show 1 reference. If I then open another document that has links through that same LINKMOD_A the number of references will increase to 2. I do not see the number of references ever higher than 1 on a Formal Module. Try this on some of your modules and see when you get more than one reference on a link module, then run your refcount_ function against that link module and see if you get the same number. I am not sure if that is the function you are looking for but it is certainly possible. Good Luck!
I assume your script is opening the modules, so all you need to do is check if it is already open first.
string sModuleFullName = "/Some/Module/Path"
Module oModule = module(sModuleFullName)
bool bClose = null(oModule)
if(null(oModule)) {
oModule = read(sModuleFullName, true,true)
// do stuff
if(bClose) {
Alternative method for closing modules opened by triggers, attribute or layout dxl
// Save currently open Modules to a Skip
Skip oOpenModulesSkip = createString()
Module oModule
for oModule in database do {
put(oOpenModulesSkip, fullName(oModule), fullName(oModule))
// do stuff
// Close Modules not in the Skip
for oModule in database do {
if(!find(oOpenModulesSkip, fullName(oModule))) {
close(oModule, false)
I am able to open a CHM file by passing a ShortInteger and casting it as a Word for the dwData parameter. I.E.
Unit Help; //this is where the Id's are set with their description
Address_File = 35; //delphi identifies Address_File as a shortint
Call get help pass my ID
GetHelp(Address_File); //call get help pass my ID to open to the Address_File topic
GetHelp procedure
procedure GetHelp(HelpID : Word);
Application.HelpFile := ProgramPath + 'help.chm';
HtmlHelpW(0, PWideChar(Application.HelpFile),HH_HELP_CONTEXT , HelpID);
HtmlHelpW function
function HtmlHelpW(hwndCaller : HWND; pszFile: PWideChar; uCommand : Integer;
dwData : DWORD) : HWND; stdcall; external 'hhctrl.ocx' name 'HtmlHelpW';
As I pass different ShortIntegers I am able to initialize the help file at different sections.
However I can't figure out how the values are mapped. There are some sections in the chm file that I want to be able to map to but the short Integer or context ID associated with them is not documented in the program or is not mapped.
Free Pascal comes with a chmls.exe util that has a command that tries to recover the alias (context) data:
chmls, a CHM utility. (c) 2010 Free Pascal core.
Usage: chmls [switches] [command] [command specific parameters]
Switches :
-h, --help : this screen
-p, --no-page : do not page list output
-n,--name-only : only show "name" column in list output
Where command is one of the following or if omitted, equal to LIST.
list <filename> [section number]
Shows contents of the archive's directory
extract <chm filename> <filename to extract> [saveasname]
Extracts file "filename to get" from archive "filename",
and, if specified, saves it to [saveasname]
extractall <chm filename> [directory]
Extracts all files from archive "filename" to directory
unblockchm <filespec1> [filespec2] ..
Mass unblocks (XPsp2+) the relevant CHMs. Multiple files
and wildcards allowed
extractalias <chmfilename> [basefilename] [symbolprefix]
Extracts context info from file "chmfilename"
to a "basefilename".h and "basefilename".ali,
using symbols "symbolprefix"contextnr
extracttoc <chmfilename> [filename]
Extracts the toc (mainly to check binary TOC)
extractindex <chmfilename> [filename]
Extracts the index (mainly to check binary index)
This might be a start, since at least you'll know which pages are exported using an ID, and maybe the URL names will give some information.
The util is in recent releases (make sure you get 2.6.0) and also available in Free Pascal source, which should be convertable to Delphi with relatively minor effort.
Basically the chmls tool was created out of various test codebases. The testprograms decompiled and printed contents of different CHM sections and were used while creating the helpfile compiler, chmcmd, which is also part of FPC.
In Delphi, calling a help file is rather easy. In any VCL Forms application, you can set the HelpContext property of almost any control to a unique Context ID, which corresponds to a particular topic in the Help File. The Help File was compiled with these mappings, but when you decompile it, these mappings are no longer there. You must have access to the original help file project in order to know these ID's.
Set HelpContext of controls to the corresponding Context ID in the Help File
Set HelpType of controls to htContext to use the HelpContext ID
Assign Application.HelpFile to the appropriate location of the CHM file
When pressing F1 anywhere in your application, the help file will open based on the Help Context ID on the control, or its parent control
If you don't have the original project, and you don't want to re-create it, then you would have a long task of iterating through the Context ID's of your help file. Try to call the help file starting from 0 through 1,000 or possibly 50,000, depending on the size of it.
A practice I implement is a set of constants in a designated unit called HelpConstants.pas which is shared across our common application base. Each constant name uniquely and briefly describes the topic which it represents. Upon starting the application, I dynamically assign these Context ID's to their corresponding controls (usually forms) and VCL takes care of the rest.
I got the utility Marco suggested from
(download by selecting View Raw).
I was able to extract all the context tags from the .chm help file and add the one I was interested in to my C++ Builder program by calling Application->HelpJump().
I'm using Delphi 7 and I'd like to export the contents of a list from my program to OpenOffice Calc using automation, instead of using files.
The task is simple: create new document, iterate through rows/columns and change cell data.
I've found some code but it's not complete, and I was hoping someone has some example code ready to accomplish this very simple task. It could save me a few hours of trying.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I'd like to automate OpenOffice Calc to achieve what I wrote above. Thanks!
The easiest solution is to write CSV file output, and open that in OpenOffice.
There are also libraries to write .XLS files which both OpenOffice Calc and Excel can read. CSV is so simple, I wonder that you need an example. Create a TStringList, and add strings to it, in comma separated format. Save to file.
The so called "programmatic" method involves OLE automation.
args = VarArrayCreate(...);
mgr := CreateOleObject('');
dt := mgr.createInstance('')
calc = dt.loadComponentFromURL('private:factory/scalc', '_blank', 0, args)
sheets = calc.getSheets()
sheet1 = sheets.getByIndex(0)
Open Office supports Automation
Open Office info for Delphi can be found at:
The site seems to be down, luckily the wayback machine still has a copy:
Good luck.
Can someone recommend a load testing tool which allows you to either:
a. replay an IIS (7) log(s) to simulate a real live site daily run;
b. import a CSV or equivalent list of URLS so we can achieve a similar thing as above but at a URL level;
c. .net API so I can create simple tests easily from my list of URLS is also a good way to go.
I do not really want to record my tests.
I think I can do B) with WAPT but need to create an XML file manually, not too much grief, but wondering if any tools cover these scenarios out the box.
Visual Studio Test Edition would require some code to parse the file into a suitable test run.
It is a great load testing solution.
Our load testing service lets you write a very simple script using JavaScript to pull data out of a CSV file and then fetch those URLs. For example, the following code would pluck 10 random URLs from the CSV file and fetch them as part of a single session:
var c = browserMob.openHttpClient();
var csv = browserMob.getCSV("urls.csv");
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
browserMob.beginStep("Step 1");
var url = csv.random().get("url");
The CSV file itself needs to be a normal CSV file with the first row containing a header named "url". This script would be run repeatedly for each virtual user participating in a load test.
We have support for so called 'uri-format' in our open-source tool called Yandex.Tank You simply put all your uris to a file, one uri -- one line, then specify headers in your load.ini like this:
rps_schedule=line(1, 1600, 2m)
headers = [Host:]
[Connection: close] [Bloody: yes]
ammo_file = ammo.uri