Creating a MIDI file from an AKKeyboardView - ios

Currently I am using an AKKeyboardView to connect essentially to the AKRhodesPiano object, and I was wondering if there was an easy way to generate a MIDI file from this?
I see the AKKeyboardView has the noteOn and noteOff functions, which does produce the MIDINoteNumber but I can't find anywhere else in the AudioKit library to really take this input and generate a MIDI file, even if only just a simple one.

You would need to run an AKSequencer in the background (maybe with a metronome track). Make an additional track that you will record onto. Also set the length to be as long as you will need for the recording.
When you get a noteOn message from the keyboard, you can check the sequencer's currentPosition and record this into a dictionary. When you get the matching pitch's noteOff message, again check the currentPosition. Use the difference between these two times to get the duration and add a note to your recording track on the sequencer:
myRecordingTrack.add(noteNumber: noteNumber,
velocity: 127,
position: timeAtNoteOn,
duration: timeAtNoteOff - timeAtNoteOn,
channel: 0)
Then you could easily use AKSequencer's genData() to create a MIDI file (possibly either deleting the metronome track, or copying the recorded track to a new AKSequencer instance).
Check out the SequencerDemo for setting up AKSequencer and building sequences and MIDIFileEditAndSync (both in the iOS Example folder in the AudioKit repo) for an example of writing AKSequencer to a MIDI file.


AudioKit 5 - player started when in a disconnected state

Trying to use AudioKit 5 to dynamically create a player with a mixer, and attach it to a main mixer. I'd like the resulting chain to look like:
AudioPlayer -> Mixer(for player) -> Mixer(for output) -> AudioEngine.output
My example repo is here:
You can see in the main file here ( that there are three functions.
The first works, where an mp3 is played on a Mixer that is created when the controller class is created.
The second works, where a newly created AudioPlayer is hooked directly to the outputMixer.
However, the third, where I try to set up the chain above, does not, and crashes with the "player started when in a disconnected state" error. I've copied the function here:
/** Try to add a mixer with a player to the main mixer */
func doesNotWork() {
let p2 = AudioPlayer()
let localMixer = Mixer()
playMp3(p: p2)
Where playMp3 just plays an example mp3 on the AudioPlayer.
I'm not sure how I'm misusing the Mixer. In my actual application, I have a longer chain of mixers/boosters/etc, and getting the same error, which led me to create the simple test app.
If anyone can offer advice, I'd love to hear it. Thanks so much!
In your case, you can swap outputMixer.addInput(localMixer) and localMixer.addInput(p2) then it works
Once you have started the engine: work backwards from the output with your audio chain connections. So, your problem was that you attached a player to a mixer that was disconnected from the output. You needed to first attach the output to the mixer and then attach that mixer to the player.
The advice I wound up getting from an AudioKit contributor was to do everything possible to create all audio objects that you need up front, and dynamically change their volume to "connect" and "disconnect", so to speak.
Imagine you have a piano app (a contrived example, but hopefully gets the point across) - instead of creating a player when a key is pressed, connecting it, and disconnecting/disposing when the note is complete, create a player for every key on startup, and deal with them dynamically - this prevents any weirdness with "disconnected state", etc.
This has been working pretty flawlessly for me since.

iOS Audio Units - Connecting with Graphs?

