How to create a function which will add reward on watching an ad video - ios

I have a counter in my game that adds a score by 1, and I want a rewarded video on my game over screen that can boost the player score by 100 but I'm not sure how to execute the function when the ad ends. Here is my code:
// FirstViewController.swift
import UIKit
import Firebase
import AVFoundation
import StoreKit
import GameKit
import Appodeal
class Page1: UIViewController, AVAudioPlayerDelegate, GADInterstitialDelegate, UIAlertViewDelegate, GKGameCenterControllerDelegate, AppodealInterstitialDelegate {
let ncObserver = NotificationCenter.default
let PlayAgainObserver = NotificationCenter.default
let AddScoreObserver = NotificationCenter.default
var player = AVAudioPlayer()
/* Variables */
var gcEnabled = Bool() // Check if the user has Game Center enabled
var gcDefaultLeaderBoard = String() // Check the default leaderboardID
var score = 0
var interstitial: GADInterstitial!
var counter: Int = 0
var counter2: Int = 0
#IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView!
#IBOutlet weak var pageControl: UIPageControl!
#IBOutlet weak var placementField: UITextField!
// #IBOutlet weak var testpulse: UIButton!
let notification = NotificationCenter.default
let notification2 = NotificationCenter.default
override func viewDidLoad() {
ncObserver.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.StopSoundsfunc), name: Notification.Name("StopSounds"), object:nil)
PlayAgainObserver.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.PlayAgainfunc), name: Notification.Name("PlayAgain"), object:nil)
AddScoreObserver.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.AddScorefunc), name: Notification.Name("AddScore"), object:nil)
interstitial = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-6626761084276338/5899386416")
let request = GADRequest()
#IBAction func playAgain(_ sender: Any) {
if counter % 15 == 0 {
if interstitial.isReady {
interstitial.present(fromRootViewController: self)
interstitial = CreateAd()
} else {
print("Ad wasn't ready")
counter += 1
#objc func PlayAgainfunc(_ sender: Any) {
if counter % 15 == 0 {
if interstitial.isReady {
interstitial.present(fromRootViewController: self)
interstitial = CreateAd()
} else {
print("Ad wasn't ready")
counter += 1
#IBAction func ShowAds(_ sender: Any) {
// Notification.Name("PlayAgain"), object: nil)
Appodeal.showAd(AppodealShowStyle.interstitial, rootViewController: self)
#IBAction func AddScore(_ sender: Any) { Notification.Name("AddScore"), object: nil)
#IBAction func checkGCLeaderboard(_ sender: AnyObject) {
let gcVC = GKGameCenterViewController()
gcVC.gameCenterDelegate = self
gcVC.viewState = .leaderboards
gcVC.leaderboardIdentifier = LEADERBOARD_ID
present(gcVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
#objc func AddScorefunc(_ sender: AnyObject) {
// Add 1 point to current score
score += 1
// Submit score to GC leaderboard
let bestScoreInt = GKScore(leaderboardIdentifier: LEADERBOARD_ID)
bestScoreInt.value = Int64(score)[bestScoreInt]) { (error) in
if error != nil {
} else {
print("Best Score submitted to your Leaderboard!")
func authenticateLocalPlayer() {
let localPlayer: GKLocalPlayer = GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer()
localPlayer.authenticateHandler = {(ViewController, error) -> Void in
if((ViewController) != nil) {
// 1. Show login if player is not logged in
self.present(ViewController!, animated: true, completion: nil)
} else if (localPlayer.isAuthenticated) {
// 2. Player is already authenticated & logged in, load game center
self.gcEnabled = true
// Get the default leaderboard ID
localPlayer.loadDefaultLeaderboardIdentifier(completionHandler: { (leaderboardIdentifer, error) in
if error != nil { print(error)
} else { self.gcDefaultLeaderBoard = leaderboardIdentifer! }
} else {
// 3. Game center is not enabled on the users device
self.gcEnabled = false
print("Local player could not be authenticated!")
func gameCenterViewControllerDidFinish(_ gameCenterViewController: GKGameCenterViewController) {
gameCenterViewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func CreateAd() -> GADInterstitial {
let interstitial = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-6626761084276338/5899386416")
return interstitial
func interstitialDidFailToLoadAd(){
NSLog("Interstitial failed to load")
func interstitialDidReceiveAd(_ interstitial: GADInterstitial) {
print("Interstitial adapter class name: \(String(describing: interstitial.adNetworkClassName))")
#IBAction func RewardedVideo(_ sender: Any) {
Appodeal.showAd(AppodealShowStyle.rewardedVideo, rootViewController: self)
In my "AddScorefunc" I have a counter that increases the score by 1. I want to create a similar function that increases the score by 100 but only if the rewarded video requirements are met.

