I have this migration where I convert a column from integer to an array of string.
class ChangeWdayFromIntegerToStringInResourceWeekDayStart < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2]
def up
change_column :resource_week_day_starts, :wday, :string, default: []
add_column :resource_week_day_starts, :number_days, :integer, default: 7
def down
change_column :resource_week_day_starts, :wday, :string, default: nil
change_column :resource_week_day_starts, :wday, 'integer USING CAST(wday AS integer)'
remove_column :resource_week_day_starts, :number_days
This migration works pretty well when we where in rails 3, but we have migrate to rails 5 and now we try to setup a new server. When running the migration in rails 5 we got this error message:
PG::DatatypeMismatch: ERROR: column "wday" cannot be cast automatically to type character varying[]
HINT: You might need to specify "USING wday::character varying[]".
: ALTER TABLE "resource_week_day_starts" ALTER COLUMN "wday" TYPE character varying[]
/home/ruby/src/mapsbooking/db/migrate/20170307000000_change_wday_from_integer_to_string_in_resource_week_day_start.rb:3:in `up'
I have try many ways to fix this up. But nothing works.
Can somebody help me
You have three problems:
As max says in the comments, you need to include array: true in the options so that you get an array column.
You need an SQL expression to convert a single integer to an array of strings so that you can include a suitable USING clause in the ALTER TABLE.
change_column wants to change the type and the default separately.
(1) is easy, add array: true to the change_column options.
(2) is a little harder but a couple options come to mind. You could use the element-to-array concatenation operator and a type cast:
wday::varchar || array[]::varchar[]
:: is a type cast, || is the concatenation operator, and array[] is an empty array. Or, if that's too much punctuation, you could use the array_append function to do the same thing:
array_append(array[]::varchar[], wday::varchar)
(3) can be dealt with by dropping the old default with a change_column_default call before the change_column.
Putting them together:
change_column_default :resource_week_day_starts, :wday, nil
change_column :resource_week_day_starts,
array: true,
default: [],
using: 'array_append(array[]::varchar[], wday::varchar)'
This could leave you with array[null] values in wday if you currently have nulls inwday`. You can clean those up after if necessary.
How do I change an integer column (which already has values) to an integer array column? When I try to migrate this:
def change
change_column :cards, :value, :integer, array: true, default: []
I get this error:
PG::DatatypeMismatch: ERROR: column "value" cannot be cast automatically to type integer[]
HINT: You might need to specify "USING value::integer[]"
So I tried this:
change_column :cards, :value, :integer, array: true, default: [], using: 'value::integer[]'
Then I get this error:
PG::CannotCoerce: ERROR: cannot cast type integer to integer[]
After digging around for postgres casting functions & trying several things that didn't work, I found the answer.
using: 'ARRAY[value]::INTEGER[]'
The hint was close, but off by just enough to be confusing.
I'm trying to change gender column to integer in my rails app. It is said that when using postgresql, we have to write a little bit different way. i.e.
change_column :users, :gender, :integer, using: 'gender::integer'
change_column :users, :gender, 'integer USING CAST(gender AS integer)'
However, in my case, the aboves are still not working and got the below error.
PG::DatatypeMismatch: ERROR: default for column "gender" cannot be cast automatically to type integer
: ALTER TABLE "users" ALTER COLUMN "gender" TYPE integer USING gender::integer
Please tell me why it doesn't work. Or some weird things I've got? For example typo.
My environment
Ruby: 2.5.0
Rails: 5.1.6
Postgres: 11.1
Based on the error message you're seeing, Postgres does not know how to keep the default value you've set while changing the database type to integer. I'd suggest:
Dropping the default
Changing the datatype on the column
Adding the default in the new type
You may be able to do steps 2 and 3 in the same call. You'll want to use something like the below in the up migration:
def up
execute "ALTER TABLE users ALTER gender DROP DEFAULT;"
change_column :users, :gender, :integer, using: 'gender::integer', default: 0
I am trying to change a column in my database so that it can use the Postgres array data type.
Currently the table column is of type string.
I am using the following migration to convert it:
def change
change_column :table, :dummy_column, :text, array: true, default: []
But I get the following error:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:
PG::Error: ERROR: column "dummy_column" cannot be cast automatically to type character varying[]
HINT: Specify a USING expression to perform the conversion.
: ALTER TABLE "table" ALTER COLUMN "dummy_column" TYPE character varying(255)
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate
PostgreSQL doesn't know how to automatically convert a column of varchar into an array of varchar. It doesn't know what you might intend, because it has no way to know what format you think the current values are in.
So you need to tell it; that's what the USING clause is for.
ActiveRecord doesn't seem to explicitly support the USING clause (not surprising, as it barely supports even the most basic database features). You can specify your own SQL text for the migration, though.
Assuming your strings are comma separated and may not themselves contain commas, for example:
def change
change_column :table, :dummy_column, "varchar[] USING (string_to_array(dummy_column, ','))"
(I don't use Rails myself and haven't tested this, but it's consistent with the syntax used in examples elsewhere).
Using Rails 4.2 on postgresql 9.4 I was looking to do this and preserve my pre-existing string data as the first element in one element arrays.
It turns out that postgresql cannot coerce a string into a text array without a USING expression to tell it how.
