Grails Controller integration test executes actions of the parent, RestfulController class - grails

I have a weird problem with integration testing restful controllers... In the following code snippet, when I make a post request from tests, the save method of the parent, RestfulController class is called instead of the save method of the child class, MyController and because they have different signatures, this ends up resulting in a UNPROCESSIBLE_ENTITY response.
class MyController extends RestfulController<MyDomain> {
static responseFormats = ['json', 'xml', 'hal']
MyController() {
def save(MyCommand command) {
When I run the following test, the save() action of my controller's parent class, RestfulController gets executed, thus leading to UNPROCESSIBLE_ENTITY response, since I am using a Command object which is different from my domain class.
void "Test the save action correctly persists an instance"() {
when: "The save action is executed with valid data"
response = {
header('Authorization', "Bearer ${accessToken}")
json validJson
then: "The response is correct"
response.status == CREATED.value()
Vote.count() == 1
What can I do to fix this, please?

Overloading controller actions is not supported. You can override them, but you can't overload them.
What is happening is the framework is invoking the no-arg save() action in the parent class, which never invokes your method (nor should it).
You can rename your save(MyCommand command) so it doesn't have the same name as an action in your parent class and then provide a corresponding URL mapping and you will be on your way. Depending on what you want to do in the action, that may or may not be the best thing, but that is 1 path you can take.
I hope that makes sense.


transactionStatus causing groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException in controller action with command object parameter

I have a transactional controller with two actions inside it, edit and update. The update action has a command object parameter. If I call transactionStatus.setRollbackOnly() in the update action, I get MissingPropertyException for transactionStatus. The transactionStatus does not get injected when I have the action parameter. The edit action in the same controller, which does not have any parameters, has access to the transactionStatus property. If I remove the parameter from the problematic action, transactionStatus becomes available. I would like to keep the parameter and be able to rollback when there are errors.
I use grailsVersion=3.2.7. This is how my controller looks:
import com.sample.MyCommand
import grails.transaction.Transactional
class MyController {
def edit() {
//transactionStatus is available here
def update(MyCommand command) {
//transactionStatus.setRollbackOnly() causes
//groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: transactionStatus for class: com.sample.MyController
P.S. I wanted to tag the questio with "grails-transactional," but it has not been created yet.

Grails command object initialization

In my Grails 2.3.8 app, I've defined the following controller action
class RegisterController {
def register(User user) {
render text: "User name is '$'"
The user argument is a domain class instance. If I invoke this controller with the URL
I get a NullPointerException. However my understanding of databinding is that if this action is invoked without any parameters, the argument should be assigned a new User()
However my understanding of databinding is that if this action is
invoked without any parameters, the argument should be assigned a new
That is not necessarily the case. For domain class command objects if no parameters are present a new instance is only created for POST requests.
If the command object's type is a domain class and there is no id
request parameter then null will be passed into the controller action
unless the HTTP request method is "POST", in which case a new instance
of the domain class will be created by invoking the domain class
That text may be missing from the 2.3.8 docs. I will verify that and add it if necessary.
What if you modify:
To be:

Grails: Prevent further code execution after a redirect or forward in base class of a controller

I have following controller structure:
abstract class AbstractController {
// ...
abstract class AbstractDiagramController extends AbstractController {
// ...
class PopulationController extends AbstractDiagramController {
// ...
Most controller-actions call various methods of the abstract base classes. If now one of these base-methods needs to send a redirect (or forward) to the client, Grails won't prevent the application from processing the remaining action code of the controller-action anyway.
From my point of view this is an undesirable behaviour, due the base-methods do some kind of validation (like validating parameter, user, session etc), and the controller assumes that the validation succeeded (thence produces subsequent errors).
How can i prevent this insufficient behaviour?
Kind regards,
PS: I found already this question, but the answers did not satisfy my needs, because none of them deal with a base controller:
PPS: I am using Grails in version 1.3.7
This is a reaction of Victor Sergienko's comments.
Here I give a more detailled code-example of my problem.
// The very base controller
abstract class AbstractController {
// The interceptor gets called before any action of inheritors get processed
def beforeInterceptor = [action:this.&initialize]
// Method validates various stuff
protected initialize() {
if( someThingIsWrong() ) {
// This redirect should stop any other code of inheritors
redirect( controller: "foo", action: "bar" )
return false
// The second base controller
abstract class AbstractDiagramController extends AbstractController {
// This object must get initialized. If not (eg any errors or exceptions occured)
// all inheritors actions are not allowed to do anything
MyObject myGreatObject = null
// Overriden, because of additional individual diagram validation
protected initialize() {
// Do parents stuff first
// If parent failed, this code should not get executed anymore.
// Yes, here I could check if parent returned false and return false as well before
// continuing the next validation. Anyway I have to do this because grails, comprehendibly,
// will throw an exception if two redirects were executed in a row.
// (With this I just want to visualize the behaviour I'd expect)
if( someThingElseIsWrong() ) {
redirect( controller: "hello", action: "world")
return false
// After validation I can initialize the object
myGreatObject = new MyObject()
// A controller implementation
class MyDiagramController extends AbstractDiagramController {
// Overriden because of inidividual validation
protected initialize() {
// First do parent stuff
boolean succeeded = super.auth()
// Again, annoying double check
if( !succeeded ) {
return false
def myAction = {
Looks like it was a good idea to reduce the use-case to the minimum lines of code. Now it seem like Victor's suggestions (either canContinue or hasErrors) could solve this unpleasant circumstances somehow, even though it's some kind of workaround.
But somehow I don't like those double-checks. I'm still struggling against the fact, that all layers above the abstract base controller have to react on invalid validations that happened already before (and also should be managed by the base controllers on their own). From my point of view those checks should not be the business of the controller implementations.
PS: I hope no grave mistakes have slipped in the code.
As a workaround, you can return a boolean canContinue from an ancestor action or throw an exception, or check instance.hasErrors() in your case.
EDIT: The fact initialize() is called before an action looks like access control or another complete override of action semantics (before any part of action is executed). Please tell if my assumption is wrong.
When we did a custom security access to different actions, we annotated the actions with own tags like #SecuredDoodah (see #Secured), and added a Filter that completely overrides the action (for us, Filter responds with 403, but it's not necessary).
Filter might be better than beforeInterceptor. If you need to pass some state from Filter, like myGreatObject in the sample, you can inject a Service into Filter and save the state in the Service.
I'm sure there are better ways then my idea, but this should work transparently for Controllers.
You're limited by the fact that this is Java/Groovy and there's no way for a method call to immediately trigger an exit from a method (or Closure). I saw that another framework cheats and when you call render, redirect, etc. it throws an exception that's caught it the framework base class. This acts like a Goto, which doesn't really exist.
It's an expensive approach though - filling in all those stack frames unnecessarily is wasteful since it's not an exception case and the stack will always be ignored.
Unfortunately you need an approach like Victor's where you use boolean return values.