If we look into the SDK integration guide of AppoDeal, they have provided delegates for all kind of ads you show through their sdk. For your case of showing a rewarded video, the delegate is AppodealRewardedVideoDelegate and here is how you can use it to get the callback and add score.
extension Page1: AppodealRewardedVideoDelegate {
func rewardedVideoDidLoadAd(){
NSLog("video ad was loaded")
func rewardedVideoDidFailToLoadAd(){
NSLog("video ad failed to load")
func rewardedVideoDidPresent(){
NSLog("video ad was presented");
func rewardedVideoWillDismiss(){
NSLog("video ad was closed");
func rewardedVideoDidFinish(_ rewardAmount: UInt, name rewardName: String!){
NSLog("video ad was fully watched");
// Add score here i.e, score += 100
In viewDidLoad of Page1, set the delegate method like this,
override func viewDidLoad() {
// set delegate


how to live a live application screen having camera view with some other UIViews over Camera view

Actually, I want to broadcast a live match with some overlays over it like sponsors images on top corners of the screen and a score card on the bottom of the screen. Can someone help me or guide me on a way of implementation I use this pod (haishinkit) but this pod is not serving the purpose. I use rtmpstream.attachScreen function for broadcasting my UIView but this function is not picking up my camera view (AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer) other than this scorecard and sponsor images are broadcasting. I want to broadcast my Camera Screen along with Scorecard, other images along with the audio.
import UIKit
import HaishinKit
import AVFoundation
import VideoToolbox
import Loaf
import WebKit
class BroadcastViewController: UIViewController, RTMPStreamDelegate {
// Camera Preview View
#IBOutlet private weak var previewView: UIView!
#IBOutlet weak var videoView: UIView!
// Camera Selector
#IBOutlet weak var cameraSelector: UISegmentedControl!
#IBOutlet weak var webview: WKWebView!
// Go Live Button
#IBOutlet weak var startStopButton: UIButton!
// FPS and Bitrate Labels
#IBOutlet weak var fpsLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var bitrateLabel: UILabel!
// RTMP Connection & RTMP Stream
private var rtmpConnection = RTMPConnection()
private var rtmpStream: RTMPStream!
// Default Camera
private var defaultCamera: AVCaptureDevice.Position = .back
// Flag indicates if we should be attempting to go live
private var liveDesired = false
// Reconnect attempt tracker
private var reconnectAttempt = 0
// The RTMP Stream key to broadcast to.
public var streamKey: String!
// The Preset to use
public var preset: Preset!
// A tracker of the last time we changed the bitrate in ABR
private var lastBwChange = 0
// The RTMP endpoint
let rtmpEndpoint = "rtmps://"
//Camera Capture requiered properties
var videoDataOutput: AVCaptureVideoDataOutput!
var videoDataOutputQueue: DispatchQueue!
var previewLayer:AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer!
var captureDevice : AVCaptureDevice!
let session = AVCaptureSession()
var isPublic = false
// Some basic presets for live streaming
enum Preset {
case hd_1080p_30fps_5mbps
case hd_720p_30fps_3mbps
case sd_540p_30fps_2mbps
case sd_360p_30fps_1mbps
// An encoding profile - width, height, framerate, video bitrate
private class Profile {
public var width : Int = 0
public var height : Int = 0
public var frameRate : Int = 0
public var bitrate : Int = 0
init(width: Int, height: Int, frameRate: Int, bitrate: Int) {
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.frameRate = frameRate
self.bitrate = bitrate
// Converts a Preset to a Profile
private func presetToProfile(preset: Preset) -> Profile {
switch preset {
case .hd_1080p_30fps_5mbps:
return Profile(width: 1920, height: 1080, frameRate: 30, bitrate: 5000000)
case .hd_720p_30fps_3mbps:
return Profile(width: 1280, height: 720, frameRate: 30, bitrate: 3000000)
case .sd_540p_30fps_2mbps:
return Profile(width: 960, height: 540, frameRate: 30, bitrate: 2000000)
case .sd_360p_30fps_1mbps:
return Profile(width: 640, height: 360, frameRate: 30, bitrate: 1000000)
// Configures the live stream
private func configureStream(preset: Preset) {
let profile = presetToProfile(preset: preset)
// Configure the capture settings from the camera
rtmpStream.captureSettings = [
.sessionPreset: AVCaptureSession.Preset.hd1920x1080,
.continuousAutofocus: true,
.continuousExposure: true,
.fps: profile.frameRate
// Get the orientation of the app, and set the video orientation appropriately
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
if let orientation = {
// let videoOrientation = DeviceUtil.videoOrientation(by: orientation)
rtmpStream.orientation = .landscapeRight
rtmpStream.videoSettings = [
.width: (orientation.isPortrait) ? profile.height : profile.width,
.height: (orientation.isPortrait) ? profile.width : profile.height,
.bitrate: profile.bitrate,
.profileLevel: kVTProfileLevel_H264_Main_AutoLevel,
.maxKeyFrameIntervalDuration: 2, // 2 seconds
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
// Configure the RTMP audio stream
// rtmpStream.audioSettings = [
// .bitrate: 128000 // Always use 128kbps
// ]
// Publishes the live stream
private func publishStream() {
print("Calling publish()")
rtmpStream.attachScreen(ScreenCaptureSession(viewToCapture: previewView))
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.startStopButton.setTitle("Stop Streaming!", for: .normal)
// Triggers and attempt to connect to an RTMP hostname
private func connectRTMP() {
print("Calling connect()")
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// videoView.startSession()
override func viewDidLoad() {
webview.load(NSURLRequest(url: NSURL(string: "")! as URL) as URLRequest)
print("Broadcast View Controller Init")
print("Stream Key: " + "FB-3940543509404805-0-AbxeU6r48NpFcasH")
// Work out the orientation of the device, and set this on the RTMP Stream
rtmpStream = RTMPStream(connection: rtmpConnection)
// Get the orientation of the app, and set the video orientation appropriately
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
if let orientation = {
let videoOrientation = DeviceUtil.videoOrientation(by: orientation)
rtmpStream.orientation = videoOrientation!