I've jumped off the deep end, and have decided to figure out low-latency audio on iOS using Audio Units. I've read as much documentation (from Apple and forums galore) as I can find, and the overall concepts make sense, but I'm still scratching my head on some concepts that I need help with:
I saw somewhere that AU Graphs are deprecated and that I should instead connect Audio Units directly. I'm cool with that... but how? Do I just need to use the Connection property of an Audio Unit to connect it to a source AU, and off I go? Initialize and Start the Units, and watch the magic happen? (cause it doesn't for me...)
What's the best Audio Unit setup to use if I simply want to grab audio from my mic, do some processing to the audio data, and then store that audio data without sending it out to the RemoteIO speaker, bus 0 output? I tried hooking up a GenericOutput AudioUnit to catch the data in a callback without any luck...
That's it. I can provide code when requested, but it's way too late, and this has wiped me out. If there's know easy answer, that's cool. I'll send any code snippets at will. Suffice it to say, I can easily get a simple RemoteIO, mic in, speaker out setup working great. Latency seems non-existant (at least to my ears). I just want to do something with the mic data and store it in memory without it going out to the speaker. Eventually hooking in the eq and mixer would be hip, but one step at a time.
FWIW, I'm coding in Xamarin Forms/C# land, but code examples in Objective C, Swift or whatever is fine. I'm stuck on the concepts, not necessarily the exact code.
Working with audio units without a graph is pretty simple and very flexible. To connect two units, you call AudioUnitSetProperty this way :
AudioUnitConnection connection;
connection.sourceAudioUnit = sourceUnit;
connection.sourceOutputNumber = sourceOutputIndex;
connection.destInputNumber = destinationInputIndex;
Note that it is required for the units connected this way to have their Stream Format set uniformly and that it must be done before their initialization.
Your question mentions Audio Units, and Graphs. As said in the comments, the graph concept has been replaced with the idea of attaching "nodes" to an AVAudioEngine. These nodes then "connect" to other nodes. Connecting nodes creates signal paths and starting the engine makes it all happen. This may be obvious, but I am trying to respond generally here.
You can do this all in Swift or in Objective-C.
Two high level perspectives to consider with iOS audio are the idea of a "host" and that of a "plugin". The host is an app and it hosts plugins. The plugin is usually created as an "app extension" and you can look up audio unit extensions for more about that as needed. You said you have one doing what you want, so this is all explaining the code used in a host
Attach AudioUnit to an AVaudioEngine
var components = [AVAudioUnitComponent]()
let description =
componentType: 0,
componentSubType: 0,
componentManufacturer: 0,
componentFlags: 0,
componentFlagsMask: 0
components = AVAudioUnitComponentManager.shared().components(matching: description)
.compactMap({ au -> AVAudioUnitComponent? in
if AudioUnitTypes.codeInTypes(
) && !AudioUnitTypes.isApplePlugin(au.manufacturerName) {
return au
return nil
guard let component = components.first else { fatalError("bugs") }
let description = component.audioComponentDescription
AVAudioUnit.instantiate(with: description) { (audioUnit: AVAudioUnit?, error: Error?) in
if let e = error {
return print("\(e)")
// save and connect
guard let audioUnit = audioUnit else {
print("Audio Unit was Nil")
let hardwareFormat = self.engine.outputNode.outputFormat(forBus: 0)
self.engine.connect(au, to: self.engine.mainMixerNode, format: hardwareFormat)
Once you have your AudioUnit loaded, you can connect your Athe AVAudioNodeTapBlock below, it has more to it since it need to be a binary or something that other host apps that aren't yours can load.
Recording an AVAudioInputNode
(You can replace the audio unit with the input node.)
In an app, you can record audio by creating an AVAudioInputNode or just reference the 'inputNode' property of the AVAudioEngine, which is going to be connected to the system's selected input device(mic, line in, etc) by default
Once you have the input node you want to process the audio of, next "install a tap" on the node. You can also connect your input node to a mixer node and install a tap there.
func installTap(onBus bus: AVAudioNodeBus,
bufferSize: AVAudioFrameCount,
format: AVAudioFormat?,
block tapBlock: #escaping AVAudioNodeTapBlock)
The installed tap will basically split your audio stream into two signal paths. It will keep sending the audio to the AvaudioEngine's output device and also send the audio to a function that you define. This function(AVAudioNodeTapBlock) is passed to 'installTap' from AVAudioNode. The AVFoundation subsystem calls the AVAudioNodeTapBlock and passes you the input data one buffer at a time along with the time at which the data arrived.
typealias AVAudioNodeTapBlock = (AVAudioPCMBuffer, AVAudioTime) -> Void
Now the system is sending the audio data to a programmable context, and you can do what you want with it.
To use it elsewhere, you can create a separate AVAudioPCMBuffer and write each of the passed in buffers to it in the AVAudioNodeTapBlock.

