I am making an audio app, and the user can download files locally stored to the documentDirectory using FileManager.
Next, I'd like to allow the user to delete all files using a button. In the documentation, there is a method to remove items.
Here's my code:
#IBAction func deleteDirectoryButton(_ sender: Any) {
let documentsUrl = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: documentsUrl, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: [])
} catch let error {
Unfortunately, this won't build with an error Ambiguous reference to member 'removeItem(atPath:)'.
Is there a better approach to access the documentDirectory and remove all files from the directory in one swoop?
First of all the error occurs because the signature of the API is wrong. It's just removeItem(at:) without the other parameters.
A second issue is that you are going to delete the Documents directory itself rather than the files in the directory which you are discouraged from doing that.
You have to get the contents of the directory and add a check for example to delete only MP3 files. A better solution would be to use a subfolder.
let documentsUrl = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
do {
let fileURLs = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: documentsUrl,
includingPropertiesForKeys: nil,
options: .skipsHiddenFiles)
for fileURL in fileURLs where fileURL.pathExtension == "mp3" {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: fileURL)
} catch { print(error) }
Side note: It is highly recommended to use always the URL related API of FileManager.
Try this
func clearAllFiles() {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first!
print("Directory: \(paths)")
do {
let fileName = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: paths)
for file in fileName {
// For each file in the directory, create full path and delete the file
let filePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: paths).appendingPathComponent(file).absoluteURL
try fileManager.removeItem(at: filePath)
} catch let error {
Just use code as Follow
to save AudioFile in Document Directory as
func getDocumentsDirectory() -> URL
//Get Basic URL
let documentsDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
/// Enter a Directory Name in which files will be saved
let dataPath1 = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("folder_name_enter")
let dataPath = dataPath1.appendingPathComponent("folder inside directory if required (name)")
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: dataPath.path, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
catch let error as NSError
print("Error creating directory: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return dataPath
func clearAllFilesFromTempDirectory()
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let dirPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0]
let tempDirPath = dirPath.appending("/folder_name/\(inside_directoryName)")
do {
let folderPath = tempDirPath
let paths = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: tempDirPath)
for path in paths
try fileManager.removeItem(atPath: "\(folderPath)/\(path)")
catch let error as NSError
Saving Method
Deletion Method
/// Just call
This my extension for remove all files and caches from directory.
// MARK: - FileManager extensions
extension FileManager {
/// Remove all files and caches from directory.
public static func removeAllFilesDirectory() {
let fileManager = FileManager()
let mainPaths = [
FileManager.default.urls(for: .applicationSupportDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).map(\.path)[0],
FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).map(\.path)[0]
mainPaths.forEach { mainPath in
do {
let content = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: mainPath)
content.forEach { file in
do {
try fileManager.removeItem(atPath: URL(fileURLWithPath: mainPath).appendingPathComponent(file).path)
} catch {
// Crashlytics.crashlytics().record(error: error)
} catch {
// Crashlytics.crashlytics().record(error: error)
Swift 5
Delete the whole folder:
If you'd like to delete a whole folder you can simply do this:
func deleteFolder(_ folderName: String, completion: () -> Void) {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let directory = fileManager.cachesDirectory().appendingPathComponent(folderName)
_ = try? fileManager.removeItem(at: directory)
Delete certain files based on their name:
This will loop through all the files and remove all that contain the
func removeFiles(containing: String, completion: () -> Void) {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let directory = fileManager.cachesDirectory()
if let fileNames = try? fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: directory.path) {
for file in fileNames {
if file.contains(containing) {
let filePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: directory.path).appendingPathComponent(file).absoluteURL
_ = try? fileManager.removeItem(at: filePath)
I have been trying to save local index.html file to document directory but it does not save to local document directory.
here is my folder structure:
------------> index.html
Here is the code for saving and checking file path exist is not, if path exist then overwrite it else copy the new one.
func saveHtmlDoc(){
let filemgr = FileManager.default
let docURL = filemgr.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0]
let destPath = docURL.path+"/www/"
print("des path", destPath)
let sourcePath = Bundle.main.resourceURL!.appendingPathComponent("Web_Assets").path
print("sourc", sourcePath.appending("/index.html"))
//COPY Web_Assets content from Bundle to Documents/www
do {
try filemgr.removeItem(atPath: destPath)
} catch {
print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
do {
try filemgr.copyItem(atPath: sourcePath + "/", toPath: destPath)
} catch {
print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
My issue is how to save index.html file to document directory and check the file path exist are not, if exist overwrite it or copy the new one.
Any help much appreciates it...
I have just done this code in a test project which works.