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
// And a listener for orientation changes
// Note: Changing the orientation once the stream has been started will not change the orientation of the live stream, only the preview.
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(on(_:)), name: UIDevice.orientationDidChangeNotification, object: nil)
// Configure the encoder profile
configureStream(preset: self.preset)
// Attatch to the default audio device
// rtmpStream.attachAudio(AVCaptureDevice.default(for: .audio)) { error in
// print(error.description)
// }
// // Attatch to the default camera
// rtmpStream.attachCamera(DeviceUtil.device(withPosition: defaultCamera)) { error in
// print(error.description)
// }
// Register a tap gesture recogniser so we can use tap to focus
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.handleTap(_:)))
previewView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
// Attatch the preview view
// previewView?.attachStream(rtmpStream)
// Add event listeners for RTMP status changes and IO Errors
rtmpConnection.addEventListener(.rtmpStatus, selector: #selector(rtmpStatusHandler), observer: self)
rtmpConnection.addEventListener(.ioError, selector: #selector(rtmpErrorHandler), observer: self)
rtmpStream.delegate = self
startStopButton.setTitle("Go Live!", for: .normal)
// 👉📱 Tap to focus / exposure
#objc func handleTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
if sender.state == UIGestureRecognizer.State.ended {
let point = sender.location(in: previewView)
let pointOfInterest = CGPoint(x: point.x / previewView.bounds.size.width, y: point.y / previewView.bounds.size.height)
rtmpStream.setPointOfInterest(pointOfInterest, exposure: pointOfInterest)
// Triggered when the user tries to change camera
#IBAction func changeCameraToggle(_ sender: UISegmentedControl) {
switch cameraSelector.selectedSegmentIndex
case 0:
rtmpStream.attachCamera(DeviceUtil.device(withPosition: AVCaptureDevice.Position.back))
case 1:
rtmpStream.attachCamera(DeviceUtil.device(withPosition: AVCaptureDevice.Position.front))
rtmpStream.attachCamera(DeviceUtil.device(withPosition: defaultCamera))
// Triggered when the user taps the go live button
#IBAction func goLiveButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
print("Go Live Button tapped!")
if !liveDesired {
if rtmpConnection.connected {
// If we're already connected to the RTMP server, wr can just call publish() to start the stream
} else {
// Otherwise, we need to setup the RTMP connection and wait for a callback before we can safely
// call publish() to start the stream
// Modify application state to streaming
liveDesired = true
startStopButton.setTitle("Connecting...", for: .normal)
} else {
// Unpublish the live stream
// Modify application state to idle
liveDesired = false
startStopButton.setTitle("Go Live!", for: .normal)
// Called when the RTMPStream or RTMPConnection changes status
private func rtmpStatusHandler(_ notification: Notification) {
print("RTMP Status Handler called.")
let e = Event.from(notification)
guard let data: ASObject = as? ASObject, let code: String = data["code"] as? String else {
// Send a nicely styled notification about the RTMP Status
var loafStyle =
switch code {
case RTMPConnection.Code.connectSuccess.rawValue, RTMPStream.Code.publishStart.rawValue, RTMPStream.Code.unpublishSuccess.rawValue:
loafStyle = Loaf.State.success
case RTMPConnection.Code.connectFailed.rawValue:
loafStyle = Loaf.State.error
case RTMPConnection.Code.connectClosed.rawValue:
loafStyle = Loaf.State.warning
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Loaf("RTMP Status: " + code, state: loafStyle, location: .top, sender: self).show(.short)
switch code {
case RTMPConnection.Code.connectSuccess.rawValue:
reconnectAttempt = 0
if liveDesired {
// Publish our stream to our stream key
case RTMPConnection.Code.connectFailed.rawValue, RTMPConnection.Code.connectClosed.rawValue:
print("RTMP Connection was not successful.")