Create an empty blank audio file of a specific duration in AudioKit

In my project, I am using AudioKit to play beats. I want to create an empty audio file of the same length of the main beat. and and whatever starting point I choose within the duration of the main beat. it will start recording from that point and will end when the main beat is stopped. override the previously recorded part with the newly recorded file. can I achieve with this an empty audio file at the start. Please guide.
In a documentation you can find info about silent file:
To create file you can provide just the number of samples to generate (equals length in seconds multiplied by sample rate). It would look something like this:
let file = try! AKAudioFile.silent(samples: sampleRate * seconds)

Piano notes with AKKeyboardView

I am new to AudioKit - I am able to use the AKKeyboardView to play notes using AKOscillatorBank, but I want the audio to sound more like a grand piano. Loading .wav files seems to make the notes choppy. I have also changed the note envelope. How can I map grand piano notes onto the AKKeyboardView keys?
You're not easily going to get a piano sound out of an oscillator. You might want to use a soundfont instead. You can load an sf2 (but not sf3, I believe) into an AKAppleSampler and trigger it using AKKeyboardDelegate as you are doing with the AKOscillatorBank. MuseScore has list of soundfont file links, many of which use open source licenses.
First add the sf2 file to your project, then set up the AKAppleSampler:
let sampler = AKAppleSampler()
// note that if you're using a GM soundfont, 'Grand Piano' will be preset 0
sampler.loadMelodicSoundFont("NameOfSoundFontWithoutExtension", preset: 0)

Playing multi-sampled Instruments using AudioKit, controlling ADSR envelope

I'm trying to play instrument of several .wav samples using AudioKit.
I've tried so far:
Using AKSampler (with underlying AVAudioUnitSampler) – it worked fine, but I can't figure out how to control ADSR envelope here – calling stop will stop note immediately.
Another way is to use AKSamplePlayer for each sample and play it, manually setting rate so it play the right note. I can (possibly?) then connect AKAmplitudeEnvelope to each sample player. But if I want to play 5 notes of the same sample simultaneously, I would need 5 instances of AKSamplePlayer, which seems like wasting resources.
I also tried to find a way to just push raw audio samples to the AudioKit output buffer, making mixing and sample interpolation by myself (in C, probably?). But didn't find how to do it :(
What is the right way to make a multi-sampled instrument using AudioKit? I feel like it must be a fairly simple task.
Thanks to mahal tertin, it's pretty easy to use AKAUPresetBuilder!
You can create .aupreset file somewhere in tmp directory and then load this instrument with AKSampler.
The only thing worth noting is that by default AKAUPresetBuilder will generate samples with trigger mode set to trigger, which will ignore note-off events. So you should set it explicitly.
For example:
let sampleC4 = AKAUPresetBuilder.generateDictionary(
rootNote: 60,
filename: pathToC4WavSample,
startNote: 48,
endNote: 65)
sampleC4["triggerMode"] = "hold"
let sampleC5 = AKAUPresetBuilder.generateDictionary(
rootNote: 72,
filename: pathToC5WavSample,
startNote: 66,
endNote: 83)
sampleC5["triggerMode"] = "hold"
dict: [sampleC4, sampleC5],
path: pathToAUPresetFilename,
instrumentName: "My Instrument",
attack: 0,
release: 0.2)
and then create a sampler and start AudioKit:
sampler = AKSampler()
try sampler.loadInstrument(atPath: pathToAUPresetFilename)
AudioKit.output = sampler
and then use this to start playing note: MIDINoteNumber(63), velocity: MIDIVelocity(120), channel: 0)
and this to stop, respecting release parameter:
sampler.stop(noteNumber: MIDINoteNumber(63), channel: 0)
Probably the best way would be to embed your wav files into an EXS or Soundfont format, making use of tools in that realm to accomplish the ADSR for instance. Otherwise you'll kind of have to have an instrument for each sample.
