I'm pretty new to F#, and I'm trying to use recursion to solve a problem.
The function receives a string, and returns a bool. The string gets parsed, and evaluated. This is bool logic, so
(T|F) returns true
(T&(T&T)) returns true
((T|T)&(T&F)) returns false
(F) = returns false
My idea was that every time I found a ), replace the part of the string from the previous ( to that ) with the result of the Comparison match. Doing this over and over until only T or F remains, to return true or false.
I expect it to take the string, and keep swapping out what is in between the ( and ) with the result of the comparison until it comes down to a T or F. What is happening, is an error about an incomplete structured construct. The error is in the for loop.
As I am so new to this language, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Do you see it?
let ComparisonSolver (comp:string) =
let mutable trim = comp
trim <- trim.Replace("(", "")
trim <- trim.Replace(")", "")
match trim with
| "T" -> "T"
| "F" -> "F"
| "!T" -> "F"
| "!F" -> "T"
| "T&T" -> "T"
| "F&F" -> "T"
| "T&F" -> "F"
| "F&T" -> "F"
| "T|T" -> "T"
| "F|F" -> "F"
| "T|F" -> "T"
| "F|T" -> "T"
| _ -> ""
let rec BoolParser arg =
let mutable args = arg
if String.length arg = 1 then
match arg with
| "T" -> true
| "F" -> false
let mutable ParseStart = 0
let endRange = String.length args
for letter in [0 .. endRange]
if args.[letter] = "(" then
ParseStart <- letter
else if args.[letter] = ")" then
args <- args.Replace(args.[ParseStart .. letter], ComparisonSolver args.[ParseStart .. letter])
BoolParser args
let result = BoolParser "(T)&(F)"
There are a few things you need to correct.
for letter in [0 .. endRange] is missing a do at the end of it - it should be for letter in [0 .. endRange] do
The if comparisons in the for loop are comparing chars with strings. You need to replace "(" and ")" with '(' and ')'
for letter in [0 .. endRange] will go out of range: In F# the array construct [x..y] will go from x to y inclusive. It's a bit like in C# if you had for (int i = 0; i <= array.Length; i++). In F# you can also declare loops like this: for i = 0 to endRange - 1 do.
for letter in [0 .. endRange] will go out of range again: It's going from 0 to endrange, which is the length of args. But args is getting shortened in the for loop, so it will eventually try to get a character from args that's out of range.
Now, the problem with the if..then..else statements, which is what I think you were looking at from the beginning.
if args.[letter] = '(' then
ParseStart <- letter
else if args.[letter] = ')' then
args <- args.Replace(args.[ParseStart .. letter], ComparisonSolver args.[ParseStart .. letter])
BoolParser args
Let's take the code within the two branches as two separate functions.
The first does ParseStart <- letter, which assigns letter to ParseStart. This function returns unit, which is F# equivalent of void.
The second does:
args <- args.Replace(args.[ParseStart .. letter], ComparisonSolver args.[ParseStart .. letter])
BoolParser args
This function returns a bool.
Now when you put them together in an if..then..else statement you have in one branch that results a unit and in the other in a bool. In this case it doesn't know which one to return, so it shows an "expression was expected to have type" error.
I strongly suspect that you wanted to call BoolParser args from outside
the for/if loop. But it's been indented so that F# treats it as part of the else if statement.
There are many ways to parse a boolean expression. It might be a good idea to look at the excellent library FParsec.