// Retry the connection if "live" is still the desired state
if liveDesired {
reconnectAttempt += 1
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.startStopButton.setTitle("Reconnect attempt " + String(self.reconnectAttempt) + " (Cancel)" , for: .normal)
// Retries the RTMP connection every 5 seconds
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5) {
// Called when there's an RTMP Error
private func rtmpErrorHandler(_ notification: Notification) {
print("RTMP Error Handler called.")
// Called when the device changes rotation
private func on(_ notification: Notification) {
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
if let orientation = {
let videoOrientation = DeviceUtil.videoOrientation(by: orientation)
rtmpStream.orientation = videoOrientation!
// Do not change the outpur rotation if the stream has already started.
if liveDesired == false {
let profile = presetToProfile(preset: self.preset)
rtmpStream.videoSettings = [
.width: (orientation.isPortrait) ? profile.height : profile.width,
.height: (orientation.isPortrait) ? profile.width : profile.height
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
// Button tapped to return to the configuration screen
#IBAction func closeButton(_ sender: Any) {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
// RTMPStreamDelegate callbacks
func rtmpStreamDidClear(_ stream: RTMPStream) {
// Statistics callback
func rtmpStream(_ stream: RTMPStream, didStatics connection: RTMPConnection) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.fpsLabel.text = String(stream.currentFPS) + " fps"
self.bitrateLabel.text = String((connection.currentBytesOutPerSecond / 125)) + " kbps"
// Insufficient bandwidth callback
func rtmpStream(_ stream: RTMPStream, didPublishInsufficientBW connection: RTMPConnection) {
print("ABR: didPublishInsufficientBW")
// If we last changed bandwidth over 10 seconds ago
if (Int(NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970) - lastBwChange) > 5 {
print("ABR: Will try to change bitrate")
// Reduce bitrate by 30% every 10 seconds
let b = Double(stream.videoSettings[.bitrate] as! UInt32) * Double(0.7)
print("ABR: Proposed bandwidth: " + String(b))
stream.videoSettings[.bitrate] = b
lastBwChange = Int(NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Loaf("Insuffient Bandwidth, changing video bandwidth to: " + String(b), state: Loaf.State.warning, location: .top, sender: self).show(.short)
} else {
print("ABR: Still giving grace time for last bandwidth change")
// Today this example doesn't attempt to increase bandwidth to find a sweet spot.
// An implementation might be to gently increase bandwidth by a few percent, but that's hard without getting into an aggressive cycle.
func rtmpStream(_ stream: RTMPStream, didPublishSufficientBW connection: RTMPConnection) {
// AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate protocol and related methods
extension BroadcastViewController: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate{
func setupAVCapture(){
session.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSession.Preset.vga640x480
guard let device = AVCaptureDevice
for: .video,
position: AVCaptureDevice.Position.back) else {
captureDevice = device
func beginSession(){
var deviceInput: AVCaptureDeviceInput!
do {
deviceInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: captureDevice)
guard deviceInput != nil else {
print("error: cant get deviceInput")
if self.session.canAddInput(deviceInput){
videoDataOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
videoDataOutputQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "VideoDataOutputQueue")
videoDataOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue:self.videoDataOutputQueue)
if session.canAddOutput(self.videoDataOutput){
videoDataOutput.connection(with: .video)?.isEnabled = true
previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: self.session)
previewLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.resizeAspect
// let rootLayer :CALayer = self.previewView.layer
previewLayer.frame = videoView.bounds
} catch let error as NSError {
deviceInput = nil
print("error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
// do stuff here
if let description = CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sampleBuffer) {
let dimensions = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(description)
rtmpStream.videoSettings = [
.width: dimensions.width,
.height: dimensions.height ,
.profileLevel: kVTProfileLevel_H264_Baseline_AutoLevel
rtmpStream.appendSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer, withType: .video)
// clean up AVCapture
func stopCamera(){
I have found a way to live stream camera view with overlays on it by creating 2 RTMPStream objects, one for attaching the camera and the second one is for attachscreen. following is the code.
import AVFoundation
import HaishinKit
import Photos
import UIKit
import VideoToolbox
import WebKit
final class ExampleRecorderDelegate: DefaultAVRecorderDelegate {
static let `default` = ExampleRecorderDelegate()
override func didFinishWriting(_ recorder: AVRecorder) {
guard let writer: AVAssetWriter = recorder.writer else {
PHPhotoLibrary.shared().performChanges({() -> Void in
PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetFromVideo(atFileURL: writer.outputURL)
}, completionHandler: { _, error -> Void in
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: writer.outputURL)
} catch {
final class LiveViewController: UIViewController {
private static let maxRetryCount: Int = 5
#IBOutlet private weak var lfView: MTHKView!
#IBOutlet private weak var currentFPSLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet private weak var publishButton: UIButton!
#IBOutlet private weak var pauseButton: UIButton!
#IBOutlet private weak var videoBitrateLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet private weak var videoBitrateSlider: UISlider!
