How to update account using PUT with devise_token_auth? - devise-token-auth

I'm using devise_token_auth gem in my Rails 5 API application.
For testing all devise token routes i use Postman.
When I try to update a user account using PUT method on route "https://localhost:3000/auth", I fill the body of request with that:
the response comes back with "success" status and JSON representation of a user with the same (not updated) "name" attribute.
Does it mean that devise_token_auth does not provide such functionality and a have to overrride the User controller and a model ?

the first step is get tokens valids and after add the headers in the PUT request and add in the body this json format:
"name": "newname"
The URL for login in devise token is:
For update params for example name copy in the body and do not forget add the values in the header
I hope you solve your problem


Ruby on rails api post request issue

i am trying to post using postman to a rails api that i made, the actual request goes in and creates an entry, but nothing but the ID gets recorded. attached are the files for that.
You need to pass the post params and not just the id into the call and make sure you're sending up the correctly namespaced values in the post request.
Step 1.
In create you need to do
#list =
Step 2.
Postman needs to be putting all the params into the list[] namespace
ie. list[title] rather than just title.

Get raw parameter data in Ruby on Rails

I have a ruby on rails api where I want to sign my request data by appending a hashed version of all passed in parameters to the request and rebuild this one at the server side as well to validate the integrity of the requests.
When I simply use the params method in the controller I have different parameters (e.g. for an update-method which is specified by this:
put 'login' => 'login#update'
I get as parameters on the server:
{"timestamp"=>"1399562324118", "secured"=>"xxx",
"login"=>{"timestamp"=>"1399562324118", "secured"=>"xxx"}}
although I only send the request from the client with
{"timestamp"=>"1399562324118", "secured"=>"xxx"}
Does any one have an idea how to get rid of this "login" parameter in the params list in a generic way? I do not want to exclude this for every single request of my api.
Thanks a lot!
Per the Rails Edge guide on ActionController:
"If you've turned on config.wrap_parameters in your initializer or calling wrap_parameters in your controller, you can safely omit the root element in the JSON parameter"

Facebook oauth login with custom parameters using Sorcery gem

I'm trying to pass a custom parameter to Facebook oauth url to get it back in the callback. I know it's possible but I'm using Sorcery gem and I need to set the parameter dynamically, I mean I can't define it in sorcery.rb initialization file, like it is now:
Rails.application.config.sorcery.configure do |config|
config.facebook.callback_url = ENV['FACEBOOK_CALLBACK_URL']
I need to define in my controller, how can I do it with this gem?
I haven't found this documented but it worked, so just put in your controller:
::Sorcery::Controller::Config.facebook.callback_url = ENV['FACEBOOK_CALLBACK_URL'] + "param1=foo"
and param1 will be send back to you after authentication :)
Use the state parameter outlined in oAuth Dialog.
A unique string used to maintain application state between the request
and callback.
Facebook will redirect back to the site with:

custom parameter for activeresource

I wanna create a new customer through activeresource. without authentication_key its not a big deal. i'm using devise authentication and cancan.
customer = Customer.create(:fname=>'sampath , :last_name=>'munasinghe' ,:auth_token=>'af34afafasfasfasaf')
if I use above code to create a new customer , xml request to web server is
Parameters: {"customer"=>{"first_name"=>'sampath', "last_name"=>"munasinghe", "auth_token"=>"af34afafasfasfasaf"}}
problem id auth_token wrapped by the customer model. so , authentication failed and returned 401 response.
is there any solution to create this format of request?
Parameters: {"customer"=>{"first_name"=>'sampath', "last_name"=>"munasinghe"}, "auth_token"=>"af34afafasfasfasaf"}}
note : auth_token is outside the customer block.
For json the simplest way to do that is setting Customer.include_root_in_json to false.
Then use this code:
customer = Customer.create(:customer => [:fname=>'sampath' , :last_name=>'munasinghe'],:auth_token=>'af34afafasfasfasaf')

InvalidAuthenticityToken from rails for POST request from openlaszlo app

InvalidAuthenticityToken from rails for POST request
Hi All
I have a rails server running to which I make a POST request.
The dataset is defined as
Now per rails documentation in order to make a POST a request I need to set the add "authenticity_token" to the query string. So if for example the authenticity_token is "xxxxxxx", the final url should look like
I get the authenticity token from the server in the flashvars.
I have a user defined canvas attribute called auth_token which I use to store the authenticity token.
Below is the openlaszlo code I use to make the request.
var d = canvas.datasets.ds;
var content = get_my_content();
d.setQueryString({authenticity_token : encodeURIcomponent(canvas.auth_token) });
In this code the setQueryString call seem to clear out the query params. If I change the order of the setQueryString and setQueryParam calls the opposite happens.
The question is. Is there a way to set the query string without changeing/deleting the query params.
Thanks very much
I don't know anything about OpenLaszlo, but my guess is that setQueryParam adds or modifies one param, whereas setQueryString overwrites the whole query string with the contents of the object.
Shouldn't you want to just add the authenticity token?
d.setQueryParam('lzpostbody', content);
d.setQueryParam('authenticity_token', encodeURIcomponent(canvas.auth_token));