Another way to implement parsers in F# is to use Active Patterns which can make for readable code
It's hard to provide good error reporting through Active Patterns but perhaps you can find some inpiration from the following example:
let next s i = struct (s, i) |> Some
// Skips whitespace characters
let (|SkipWhitespace|_|) struct (s, i) =
let rec loop j =
if j < String.length s && s.[j] = ' ' then
loop (j + 1)
next s j
loop i
// Matches a specific character: ch
let (|Char|_|) ch struct (s, i) =
if i < String.length s && s.[i] = ch then
next s (i + 1)
// Matches a specific character: ch
// and skips trailing whitespaces
let (|Token|_|) ch =
| Char ch (SkipWhitespace ps) -> Some ps
| _ -> None
// Parses the boolean expressions
let parse s =
let rec term =
| Token 'T' ps -> Some (true, ps)
| Token 'F' ps -> Some (false, ps)
| Token '(' (Parse (v, Token ')' ps)) -> Some (v, ps)
| _ -> None
and opReducer p ch reducer =
let (|P|_|) ps = p ps
let rec loop l =
| Token ch (P (r, ps)) -> loop (reducer l r) ps
| Token ch _ -> None
| ps -> Some (l, ps)
| P (l, ps) -> loop l ps
| _ -> None
and andExpression ps = opReducer term '&' (&&) ps
and orExpression ps = opReducer andExpression '|' (||) ps
and parse ps = orExpression ps
and (|Parse|_|) ps = parse ps
match (struct (s, 0)) with
| SkipWhitespace (Parse (v, _)) -> Some v
| _ -> None
module Tests =
// FsCheck allows us to get better confidence in that the parser actually works
open FsCheck
type Whitespace =
| Space
type Ws = Ws of (Whitespace [])*(Whitespace [])
type Expression =
| Term of Ws*bool
| And of Expression*Ws*Expression
| Or of Expression*Ws*Expression
override x.ToString () =
let orPrio = 1
let andPrio = 2
let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder 16
let ch c = sb.Append (c : char) |> ignore
let token (Ws (l, r)) c =
sb.Append (' ', l.Length) |> ignore
sb.Append (c : char) |> ignore
sb.Append (' ', r.Length) |> ignore
let enclose p1 p2 f =
if p1 > p2 then ch '('; f (); ch ')'
else f ()
let rec loop prio =
| Term (ws, v) -> token ws (if v then 'T' else 'F')
| And (l, ws, r) -> enclose prio andPrio <| fun () -> loop andPrio l; token ws '&' ;loop andPrio r
| Or (l, ws, r) -> enclose prio orPrio <| fun () -> loop orPrio l ; token ws '|' ;loop orPrio r
loop andPrio x
sb.ToString ()
member x.ToBool () =
let rec loop =
| Term (_, v) -> v
| And (l, _, r) -> loop l && loop r
| Or (l, _, r) -> loop l || loop r
loop x
type Properties() =
static member ``Parsing expression shall succeed`` (expr : Expression) =
let expected = expr.ToBool () |> Some
let str = expr.ToString ()
let actual = str |> parse
expected = actual
let fscheck () =
let config = { Config.Quick with MaxTest = 1000; MaxRejected = 1000 }
Check.All<Properties> config
I have a small indentation management module with FParsec (found here); it works wonderfully well, but the only concern is that, when an error is encountered in the stream to be parsed, most of the time, FParsec returns the error message from the indentation manager, i.e. the UserState (correct me if I'm wrong on this point); which is problematic because it makes the errors very blurry, and all the same... How can I display indentation errors only when they are necessary?
Here is the module used for indentation:
module IndentParser
open FParsec
type Indentation =
| Fail
| Any
| Greater of Position
| Exact of Position
| AtLeast of Position
| StartIndent of Position
member this.Position = match this with
| Any | Fail -> None
| Greater p -> Some p
| Exact p -> Some p
| AtLeast p -> Some p
| StartIndent p -> Some p
type IndentState<'T> = { Indent : Indentation; UserState : 'T }
type CharStream<'T> = FParsec.CharStream<IndentState<'T>>
type IndentParser<'T, 'UserState> = Parser<'T, IndentState<'UserState>>
let indentState u = {Indent = Any; UserState = u}
let runParser p u s = runParserOnString p (indentState u) "" s
let runParserOnFile p u path = runParserOnFile p (indentState u) path System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
let getIndentation : IndentParser<_,_> =
fun stream -> match stream.UserState with
| {Indent = i} -> Reply i
let getUserState : IndentParser<_,_> =
fun stream -> match stream.UserState with
| {UserState = u} -> Reply u
let putIndentation newi : IndentParser<unit, _> =
fun stream ->
stream.UserState <- {stream.UserState with Indent = newi}
let failf fmt = fail << sprintf fmt
let acceptable i (pos : Position) =
match i with
| Any _ -> true
| Fail -> false
| Greater bp -> bp.Column < pos.Column
| Exact ep -> ep.Column = pos.Column
| AtLeast ap -> ap.Column <= pos.Column
| StartIndent _ -> true