#IBOutlet private weak var audioBitrateLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet private weak var zoomSlider: UISlider!
#IBOutlet private weak var audioBitrateSlider: UISlider!
#IBOutlet private weak var fpsControl: UISegmentedControl!
#IBOutlet private weak var effectSegmentControl: UISegmentedControl!
#IBOutlet weak var webview: WKWebView!
private var rtmpConnection = RTMPConnection()
private var rtmpStream: RTMPStream!
private var rtmpStreamLayer: RTMPStream!
private var sharedObject: RTMPSharedObject!
private var currentEffect: VideoEffect?
private var currentPosition: AVCaptureDevice.Position = .back
private var retryCount: Int = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
rtmpStream = RTMPStream(connection: rtmpConnection)
rtmpStreamLayer = RTMPStream(connection: rtmpConnection)
if let orientation = DeviceUtil.videoOrientation(by: UIApplication.shared.statusBarOrientation) {
rtmpStream.orientation = orientation
rtmpStream.captureSettings = [
.sessionPreset: AVCaptureSession.Preset.hd1280x720,
.continuousAutofocus: true,
.continuousExposure: true
// .preferredVideoStabilizationMode:
rtmpStreamLayer.captureSettings = [
.sessionPreset: AVCaptureSession.Preset.hd1280x720,
.continuousAutofocus: true,
.continuousExposure: true
// .preferredVideoStabilizationMode:
rtmpStream.videoSettings = [
.width: 720,
.height: 1280
rtmpStream.mixer.recorder.delegate = ExampleRecorderDelegate.shared
rtmpStreamLayer.videoSettings = [
.width: 720,
.height: 1280
rtmpStream.mixer.recorder.delegate = ExampleRecorderDelegate.shared
videoBitrateSlider?.value = Float(RTMPStream.defaultVideoBitrate) / 1000
audioBitrateSlider?.value = Float(RTMPStream.defaultAudioBitrate) / 1000
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(on(_:)), name: UIDevice.orientationDidChangeNotification, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didEnterBackground(_:)), name: UIApplication.didEnterBackgroundNotification, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didBecomeActive(_:)), name: UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification, object: nil)
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {"viewWillAppear")
rtmpStream.attachAudio(AVCaptureDevice.default(for: .audio)) { error in
rtmpStream.attachScreen(ScreenCaptureSession(viewToCapture: view))
rtmpStream.attachCamera(DeviceUtil.device(withPosition: currentPosition)) { error in
rtmpStreamLayer.attachScreen(ScreenCaptureSession(viewToCapture: view))
rtmpStreamLayer.receiveAudio = false
rtmpStream.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "currentFPS", options: .new, context: nil)
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {"viewWillDisappear")
rtmpStream.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "currentFPS")
#IBAction func rotateCamera(_ sender: UIButton) {"rotateCamera")
let position: AVCaptureDevice.Position = currentPosition == .back ? .front : .back
rtmpStream.captureSettings[.isVideoMirrored] = position == .front
rtmpStream.attachCamera(DeviceUtil.device(withPosition: position)) { error in
currentPosition = position
#IBAction func toggleTorch(_ sender: UIButton) {
#IBAction func on(slider: UISlider) {
if slider == audioBitrateSlider {
audioBitrateLabel?.text = "audio \(Int(slider.value))/kbps"
rtmpStream.audioSettings[.bitrate] = slider.value * 1000
if slider == videoBitrateSlider {
videoBitrateLabel?.text = "video \(Int(slider.value))/kbps"
rtmpStream.videoSettings[.bitrate] = slider.value * 1000
if slider == zoomSlider {
rtmpStream.setZoomFactor(CGFloat(slider.value), ramping: true, withRate: 5.0)
#IBAction func on(pause: UIButton) {
#IBAction func on(close: UIButton) {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
#IBAction func on(publish: UIButton) {
if publish.isSelected {
UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = false
rtmpConnection.removeEventListener(.rtmpStatus, selector: #selector(rtmpStatusHandler), observer: self)
rtmpConnection.removeEventListener(.ioError, selector: #selector(rtmpErrorHandler), observer: self)
publish.setTitle("â—Ź", for: [])
} else {
UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true
rtmpConnection.addEventListener(.rtmpStatus, selector: #selector(rtmpStatusHandler), observer: self)
rtmpConnection.addEventListener(.ioError, selector: #selector(rtmpErrorHandler), observer: self)
publish.setTitle("â– ", for: [])
private func rtmpStatusHandler(_ notification: Notification) {
let e = Event.from(notification)
guard let data: ASObject = as? ASObject, let code: String = data["code"] as? String else {
switch code {
case RTMPConnection.Code.connectSuccess.rawValue:
retryCount = 0
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.2)
// sharedObject!.connect(rtmpConnection)
case RTMPConnection.Code.connectFailed.rawValue, RTMPConnection.Code.connectClosed.rawValue:
guard retryCount <= LiveViewController.maxRetryCount else {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: pow(2.0, Double(retryCount)))
retryCount += 1
private func rtmpErrorHandler(_ notification: Notification) {
func tapScreen(_ gesture: UIGestureRecognizer) {
if let gestureView = gesture.view, gesture.state == .ended {
let touchPoint: CGPoint = gesture.location(in: gestureView)
let pointOfInterest = CGPoint(x: touchPoint.x / gestureView.bounds.size.width, y: touchPoint.y / gestureView.bounds.size.height)
print("pointOfInterest: \(pointOfInterest)")
rtmpStream.setPointOfInterest(pointOfInterest, exposure: pointOfInterest)
#IBAction private func onFPSValueChanged(_ segment: UISegmentedControl) {
switch segment.selectedSegmentIndex {
case 0:
rtmpStream.captureSettings[.fps] = 15.0
case 1:
rtmpStream.captureSettings[.fps] = 30.0
case 2:
rtmpStream.captureSettings[.fps] = 60.0
#IBAction private func onEffectValueChanged(_ segment: UISegmentedControl) {
if let currentEffect: VideoEffect = currentEffect {
_ = rtmpStream.unregisterVideoEffect(currentEffect)
switch segment.selectedSegmentIndex {
case 1:
currentEffect = MonochromeEffect()
_ = rtmpStream.registerVideoEffect(currentEffect!)