Grails: how to get a controller by controllerName in a filter?

I have a filter and the controllerName var getting controller target.
For example:
when user try to access /myApp/book/index, my filter is triggered and controllerName is equals book. How can I get a BookController instance?
I can get an Artefact using:
grailsApplication.getArtefactByLogicalPropertyName("Controller", "book")
But what I do with this artefact?
The controller will be registered as a spring bean. Just grab it by name:
applicationContext.getBean('mypackage.BookController') // or
def artefact = grailsApplication.getArtefactByLogicalPropertyName("Controller", "book")
As Burt said, you probably don't want one controller instance inside your filter. This is a wrong way to solve your problem.
Grails Controllers as injected automagically by Spring Framework, and there is some black magic and procedures made when creating it. So, I can assure you this is not the way to solve this problem.
As you yourself described, you want to call your action, and I can imagine you're trying to reuse some code that resides in your action, maybe to generate some data in your database, or even to work with your HTTP session, am I right?
So, you can do two things to solve this kind of issue.
1) Just redirect your request flow to to your controller/action like this:
if (something) {
redirect controller: 'xpto', action: 'desired'
return false
2) Or you can get the logic inside your action (that is doing that dirty job you want to run), separate that logic inside one service, and reuse the service in both classes (action / service) this way:
class MyService {
def methodToReuse() {
class MyController {
def myService //auto-injected by the green elf
def myAction = {
class MyFilters {
def myService //auto-injected by the red elf
You should be able to call newInstance on the artefact you've retrieved. newInstance works just like the constructor so you can provide any parameters you would to a normal constructor call.
So you can probably just do:
def bookController = grailsApplication.getArtefactByLogicalPropertyName("Controller", "book").newInstance()
Working code:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context.ServletContextHolder
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.GrailsApplicationAttributes
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
ApplicationContext applicationContext = (ApplicationContext) ServletContextHolder.getServletContext().getAttribute(GrailsApplicationAttributes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT)
def grailsApplication
String nameController = "search"
def artefact = grailsApplication.getArtefactByLogicalPropertyName("Controller", nameController)
def controller = applicationContext.getBean(

Groovy metaprogramming

In a Service of a Grails project, I like to find, at run time, the arguments of Dynamic Methods in order to inform callers.
Also, I like to call the method and if doesn't exist to return an error,
I will appeciate any help.
You can configure URLMappings in grails to get the value of the dynamic method and call it against your object for example you can do the following
In your urlMappings.groovy define a mapping with two embedded variables object and method
"/$object/$method" (controller:"api",action:"invoke")
Define a 'api' controller with an invoke action. See code below with the logic on how to invoke the method on the object
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder as AH
class ApiController {
def invoke = {
def object = params.object
def method = params.method
def args
if(object) {
def domainClass = AH.application.domainClasses.find{ == method}?.clazz
if(domainClass.metaClass.getStaticMetaMethod(method,args)) {
In my example, I assumed that you're calling a static dynamic finder on the domain class. You can generalize this to handle instance methods as well. You need however to provide more information such as the object id, in your request to load the object and call the method against it.
"/$object/$id/$method" (controller:"api",action:"invoke")
Not sure I understand your question, but the last part about checking if you can call a method on an object, this can be done by checking the meta class of the object you are dealing with like this.
obj.metaClass.respondsTo(obj, 'theMethodYouWantToCall')
obj is the object you want to call the method on, and theMethodYouWantToCall is the name of the method you want to call.
respondsTo will return an empty list [] if the method you are trying to call is not found