You should ensure that you are performing checks along the way and ensure that your HTML file is in your Copy resources build phase
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
private func moveHtmlFile() {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let documentsDirectory = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
guard let sourcePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "index", ofType: "html") else {
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: sourcePath) {
let sourceUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: sourcePath)
try? fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("www").path,
withIntermediateDirectories: false,
attributes: nil)
let destination = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("www/index.html", isDirectory: false)
try? fileManager.copyItem(at: sourceUrl, to: destination)
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: destination.path) {
print("file copied")
} else {
print("file copy failed")
I try and test below code, it work okey. Before add file, you need create folder first.
func saveHtmlDoc() {
let filemgr = FileManager.default
let docURL = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first!
let destPath = URL(string:docURL)?.appendingPathComponent("www")
guard let newDestPath = destPath, let sourcePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "image", ofType: ".png"), let fullDestPath = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: newDestPath.absoluteString).appendingPathComponent("image.png") else { return }
if !filemgr.fileExists(atPath: newDestPath.path) {
do {
try filemgr.createDirectory(atPath: newDestPath.path, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
else {
print("Folder is exist")
if filemgr.fileExists(atPath: fullDestPath.path) {
print("File is exist in \(fullDestPath.path)")
else {
do {
try filemgr.copyItem(atPath: sourcePath, toPath: fullDestPath.path)
} catch {
print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
My Scenario, I am trying to delete all files from particular document directory by using document folder path. Here, every time I am saving file within my application document directory folder, by using below code I can’t able to delete files
let urlString: String = myurl.absoluteString
do {
try fm.removeItem(atPath: "\(myurl)")
} catch let error as NSError {
You are mixing up URL and String path
Either use the String related API
try fm.removeItem(atPath: myurl.path) // NEVER use .absoluteString for a file system path
or use the URL related API (recommended)
try fm.removeItem(at: myurl)
To remove all files get the file URLs in the enclosing directory with contentsOfDirectory(at:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:) and remove one by one
let fileManager = FileManager.default
do {
let documentDirectoryURL = try fileManager.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false)
let fileURLs = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(at: documentDirectoryURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: .skipsHiddenFiles)
for url in fileURLs {
try fileManager.removeItem(at: url)
} catch {
For delete specific file or folder using Url
let filePathString = "file:///Users/mac-01/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/092D2386-5B43-4D98-8DCF-F21E08CCD400/data/Containers/Data/Application/C6D910A2-67D9-48A4-8221-5C81C722D508/Documents/Products"
guard let fileUrl = URL(string: "\(filePathString)") else { return }
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: fileUrl)
print("Remove successfully")
catch let error as NSError {
print("An error took place: \(error)")
removeItem method is accept url of document directory file or folder.Please try with it.
For Delete Document directory folder use
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let myDocuments = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
do {
try fileManager.removeItem(at: myDocuments)
} catch {
There are all sorts of sample code & questions on SO dealing with how to programmatically copy files in Obj-C from the app bundle to the application's sandboxed Documents folder (e.g. here, here, and here) when the application runs for the first time.
How do you do this in Swift?
You could use FileManager API:
Here's example with a function that copies all files with specified extension:
func copyFilesFromBundleToDocumentsFolderWith(fileExtension: String) {
if let resPath = Bundle.main.resourcePath {
do {
let dirContents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: resPath)
let documentsURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first
let filteredFiles = dirContents.filter{ $0.contains(fileExtension)}
for fileName in filteredFiles {
if let documentsURL = documentsURL {
let sourceURL = Bundle.main.bundleURL.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
let destURL = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
do { try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: sourceURL, to: destURL) } catch { }
} catch { }
copyFilesFromBundleToDocumentsFolderWith(fileExtension: ".txt")
For Swift 4.2:
Assuming the file in your App Bundle is called Some File.txt
In ViewDidLoad, add:
let docName = "Some File"
let docExt = "txt"
copyFileToDocumentsFolder(nameForFile: docName, extForFile: docExt)
and then create a function as follows:
func copyFileToDocumentsFolder(nameForFile: String, extForFile: String) {
let documentsURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first
let destURL = documentsURL!.appendingPathComponent(nameForFile).appendingPathExtension(extForFile)
guard let sourceURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: nameForFile, withExtension: extForFile)
else {
print("Source File not found.")
let fileManager = FileManager.default
do {
try fileManager.copyItem(at: sourceURL, to: destURL)
} catch {
print("Unable to copy file")
I am a new student in 9th grade learning swift, creating a school project .
I am trying to create a directory where I want to save a scanned file into pdf format.
While creating directory I am getting error below.
Error 1:
Cannot use instance member 'filemgr' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available.
Error 2:
Expected declaration
let filemgr = FileManager.default
let dirPaths = filemgr.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
let docsURL = dirPaths[0]
let newDir = docsURL.appendingPathComponent("data").path
try filemgr.createDirectory(atPath: newDir,withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Please assist me in resolving this issue.
Please use this code:
Swift 5.0,
Swift 4.0 And
Swift 3.0
let DocumentDirectory = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0])
let DirPath = DocumentDirectory.appendingPathComponent("FOLDER_NAME")
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: DirPath!.path, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
catch let error as NSError
print("Unable to create directory \(error.debugDescription)")
print("Dir Path = \(DirPath!)")