case 2:
currentEffect = PronamaEffect()
_ = rtmpStream.registerVideoEffect(currentEffect!)
private func on(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let orientation = DeviceUtil.videoOrientation(by: UIApplication.shared.statusBarOrientation) else {
rtmpStream.orientation = orientation
private func didEnterBackground(_ notification: Notification) {
// rtmpStream.receiveVideo = false
private func didBecomeActive(_ notification: Notification) {
// rtmpStream.receiveVideo = true
override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey: Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
if Thread.isMainThread {
currentFPSLabel?.text = "\(rtmpStream.currentFPS)"
extension LiveViewController : UIWebViewDelegate
func webViewDidFinishLoad(_ webView: UIWebView) {
webview.scrollView.zoomScale = 10

Showing interstitial ad on every x loads of viewdidload

I am trying to figure out, to show an interstitial ad on every x loads of viewdidload calls.
I am loading that ad, when my viewdidload calls. But I want to load it, when the viewdidload called x time.
Any help will be appreciated. Here is my code;
class DetailController: UIViewController, GADInterstitialDelegate {
var fullScreenAds : GADInterstitial!
func createAndLoadInterstitial() -> GADInterstitial? {
fullScreenAds = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: myInterstitialID)
guard let fullScreenAds = fullScreenAds else {
return nil
let request = GADRequest()
request.testDevices = [ kGADSimulatorID ]
fullScreenAds.delegate = self
return fullScreenAds
func interstitialDidReceiveAd(_ ad: GADInterstitial) {
print("Ads loaded.")
ad.present(fromRootViewController: self)
func interstitialDidFail(toPresentScreen ad: GADInterstitial) {
print("Ads not loaded.")
//MARK: View functions
override func viewDidLoad() {
imageView.af_setImage(withURL: URL(string: pic.largeImageURL!)!, placeholderImage: imgPlaceHolder, filter: nil, progress: nil, progressQueue: DispatchQueue.main, imageTransition: .crossDissolve(0.2), runImageTransitionIfCached: true) { (data) in
scrollView.delegate = self
self.fullScreenAds = createAndLoadInterstitial()
You could use UserDefaults to store a count each time the view is loaded. Once it reaches it's limit, reset the count and show the ad.
Example code:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private let adFrequency = 5
private let userDefaults: UserDefaults = .standard
private let defaultsKey = "passwordScreenViewCount"
override func viewDidLoad() {
let count = userDefaults.integer(forKey: defaultsKey)
if count + 1 >= adFrequency {
userDefaults.set(0, forKey: defaultsKey)
// show the ad
} else {
userDefaults.set(count + 1, forKey: defaultsKey)
Take 1 global variable viewDidLoadCount and set to 0.
Suppose you want to show ad every 5 viewDidLoad(). So,
Increment viewDidLoadCount by 1 in every viewDidLoad() method and check
//take global variable
var viewDidLoadCount : Int = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
if viewDidLoadCount == 5 {
//send post notification to your main viewcontroller in which you have done code of ad delegate.

