I have Animated Tab Bar Controller:
I would like to change it so that it looks like this:
the change would concern:
- space between the icon and the inscription (vertical),
- the middle button should be in this circle, raised up.
Does anyone know how I could do it?
I can share my Storyboard file.
I'm using this component:
The project is in Swift 4.
Your questions
1) space between the icon and the inscription (vertical)
->> Reduce size of images
2) the middle button should be in this circle, raised up.
->>> get bigger image of circle and apply image inset
Note: Make sure whatever you value you apply on other side it should be same value as negative like in image I have applied 2 on top and other side -2 on bottom, If you don't do this you will get unexpected output on clicking
If you want your image as it is then apply Render as original
Hope it is helpful
Okay so I have a XIB File that I used to show a view that has an image and a couple buttons. I initially had an issue that made the picture to stretched out which I was able to fix by setting the safe area layout constraints to all sides and setting the constant to 0.
However now that I have done that there is a white space above my content view and I am not sure how to make it disappear.
I have attached the screenshots of what my current constraints look like . Maybe someone sees something that I do not.
See the white bar at the top
From Your ViewController-> Attribute Inspector just check 'Under Opaque Bars' . Like following picture. please share your view stack if its not work .
I've created 4 subviews of white color & a yellow one as you can see in reference image I've shared below.
And I've programmatically changed the position of Tabbar from bottom to top just below to navigation bar as you can see in below image (When it is running in the simulator).
Now since I've constraints for that yellow view in image as follow
It is appearing just below to navigation bar but I want it to be displayed just below the Tabbar.
Since Tabbar is getting its position programmatically & other views (including yellow view) are getting their positions from the storyboard.
And since storyboard UIelements are get settled before any other UIelement which are coming from the program or at least get their position from programmatically.
What could be the best way to achieve what I want.
Please refer my storyboard as well to get more understanding. (Refer Below image)
I also want to fit all 5 subviews in the space between tabbar & bottom of the screen. I want to calculate 1/5th of that space & assign this height to each subview. I'd later reduce few pixels to separate them.
Why not add the height of the tab bar to the yellow view's top position? That way, you'd set the constraint something like:
Fajar.top = top + 44
If the tab bar is always visible, then that should work. But of course, if the tab bar only appears at times, you'd probably have to change that constraint programmatically depending on the change ...
I'm trying to use a UISegmentedControl as a custom right button bar item. Using Interface Builder, when I drag the control into the navigation bar, it gets sized to be quite wide (too wide, considering the segment contents):
I've tried setting the widths of the segments to something that I think looks good and the overall control resizes, but it is pinned to the left side of the original space it was allocated. I can't seem to find a way of moving it from there. Here's a picture of what this looks like in IB in landscape:
and here's what it looks like running on an iPhone 7 Plus simulator in portrait mode:
As you can see, the segmented control is positioned way too far toward the center.
I tried a hack (suggested in this thread) of embedding the segmented control inside another view, leaving the containing view to be full width of the bar button item and constraining the segmented view to be on the right of it's container. That gets it over to the right, but here's the effect of running that on an iPhone 7 simulator (somewhat narrower than the 7 Plus):
Here the problem is that the title, which is supposed to be centered, has been pushed off to the left. I assume that this is because the (transparent) bar button item is taking up so much more width than what is needed just for the segmented control.
Is there some way of getting the right button area of the navigation bar to simply be smaller?
My steps are below:
1.Drag the segment control to navigationbar:
2.Change the segment width:
3.iPhone7 & iPhone 7Plus all looks good:
How can I set the colour of the status bar to be clear. No matter what I do, it is white with some alpha.
I do not want it to disappear and I want the text to be black.
In the picture it might look like nag bar and status bar are grey but actually both are white with some blur affect or nag bar has blur affect and status bar is clear.
Here is what I get despite the clear status bar background colour
The status bar has no background since iOS 7. In other words, it's clear by default.
If you see it white, it means the underlying view is white, and you need to change that.
I was having the same problem. It ended up that my view was constrained to the top layout guide when instead it should have been constrained to the superview. Even though the view is constrained to different points it will look the same in interface builder (in my case, I think this is because I was instantiating the viewcontroller to my navigation controller in code and not displaying the navbar). See the image below.
Click on the constraints for the imageview in the view above and the difference in constraints can be seen in the size inspector.
Constraining to the superview will look like this:
This results in the simulator displaying the view like this:
Notice how the status bar is clear and overlaid on top of the imageview.
Constraining to the top layout guide will look like this:
This results in the simulator displaying the view like this:
Notice how the status bar appears white and how the imageview seems constrained to the status bar (the status bar is white text on a white background fyi).
So, in order to fix this problem, you need to change the constraint of the image view to be constrained to the superview.
You change this by selecting the constraint in this list:
Once you have the constraint selected you can change what the constraint is attached to over here:
So I have a custom nav bar in my iPad app which is a bit larger than the default 44 pixel bar (52 pixels tall). I want all the items in the nav bar to be center aligned which I have been able to do just fine with the exception of one item, the back button. I don't want to use a custom back button and instead just use the default one and just nudge its position down a bit so that its aligned with the center of my navbar. I haven't been able to find a clear answer to this and am not sure if its even possible. Anybody done something like this?
This can be done and I found the answer here : UIBarButtonItem Offset?
Ok well,but we can't change the custom back button position so try to implement that one also by custom.
By default back button position was center so we can't change that position.