Adding and using developer user account in iTunes connect - ios

How does adding a new user with developer role to iTunes connect works?
I've just added a new user to iTunes connect to upload a new build version of the app. So I added his email address, name and surname. He accepted the invitation.
How does this person access my iTunes account to upload the new build of the app?
As he accepted the invitation can he now log in and simply upload the app? Or does he need anything else?
How does this process work?


iOS app issue - How to resolve?

I'm trying to upload an iOS app which is developed in Phone gap, But app got rejected by saying this issue. I found same problem for few users ,previous posts .But nothing worked for me
The seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect
the name “my app name” in the app or its metadata, as required by section
1.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.
Next Steps
Your app must be published under a seller name and company name that
reflects the app brand. If you have developed these apps on behalf
of a client, please advise your client to add you to the development
team of their Apple Developer account.
How to resolve this issue?
Use client iTunes account for upload app, If client are not able to provide their login credential ask him to send invitation on your id so you can upload app from your account for send invitation login client iTunes account and go Users and Roles section and send invitation
If you enroll as an individual, the company name is the same as your
legal name. In the store, the “company name” is used prominently for
navigation and to group your apps. Your legal entity name appears as
the “seller” of your apps. For example, “Apple” is the company name
and “Apple, Inc” is the seller name. When users tap your company name,
they see all of the apps you have on the store.
Thanks for all reply .My app got approved , I have send a mail to apple review team they approved app .I think that was the Simple solution .

Developer account tied to iTunes Connect - publish for another organization?

On my organization, is the legal/admin user in iTunes Connect and part of several development organizations, including company X. cannot be added to the iTunes Connect account for company X because it is the primary account for my company. has iTunes Connect admin rights for company X. has admin rights on the developer account for company X.
I create as a new Apple ID.
I invite to iTunes Connect using This works fine.
I invite to the developer organization of company X using
I cannot accept the invite because is prompted to join a developer program. If I hit any buttons here, I get Member Center agreement has already been accepted.
If I add as an account in Xcode, it shows as under no teams, and therefore cannot publish.
If I attempt to publish as, I cannot, because I don't have iTunes Connect rights on company X.
If I attempt to publish as, I cannot, because I don't have iTunes Connect rights on company X.
I have an Apple ID I use to login to the developer center and iTunes connect. I've been added to another organization account as a developer, and I can make builds fine. When I try to publish the app, however, I get blocked because I don't have access to iTunes connect for the organization.
When I go to add myself to the new organization, I get this message:
"The email address you entered already belongs to an iTunes Connect account. To continue, enter a different email address."
However, any other email address I enter won't have my paid Apple Developer subscription, so I can only publish apps as
How can I add a developer to iTunes Connect and the member center as part of an organization that can publish apps? Is the only solution to buy another developer membership for this specific organization, and every other organization I would need to publish for?
The question flagged as duplicate is not applicable, since I'm the primary account holder of the first iTunes Connect account. I see no way to change the legal/admin user of an iTunes Connect organization.
...and then I'm not part of the team.
Officially there is no solution for this as Apple does not offer a way to use multiple accounts. A hack for this is to use this format: Apple will recognize this email as where you will receive your confirmation email from Apple to be registered as a new user.
When you login use: alongside with your password.
iTunes connect will not let me add myself as a user
When you face the error below, it is related to the confirmation of the Apple ID Account
Member Center agreement has already been accepted
Head up to, Sign In with the Credentials that you created on iTunes Connect and confirm the account
Apple will send you an email at, click on the link and confirm it with alongside your password
Find on your email the invitation that you got from Apple to join the team
Logout from any account in Apple Developer
Click on the link from the email
Login with under the link and confirm the Development Team invitation
Now you are on both iTunes Connect and Development Team and under Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts you should see that's account is part of your company's team.
To force refresh remove the account and re-add it again, and it should fetch the latest data.
create a new Apple ID, either with an email you create for the organization, or an email they give you. Signup with that email, add that account to your xcode, and publish the app from that account.
There is no reason for you to go through the hassle of switching the default on your personal account for this organization.
Login to Apple ID management and re-verify your email for the email.
You need a new AppleID which has access to iTunesConnect of that other organization. If you have access to an account with admin rights in iTunesConnect for that organization, log in under it and go to "Users and roles". Since it is an organization, there are several users there. And there is a plus button next to "Users":
Click the plus. There you can enter the new user's name, surname and email (it will be used as an Apple ID). You can also use an existing AppleID, which is not yet registered in the iTunesConnect (iTunesConnect will show you a warning, but it's fine).
This will create an account capable of publishing apps for that organization.
Then in the Xcode settings ("Accounts" tab) you add your new account.
Then when you submit the app, you'll be asked to choose an account to use for submission:
Unfortunately, I don't remember if you have to register your new AppleID in the DeveloperCenter as well as in the iTunesConnect. But even if you have to, it should be easy to do: you just add it as another ID in the organization (you need to have a right to invite new users to the organization for this, of course).