ViewController loads but does not show

I'm using the Spotify iOS SDK. When a user logs into Spotify using the app, on call back loginVC transitions to musicPlayerVC. But, when a user logs into the app using a web view, once the web view dismisses and the loginVC is shown, the musicPlayerVC is loaded (print statements from viewDidLoad occur), but loginVC does not dismiss and musicPlayerVC does not show.
class loginVC: UIViewController, SPTStoreControllerDelegate, WebViewControllerDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var statusLabel: UILabel!
var authViewController: UIViewController?
var firstLoad: Bool!
var Information: [String:String]?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.sessionUpdatedNotification), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "sessionUpdated"), object: nil)
self.statusLabel.text = ""
self.firstLoad = true
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.sessionUpdatedNotification), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "sessionUpdated"), object: nil)
let auth = SPTAuth.defaultInstance()
// Uncomment to turn off native/SSO/flip-flop login flow
//auth.allowNativeLogin = NO;
// Check if we have a token at all
if auth!.session == nil {
self.statusLabel.text = ""
// Check if it's still valid
if auth!.session.isValid() && self.firstLoad {
// It's still valid, show the player.
print("View did load, still valid, showing player")
// Oh noes, the token has expired, if we have a token refresh service set up, we'll call tat one.
self.statusLabel.text = "Token expired."
if auth!.hasTokenRefreshService {
// Else, just show login dialog
override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool {
return true
func getAuthViewController(withURL url: URL) -> UIViewController {
let webView = WebViewController(url: url)
webView.delegate = self
return UINavigationController(rootViewController: webView)
func sessionUpdatedNotification(_ notification: Notification) {
self.statusLabel.text = ""
let auth = SPTAuth.defaultInstance()
self.presentedViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: { _ in })
if auth!.session != nil && auth!.session.isValid() {
self.statusLabel.text = ""
print("Session updated, showing player")
else {
self.statusLabel.text = "Login failed."
print("*** Failed to log in")
func showPlayer() {
self.firstLoad = false
self.statusLabel.text = "Logged in."
self.Information?["SpotifyUsername"] = SPTAuth.defaultInstance().session.canonicalUsername
OperationQueue.main.addOperation {
[weak self] in
self?.performSegue(withIdentifier: "ShowPlayer", sender: self)
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "ShowPlayer" {
if let destination = segue.destination as? PlayController {
destination.Information = self.Information
internal func productViewControllerDidFinish(_ viewController: SPTStoreViewController) {
self.statusLabel.text = "App Store Dismissed."
viewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: { _ in })
func openLoginPage() {
self.statusLabel.text = "Logging in..."
let auth = SPTAuth.defaultInstance()
if SPTAuth.supportsApplicationAuthentication() { auth!.spotifyAppAuthenticationURL())
} else {
self.authViewController = self.getAuthViewController(withURL: SPTAuth.defaultInstance().spotifyWebAuthenticationURL())
self.definesPresentationContext = true
self.present(self.authViewController!, animated: true, completion: { _ in })
func open(url: URL) {
if #available(iOS 10, *) {, options: [:],
completionHandler: {
(success) in
print("Open \(url): \(success)")
} else {
let success = UIApplication.shared.openURL(url)
print("Open \(url): \(success)")
func renewTokenAndShowPlayer() {
self.statusLabel.text = "Refreshing token..."
SPTAuth.defaultInstance().renewSession(SPTAuth.defaultInstance().session) { error, session in
SPTAuth.defaultInstance().session = session
if error != nil {
self.statusLabel.text = "Refreshing token failed."
print("*** Error renewing session: \(error)")
func webViewControllerDidFinish(_ controller: WebViewController) {
// User tapped the close button. Treat as auth error
webController :
import UIKit
import WebKit
#objc protocol WebViewControllerDelegate {
func webViewControllerDidFinish(_ controller: WebViewController)
/*! #abstract Invoked when the initial URL load is complete.
#param success YES if loading completed successfully, NO if loading failed.
#discussion This method is invoked when SFSafariViewController completes the loading of the URL that you pass
to its initializer. It is not invoked for any subsequent page loads in the same SFSafariViewController instance.
#objc optional func webViewController(_ controller: WebViewController, didCompleteInitialLoad didLoadSuccessfully: Bool)
class WebViewController: UIViewController, UIWebViewDelegate {
var loadComplete: Bool = false
var initialURL: URL!
var webView: UIWebView!
var delegate: WebViewControllerDelegate?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let initialRequest = URLRequest(url: self.initialURL)
self.webView = UIWebView(frame: self.view.bounds)
self.webView.delegate = self
self.webView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .done, target: self, action: #selector(self.done))
func done() {
self.presentingViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: { _ in })
func webViewDidFinishLoad(_ webView: UIWebView) {
if !self.loadComplete {
delegate?.webViewController?(self, didCompleteInitialLoad: true)
self.loadComplete = true
func webView(_ webView: UIWebView, didFailLoadWithError error: Error) {
if !self.loadComplete {
delegate?.webViewController?(self, didCompleteInitialLoad: true)
self.loadComplete = true
init(url URL: URL) {
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
self.initialURL = URL as URL!