let nestableIn i o =
match i, o with
| Greater i, Greater o -> o.Column < i.Column
| Greater i, Exact o -> o.Column < i.Column
| Exact i, Exact o -> o.Column = i.Column
| Exact i, Greater o -> o.Column <= i.Column
| _, _ -> true
let tokeniser p = parse {
let! pos = getPosition
let! i = getIndentation
if acceptable i pos then return! p
else return! fail "incorrect indentation"
let nestP i o p = parse {
do! putIndentation i
let! x = p
do! notFollowedBy (tokeniser anyChar) <?> (sprintf "unterminated %A" i)
do! putIndentation o
return x
let nest indentor p = parse {
let! outerI = getIndentation
let! curPos = getPosition
let innerI = indentor curPos
if nestableIn innerI outerI
then return! nestP innerI outerI p
else return! nestP Fail outerI p
let nestWithPos indentor pos p = parse {
let! outerI = getIndentation
let innerI = indentor pos
if nestableIn innerI outerI
then return! nestP innerI outerI p
else return! nestP Fail outerI p
let neglectIndent p = parse {
let! o = getIndentation
do! putIndentation Any
let! x = p
do! putIndentation o
return x
let checkIndent<'u> : IndentParser<unit, 'u> = tokeniser (preturn ())
let indented<'a,'u> i (p : Parser<'a,_>) : IndentParser<_, 'u> = parse {
do! putIndentation i
do! spaces
return! tokeniser p
/// Allows to check if the position of the parser currently being analyzed (`p`)
/// is on the same line as the defined position (`pos`).
let exact<'a,'u> pos p: IndentParser<'a, 'u> = indented (Exact pos) p
/// Allows to check if the position of the parser currently being analyzed (`p`)
/// is further away than the defined position (`pos`).
let greater<'a,'u> pos p: IndentParser<'a, 'u> = indented (Greater pos) p
/// Allows to check if the position of the parser currently being analyzed (`p`)
/// is on the same OR line further than the defined position (`pos`).
let atLeast<'a,'u> pos p: IndentParser<'a, 'u> = indented (AtLeast pos) p
/// Simply check if the parser (`p`) exists, regardless of its position in the text to be analyzed.
let any<'a,'u> pos p: IndentParser<'a, 'u> = indented Any p
let newline<'u> : IndentParser<unit, 'u> = many (skipAnyOf " \t" <?> "whitespace") >>. newline |>> ignore
let rec blockOf p = parse {
do! spaces
let! pos = getPosition
let! x = exact pos p
let! xs = attempt (exact pos <| blockOf p) <|> preturn []
return x::xs
and here is an example of the problem encountered:
open FParsec
open IndentParser
// ---------- AST ----------
type Statement
= Let of string * Expr
and Expr
= Tuple of Expr list
| Literal of Literal
and Literal
= Int of int
| Float of float
| Char of char
// ---------- Parser ----------
let inline pstr's s = stringReturn s s <?> sprintf "`%s`" s
let inline pstr'u s = stringReturn s () <?> sprintf "`%s`" s
let identifier = manySatisfy (fun c -> isLetter c || c = ''')
let comment = pstr'u "//" >>. skipRestOfLine true <?> ""
let numberFormat =
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowMinusSign
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowHexadecimal
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowOctal
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowPlusSign
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowFraction
let number<'u> : IndentParser<Literal, 'u> =
(numberLiteral numberFormat "number" |>> fun nl ->
if nl.IsInteger then Int(int nl.String)
else Float(float nl.String))
let char<'u> : IndentParser<Literal, 'u> =
((between (pstr'u "'") (pstr'u "'")
(satisfy (fun c -> c <> '\'')) <?> "char literal") |>> Char)
let rec let'parser =
parse { let! pos = getPosition
do! exact pos (pstr'u "let" <?> "let statement")
let! name = greater pos identifier <?> "identifier"
do! greater pos (pstr'u "=" <?> "value assignment")
let! value = greater pos expression
return Let(name, value) }
and tuple'parser =
parse { let! pos = getPosition
do! exact pos (pstr'u "(" <?> "tuple")
let! uplets = greater pos (sepBy1 expression (pstr'u ","))
do! greater pos (pstr'u ")" <?> "right parenthese")
return Tuple uplets }
and literal'parser = attempt number <|> char |>> Literal
and expression =
spaces >>? (attempt tuple'parser <|> literal'parser)
and statement = spaces >>? let'parser .>>? spaces .>>? (attempt comment <|> (spaces >>% ()))
// ---------- Test ----------
let res = runParser (spaces >>? blockOf statement .>>? (spaces .>>? eof)) () #"
let foo = (0, 1) // it works well
let bar = 887 // it works well
let oof = 'x' // it works well
let rab = // it fail with 'incorrect indentation' (without this comment)
let ofo = (0, 2, // it fail with 'incorrect indentation' (without this comment)
printfn "%A" res
It's really annoying...