After much fiddling with delicate postgres syntax, I found a good middle way with active record:
def change
change_column :users, :event_location, :text, array: true, default: [], using: "(string_to_array(event_location, ','))"
The only direct postgresql there is the (string_to_array() ) function call. Here are the docs on that--note that you have to supply a delimiter.
Using Rails 4.2 on postgresql 9.4 with a down and a up, base on lrrthomas response.
Note: your starting column should have a default of nil
class ChangeEmailAndNumberColumnForContact < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
change_column :contacts, :mobile_number, :text, array: true, default: [], using: "(string_to_array(mobile_number, ','))"
change_column :contacts, :email, :text, array: true, default: [], using: "(string_to_array(email, ','))"
def down
change_column :contacts, :mobile_number, :text, array: false, default: nil, using: "(array_to_string(mobile_number, ','))"
change_column :contacts, :email, :text, array: false, default: nil, using: "(array_to_string(email, ','))"
def change
change_column :table, :dummy_column, :string, array: true, default: '{}'
it's specified as data type :string with array: true to default the column to an empty array ( [] ), you use default: '{}'
It can be done like below:
change_column :table, :column, :string, array: true, default: {}, using: "(string_to_array(column, ','))"
add_column :table, :dummy_column, :string, array: true
change_column_default :table, :dummy_column, []
This fixed it for me.
I already google'd aroung a little bit and seems there's no satisfying answer for my problem.
I have a table with column of type string.
I'd like to run following migration:
class ChangeColumnToBoolean < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
change_column :users, :smoking, :boolean
When I run this I get following error
PG::Error: ERROR: column "smoking" cannot be cast automatically to type boolean
HINT: Specify a USING expression to perform the conversion.
: ALTER TABLE "users" ALTER COLUMN "smoking" TYPE boolean
I know I can perform this migration using pure SQL but still it would be nicer if I could do it with Rails. I went through Rails code and seems theres no such possibility, but maybe someone knows a way?
I'm not interested in:
- pure SQL
- dropping the column
- creating another column, converting data, dropping original and then renaming
If your strings in smoking column are already valid boolean values, the following statement will change the column type without losing data:
change_column :users, :smoking, 'boolean USING CAST(smoking AS boolean)'
Similarly, you can use this statement to cast columns to integer:
change_column :table_name, :column_name, 'integer USING CAST(column_name AS integer)'
I am using Postgres. Not sure whether this solution works for other databases.
Not all databases allow changing of column type, the generally taken approach is to add a new column of the desired type, bring any data across, remove the old column and rename the new one.
add_column :users, :smoking_tmp, :boolean
User.reset_column_information # make the new column available to model methods
User.all.each do |user|
user.smoking_tmp = user.smoking == 1 ? true : false # If smoking was an int, for example
# OR as an update_all call, set a default of false on the new column then update all to true if appropriate.
User.where(smoking: 1).update_all(smoking_tmp: true)
remove_column :users, :smoking
rename_column :users, :smoking_tmp, :smoking
So right for boolean in postgres:
change_column :table_name, :field,'boolean USING (CASE field WHEN \'your any string as true\' THEN \'t\'::boolean ELSE \'f\'::boolean END)'
and you may add some more WHEN - THEN condition in your expression
For other database servers, the expression will be constructed based on the syntax for your database server, but the principle is the same. Only manual conversion algorithm, entirely without SQL there is not enough unfortunately.
The syntax change_column :table, :field, 'boolean USING CAST(field AS boolean)' is suitable only if the contents of the field something like: true / false / null
Since I'm using Postgres, I went with SQL solution for now.
Query used:
execute 'ALTER TABLE "users" ALTER COLUMN "smoking" TYPE boolean USING CASE WHEN "flatshare"=\'true\' THEN \'t\'::boolean ELSE \'f\'::boolean END'
It works only if one has a field filled with true/false strings (such as default radio button collection helper with forced boolean type would generate)
I'm trying to perform the following up migration to change the column "number" in the "tweet" model's table
class ChangeDataTypeForTweetsNumber < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
change_column :tweets do |t|
t.change :number, :integer
def down
change_table :tweets do |t|
t.change :number, :string
Upon performing the the following up migration to heroku....
heroku rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20120925211232
I get the following error
PG::Error: ERROR: column "number" cannot be cast to type integer
: ALTER TABLE "tweets" ALTER COLUMN "number" TYPE integer
Any thoughts you have would be very much appreciated.
Thanks everyone.
Same as above but a little bit more concise:
change_column :yourtable, :column_to_change, 'integer USING CAST("column_to_change" AS integer)'
From the fine manual:
The optional USING clause specifies how to compute the new column value from the old; if omitted, the default conversion is the same as an assignment cast from old data type to new. A USING clause must be provided if there is no implicit or assignment cast from old to new type.
There is no implicit conversion from varchar to int in PostgreSQL so it complains that column "number" cannot be cast to type integer and the ALTER TABLE fails. You need to tell PostgreSQL how to convert the old strings to numbers to match the new column type and that means that you need to get a USING clause into your ALTER TABLE. I don't know of any way to make Rails do that for you but you can do it by hand easily enough:
def up
alter table tweets
alter column number
type integer using cast(number as integer)
You'll want to watch out for values that can't be cast to integers, PostgreSQL will let you know if there are problems and you'll have to fix them before the migration will succeed.
Your existing down-migration should be fine, converting integer to varchar should be handled automatically.