For Swift 4.0
Please use this
let fileManager = FileManager.default
if let tDocumentDirectory = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first {
let filePath = tDocumentDirectory.appendingPathComponent("\(FOLDER_NAME)")
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: filePath.path) {
do {
try fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: filePath.path, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
NSLog("Couldn't create document directory")
NSLog("Document directory is \(filePath)")
For Swift 4.0, I created the following extension off of URL that allows for the creation of a folder off of the documents directory within the application.
import Foundation
extension URL {
static func createFolder(folderName: String) -> URL? {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
// Get document directory for device, this should succeed
if let documentDirectory = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory,
in: .userDomainMask).first {
// Construct a URL with desired folder name
let folderURL = documentDirectory.appendingPathComponent(folderName)
// If folder URL does not exist, create it
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: folderURL.path) {
do {
// Attempt to create folder
try fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: folderURL.path,
withIntermediateDirectories: true,
attributes: nil)
} catch {
// Creation failed. Print error & return nil
return nil
// Folder either exists, or was created. Return URL
return folderURL
// Will only be called if document directory not found
return nil
If the desired folder does not exist, it will create it. Then, assuming the folder exists, it returns the URL back to the user. Otherwise, if it fails, then nil is returned.
For example, to create the folder "MyStuff", you would call it like this:
let myStuffURL = URL.createFolder(folderName: "MyStuff")
This would return:
You can also create nested folders with the following:
let myStuffHereURL = URL.createFolder(folderName: "My/Stuff/Here")
Which gives you:
You are getting this because you are assigning value to newDir instance at wrong place.
I wrote your code in viewDidLoad and it works perfectly.
For Swift 5 and up Version
let documentDirectoryURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0]
let directoryURL = documentDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent("FolderName", isDirectory: true)
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: directoryURL.path) {
} else {
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: directoryURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
I downloaded some PDF files in my app and want to delete these on closing the application.
For some reason it does not work:
Creating the file:
let reference = "test.pdf"
let RequestURL = "http://xx/_PROJEKTE/xx\(self.reference)"
let ChartURL = NSURL(string: RequestURL)
//download file
let documentsUrl = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask).first! as NSURL
let destinationUrl = documentsUrl.URLByAppendingPathComponent(ChartURL!.lastPathComponent!)
if NSFileManager().fileExistsAtPath(destinationUrl.path!) {
print("The file already exists at path")
} else {
// if the file doesn't exist
// just download the data from your url
if let ChartDataFromUrl = NSData(contentsOfURL: ChartURL!){
// after downloading your data you need to save it to your destination url
if ChartDataFromUrl.writeToURL(destinationUrl, atomically: true) {
print("file saved")
} else {
print("error saving file")
Then I want to call the test() function to remove the items, like this:
func test(){
let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
let documentsUrl = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask).first! as NSURL
do {
let filePaths = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectoryAtPath("\(documentsUrl)")
for filePath in filePaths {
try fileManager.removeItemAtPath(NSTemporaryDirectory() + filePath)
} catch {
print("Could not clear temp folder: \(error)")
This code works for me. I removed all the images that were cached.
private func test(){
let fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
let documentsUrl = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.CachesDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask).first! as NSURL
let documentsPath = documentsUrl.path
do {
if let documentPath = documentsPath
let fileNames = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectoryAtPath("\(documentPath)")
print("all files in cache: \(fileNames)")
for fileName in fileNames {
if (fileName.hasSuffix(".png"))
let filePathName = "\(documentPath)/\(fileName)"
try fileManager.removeItemAtPath(filePathName)
let files = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectoryAtPath("\(documentPath)")
print("all files in cache after deleting images: \(files)")
} catch {
print("Could not clear temp folder: \(error)")
**** Update swift 3 ****
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let documentsUrl = FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first! as NSURL
let documentsPath = documentsUrl.path
do {
if let documentPath = documentsPath
let fileNames = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: "\(documentPath)")
print("all files in cache: \(fileNames)")
for fileName in fileNames {
if (fileName.hasSuffix(".png"))
let filePathName = "\(documentPath)/\(fileName)"
try fileManager.removeItem(atPath: filePathName)
let files = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: "\(documentPath)")
print("all files in cache after deleting images: \(files)")
} catch {
print("Could not clear temp folder: \(error)")
I believe your problem is on this line:
let filePaths = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectoryAtPath("\(documentsUrl)")
You're using contentsOfDirectoryAtPath() with something that is an NSURL. You choose either path strings or URLs, not try to mix them both. To pre-empty your possible next question, URLs are preferred. Try using contentsOfDirectoryAtURL() and removeItemAtURL().
Another curious thing you should look at once you resolve the above: why are you using NSTemporaryDirectory() for the file path when you try to delete? You're reading the document directory and should use that.
Swift 5:
Check out the FileManager.removeItem() method
// start with a file path, for example:
let fileUrl = FileManager.default.urls(
for: .documentDirectory,
in: .userDomainMask
isDirectory: false
// check if file exists
// fileUrl.path converts file path object to String by stripping out `file://`
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: fileUrl.path) {
// delete file
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: fileUrl.path)
} catch {
print("Could not delete file, probably read-only filesystem")