Would someone explain to me how to solve this problem?
I tried to use this code to scramble the characters into different characters and return a new list with those new characters. However, I keep getting errors saying : "a list but here has type char" on line 3, "a list list but given a char list" on the line 13 . Not sure how to fix this. Thanks in advance for the help.
let _scram x =
match x with
| [] -> [] // line 3
| 's' -> 'v'
| 'a' -> 's'
| 'e' -> 'o'
| '_' -> '_'
let rec scramble L P =
match L with
| [] -> P
| hd::t1 -> scramble t1 (P # (_scram hd))
let L =
let p = ['h'; 'e'; 'l'; 'l'; 'o'] //line 13
scramble p []
That's because you are calling the _scram as second operand of the (#) operator which concatenates two lists, so it infers that the whole expression has to be a list.
A quick fix is to enclose it into a list: (P # [_scram hd]), this way _scram hd is inferred to be an element (in this case a char).
Then you will discover your next error, the catch-all wildcard is in quotes, and even if it wouldn't, you can't use it to bind a value to be used later.
So you can change it to | c -> c.
Then your code will be like this:
let _scram x =
match x with
| 's' -> 'v'
| 'a' -> 's'
| 'e' -> 'o'
| c -> c
let rec scramble L P =
match L with
| [] -> P
| hd::t1 -> scramble t1 (P # [_scram hd])
let L =
let p = ['h'; 'e'; 'l'; 'l'; 'o']
scramble p []
F# code is defined sequentially. The first error indicates there is some problem with the code upto that point, the definition of _scram. The line | [] -> [] implies that _scram takes lists to lists. The next line | 's' -> 'v' implies that _scram takes chars to chars. That is incompatible and that explains the error.
I am working on the parsing stage for the language I am making and am having difficulty with the following.
let test2 = // I'd like this to be an error.
+ 2
let result = run (spaces >>. expr) test2
val result : ParserResult<CudaExpr,unit> =
Success: Add (LitInt32 2,LitInt32 2)
I already managed to make the following example when the terms are indented incorrectly
2 +
give me an error, but not when the operator is on the wrong indentation level. I need something like a before-parse check.
let operators expr i =
let f expr (s: CharStream<_>) = if i <= s.Column then expr s else pzero s
opp.TermParser <- f expr
f opp.ExpressionParser
The above function is how the operators phase is structured and as you can see, the term parsers get wrapped in a function that does the indentation check, but the last line is faulty.
Here is a simplified example of the full parser.
#r "../../packages/FParsec.1.0.2/lib/net40-client/FParsecCS.dll"
#r "../../packages/FParsec.1.0.2/lib/net40-client/FParsec.dll"
open FParsec
type Expr =
| V of string
| Add of Expr * Expr
let identifier = many1Satisfy2L isAsciiLetter (fun x -> isAsciiLetter x || isDigit x || x = ''') "identifier" .>> spaces |>> V
let indentations expressions (s: CharStream<_>) =
let i = s.Column
let expr_indent expr (s: CharStream<_>) =
let expr (s: CharStream<_>) = if i <= s.Column then expr s else pzero s
many1 expr s
expr_indent (expressions i) s
let expr =
let opp = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<_,_,_>()
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("+", spaces, 6, Associativity.Left, fun x y -> Add(x,y)))
let operators expr i =
let f (s: CharStream<_>) = if i <= s.Column then expr s else pzero s
opp.TermParser <- f
f opp.ExpressionParser
let rec expr s = indentations (operators identifier) s
let test2 = // I'd like this to be an error.
let result = run (spaces >>. expr) test2
The full parser so far can be found here.
let operators expr i =
let f (s: CharStream<_>) = if i <= s.Column then expr s else pzero s
opp.TermParser <- f
f opp.ExpressionParser
I did not realize it 2.5 weeks ago, but what happens when a new block gets opened and expr s gets called is that the term parser gets overwritten with the new indentation and there is no way to back it up and restore it on exit. I did a bit of looking around and managed to adapt the Pratt top down parsing method for my purposes.
