What is the Use of "NSNumber numberWithInt" in Xcode - ios

i'm retrieving data from server - where the NS Number used contains BOOL value in database format. but when i try to use TRUE or FALSE , it doest allow to do.
- i'm a Beginner of Xcode.
for (unsigned int i =0; i<studentDashBoardDetails.count; i++) {
// Early CheckOut Days
if ([[[ studentDashBoardDetails objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:#"dayType"]isEqualToString: #"Working"]&&[[[studentDashBoardDetails objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:#"isAttended"]isEqualToNumber:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1]]&&[[[studentDashBoardDetails objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:#"timeSpent"]isLessThan:#"08.00.00"])
NSLog(#" Early Check out on %#",[[studentDashBoardDetails objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:#"attendanceDate"]);

NSNumber numberWithInt returns the signed integer for the current value, to access bool values you can use NSNumber numberWithBool method, it creates an object and returns NSNumber which can be treated as a bool.
I hope it will help you in achieving proper way on how to solve your problem

While saving save as NSNumber like this
NSNumber *isAttended = [[studentDashBoardDetails objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:#"isAttended"];
and while reading it do your condition like this
if (isAttended.boolValue){
in your case you have to do like this
if ([[[ studentDashBoardDetails objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:#"dayType"]isEqualToString: #"Working"] && isAttended.boolValue &&[[[studentDashBoardDetails objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:#"timeSpent"]isLessThan:#"08.00.00"])
NSLog(#" Early Check out on %#",[[studentDashBoardDetails objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:#"attendanceDate"]);


How to know the type of number stored on NSNumber? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
get type of NSNumber
(12 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
How to know the type of the number is stored on NSNumber object? In other words, is there a way to check the entry type of the number when NSNumber was created?
Let's suppose that I store some random number on NSNumber object:
NSNumber *intNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:1];
Of course I will want to retrieve it using the intValue method later:
int theValue = [intNumber intValue];
But if the number came from a unknown source, an API JSON response or whatever and I just parse it as a NSDictionary, resulting on something like this:
"Some key" : 1,
"Some other key" : 74.1234
We can assume that Some key has an int value, while Some other key has a double.
Is there a way to check which type is the appropriated to parse the value on each key? Something that I could use like:
for (NSNumber *number in _arrayOfNumbers) {
if (/*number is integer*/) {
//do integer stuff
} else if (/*number is double*/) {
//do double stuff
I don't know if I would need to use this on a real situation, but I was just wondering If there is a way to check the "entry type" of the number.
Thanks in advance.
Use CFNumberGetType
You can throw this value into a switch statement for each value of the enum CFNumberType.

can I switch NSString

I want to switch NSString in XmlParser because if there are 15 or more web-service then every time the loop check for correct element in IF..ELSE.That I don't want to make processor busy..
I have searched a lot and found using enum I can switch NSString but no luck ..
I have tried each possibilities,but some where i am making mistake.
Please help to solve this big problem for me.
Here I have declare my enum:
Here in "elementName" I am getting Exact value as declared in enum:
But instead of 1, I am getting wrong value Like 202896536:
You cant do it by creating enum. You must need to compare the string.
if([elementName isEqualToString:#"UserLoginComplexType"])
//Do something...
You can not cast a string to ENUM value, you will need to parse it, ENUM values are integers not strings.
You will have to use an if statement.
You could use a helper method:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, WebServiceList) {
WebServiceListNone = 0,
UserLoginComplexType = 1,
RegisterUserResult = 2,
RecoverPasswordResult = 3,
FOUNDATION_EXTERN WebServiceList WebServiceListForString(NSString *string);
WebServiceList WebServiceListForString(NSString *string) {
WebServiceList list = WebServiceListNone;
if (![type isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
return CallRecordTypeNone;
else if ([string isEqualToString:#"UserLoginComplexType"] {
list = UserLoginComplexType;
else if ([string isEqualToString:#"UserLoginComplexType"]) {
list = UserLoginComplexType;
else .....
return list;
As seen in your commented codes, you're parsing a XML and saving in a NSMutableArray named arrProductList in App Delegate.
After finishing the parsing of XML, the variable should contain the data in array. You should look into the variable & fetch the corresponding value. Since you didn't post any further details about parsing / XML structure, I'm unable to write some codes related to result fetching.
For easy readability and to avoid lots of if-else statements, I like to do mine as a dictionary:
(also makes it easy to update in the future when you add more to your enum)
NSString* elementName = ...;
// Default value
WebServiceList value = UserLoginComplexType;
NSDictionary* stringToEnum = #{#"UserLoginComplexType":#(UserLoginComplexType),
NSNumber* enumValue = stringToEnum[elementName];
if(enumValue != nil)
value = (WebServiceList)enumValue.integerValue;