iOS TestFlight - External tester email addresses

When adding email addresses for external testers in TestFlight, does the email address of the tester have to be their registered Apple ID? Or can it be any email address they can access on their iOS device?
It can be both - registered Apple ID email and not (in this case, Apple send invitation, and ask this user to create Apple id).
BUT if this email is already in iTunes Connect, you can't add this email. I faced with this problem with my client - they can't add my main email, because it is already connected to iTunes Connect account.
No it does. Even though it doesn't say anything about that in the Documentation.
When you open TestFlight app, it ask to login with your AppleID or create new one.
But if person was able to download TestFlight from AppStore it means they have AppleID.
In the TestFlight app setting it says (click on AppleID)
You can accept invites with your current AppleID, even if the invite email and the AppleId don't match

Bundle IDs and iOS Developer Teams

I have my personal Dev Account and recently was invited via an email (separate email, that I do not user with other iOS Dev accounts) to be a part (join) of one company Developer account. I can access and login via that Developer account and create app IDs, bundle IDs and so on but when I login to iTunes Connect with that same email i can only see one company bundle ID like company* and not the ones that I have created.
Did the person that invited me made a mistake by checking some limitations, is it a bug* or is this limitation by default?
**I had used that same email as a part of iTunes Connect technical role for another app that I no longer develop/support, could this be causing some mixup with accounts and so on?
I have the same infuriating scenario. I'm assuming iTunes Connect is either deficient when it comes to supporting userids related to two teams or I just don't know how to switch my iTunes Connect login to use the correct team. Everywhere else I login I get prompted as to which team I wish to use for the new session.
Apple developer Technical Support came to my rescue:
Create a new, free, Apple Developer ID
Have my existing iTunes Connect account one add the new id to iTunes Connect as an Admin
Have the second, new, account use iTunes Connect to remove the first ID.
The first ID can now be added to my preferred team account in iTunes Connect

iphone: Apple ID does not have permission to access iTunes Connect

We have a company account and I have admin rights on it and I am trying to Login into to
but its giving error.
Apple ID does not have permission to access iTunes Connect.
I can log on to Apple site and have admin rights on our companies account but could not post Application to App Store because I do not have Team Agents rights and there it gives error
"Only Team Agents are authorized to prepare and submit applications for distribution."
Now I want to post application to App store so that it could be ready for testing for multiple people.
I send an Email to IOS ( and they send me this response which clears the conflict.
Please be advised that you currently have an Enterprise Developer
Account. As an Enterprise Developer you do not have access to iTunes
Connect, because the Enterprise Program is for internal app
distribution. Therefore you cannot submit apps to the App Store, so
there is no access to iTunes Connect as a Enterprise Developer.
If you wish to submit apps to the App Store we ask that you enroll
into the iOS Company Developer Program.
Please note, if you would like to join the iOS Company Developer you
may visit the following link:
Additionally, your iOS Company Enrollment and Program will need to be
managed separate from your Enterprise Program this means you need to
create a new Apple ID and also pay the enrollment cost as well.
Ask your team admin to log into iTunes Connect, in the home page click on the item "Manage Users". Here you'll find a list of Members approved to access iTunes Connect. Add a new user and select user type as iTunes connect user. Fill in the other details, the new user will get a confirmation email from Apple, once you click on the confirmation, you'll be able to access iTunes connect using your Apple ID.
The Provisioning Portal and iTunes Connect are two different things with different permissions and accounts. Just because you have access to the Provisioning Portal and can create profiles etc does not mean that you automatically have access to ITC.
The person who first set up your iPhone Developer account is the 'team agent'. They will automatically have access to ITC with 'admin' privs. You need to get them to add you as a user with 'admin' or 'technical' privs. You can then access ITC and manage application submissions on their behalf.