Here is a talk by Douglas Crockford on the method.
let poperator: Parser<_,_> =
let f c = (isAsciiIdContinue c || isAnyOf [|' ';'\t';'\n';'\"';'(';')';'{';'}';'[';']'|] c) = false
(many1Satisfy f .>> spaces)
>>= fun token ->
match dict_operator.TryGetValue token with
| true, x -> preturn x
| false, _ -> fail "unknown operator"
let rec led poperator term left (prec,asoc,m) =
match asoc with
| Associativity.Left | Associativity.None -> tdop poperator term prec |>> m left
| Associativity.Right -> tdop poperator term (prec-1) |>> m left
| _ -> failwith "impossible"
and tdop poperator term rbp =
let rec f left =
poperator >>= fun (prec,asoc,m as v) ->
if rbp < prec then led poperator term left v >>= loop
else pzero
and loop left = attempt (f left) <|>% left
term >>= loop
let operators expr i (s: CharStream<_>) =
let expr_indent expr (s: CharStream<_>) = expr_indent i (<=) expr s
let op s = expr_indent poperator s
let term s = expr_indent expr s
tdop op term 0 s
The led and tdop functions which do the actual precedence parsing are 10 lines long. The above is just a snippet of the full parser for the language I am making - in terms of syntax it is similar to F# and is indentation sensitive. Here is a more straightforward F# translation of Douglas Crockford's Javascript example.
I have a discriminated union for expressions like this one (EQ =; GT >; etc)
(AND (OR (EQ X 0)
(GT X 10))
(OR (EQ Y 0)
(GT Y 10)))
I want to create instances of DU from such expressions saved in file/database.
How do i do it? If it is not feasible, what is the best way to approach it in F#?
Daniel: these expressions are saved in prefix format (as above) as text and will be parsed in F#. Thanks.
If you just want to know how to model these expressions using DUs, here's one way:
type BinaryOp =
| EQ
| GT
type Expr =
| And of Expr * Expr
| Or of Expr * Expr
| Binary of BinaryOp * Expr * Expr
| Var of string
| Value of obj
let expr =
Binary(EQ, Var("X"), Value(0)),
Binary(GT, Var("X"), Value(10))),
Binary(EQ, Var("Y"), Value(0)),
Binary(GT, Var("Y"), Value(10))))
Now, this may be too "loose," i.e., it permits expressions like And(Value(1), Value(2)), which may not be valid according to your grammar. But this should give you an idea of how to approach it.
There are also some good examples in the F# Programming wikibook.
If you need to parse these expressions, I highly recommend FParsec.
Daniel's answer is good. Here's a similar approach, along with a simple top-down parser built with active patterns:
type BinOp = | And | Or
type Comparison = | Gt | Eq
type Expr =
| BinOp of BinOp * Expr * Expr
| Comp of Comparison * string * int
module private Parsing =
// recognize and strip a leading literal
let (|Lit|_|) lit (s:string) =
if s.StartsWith(lit) then Some(s.Substring lit.Length)
else None
// strip leading whitespace
let (|NoWs|) (s:string) =
s.TrimStart(' ', '\t', '\r', '\n')
// parse a binary operator
let (|BinOp|_|) = function
| Lit "AND" r -> Some(And, r)
| Lit "OR" r -> Some(Or, r)
| _ -> None
// parse a comparison operator
let (|Comparison|_|) = function
| Lit "GT" r -> Some(Gt, r)
| Lit "EQ" r -> Some(Eq, r)
| _ -> None
// parse a variable (alphabetical characters only)
let (|Var|_|) s =
let m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(s, "^[a-zA-Z]+")
if m.Success then
Some(m.Value, s.Substring m.Value.Length)
// parse an integer
let (|Int|_|) s =
let m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(s, #"^-?\d+")
if m.Success then
Some(int m.Value, s.Substring m.Value.Length)
// parse an expression
let rec (|Expr|_|) = function
| NoWs (Lit "(" (BinOp (b, Expr(e1, Expr(e2, Lit ")" rest))))) ->
Some(BinOp(b, e1, e2), rest)
| NoWs (Lit "(" (Comparison (c, NoWs (Var (v, NoWs (Int (i, Lit ")" rest))))))) ->
Some(Comp(c, v, i), rest)
| _ -> None
let parse = function
| Parsing.Expr(e, "") -> e
| s -> failwith (sprintf "Not a valid expression: %s" s)
let e = parse #"
(AND (OR (EQ X 0)
(GT X 10))
(OR (EQ Y 0)
(GT Y 10)))"
For this project I'm parsing in two stages. The first stage handles include/ifdef/define directives and chunks the input up into [Span] items which define their start/end points in the original inputs along with the body text. This stream is then parsed by the second stage into my AST for subsequent processing.