how to handle boolean value with AFNetworking parsing JSON

I have some JSON that comes back like this:
"has_instore_image": false
If I output the value like this:
NSLog(#"has_instore_image val: %#", [item objectForKey:#"has_instore_image"]);
I get
has_instore_image val: 0
but if I test like this:
if([item objectForKey:#"has_instore_image"]==0){
NSLog(#"no, there is not an instore image");
It always goes to the else statement... hmmm.. How would you suggest I get the BOOL value and test? I've read through the BOOL questions here and am just confused this is not working as I'd anticipate.
NSDictionary's instance method objectForKey returns an id, not a primitive value.
If it's a boolean, int, float, etc number-like value in JSON, it will serialized to an NSNumber by Apple's NSJSONSerialization class and most/all other common JSON parsers in iOS.
If you want to get the BOOL value out of it, you can do something like this:
BOOL has_instore_image = [[item objectForKey:#"has_instore_image"] boolValue];
You are comparing a pointer with an integer here
[item objectForKey:#"has_instore_image"]==0
You should use
[item objectForKey:#"has_instore_image"].integerValue==0
Also note that a BOOL of NO equals 0.
The NSLogstatement in your code prints a 0, but only because if you give NSLogan object as parameter, the objects descriptionis called.
i will suggest to hold these id type (returned from dictionary) to NSNumber .
NSNumber *boolNum=(NSNumber*)[item objectForKey:#"has_instore_image"];
after that you can get bool value from boolNum
[boolNum boolValue]
try this
if([boolNum boolValue]==NO){
NSLog(#"no, there is not an instore image");

Comparing in objective C - Implicit conversion of 'int' to 'id' is disallowed with ARC

I i'm getting the error "Implicit conversion of 'int' to 'id' is disallowed with ARC" at the line marked with "faulty line". I guess it have something to do with that i'm checking for an integer in an array, that contains objects instead of integers.
#import "RandomGenerator.h"
#implementation RandomGenerator
NSMutableArray *drawnNumbers;
-(int) randomNumber:(int)upperNumber {
return arc4random_uniform(upperNumber);
-(NSMutableArray*) lotteryNumbers :(int)withMaximumDrawnNumbers :(int)andHighestNumber {
for (int i = 1; i <= withMaximumDrawnNumbers; i++)
int drawnNumber = [self randomNumber:andHighestNumber];
if ([drawnNumbers containsObject:drawnNumber]) { //faulty line
return drawnNumbers;
NSArrays can only contain objective-c objects. So actually the method containsObject: is expecting an object, not an int or any other primitive type.
If you want to store number inside an NSArray you should pack them into NSNumber objects.
NSNumber *someNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:3];
In your case, if we assume that drawnNumbers is already an array of NSNumbers, you should change the randomNumber: generation to:
-(NSNumber*) randomNumber:(int)upperNumber {
return [NSNumber numberWithInt:arc4random_uniform(upperNumber)];
And then when picking it up on the lotteryNumbers method, you should:
NSNumber *drawnNumber = [self randomNumber:andHighestNumber];
Another note would go for the method you defined for lotteryNumbers. You used a really strange name for it, I think you misunderstood how the method naming works in objective-c. You were probably looking for something more like:
-(NSMutableArray*) lotteryNumbersWithMaximumDrawnNumbers:(int)maximumDrawnNumbers andHighestNumber:(int)highestNumber;
Late edit:
Objective-C now allows a way more compact syntax for creating NSNumbers. You can do it like:
NSNumber *someNumber = #(3);
And your method could be rewritten as:
-(NSNumber*) randomNumber:(int)upperNumber {
return #(arc4random_uniform(upperNumber));
You are using an int where an object (presumably NSNumber) is expected. So convert before use:
if ([drawnNumbers containsObject:#( drawnNumber )])

Case insensitive compare against bunch of strings

What would be the best method to compare an NSString to a bunch of other strings case insensitive? If it is one of the strings then the method should return YES, otherwise NO.
Here's a little helper function:
BOOL isContainedIn(NSArray* bunchOfStrings, NSString* stringToCheck)
for (NSString* string in bunchOfStrings) {
if ([string caseInsensitiveCompare:stringToCheck] == NSOrderedSame)
return YES;
return NO;
Of course this could be greatly optimized for different use cases.
If, for example, you make a lot of checks against a constant bunchOfStrings you could use an NSSet to hold lower case versions of the strings and use containsObject::
BOOL isContainedIn(NSSet* bunchOfLowercaseStrings, NSString* stringToCheck)
return [bunchOfLowercaseStrings containsObject:[stringToCheck lowercaseString]];
Just to add a few additions to Nikolai's answer:
NSOrderedSame is defined as 0
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSComparisonResult) {NSOrderedAscending = -1L, NSOrderedSame, NSOrderedDescending};
So if you call caseInsensitiveCompare: on a nil object you would get nil. Then you compare nil with NSOrderSame (which is 0) you would get a match which of course is wrong.
Also you will have to check if parameter passed to caseInsensitiveCompare: has to be not nil. From the documentation:
This value must not be nil. If this value is nil, the behavior is
undefined and may change in future versions of OS X.