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)

admob interstitial ad is never ready [duplicate]

This question already exists:
admob interstitial alway returns false
Closed 6 years ago.
i have this game and i created 3 funcions in my gameviewcontroller and here they are
func getInterstitialAd(){
interstitial = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-1782852253088296/5018877964")
let requestInterstitial = GADRequest()
func showAd() {
if (interstitial.isReady == true){
interstitial.present(fromRootViewController: GameViewController())
print("ad wasn't ready")
interstitial = createAd()
func createAd() -> GADInterstitial{
let interstital = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-1782852253088296/5018877964")
return interstital
and in one of my scene called StartMenu , i call those function
var viewController: GameViewController!
and then i call the functions
but it always returns ad not ready , and false for interstitial.isReady,
but also the getInterstitial function is always called .
can someone help with that please
Create a new swift file AdMobDelegate :-
import UIKit
import GoogleMobileAds
class AdMobDelegate: NSObject, GADInterstitialDelegate {
var interstitialView: GADInterstitial!
func createAd() -> GADInterstitial {
interstitialView = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "Your Key")
interstitialView.delegate = self
let request = GADRequest()
return interstitialView
func showAd() {
if interstitialView != nil {
if (interstitialView.isReady == true){
} else {
print("ad wasn't ready")
interstitialView = createAd()
} else {
print("ad wasn't ready")
interstitialView = createAd()
func interstitialDidReceiveAd(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Ad Received")
if ad.isReady {
interstitialView.present(fromRootViewController: currentVc)
func interstitialDidDismissScreen(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Did Dismiss Screen")
func interstitialWillDismissScreen(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Will Dismiss Screen")
func interstitialWillPresentScreen(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Will present screen")
func interstitialWillLeaveApplication(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Will leave application")
func interstitialDidFailToPresentScreen(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Failed to present screen")
func interstitial(ad: GADInterstitial!, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: GADRequestError!) {
print("\(ad) did fail to receive ad with error \(error)")
Now you can use the object of this delegate class in other files as follows :-
//Define admobdelegate as global variable
var admobDelegate = AdMobDelegate()
//Declare a global variable currentVc to hold reference to current view controller
var currentVc: UIViewController!
class abc1: UIViewController {
override func viewdidload() {
currentVc = self
override func viewDidAppear() {
currentVc = self
class abc2: UIViewController {
override func viewdidload() {
currentVc = self
override func viewDidAppear() {
currentVc = self
Code is in Swift 2.2. Write your equivalent code in swift 3 in case of syntax error.

Facebook signup uses wrong segue within if statement - Swift

So on my first screen of my iOS app I have a “Login” “SignUp” and a “SignUp With Facebook” buttons. The first two buttons link to their own view controllers just fine, and once logged in the simulator will automatically log them in with the:
if PFUser.currentUser() != nil {
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("autoSegue", sender: self)
} else {
Code that you can see at the bottom of the full block of code below. However the Facebook signup I want to transition to a separate view controller where I can show them their profile pic, capture the data on Parse, have them enter a user name, then segue to the same view controller that the SignUp and Login go to – autoSegue. I have all the code on that view controller already written out, but my problem is that when they click the signup button for Facebook, it takes them through the autoSegue and not the fbSignup segue (the one that links to where I want to capture the FB data). Both segues are linked directly from the view controller (not the buttons themselves), and I receive no build errors. I appreciate any help.
Full code:
import UIKit
import Parse
import MediaPlayer
import FBSDKCoreKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var loginAlpha: UIButton!
#IBOutlet var signupAlpha: UIButton!
var avPlayer: AVPlayer!
var avPlayerLayer: AVPlayerLayer!
var paused: Bool = false
#IBAction func facebookSignup(sender: AnyObject) {
let permissions = ["public_profile"]
PFFacebookUtils.logInInBackgroundWithReadPermissions(permissions) { (user: PFUser?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if let error = error {
} else {
if let user = user {
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("fbSignup", sender: self)
override func viewDidLoad() {
// code for background video
let theURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("test", withExtension: "mp4")
avPlayer = AVPlayer(URL: theURL!)
avPlayerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: avPlayer)
avPlayerLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill
avPlayer.volume = 0
avPlayer.actionAtItemEnd = AVPlayerActionAtItemEnd.None
avPlayerLayer.frame = view.layer.bounds
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor();
view.layer.insertSublayer(avPlayerLayer, atIndex: 0)
selector: "playerItemDidReachEnd:",
name: AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification,
object: avPlayer.currentItem)
func playerItemDidReachEnd(notification: NSNotification) {
let p: AVPlayerItem = notification.object as! AVPlayerItem
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
if PFUser.currentUser() != nil {
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("autoSegue", sender: self)
} else {
signupAlpha.alpha = 0
loginAlpha.alpha = 0
UIView.animateWithDuration(1.5, delay: 1.0, options: [], animations: { () -> Void in
self.signupAlpha.alpha = 1.0
self.loginAlpha.alpha = 1.0
}, completion: nil)
paused = false
override func viewDidDisappear(animated: Bool) {
paused = true
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
You are using Storyboards? You may have messed up on the storyboard and connected the segue to the wrong ViewController.
I can't see anything particularly wrong with your code.