Each element of the AST carries it's source position and any semantic error caught after parsing prints the correct error position regardless of include depth. This part is crucial since it comes after the stage that has the problem.
The problem is given a parse error in the second stage from an included file it reports a bogus error with a location at the top level rule in the input. A parse error in the initial file works fine. The presence of any directives will divide even the initial file into multiple chunks so it's not a 'single chunk' vs. 'multiple chunks' issue.
Given the fact that the AST is getting the locations correct I'm stumped as to how Megaparsec is reporting bad info when parse errors are encountered.
I'm included my stream instance and (set|get)(Position|Input) code since these seem like the relevant bits. i feel like there must be some bit of megaparsec housekeeping that I'm not doing or that my Stream instance is invalid for some reason.
data Span = Span
{ spanStart :: SourcePos
, spanEnd :: SourcePos
, spanBody :: T.Text
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Stream [Span] where
type Token [Span] = Span
type Tokens [Span] = [Span]
tokenToChunk Proxy = pure
tokensToChunk Proxy = id
chunkToTokens Proxy = id
chunkLength Proxy = foldl1 (+) . map (T.length . spanBody)
chunkEmpty Proxy = all ((== 0) . T.length . spanBody)
positionAt1 Proxy pos (Span start _ _) = trace ("pos1" ++ show start) start
positionAtN Proxy pos [] = pos
positionAtN Proxy _ (Span start _ _:_) = trace ("posN" ++ show start) start
advance1 Proxy _ _ (Span _ end _) = end
advanceN Proxy _ pos [] = pos
advanceN Proxy _ _ ts = let Span _ end _ = last ts in end
take1_ [] = Nothing
take1_ s = case takeN_ 1 s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (sp, s') -> Just (head sp, s')
takeN_ _ [] = Nothing
takeN_ n s#(t:ts)
| s == [] = Nothing
| n <= 0 = Just ([t {spanEnd = spanStart t, spanBody = ""}], s)
| n < (T.length . spanBody) t = let (l, r) = T.splitAt n (spanBody t)
sL = spanStart t
eL = foldl (defaultAdvance1 (mkPos 3)) sL (T.unpack (T.tail l))
sR = defaultAdvance1 (mkPos 3) eL (T.last l)
eR = spanEnd t
l' = [Span sL eL l]
r' = (Span sR eR r):ts
in Just (trace (show n) l', r')
| n == (T.length . spanBody) t = Just ([t], ts)
| otherwise = case takeN_ (n - T.length (spanBody t)) ts of
Nothing -> Just ([t], [])
Just (t', ts') -> Just (t:t', ts')
takeWhile_ p s = fromJust $ takeN_ (go 0 s) s
where go n s = case take1_ s of
Nothing -> n
Just (c, s') -> if p c
then go (n + 1) s'
else n
Find include and swap to it:
"include" -> do
file <- between dquote dquote (many (alphaNumChar <|> char '.' <|> char '/' <|> char '_'))
s <- liftIO (Data.Text.IO.readFile file)
p <- getPosition
i <- getInput
pushPosition p
stack %= (:) (p, i)
setPosition (initialPos file)
setInput s
And if we reach the end of input pop stack and continue:
parseStream' :: StreamParser [Span]
parseStream' = concat <$> many p
where p = do
b <- tick <|> block
end <- option False (True <$ hidden eof)
h <- use stack
when (end && (h /= [])) $ do
setInput (h ^?! ix 0 . _2)
stack %= tail
return b